Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, November 29, 1881, Image 4

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    Tlie Daily Review
Towanda, Pa., Tuesday, Nov. 29, 188!.
<i tiaily SSerieir'' only 25 cent* per
month. Wry it,
The Odd Fellows of Pennsylvania, paid
out $30,000,000 for the relief of members
since 1830.
The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company have
in use 21,01") coal ears. Pennsylvania & New
York Railroad, of the same lino, 5,053.
rican Agriculturist for December Ist, excels
itself even in useful information, line illus
trations, etc. Besides a great variety of valu
able, practical, instructive articles. Work of
the Month, out-doors and in-doors, the expo
sures of Humbugs and swindlers, excellent
Household and Children's Departments, etc.,
etc., it has contributions from Prof. Riley on
the "Chinch Bug and Remedy"; Prof. G. C.
Swallow on "Southwestern Agriculture"!
I)r. M. Milcson "Crop Rotation": Prof. At
water on "Value of Fish as Food"; Prof.
Caldwell on "Feeding for Milk"; Hon. Geo.
Geddes on "Farming as an Occupation"; 11.
A. llaigh, Esq., on "Laws for Fanners";
I)r. Linuturd on "Pink Lye" in Horses":
Prof. Cook on "Carbolic Acid for Insects";
Prof. Jordon on "Farmers and Science," etc.
A New Volume, the 41st, begins now, and all
will do well to become subscribes, $1.50 a
year; specimen, 10c.—Orange Judd Co.. New
York, publishers.
Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLIVAN'S on
Bridge street, for the best five cent cigar.
Fresh candies manufactured every day at
Some ladv of this place should take the
agency for that popular and useful book,
"practical llou,se-keeping," issued by Buck
eye Publishing Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Ev
crv housekeeper needs a copy. Address the
publishers for terms. Commissions large.
Prof. DANNKLLE will proceed with his
classes in the Means Hall. Lessons every
Thursday at 4 1-2 and 7 1-2 o'clock, for begin
ners, and from 8 1-2 till 11, an assembly for
all. Those not pupils, 50c per couple to the
assemblies. lam prepared to give the same
unprecedented satisfaction in my teaching
that I did last year. Towanda abounds in
evidences of my superior skill as a teacher.
Sheriff I)EAN advertises ten pieces of real
estate to be sold December 1, as follows:
House and lot in Towanda boro and town
ship. Advertised as the property of F, R.
Vincent as the suit of James Foster.
Lot in Litchfield, containing 160 acres. At
the suit of Hannah Snoover vs. 11. F. John
Defendant's interest in 57 acres in Wilmot.
Edward Provost vs. M. P. Frutehey.
House and lot in the Ist ward Towanda bo
rough. Kellogg fc Maurice, vs. J. H. Flem
Lot in South Waverly. James It. Stone to ;
lise of Geo. Edininster vs. N. Edminster.
8 acres in Rome township. 11. Conkliu vs.
R. M. Washburn. .
Lot in Alliens township. Daniel Brown's !
use vs. James E. Arnold.
House and hit in 3d ward Towanda boro.
B. W. Lane vs. 11. A. Prince.
337 acres in South Creek. John Brainard's I
use vs. Amos 1). Hinckley.
63 acres and 29 perches of land in Wilmot.
Michael C, Kingslev's use vs. John C. Crau
For second sale day, Friday December 9,1
Sheriff DEAN has advertised the following
pieces of real estate: Two acres in Monroe j
borough, sold at suit of Mrs. Abaguil De-
Long. administratrix, vs. John Dougherty.
Fifteen acres in Monroe township. Mrs. Ab
agail DeLong, administrator, vs. John
Ninety acres in Asylum. Belinda Beidle
man's use, and others vs. Darnel Sullivan.
Fifty acres in Monroe twp., J.P.Kirby vs
D. AY. Harvey.
Lot in Canton borough. A. Ileal >' use vs.
L. I). Granteer.
Fifty-two acres in Orwell. W. W. Wood
burn, vs. S. G. Rockwell.
