DAI L Y TOW AMI A REV LEA V. VOLUME 111, NO. 93. LOCALS. Personal. 11. C. HILDKETH is in New York. Assistant Superintendent HKOAPIIEAD of Savre is in town this morning. Everybody is invited to attend the Social at E. W. EI.WKLL'S this evening. Mr. and Mrs. GEO. M'OABE rejoice in an addition to their family of a ton pound boy. That was something to he thankful for. Though not entirely recovered from the effects of his late accident, Esquire TIDD is able to he around and attend to business. Dr. E. 11. ANGLE, after spending a year in Minnesota for the benefit of his health has returned East. We arc pleased to note that he is much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. EDWIN BUKFIXGTON of To wanda. Pa., and Mrs. ,J. G. IIOKTOX, of New York, spent Thanksgiving with Mr, 11. KINNEY, Waverlystreet.— Waverly Review. LINCOLN and FISIIER WELLES, two wide awake young men, sons of G. 11. JWELLKS of Wvaiusing having been attending school at Media, near Philadelphia, are now home on vacation. Owen to the extreme cold weather a prom inent and well-to-do Bachelor of Wysox has concluded to re-lent and try the joys of wed ded life. Invitations are alread" out and the event will take place next Thursday. The approaching marriage of E. E, FRUCII IIEY and Miss JENNIE BENNETT is an nounced. The ceremony will take place Thursday at the residence of the bride's uncle, Tiios. MKRIDETII, 2nd st., next Thursday. The relatives in this place, of Mrs. DAVID It 11 AM, of Towanda, have been informed of her serious illness. Mrs. B. P. FORTNER and Mrs. I. S. MONROE sisters of Mrs RHAM left this morning for that place.— Cattiwissa Item. The two Philadelphia gentleman—PAUVlX ami ELLIOTT, who were hunting in this neigh borhood the latter part of last week, bagged a line lot of game and returned home Satur day evening carrying with them 41 quails, 10 rabbits, 5 pheasants, 1 grey squirrel, to ex hibit as trophies of their skill. Prof. A. F. ItItONSOX having closed bis term of select school at Wvalusing, has'been employed to teach the public school of the village during the winter. Prof. B. is an ex emplary young man and thoroughly qualified for his calling, h; ving within the past year graduated from our Collegiate Institute. llev. Doctor STEWART, pastor of the Pres byterian church, exchanged pulpits yesterday with the pastor of the Waverly Presbyterian church. The doctor's congregation think no one can equal him as a sermonizcr. and the man who undertakes to till his place puts himself in a trying position, but the Waverly minister acquitted himself with great credit and his able, logical ami practical discourses were listened to by tbe audience with pleas ure and profit. We find the following personal items in the Athens Gazette correspondent from S:iyre: F. ,J. Krom and wife of Towanda, partook of turkey with Mrs. Church on Thanksgiving day. Messrs. Joseph and V. E. Piollet, of Wv sauking, with their families, partook of a Thanksgiving dinner at Col. Packer's. M. C. Mereur and family, of fowanda, are guests at the rectory. Miss Welles, of Meshouen, is spending a few davs with her sister. Mrs. Bishop. 11. F. Goodman made a flying visit to his family this week, lie is soon to remove to Buffalo, N. Y. Thanksgiving day is past, Christmas is coming and the old year is on the home stretch. The Postmaster-General has issued an order to take effect February Ist, revoking section 121 of the Postal Regulations, which provided for the redemption of postal cards that may he spoiled while in the hands of private parties by printing or otherwise. TOWANDA, PA., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1881. Don't forget the Episcopal Social at E. W. ELWKLI.'S, this evening. The Musical Society will meet on Thurs day at the residence of Dr PUATT, instead of D'.V OVKUTON, Esq.. as announced. Scale A flat. The next Social under the auspices of the ladies of the Episcopal Church, will he held