DAILY TO WANDA REVIEW. VOLUME 111, NO. 86. LOCALS. Personal. PETER BRADY of Easton is registered at the Ward Jlonse. Miss Doctor DEWERS has patients in Tunk liannock whom she lias been visiting this week. Doctor ELLIS, who spent some time in this place as agent for Appleton's Cyblopedia was in town yesterday. Muj. GORE of Shcshequin came down yes terday to attend the funeral of his friend and former partner, Doctor BARSTOW. €. D. PASSAGE of Towanda was in town yesterday. —Mrs. SIMON KINNEY visited Towanda yesterday.— Waverly llevieiv. FRANK STALFORD, of Norwalk. Conn . who was called to this county by the death of his father, made „s a call on Thursday evening, W. 11. DODGE has gone to Shippensburg to spend Sunday and meet his wife, who is spending a few days there, on her way home from Beverly, N. J., with Mr. OUISWELL'S family. 31. E. II ELSE, representing the large station ery house of C. J. COHEN, Philadelphia, ar rived in town last evening and wili display his samples this morning. He carries a large assortment of the best goods, is an accom plished salesman and a royal good fellow. Prof,G. W. RYAN, County Superintendent of Schools, made this office a pleasant call 011 Wednesday evening last 011 his tour through the county visiting schools. The Prof, with much labor, lias inaugurated a thorough sys tem in discipline and management in the schools under his charge. He is certainly the right man in the right place.— LcEaysville Advertiser. Mrs. JOHN STIRTON of ltidgbury died very suddenly yesterday morning. By the immense sale of St. Jacobs Oil we begin to realize that the world is not slow to recognize what is good for its ailments. NEWTON WALDRON of Troy was killed yesterday morning in jumping from a moving freight train near Granville Summit. He was 21 years old and married, Rev. O. L. GIBSON, a former pastor of the M. E. Church in this place, died recently in Michigan, having been transferred to that conference at tht late session of the Gcncssee conference. Dr. TAYLOR, pastor of the Universalist church, announces his topics for to-morrow, morning, " The division of Christ's gar ments;" in the evening, " What is man to live by?" Mr. JoiiN T. HINDS, at the National The atre last evening, fully confirmed his reputa tion by his performance or Con. McCarty iu "The Sliau ;hauu " 1F i s personation of the hero wis c'rir icterized by humor, fervor and a degree of artistic merit that easily swayed the sympathies of the audience. — Philadelphia Evening Star. This celebrated actor, supported by a first class company.will appear in his famous char acter. " The Shaughaunat Mercur Hall, Tuesday evening next. Mr. and Mrs. THOMAS CURRAN mourn the death of their littl daughter JOANNA, aged 5 years. The child had been afflicted with heart disease for nearly a year, from an at. tack of I UP./ disease last winter. DODE was a very bright little girl, and gave promise of affording her parents great happiness. But lb; who said. " Suffer the little children to come unto Me," has taken her to be with him self in a home of perfect happiness, where she will be spared tbo sorrows and trials in separable from existence in this world. "In heaven their angels do always behold the face of the Father." Funeral at 2p. m. to-day. TOWANDA, PA., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1881. Rev. Dr. REDPY is conducting a scries of religious meetings this week in the Ghent M. E. church. Each day at 11 o'clock a. m., he holds a service for the promot ion of Holiness. All are welcome. lie is said to he one of the host teachers of gospel truth, to be found in the evangelistic work. lie has published a pamphlet on "Prayer and Providence," in relation to the death of Garfield. It is yerv instructive. All christians, as well as others, ought to read it. Miss NELI.IE RECORD, the daughter of a promineut lawyer of Eorrestville, Chautau qua county, eloped Thursday with a Mr. DYE 011 the eve of her marriage with Mr. HOOK ER. her father's law partner. A woman who had rather I)ye than Hooker self to a man she did not love, certainly gives herself a ve ry consistent Record.