Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, November 18, 1881, Image 4

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    The Daily Rovie^.
Towanda, Pa., Friday, Nov. 18, 1881.
w ~. '— ,
**Hucly Review" unit/ i! scm per
month. Vry it!
The finest confections in the market at C.
The oyster supper given by the Baptist la.
dies Wednesday evening netted nearly S4O.
This week the M. E. church Sociable will
beheld on Friday evening at the house of
J. D. FELCH, over the store. Entraece
the store.
The Land League of this place advertise a
grand hop to come off in Morcur Ilall next
Wednesday evening.
Tickets for JOSH BILLINGS' lecture are be
ing taken rapidly If you have not yet se
cured a supply, call at WniTCOMii's or the
post office and subscribe for the number you
Have yon been into see GRADY'S new as
sortment of goods at his store on Pine street ?
He has an elegant selection of cloths and suit
ings, from which he can manufacture you
any garment or a whole suit on short notice.
He does his own cutting and personally su
perintends the work on every article made in
his establishment. That lie always succeeds
in securing perfect fits, and that his price
are "way down," everybody knows.
It becomes our sad duty to announce to
our readers the death of the Rev. THOM
AS EVANS, at the residence of one
of his sons, in Litchfield township, on Sun
day last, at which place the funeral will be
held this morning, at eleven o'clock. lie was
at the lime of his death one of the oldest
ministers of the Methodist Episcopal church.
His ministry must have lasted over half a
century. Tie was over eighty-five years of
age at the time of his death. He was known
far and wide and respected as a devoted
christian. He was born in the city of New
York, and for a good many years he belong
ed to the New York conference, preaching in
that city and on the adjoining circuits. He
was one of the most successful revivalists in
the early days of his ministry known In the
church. He was always a firm believer in
the efficacy of prayer, and he lived up to his
profession. He died as he hud lived, implic
itly trusting in the merits of his Redeemer,
satisfied to die,content to live. — Waoerly llc
view. *
Ladies Benevolent Association will meet on
Wednesday afternoon, Norember 30th, at the
usual place.
The commen-enient of our winter's work
has been delayed Ibis vear by an empty trea
sury and lack oi in iteri'il for clothing. So it
has been necessary < > defer our meeting un
til after the Thanksgiving collect ions, in order
to ascertain whether the people of Towanda
wish to continue this work of charity or not.
During the ten years of its existence this
society has been generously sustained and has
done an amount of good that we cannot mea
sure; but last spring our appeal for funds
was only responded to by one donation than
did not come from working members of the
Association; and it is feared that a misappre
hension exists in regard to the need of this
organization since the opening of the County
House. Indeed it lias been frequently re
marked: "We will not need the Benevolent
Society when we have the Poor House." But
our object and work have not been to sup
port paupers , only to render temporary as
sistance to those who are able and willing to
support themselves—hut who by sickness or
other misfortune are placed in circumstances
where a little tiuiclv aid from those more for
tunate will alleviate their suffering, and give
courage to some in a dark hour.
I'he greatest care is always used in giving
aid and rarely have our visitors been impos
ed upon, and with such delicacy and tact
have our ladies worked, that sometimes eve
the recipients have never known from what
source the much needed help came.
Surely the people of Towanda will never
allow this good work to die for the lack of
"He that liatli pity upon the poor lendeth
unto the Lord; and that which he hath given
will he pay him again." Wo can ask no bet
ter security; let us make the investment. By
Hon. 11. L. SCOTT, trustee, will sell the bal
ance of the Mason real estate at auction on
Thursday December 1 at 1 o'clock p. in. Par
ticulars hereafter.
Speaking of Oysters, we have a word to
say in regard to the manner in which S. B.
TIDD serves them. He keeps the largest
ones, and gets them lip >n the very best stvle.
He has fitted up elegant rooms for his custo
ducements are offered you by the BURLING
TON HOUTK. It will pay you to read their
advertisement to be found elsewhore in tlii
Any industrious, practical farmer, with a
small capital, can hear of an opportunity to
buy a farm on terms which will enable him
to pay for ot out of the profits. For particu
ars enquire at this office.
The Five Cent Store is now receiving an
immens stock of fall and winter goods and
the enterprising proprietors invite the public
to call and examine.
Christies' celebrated Count Oysters, the best in
the market, for sale at the " Senate." Served in all
styles and retailed. Oct. 3, 1 5 81,
FOR SALE CHEAP.—A "Good Morning
Range, a foot turning lathe, and a foot jig
saw, also three heating stoves. N. P. HICKS.
Frazer Axle Grease.—One trial will convince you
that it is the best. Ask your dealer for the Frazer
Axle Grease, and take no other. Every box has
our trade mark on.