Seventy-eight acres in Asylum, A. T. M'"
Clinton, trustee, vs. Maudes Hottcnstinc
and others.
Mr. OTTABSON, the upholsterer, is putting some
very nice goods in just now for the Holidays. Go
and see what a Bargain you can get with him.
Holiday Goods selected with great care at
Whitcomb's Hook Store.
Christmas Cards, New Year Cards, Birth
day, Wedding and Condolence Cards, at
A large assortment of neat Stationery, just
received Jewel Boxes, Work Boxes, Toilet
and Nail sets in plush and leather Goods
at Whitcomb's Book Store. No trouble to
show goods.
FRKSII OYSTERSreceived daily at the THIRD
WARD GROCERY STORK. Retailed at 30 cents
per quart. Churches and parties supplied on reas
onable terms. D. F. CLARK.
Hon. 11. L. SCOTT, trustee, will sell the bal
ance of the Mason real estate at auction on
Thursday December 1 at 1 o'clock p. m. Par
ticulars hereafter.
Speaking of Oysters, we have a word to
say in regard to the manner in which S. B.
TIDD serves them. He keeps the largest
ones, and gets them up m the very best stvie.
He has fitted up elegant rooms for his custo
ducements are offered you by the ISUKLING
TON ROUTK. It M ILL pay you to read their
advertisement to he found elsewhore in thi
Books by eminent authors and Poets, in
the finest bindings suitable for holiday pros
cuts, at WHITCOMB'S.
Any industrious, practical farmer, with a
small capital, can hear of an opportunity to
buy a farm on terms which will enable him
tfl pay for ot out of the profits. For ] artieu
ars enquire at this office.
The Five Cent Store is now receiving an
immens lock of f ill and winter goods and
the entcrprisinc proprietors invite the public
to call and examine.
Foil SALE CHEAP. — A "Good Morning'
Range, a foot turning lathe, and a loot jig
saw, also Uirce heating stoves. X. I'. HICKS.
Frazer Axle Grease.—Din; trial will convince yon
that it is the best. Ask your dealer for tic Krazor
Axle Grease, and take no other. Every box has
our trade mark on.
The Sugar Creek Mills are now turning out tlie
best of Hour, meal nnd feed. Our" new process"
buckwheat flour is hard to beat. All orders left sij
mill or sent through post office will receive prompt
attention. W. X. FOSTER.
Oct. 27, IS3I.
ElTiTZ"''■"fmuxzrr.r.TX. vruvssrcr rates;tm..
PRESBYTERIAN—Itev. .1. S. Stewart, 1). D., l'es
tor. Preaching tit. 10:30 a. m. and 7p. tn. eve
ry Sunday, Prayer meeting Thursday evening
at 7:00. Sunday School—D'A. Overton, .Superin
tendent—at 12 o'clock.
CHRIST CHURCH—(Episcopal)—Rev. John 8.
Beers, Rector. Service and preaching tit 10:30 a.
m. and 0:00 p.m. Service and lecture Thursday
evening at 7:30. Sunday School—das. T. Hale,
Superintendent— at 12 ra. Teachers' meeting
Tuesday evening tit. 7:45.
M, E. ciIURCII.-Rev. O. If. Wright, Pastor.
Preaching at 10:31) a.m. and 7 p.m. Praver
Meetings on Sunday evening tit 6 :30, Thursday
evening at 7:30. Young men's prayer meeting
Friday evening at 8. Sunday School—B. M. Peck,
Superintendent— at 12 in.
SS. PETER ASI > PAUL.—(R. C.) Rev. Chits. F.
Kelley, Priest Alass at 8 anil 10:30 a.m. Ves
l>ers at 7:00 p. m. Sunday School at 12 :30 and
2 :30.
CHURCH OF TIIE MESSlAH.—(Universalis!)