— Ex. The father of the heroine of the above item is a cousin of our townsman, J. A. REC ORD. The following, at an election held at Wavor ly Thursday, were chosen directors of the G. T. & S. Railroad, for the ensuing year; ROB ERT A. PACKER, CHARLES HARTSMORNE, HARRY E. PACKER, HOWARD ELMER, ROB ERT H. SAY RE, JAMES STII.LMAN, WILLIAM ELLIOTT. Joints RCMSEY, CIIAUNEY P. GREGG, WILLI \M STEVENSON, JOSEPH PAT TERSON, WILLIAM W. WRIGHT, GEO. M. DIVKN. The Board subsequently organized by elect ing the following officers: President— ROßEßT A PACKER. Treasurer— CHAßLES HARTSHORNE. Secretary— JOHN It. FANSIIAWE. The Republicans of Chattanooga,Teun. elected their Mayor Wednesday last. Thurlow Weed is eighty-live years old. No man grows old more gracefully. The crank who tried to blackmail Jay Gould had lost heavily in stock-gambling. Ireland has received from the Land League in America $127,835. There are now only four hundred of the biblically historical cedars of Leba non left. New York clergymen have determined to do all they can to succor the suffering in Michigan. Grant is said to have made a round $500,000 out of his railroad connections this year. One million dollars falling off in the bullion production of Nevada for the first half of 1881. In the libel suit of W. W. Seranton, late Manager of the Lackawanna Coal and Iron Company, against Aaron Chase, ed itor of the Seranton Times, the jury awarded the plaintiff $3,300. The case was tried before Judge Elwell at Wilkes bai re. The Episcopal Mite Society will meet next Monday evening at Mrs. LARD'S on River st. The prospect of having a rector soon gives added interest to these social gatherings. Ladies will be interested in knowing that Mrs. MINGOS is now in New York selecting more millinery goods. She will soon be home and the ladies knowing her good taste in such matters, will .keep a sharp look out for her return, Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLIVAN'S on Bridge street, for the best five cent cigar. Largest assortment of Vases and mottoed Cups Cups and Saucers, in town at the 5 CENT Store. William Brown, at Miller's Barn, cleans and oils Harness, and washes wagons very cheaply. Immense shipments of TOYS for the Holiday trade, are being received daily at the 5 CENT Store. BRADFORD COUNTY ROAD LAWL Just Published, a revised edition of Carnochan's Road Laws and Laws Relating to Township Officers 111 Bradford County," by Samuel W. Buok. For sale at Treasurer's Office or at' either Whit, comb's ar Cross's bookstore, Tow anda, Pa. MARRIED. OOLBCIILARGEII—WITMILLER.—At the M.K. Parsonage, Nov. 17, 1881, by Rev. Chas. 11. Wright, Gustavus Ochlslarger of Barclay, and Miss Louisa Witmiller of Towanda,l*a. DIEl). CURB AX—ln this borough, Friday morning Nov. 18, Johanna, daughter of Thomas and Johanna Curran, aged 5 years and 15 months: CHANXEI At Milan, Mo., Nov. 3,1881, IJennie 8,. eldest child of Dudley and Maria Channel. M ERCUR f HALL. Engagement of the celebrated Dublin Come dian, Mr. JOHN T. HINDS, from Theatre Loyal, Dublin. And the brilliant actress and vocalist, Miss IVIAN LAWRENCE, Tuesday Jsovember 22d, ONE NIGHT ONLY. THE Shaughaun, One of the most romantic and interesting of Irish Dramas ever written. POPULARPRICES! :>o and r>o CENTS! Seats secured at C. T. KIRBY'S drug store. OA L E O F V A L UABL E REAL ESTATE. The undersigned will offer for sale the balance of the Real Es tate of G. F. Mason, which he holds as Trustee, on Thursday, Dec. ist,'Bi, at 2 p.m On the premises described. Lot No. 3, containing 5 acres ; lot No. 6, containing 5 acres ; lot No, 7, containing 5 acres, lot