Crystal Lodge, No 57, Knights of Honor of
this place, have reduced their initiation fee
from SIO.OO to $5.00. This Lodge now has a
membership of over 90 members, composed
of our best citizens, and pays to the Widows
and Orphan's Benefit Fund at each assess
ment over SIOO. It gives its members an in
surance of $2,000, which has cost on an aver
age, since the foundation of the order, $ll.OO
per vear and pays a sick benefit of $:5 per
week in case of sickness or disability. This
Order has actually paid to Widows and Or
phans since IST:}, the sum of $+,410,000. For
full particulars call on or address J NO. R.
KITTKKDGK, Reporter, or any member of (he
The Creek Mills are now turning out the
best, of Hour, meal nnd feed. Our " new process"
buckwheat flour is hard to beat. All orders left at
mill or sent through post oflice will receive prompt
attention. \V. N. FOSTER.
Oct. 27, 1881.
Warded, work by the day, by a woman who can
sew, wash, clean house, etc. Call at Campbell's
boarding house on State street.
FOR SALE CHEAP—A good self-feed I bating
Stove. Enquire at John Sullivan's store, bridge s*.
Conveniant rooms for house keeping, in Traov &
Moore's block, Main St. Apply to 11, P. MOO'UE.
Mrs. Kllbourn invites the ladies of Towanda and
vicinity to call and examine her stock of Millinery
Goods before purchasing elsewhere.
Firm has new large Figs that almost melt
mthe mouth.
All peruana indebited to the subscriber whose ae
counts have been standing over three months must
settle before December let to save costs.
N. p.nicKs.
Miss N. A. Powell, an experienced dress maker
Would inform the ladies of Towanda that she now
resides at Mr. 11. A, Prince's on Packer avenue,
where she will be pleased to receive orders for
wor work, or she will go out by the day.
I have bought and used the New Era Washer five
days In the week for the past five weeks and am
satisfied it will do all that is claimed for it. It is
the Lady's Friend. The more I use it the better 1
''K E '*• Mrs. E. ONAN.
FLOWER POTS—Job lot, Pots worth 12c for
9c, or $1 adoz. Pots, worth 15 cents for 12 cents
Pots worth 18 cents for 13 cts. Pots worth 25 cts.
for 15 cts. Also Common and Fancy Flower and
Calla Pots, at C. P. WELLES'Crockery Store.
On and after Monday next, Oct. 24, our store will
close at i .30 p. m., excepting Saturday evening
when it will be open until 8 o'clock.
° ct - 20 - A. D. DYE & CO-
Any one having CARPETS to weave will find it
to their advantage to call on Mrs. Fox, in Carroll's
block. All kinds of Carpet woven in the Rest man
ner and on short notice.
THE VERY LATEST —StvIes in men's, chil
dren's and boys' suits, overcoats and fur
nishing goods can be found at Jacob's Cloth
ing House as lie has just opened an inimeuse
stock of Fall and Winter goods.
One Horse,
One Cow,
O, A. BLACK, Agt., Towanda.
a f SCUM'S boot and shoe store
you will find that you can get more and bet
ter goods for the moncv than at at anv shoe
house in fowanda.
I- A WHENCE HALLORAN, the old reliable and skil
ful BIIOE MAKER is again "on deck," and wishes
to inform his customer* and tlie public that here
after, in "rain or shine," he will be found at his
post ready to do all work in bin line in the beat
manner and on short notice. Bhop in rear of the
REVIEW office.
THK NEW ERA WASHER!— Give it :I trial.
It doen the washing clean, in one fourth the
26'2-4w. L. 3. BLASDKLL, Agent.
Car loads of new goods now being received at the
Five Cent Store.
Cups and Saucers with Portraits ofMr. and Mrs
GARFIELD at C. P. Welles' Crockorv Store.
a number of dwelling houses for rent or tor sale
on easy terms. Also, eligible and desirable build
ing Lots which will be sold on long credit to per
sons desiring to build.
Oct, 17. 1881. L. ELSBItEK.
The mareh of imorovemeut lias brought us to the
time when old fogy machinery has to take a back
seat. This is verified by Oie success of the " New
Davis" Sewing Machine, with its "Vertical Feed.',
AVhereever it has been introduced hosts of ndnii
ring friends sound its praise. 6dys.3'J
One Cook stove.
One Heating stove, snitablc for on] or wood,
O. A. BLACK, Weston st.
Seller's Liver Pills," have been the standard rem
edy for malaria, Liver compcunts, costiveness, etc.
for fifly years-
Tumors, erysipelas, mercurial diseases, scrofula,
and general debility cured by Dr. Lindsev's Blood
CHARI.ES AKKNB has taken the Barber Shop late
ly occupied by PATTINANTO, in Patton Block, and
solicits a share of public patronage. He is an ex
perienced barber and understands a branches of
the business.
