Tlie Daily Review Towanda, Pa., Friday, Nov. 25, 1881. EDITOKB 8. W. ALVORD. NOBLE N. ALVORD (i Daity Rroirw" on ly 25 cent* per month. Try it, Builders along the New Jersey coast say that this has been the most prosperous and busy season they have ever known. There is a strong demand for laborers, masons and carpenters, and it is almost impossible to secure men to supply the demand. Tioga Agitator: A dissolving view: In 1878 the Greenback vote in this State was 81,758; in 1879 it was 27,207; in 1880 it was 20,668; this year it is 14,876, We > don't wish to hurt the feelings of the mourners, but it really looks as though there wouldn't bo much more than the party "pigs' tails" left uext year. The Mikado of Japan has issued a proc lamation notifying the people of the establishment of a constitution with a representative assembly in 1890. Dissatis faction is shown to some extent, in conse quence of the long delay. Several native newspapers have been suspended lor adverse criticisms. Since the days of Washington it is con ceded by all Visitors to Washington (of course they do not all remember tlie Father of his Country) that no more affable, courteous and unaffected mail ever carried the honors of the Presi deutiai office in public and private than Gen. Arthur. His manners are those of a polished gentleman, without any approach whatever to pretension. lie is digni fied, but in no sense affected, austere or overbearing. Mr. Lincoln was perhaps the easiest (if we may use the word) I man that ever held the olllce, but Gen. Arthur excels Old Abe in calm and attractive manners, that are hearty with out being bluff*. As President Arthur adjusts himself he fills and fits every part of it admirably.— Harrisburg Telegraph. The staid old North American, of Phil adelphia, was moved to remark the day after election that—"The vote for Mr. Wolfe must serve its good purpose, too, lor if with no other leadership than that of personal vanity, against a candidate of unexceptionable character, whose nomin ation was made without contest or pro test, the antipathy to the methods and arbitrary measures of the people who have controlled tlie Republican party finds voiee in such numbers as enrolled themselves under the banner of Mr. Wolfe, it is easy to see how completely succeesful would be a revolt made with the sympathy and co-operation of all those whose disaffection is not less sin cere but is more judicious than that of the independent candidate for State Treasurer. The election is a grave warn ing to the machine to adjust itself to the changed condition of affairs." The Philadelphia Telegraph says consid erable misinformation seems to be afloat concerning the next election in Pennsyl vania. The State officers to be elected are Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Secretary of Internal Affairs, to succeed j lloyt, Stone, and Dunkel, respectively, and a Judge of the Supreme Court to suc ceed Sharswood. Mercur will become Chief Justice, and the new Judge will take his place at the foot of the bench, so to speak. There will also be chosen one lialf of the State Senate (members from the even numbered districts), an entire House of Representatives, and members of Congress. The Senators elected will participate, in January, 1885, in the choice of a United States Senator to suc ceed J. Donald Cameron, but a new House will be chosen again in November, 1881. It is a notable fact that the term of nearly all of the Republican Senators who took part in the Independent move ment at Harrisburg last winter during the Senatorial contest, expire; it is also to be noted that no less than five of these gentlemen were present at the recent In dependent conference in this city, one of them, Lee, of Venango, presiding. It is probable that the preliminary nominating proceedings in.each of these districts will be lively, as no member who bolted the caucus will have a chance to do .so again in 'BS if the "machine" can prevent it. The report of Postmaster General James is a voluminous document of fifty pages in which the condition of the de partment is ably and thoroughly discuss ed. We have space to glance only at its most important contents* The net re duction of expenditure for Star Route and steamboat service from March Ist to Oc tober Ist is $1,137,757. In regard to the abuses in the Star Route service the post master general confines himself to the re marks that the investigation was ordered by the late presidant and is still being prosecuted; and that the post oflice de partment has co-operated and will con tinue to co-operrte with the department of justice in the investigation. In the opinion of Mr. James the great majority of the railroads