Monday evening at the residence of E. W. ELWKI.L, on Water street. An egg tree will be provided for the amusement ef those who attend. Go and trv vour luck. The Oil well at Suiota, of which we give frequent accounts, is now down <0 > foot and the work is rapidly progressing. Those in charge of the boring,—practical men from the Bradford district—fed much encouraged —the different strata of rock found corres ponding with that in the western part of the State, and atlording good indications of stri king oil ere long. The hacKmen who attend upon evening parties, and are often compelled to wait in the cold for hours, are not always remem bered when refreshment* are served, but at the musical reception given it the residence of JESSE MYER, the Jehu's were generously served with the good things prepared for the occasion, and they have desired us to return thanks for t!.em to Mr. an 1 Mrs. MYEK for their thought fulness. We hope the prece dent they established may be generally obser ved hereafter. At. a meeting of the survivors of the Penn sylvania Reserve Corps, held recently in Philadelphia, to take into consideration a proper recognition of the twentieth univers al'}' of the battle of Dranesvide, it was do cided to celebrate the same by an oration and banquet in which ail members of the Corps are invited to participate. General Thomas L. Ivune has been selected as orator. All who expect to be present are requested to in form George A. Ludlow, of 701 Union street West Ptiiladelphia. The affairs of Wvalusing township must be well and economically managed by its officers as we hear that no town tax is levied, and it has some §BOO in the treasury. Our old friend, N. .J. ( AYLORD, has been one of its commissioners during tbe past three years, and we dare say much credit is due him for the satinf etory condition of its finances. Tax payers look to thair interest when they retain such efficient and vigilant officers, and i; would not displease us at all to announce bis having been elected another term. An elegant reception was held by the Social Club last evening, at the home of Miss FLO KINNEY, on Waverly street. A large number of guests were present from out of town, among whom we noticed NED CLEVE LAND, II A Hit Y SMITH, 1). RICK, CIIAULIB MASTERSON and Miss EMMA HAWKS, of EL nnaa; JOHX, 11 BISTER and LEWIS PIOLLET, of Wvsox, Pa.;,JACKSOX P. KKNNEY. CHAR LIE Fox, Miss JULIA POWELL, Mr. E. BUF- FiXGToxiand wife of Towandu; Mr. GLEA sox, AND CLARENCE WALL,of Owego; Misses DELL COR RUN, MAMIE and ANNIE CLAPP, Dr. RISHELL, J. C. CORBIN, MILLARD IIUN SICKER, of Athens; O. H. IIORTON, of New York; CHARLES TURNER, of the Towandu Journal ; and a number of others. Want of space alone prevents us from giving a more extended description of one of the pleasant est sociai events which has taken place in Wa verly for some time.— Waverly Itevieic. Ducks, Chickens and Turkeys, dressed and alive, wanted all through the winter at E. F, DTTKICII & Co. FIVE CHILDREN AT ONE TIME \—A Lady tn JTew England had five children sick with Chills at one time. Her pastor recommended Thermaline. She bought a family box and cured the whole lot. Ch dren won't take quinine; its bitter taste turns their stomachs. Thermaline is put up in sugar-coated cap sulets, like small flat beans. Only costs 25 cents a box. It has never been known to fail, and is now proscribed by physicians instead of quinine. The cigar makers of Milwaukee have resolved to strike. Queen Victoria's maids of honor aver age about fifty years of age. In the city of New York 4,000 of the drains shops are kept by women. Mrs. Scoville, sister of the assassin Gniteau. testified in his favor Saturday. A New York modeste is constructing an SB,OOO trousseau for a Fifth avenue bride elect. The new crown princess of Sweden has a hundred pairs of gloves—number six and three-quarters! Patrick Mallon while eating a Thauks gividg dinner at his home in New