Rev. William Taylor, Pastor. Preaching at 10 til 1
a. m. and 7 ]>. in. Prayer and Conference
Meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. Sunday
School—T>r. Taylor, Superintendent— at 12 tn.
t: \l i 1 N 1 ( 111 Rl 11—-Rev. (J. i'. Ilallowell, Pastor
Preaching at 10:3 o J! - and 7v. m. Prayer
Meeting, Thursday Evening, 7 p, ?.i. Sunday
School at 12 in. < '
Union Lodge, No. 108, meets First and Third
Wednesday of each month.
Union Chapter, No. 101, meets Second AYednosJav
evenings of each month.
Northern Commandery, Knights Templar, Xo. 16.
Meets fourth Wednesday each month.
Crystal Lodge. Meets every Monday evening.
Mystic Lodge, K. and L. of 11. Meets Second aiid
Fourth Friday evenings of each month.
G. AUli.
\\ at kins Post No. 68. Meets every Saturday even in
Towanda Castle Xo. 58. Meets at K. of .Ilall
every Wednesday evening.
Towanda Council Xo. 53 2 meets antflrsd third
Friday of each month in K., P. Halt.
Towanda Lodge, No. 290. Meets everj Tuesday
Endowment Rank, Section 101. Meets Third Fri
day in each month.
Bradford Lodge, Xo. 107. Meets cverv Monday
Bradford Encampment. Xo. 41. Mi !s Second and
Fourth Wednesday night of each month.
Leoh Lodge Degree of Rebeka. Meets First aud
Third Fiday evenings of each month.
Ladies Benevolent Association will meet on
Wednesday afternoon, November 30th, at the
usual place.
'1 he commencement of our winter's work
lias been delayed this year by an empty trea
sury and lack of material for clothing. So it
has been necessary to defer our meeting un
til after the Thanksgiving collections, in order
to ascertain whether the people of Towanda
wish to continue this work of charity or not.
During the ten years of its existence thi--
society has been generously sustained and lias
done an amount of good that we cannot mea
sure; but last spring our appeal for funds
| was only responded to by one donation than
did not come from working members of the
j Association; and it is feared that a misappre
lhcnsion exists m regard to the need of this
; organization since the opening of the County
House. Indeed it lias been frequently re
marked: "We will not need the Benevolent
Society when we have the Poor House." But
I our object and work have '• ui to sup
port paupers, only to render temporary as
j distance to those who arc able and willing to
! support themselves—but who by sickness or
other misfortune are placed in circumstances
where a little tiinclv aid from those more for
tunate will alleviate their suffering, and give
courage to some in a dark hour.
The greati st care is always used in giving
aid and rarely have 0111* visitors been impos
ed upon, and with such delicacy and tact
j have our ladies worked, that sometimes eve
the recipients have never known from what
source the much needed help came.
Surely the people of Towanda wil!*never
allow this good work to die for the lack of
"He t!i;tt hath pity upon tlie poor lendeth
unto the Lord; and that which he hath given
will he pay him again." We can ask no bet
ter security; let us make the investment. liv
Publish d, a levised edition of Carnochan's Road
Laws and Laws Relating to Township Odicers in
Bradford. County," by Sanuud W. Bu.ik.
For salt? at Treasurer's (d i eor at cither AVliit
eomb's ar Oro.-.-s's bookstore, Towuuda, Pa.
stead of being stamped out—for sale at C I'.
W LLLsE' Crockery store.
Ifytueallat Hi EM'S boot and shoe -tore
yon will titul that you can gt-t m.ore an ! la t
ter goods Cor (lie mom > than at at any shoe
ho t -o in Towanda.
LA ' HENCE UALI.OHAN, tlu? old reliable and s' il
fill SIDE MAKER is again "on deck," and wi. lies
to inform liis customers and the public that here
after, in "rain or shine," lie will he f. end at his
post ready to <i all work in his line in the best
manner and on short notice, Hiop in rear of the j
REVIEW oliicc.
THE NEW F.itt WASHKII !•—(Iive i? a trial.
It does the washing elean, in one fourth the
2Q2-4w. L. S. BLASDELL, Agent.