are over-paid for carrying thje mails, and we think considerable re duction can be made in the expense of this as well as every other branch of the postal service. By economy in manage ment his aim is to make the receipts of the department cover the expenditures, so that within three years letter postage may be reduced from three to two cents The total expenditures for the last year were $39,251,730 and the receipts were $36,785,397, showing a deficit of nearly two millions and a half. Ducks, Chickens and Turkeys, dressed and alive, wanted all through flu: winter at E. F, DTTHICII & Co. Business Cards. ALVORD & SON, JOB PEWTERS, DAILY 11KVIEW OFFICE, Main street, Towanda Pa TOWANDA,Sept. 23.188*1 BARCLAY JUNCTION HOTEL. E. CATON, Proprietor, Near the Barclay depot. Good accommodations at reasonable prices. (Jail and see us. CHAS. K. LADD, M. 1). PHYSICIAN AND SUItGEON. Office three doors above Mercur Block. 284 -ly. DR. T.B. JOHNSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office over U. (J Porter's Drugstore, Residence corner Maple and Second Streets, ELSBREE & SON, A 7 TORNEYS-A T-LA \V, South side Mercur Block, Towanda, Pa. N. C. ELSBREE. 1 L. ELSBUEE. F* L. HOLLISTER 1). Ib sT ■ (Successor to I)r. E. 11. Angle.) OPERATIVE AND MECHANICAL DENTIST. Office on State street, second lloor of Dr. Pratt's office. 1 pj an 80 F THORNTON, TUNER AND REPAIRER Of Pianos and Organs. (Over 17 years experi ence.) Orders received at Holmes & Passage's Music Store. GW. RYAN, ■O O UNT Y SUPERI.v I ENDE V Office Means' Block. HENRY STREETEK, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW TOWANDA, PA. JAMES T. IIALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LA )V, Office over Stevens & Long's store. OD. KINNEY, A T TORNE Y-A T-LA W, Office corner Main and Pine Streets. Towanda, Pa. PECK & OVERTON, Attorney s-at-Law, Tswanda, Pa. D'A. OVERTON. I BENJ. M. PECK. \ X ANGLE & BUFFING Y Y TON, A T TORNEYS-A T-LA W, Office formerly occupied by W. Watkins. JOHN W. CODDING, A TTORNEY-A T-LA W, j Office Mercur Block, over Klrby's Drug Store. I ; LOK . RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals ST. JATOISS OIL n a safe, SH re, simple anil cheap External Ih-uieily A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, anil every one suffering with pain can have cheap anil positive proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DIALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO n , K'tlthnnee, Tift!., P. S. A.. PATENTS We continue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc., for the United States, Canada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc. We have had tlilrty-five years' experience. Patents obtained through us are noticed in the SCI ENTIFIC AMERICAN. This large and splendid illus trated weeklypaper, $3.20 a year,shows the Progress of Science, is very interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Address MUNN & CO., Patent Solici tors, Pub's, of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 37 Park Row, New York. Hand txxik about Patents free. LOOK HERE ! A change of weather means a change of CLOTHES! Anybody in need of Overcoats, Business and Dress Suits, Boots, Ladies and Children's Shoes, will tind the CHEAPEST I'LACifiattlie BOSTON CLOTH ING HOUSE, just oponed in Means' Block, Main j street, Towanda, Pa. M. L. SCIIXEEBERG. Oct. 11. 1881. iDg! ■ JU J Iwiß DMiS 5 HAEBRFKEWER. I I No other Rcncwer yet discovered docs its work j BO quickly and saiisfxctori !y as this. It will restore gray and faded hair to its original beauty ; it will immediately prevent the failing out of the hair; it cures dandruff, itching eruptions, and keeps tho scalp clean; it wl'.l cruse tho hair to grow whero it has fallen off and imparts gloss and freshness; it softens tho liair when !;ar h and dry and is en tirely free from all ir-itating matter; It has tho very best reputation and gives universal satisfac tion. Do not fail to try it. For sale by all druggists. Prico, 75 cts. per bv>ttlo. JPre-pared by ( has. Davis, Canton, Pa. For 3ala by all Druggists and Dealers. HW. MILLEIL • keeps several ~E>X JB3LIC HACKS and is ready to attend all calls in bis line promptly. He runs to ALL TRAINS. Charges for night and early morning trains (Nos. 12, 8 and 3,) no reduction for these trains, 535 rents per passenger. Regu lar customers supplied with tickets at reduced rates. Charges for attending parties, one couple $1.50; two couples in one load, SI.OO per couple; for attending funerals from $2.00 to $3.00. Hack by the hour sl, Horses and carriages to let. Orders left at his office helow council rooms will receive careful attention. 