No. 11, containg 4 acres and 26 perches. Those lots all front 011 Main street, and are 011 the west side. Also the following build in" 1 lots 011 the east side of Main o street; Lots No. 47,48, 49 and 117, all front on Main street and are 40 feet front, and from 160 to 170 feet deep. Lot No. 56 faces Centre street; has 50 feet front and from 90 to 100 feet deep. Lot No. 79 faces Centre street and has 50 feet front and 150 feet depth. No. 145 is a part of a lot facing both Creek and Centre streets. Lots No. 148 and one 150 face Centre st. and are 50 feet front and 150 ft. deep. Lots No. 141 and 142 face Creek staeet, These two lots are in a triangular shape and erch are 50 feet wide. Lot No. 85 is a corner lot facing Centre street and has a house thereon. Any of the above property can he purchased at private sale by applying to the Trustee or to Hon. Joseph Powell, Wm. M. Mallory, Esq., or Col. J. F. Means, members of the Advisory Committee. TERMS OF SALE.—One third at time of sale ; one-third in six months ; and the remainder in one year, with intrest from day of sale. H. L. SCOTT, Nov. 9th, 1881. Trnstee. PRICE ONE CENT. CAUTlON.— Whereas my wife, Margaret Chilson, has left my bed and board without just cause or piovocation this is to prohibit all persons harbor ins? or trusting lier on ray account asl will pay no debts of her contracting. SAMUEL CHILSON. Asylum, IS ov. 11, 1881 QOMETIIING NEW. Go ##. n'ooo x co. 9 I :tre tip to the times in making new styles of Pictures. The latest is a small Card Photograph, called MINETTS which are eery pretty and take well, Price only §1 per dozen. Their Tintypes are also made -1 at a time, made very quickly and sell 4 for 50 cents, card size. Remember the place, Patton's Block, corner Bridge and Main Streets. Business Cards. X LVORD & SON, *** JOB PRINTERS, DAILY REVIEW OFFICE, Main street, Towanda Pa TOWANDA, Sept. 23, 188*1 BARCLAY JUNCTION HOTEL. R. OA TON, Proprietor, Near the Barclay depot. Good accommodations at reasonable prices. Calljand see us. CIIAS. K. LADI), M. DT~ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Otllce three doors above Mercur Block. 284-ly. T~")R- T.B. JOHNSON, , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Olhce over U. C Porter's Drug Store, Residence corner .Maple and Second Streets, LSBREE & SON, A 7 TORNE YS-A T-LA IV, South side Mercur Block, Towanda, Pa. IS. (J. ELSBKEE. | L. ELSBREE. IT L. lIOLLISTER 1). I). S. " (Successor to I)r. E. 11. Angle.) OPERATIVE AND MECHANICAL DENTIST. Office on State street, second lloor of Dr. Pratt's office. 10jan80 THORNTON, A . TUNER AND REPAIRER Of Pianos and Organs. (Over 17 years experi ence.) Orders received at Holmes & Passage's M usic Store. (""*1 W ' RYAN ? V-T . 0 ()UN rY S UPER IN 7 END EN T Office Means' Block. HENRY STREETER, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW TOWANDA, PA. TAMES T. IIALE, W A TTORNE Y-A T-LA W, Ollice over Stevens & Long's store. JOHN W. CODDING, A T TORNE Y-A T-LA W, Office Mercur Block, over Ivirby's Drug Store. OD. KINNEY, A T TORNE Y-A T-LA W, Office corner Main and Pine Streets, Towanda, Pa. PECK & OVERTON, Attorneys-at-I,aw, Tnocinda, Pa. D'A. OVERTON. I BENJ. M. PECK. ANGLE & BUFFING A TTORNE YS-A T-LA IF, Office formerly occupied by W. Watkins. DISSOLUTION.— Notice is hereby given that the copartnership heretofore exist ing between the undersigned under the firm name of FOSTER & SCOTT has been dissolved by mutu ai consent. All persons indebted to the late firm must make immediate settlements. Either Mr. Foster or Mr Scott will attend to the settlement of accounts. W. N. FOSTER. Nov. 2,1881. H. A. SCOTT. SH. BEAN, Plain and Ornamental Painter, AND PAPER HANGER. j All work in his line promptly executed on ehor I notice. From long experience both in city and I country, he prides himself on being able t suit the I most fastidious.