Car loads of new goods now being received at the i
Five Cent Store.
Cups and Sauei i s with Portraits ofMr. and Mrs '
GARFIELD at ('. P. Welles'Crockerv Store.
a number of dwelling houses for rent or for sale
011 easy terms. Also, eligible and desirable build
ing Lots which will lie sold on long credit to per
sons desiring to build,
OcL 17. 1881. L. ELSBRELL
The marc h of imorovemont lias brought us to the
time wluai old fogy machinery has to take a hack
seat. This is vcTilled by 'he success of the" New
Davis" Fewii'g Machine, with its "Vertical Feed.',
Where, vt r it lias hivn introduced hosts of admi
ring friends sound its praise. 6dy5.39
One Cook stove.
One Heating stove, suitable for oal . r wood,
O. A. BLACK, West, n st.
Seller's T.iver Pills," have been the standard l.m
edy for malaria, Liver compuuots, costiwncs-, • . ■.
for iifiy years-
Tumors, erysipelas, mercurial diseases, scrofula,
and general debility cured by Dr. Lindsey's Blood
CIIAIU.ES A KENS has taken the Barber Shop late
ly occupied by PATTINANTO, in Pattern Block, and j
solicits a share of public patronage, lie is an ex
perienced barber and understands at branches of |
the business.
Mr. .Tames Dees, late with Feleli & Co., takes this j
method of notifying his friends that he has takt n a
position with Evans & Ilildreth, where he will he j
liappy to see them all and offer them great induce- :
meats in the line of dry goods.
Sllyer Plated Napkin Rings for TEN Cents at C.
P. Welles' Crockery and 99c Store.
TIIK VERY LATEST— StvIes in men's, chil
dren's and boys' suils, overcoats and fur
nishing goods can be found at Jacob's Cloth
ing House as he has just opened an immense
stock of Fall and Winter goods.
HOPE for the I) EA E .
3 Vi*. Peck s Artilicial .Em* 3
the lateral Drum. Always in position, but invisible others. All conversation and even vlitnier
heard dhtintttly. \\ c rclcr to those them. Send for descriptive circular with ~ i <1 •*.
Oct. 18, ISBI Address 11. P. K. PECK & CO., 3 . i l v . ,y
Miss N. A. Powell, an experienced dress make
would inform the ladies of Towauda that she now
at Mr. 11. A, Prince's on Pa c ker avenue,
where she will be pleased to receive orders fur
wor work, or she will go out by the day .
I have bought and used the New Era Washer five
days in the week ior the past live weeks and am
satisfied it will do all that is claimed fur it. It is
the Lady's Friend. J lie more I use it the better I
like it. Mrs. E. Oman.
FOR SALE CII AP—A good self-feed IL-ating
Stove. Enquire at John Sullivan's store, Bridges'.
Conveniant rooms for house keeping, in Tracy &
Moure's block, Main St. Apply to 11, p. Moore.
Mrs. Kilbonrn invites the ladies of wanda and
vicinity to call nnd examine herst.rk uf Millinery
YGoods before purchasing elsewhere.
Fitch lias new large Figs that almost melt
intlie mouth.
All persons indebited to the subscriber whose ac
counts have been standing over three months must
settle before December Ist to sure costs.
X. P. llicks.
Wantbi> —I)rc>s Making and Plain Bowing, by a
thoroughly competent Dress Maker. TiSKM.S, 50
Cents per day. Enquire at J. M. *"N Cherry st.
Situation as Book keeper or C r'- vt by
thoroughly competant young man. address II
Box 11 ID, Towauda, Pa.
Nathan I idil dc-ins to inform hi patrons and
the public in general, that lie is pr< par. d to deliver
Lo\ ul Suck coal at s m e uric. - as charged at the
S. L. & f. Yaid.
One Horse,
One Cow,
O, .'v. BLACK, Agt., Towauda.
Yv anted, work by the day, by a woman who can
sew, wash, chan house, etc. 'tall at Campbell's
boarding house on State street.