York was choked to death bv a tur;ev bone. Ellen Neilson, spinster, hanged herself in Philadelphia because she had failed to secure a husband to support her in her old age. While thirty boys and girls were skat ing on a pond at Columbus, Mo., Thanks giving afternoon, the ice broke and three of the boys were drowned. Miss KM MA WAKING respectfully informs the ladies that she has taken rooms at Mr. Win. Keys ets house, on Pine street near Graded school where sho will be pleased to sec all in need of her services. Cutting, fitting and dress making done on resonable terms, and all work warranto to suit BUSINESS LOCAL. Select Dancing Clam. By special request Mr. F. LAMEUEAUX, of Bing hamton, will give instructions in the above art every Friday afternoon and evening, at Mercur llall. Hours of tuition—Ladies, masters and misses at 4 p. in. (parents and guardians admitted free), gents at 7:80 to 9p. in., assemblies from 9 to 12 tn, .All the modern dances will be taught. Bound dances a specialty. Largest assortment of Vases and mottoed Cups Cups and Saucers, in town at the 5 CENT Store. Immense shipments of TOYS for the Holiday trade, are being received daily at the o CENT Store. A good girl wanted a place to do general house work Enuquir at this office. Wanted, a place to do general house work, by an experienced girl. Apply at K. G. Kroraer's. FOR SALE —Two covered buggies, single har ness, saddle and bridle, cutter, and a lot of farming utensils. Apply to JOHN W. MIX. Cilice, Mer cur Block, Towanda, Pa- The "Sen ate" Saloon is not only supplied with the best oysters in the market, bnt on the lunch counter may always be found everything the ap petite craves. Under Chamberlin's jewelry store. I IKB Ms CHEAP! Until further notice the Coal Dealers in Towanda will sell Pittston Coal in yard at $4.00 per ton. LOYAL SOCK COAL AT YARD. Loyal Sock in yard at $3.50 per ton. PRICE ONE CENT. Josh Billings! MERCUR MALL, Wednesday Evening DECEMBER 21st, 1881. Tickets now on sale at Kirby's Drug Store, Wliitcomb's book store and at Fitch's confectionery store. ADMISSION - .... 50 cents. &3R* No extra charge for Reserved Seats. QOMETHING NEW. o G, H. WOOO X CO , are up to the times in making new styles of Pictures. The latest is a small Card Photograph, called MINETTS which are very pretty and take well, Price only SI per dozen. Their Tintypes are also made 4 at a time, made v -ry quickly and sell 4 for 50 cents, card size. Sd 33 ' Remember the place, Pattou'g Block, corner Bridge and Main Streets. CjA L K () F VALUABLE" ESTATE. The undersigned will offer for sale the balance of the Real Es tate of G. F. Mason, which he holds as Trustee, on Thursday, Dec. ist,'Bl, at 2 p.m On the premises, described. Lot No. 5, containing 5 acres ; lot No. 6, containing 5 acres ; lot No, 7, containing 5 acres, lot No. IT, containg 4 acres and 26 perches. Those lots all front on Main street, and are 011 the west side. Also the following build ing lots on the east side of Main street; Lots No. 47,48, 49 and 117, all front on Main street and are 40 feet front, and from 160 to 170 feet deep. Lot No. 56 faces Ontre street; has 50 feet front and from 90 to 100 feet deep. Lot No. 79 faces Centre street and has 50 feet front and 150 feet depth. No. 145 is part of a lot facing both Creek and Centre streets. Lots No. 148 and one 150 face Centre st. and are 50 feet front and 150 ft. deep. Lots No. 141 and 142 face Creek staeet, These two lots are in a triangular shape and erch are 50 feet wide. Lot No. 85 is a corner lot facing Centre street and has a house thereon. Any of the above property can be purchased at private sale by applying to the Trustee or to Hon. Joseph Powell, Wm. M. Mallory, Esq., or Col. J. F. Means, members of the Advisory Committee. TERMS OF SALE.—One third at time of sale ; one-third in six months ; and the remainder in one year, with intrest from day of sale. H. L. SCOTT, Nov. 9th, 1881. Trustee.