11. W , MILLEK. Nov. 27, 1880. MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. —Inconsequence of continued ill health I now offer my mill pi-operty, known as LUTHER'S MILL, In Burlington township for sale at a great bargain. The site is one of the best on Sugar Creek, and embraces about 7 acres of land on which are several dwelling houses and other build ings. The mill lias always enjoyed a large custom. A practical miller can pay for the property in a short time from the profits. The property will be sold very cheap and on easy terms. R. LUTHER. Luther's Mill. Oct. 12,'81. 1831 THE CULTIVATOR 1881 AND Country Gen tleni an THE BEST OF THE AGRICI*LTURA L W EEKLIES. EN LA 11GEJfENT FOU 7SW. The C'OLNTKY GENTLEMAN IN the leading journal of American Agriculture, in amount and practical value of contents, in extent and ability ol corres pondence, in qualtty ot paper and style of publica tion, it occupies the first rank. It is believed to have no superior in either of tiie tlnee chief divis ions of FARM Clinis AND I'ROCFSSES, HORTICULTURE & FRUIT-GROWING, LI VE ,ST>CK AM >1) A1 It VING, while it also includes ail minor departments of ru ral interest, sueh as the Poultry Lard, Entomology, Bce-keepiiur, Greenhouse and Grapery, Veterinary Replies, Farm Questions and Answers, Fireside Heading, Domestic Ecoraomy, and a summary of the News of the Week. Its Market Reports are unusually complete and much attention is paid to the Prospects of the Crops, as throwing light on one of the most important of all questions— When to liny and When to Hell. It is liberally illustrated and is intended to supply, in a continually increas ing degree, and in the best sense of the terra, a LIVE AGRICU LTURAL NEW SPA PER. The Volume of TUB COUATRY GENTLEMAN for ISS2 will be largely increased in CT ntents by the addition of a sufficient number of pag* s to inei t the growing demands upon its space .but the teims \vi I continue as follow, when paid strictly in advance : ONR COPY, one year, $2.50; FOUR COPIES, SIO, and an additional copy for the year free to the sender of the Club; TEN COPIES, S2O, and an ad ditionai copy for the gear Jrte to the sender of the Club. His All NEW Suburtberxfor 1882 faying in ad vance MOV, W 11.1. RECEIVE THE PAPER WEEKLY, from receipt of remittance to January Ist, 1882, WITHOUT CAHKGK. &U Specimen Copies Free. Address LUTHER TUCKER & bPN, J "hiikt r.„ A.tany, N. Y. pLUMBISG AND GAS-KITTING . r Ed. Williams PRACTICAL I*Zitmbvr ant Gas-Finei*, Respectfully informs the people of Towanda that he is prepared to do all work in his line on tie liortest notice, and guarantee satisfaction. He keeps a LARGE ASSOItTMKNT of stock, and will furnish pipe, all plumbing materials and gas fixtures at a smalladvance from jobber's prices. I refer to my numerous customers during the ten years I have been in Towanda as to the character of my work, and solicit the patronage of those hav ing jobs in ray line. £• Estimates furnished when desired E. WILLIAMS. Sl op a fewToors'north of Mrrcur Block May 6, 1881. T-A.IEZ23 TIJiS THE GREAT BVItLINGTOK BOVTM. BTNo other line runs Three Through Pas senger Trains Daily between Chicago, Pes Moines, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Lincoln. St. Joseph, Atchison, Topeka and Kansas City. Direct connections for all points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Ne vada, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and California. The Shortest, Speediest and Most Comforta ble Route via Hannibal to Fort Scott. Denison, Dallas, Houston, Austin. San Antonio, Galves ton and all points in Texas. The unequaled inducements offered by this Line to Travelers and Tourists, are as follows: The celebrated Pullman (16-whecl) Palace Sleeping Cars, run only on this Line, C., B. & Q. Palace Drnwing-Room Cars, with Horton's Reclining Chairs. No extra charge for Seats in Reclining Chairs. The famous C.. It. & Q. Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars fitted with Elegant Iligh-Baeked Rattan Re volving Chairs for the exclusive use of first class passengers. Steel Track and Superior Equipment, com bined with their Great Through Car Arrange ment, makes this, above all others, the favorite Route to the South, South-West, and the Far West. Try it, and you will find traveling a luxury instead of a discomfort. Through Tickets via this Celebrated Linn for sale at all offices in the United States and Canada. All information about Rates of Fare. Sleev ing Car Accommodations, Time Table*, A,v., will be cheerfully given by applying to J. Q. A. BEAN, Gen'l Eastern Agent, 30ti Washington St., Boston, Mass. and 317 Broadway, Now York. JAMES R. W OOD, Gen. Pass. Agt., Chicago. T. J. potter, Gen. Manager, Chicago.