4 4 \\ lint even hoi I v wants is ' ho host organfor
the least amount of money : Therefor every
ho<!\ witnis Hie Burdctt ; ami whenvou've
said that, you've told the whole story."
■So sat the brightest nnd busiest organs
d"a h'tv throughout the hind, who are turn
ishiiig this inatciile- > instrument to a musica
public, which is rapidly learning to dist inguish
its m:rvei!utisiy pure nnd beautiful voice
from t which is not music. For sale hy
J. A. Muuvilie, No. 3 Bridge St., Towanda.
"My \\ ayward 1 nrdner," for $"2 at Wliitconab's
Book Store.
"WINDOW POLES—Cornices and Rings, atC'.P.
n LLLHB' Crockery store.
NV" ure still sulihigPnre Mill; at FIVE CENTS
Pvr (Junrt. U. ELM IK EE.
I hne. Leon n gieat snfi'ercr from Neuralgia
for years and had consulted a great many dif
ferent physicians-, but got no cure until I took
Dr. Burr's Neuralgia and Sick Headache Pills;
they cured me and 1 have recommended to
, over fifty persons and I have never known
them to fail. They are also the best nervous
and dyspeptic oil! 1 ever saw.
Sidney YJiioadbent.
Master Mechanic, Du kens Manufacturing
Company . Be; anton, i'a.
Call and see the new goods at the Five Cent Store.
J LOWF.It POM'S—Job lot, Pots worth 12c for
9c, oi sladoz. Pots, worth 15 cents for 12 cents.
Pots worth 18 cents for 13 cts. Pots worth 25 cts.
fur la cts. ADo Common and Fancy Flower and
f alia Pots, at C. I'. WELLES' Crockery Store.
o H. BEAN,
k, A piain and Ornamental Painter,
AXD 1\ 1 PEI2 JL L ,\7 / ER.
All work In his line proni]itly exe< uted < n shor
~< l From lon# experience both in ci \ nod
country, ho prides hinibelfon being abb to suit the
mot I fastidious.
Two dwelling hou-os in the First Ward
fol ' O. )). KINNEY.
Rooms suitable for small family, to let, in centre
of town. Enquire at this office.
Jli f I HUJfTMS }
The celebrated Btallion lias returned to his sta
bles in this place where he may be found. Terms
—Same as heretofore.
Oct. 21, 1881. D. c. DEW ITT.
1 LIIM, 1881.
Jackson Lewis vs Win, Whitney rr rcsn
Pose L. Bccor use vs Elislm Atherton'sEx'rs F Ls
L. A. Packer & Co. vs Bcbrader Min, & Mf"'.
i" ! *y" V 'V 4 If Trcsp
1-irst .\ut Bank. 1 owandn vs Tlios F. Madill "
\\' &N - Y Canal ii.K. Co. Appeal
M S. 1 ike s Kx'iv vs A. Ilunsiker Issue
Francis A. Drexel vs Jno. Carrol i
C. !,, Frost vs TliotL K, .Tordon Appeal
8. 11. Farnswortli vs J.Cobb Issue
K. W. Drake vs Thos. Harding, et nl V.As-ut
E. L. Palmer vs Eugene Keeler Dm. 'u
M. 8, Pike's Ex'rs vs C. Huuslker Rplvn
Lewis & Brown\ s David Whipple Appeal
Samuel Ovenshlre v* A, H. Spalding, et aL.Treso
(dark Johnson vs Asylum Two \...
S. li. Howell vs A. J- Layton. 1 "
Clins. Perrigo N Co vsKiimey N Wat kins.'.'.'.Ties*
Chas. Perrigo &Co vs M. Watkins
Mary Lailcy, u.-e vs Michael Ivirwin "
Geo. C. Atwood vs X'. X- Parks..
Monday, Not
21. 1881, at 2 o'clock 1\ M.
f ,C S ' l ', > J' u '"; u ' s returnable Monday .Nov.
28, JbSl, at 2 o clock P. M.
lowanda, Pa.,0ct.14, 1881. l'roth'y