Mr. James Hees, late with Feleh & Co., takes this
method of notifying his friend? that he has taken a
position with Evans 8c liildreth, where lie will he
liappy to see them all and otter tin .a great Induce
ments in the line of dry goods.
Silver Plated Napkin Rings for r l EN Cent* at C.
I'. Welles' Crockery and 9ic Store.
The only market in Towanda where you
can get good, fat western beef is at Rundell's,
where the best. uts of veal, lamb and mutton
are always served Also ham. bacon and salt
meats o all kinds, Fresh Eish,dressed poul
try, vegetables and fruit. Leave your orders
at Rundell's market.
I had been a great sufferer from Neuralgia
for years and had eonsulted a groat many dif
ferent physicians, but got no cure until I took
Dr. Burr's Neuralgia and Sick Headache Bills;
they eured me and 1 have recommended to
over fifty persons and 1 have never known
them to fail. They are also the best nervous
and dyspeptic pill ' ever saw.
SIM NK Y ?I: O. \;> B K NT.
Master Mechanic, Dickens Manufacturing
Company, Scranton, Pa.
Call and see the new geods at the Five Cent SUye.
Seidlitz Powders are put up in elegant wooden box
es, instead-of the usual white and blue papers, and
are thcrcforjiortablc, convenient, and retain their
freshness many months. They are warranted
made of pure materials of first quality, giving great
purity, full weight and uniformity, and forming an
afferveseing aperient chink, as refreshing and pleas
nt as a glass of lemonade
WIPPWAI I MI II I HI urn • ?-> rr. w *"'
1 TERM, 1881.
Emily MeTavish vs K. Lockwood Eject
W. M. Nixon vs Wm. Wolf Issue
11. B. Ingham vs A.J. Layton, 11 al Trespass
B. 8. Bendy,true., etc. vs Bu*q. Mm. Ins. Co. Debt
First Nat. Bank, Athens, vs Ceo. \V. Morse.. "
Selim Kirhy vs A. C. Carpentci.. Kjeet
Pa. & N. Y. Canal Si It. 11. Co. vs J. Montanye",
et al Eject
Ceo. W. Esser vs Jno. O. Ward Tresp
Jno. Swackhammer vs Chas. and Mary Bill...lnject
11. B. Vangilder vs W. 11. Sherwood Tresp.
Frederick ft. Cole vs David Cole Eject
Delpliene Shoemaker vs L. B. Faulkner "
C. W. Clapp vs Jno. W. Ilollenhack Debt
Athens B. N: L. Association vs C. O. lluutington
et al Bei Fa
Wright Dunham vs Ellsworth Osborn Tresp
Citizens' Nat. Bank Towanda vs A. Conklin.Asspt
First Nat. Bank Towandaws A. Conklin "
Mary E. Hamilton vs Wm. Snyder Debt
Lormore Si Tompkins vs Geo. P. Tracy... .Appeal
Wm. M. Mallory vs Douglass Wilson, et al.. .Eject
Jackson Lewis vs Wm. Whitney Tresp
Rose L. Secor users Elislia Atnerton'sEx'rs F. ls
E. A. Packer & Co. vs Schrader Min, & Mfg.
Co Tresp
First Nat. Bank. Towanda vs Thus. F. Madill "
11. W. Tracy vs Pa & N. Y Canal & It. It. Co. Appeal
M 8. Pike's Kx'rs vs A. lluusiker Issue
Francis A. Drexel vs Jno. Carrol Eject
C. E, Frost vs Jordon Appeal
8. 11, Farnswortli vs J. Cobb Issue
E. W. Drake vs Thos. Harding, et al Asspt
E. L. Palmer vs Eugene Keeler Appeal
M. 8, lake's Ex'rs vs C. ilmisiker ltplvn
Lewis & Brown vs David Whipple Appeal
Samuel Ovenshtre vs A, 11. Spalding, et al..Tresp
Clark Johnson vs Asylum Twp Appeal
S. 11. Howell vs A. J* Layton "
Chas. l'errigo Si Co vs Kinney Sc Watkins... .Tresp"
Chas. Perrigo & Co vs M. Watkins "
Mary Lalley, use vs Michael Kirwin "
Geo. C. Atwood vs N. N- Parks "
Bnbpcenaes first week returnable Monday, Nov.
21. 1881, nt 2 o'clock P. M.
Subpoenaes second week returnable Monday .Nov.
28,1881, at 2 o'clock P. M.
Towanda, Pa., Oct. 14,1881. Proth'y
II OP b] for tiie j.) EA F.
I >i*. Peck's Artificial Ear Di'ums
the Kalvral Drum. Always in position, but invisible others. All conversation and even whispers
heard distinctly. We refer to these usinj them. Send for descriptive circular with testimonials
Oct. 18, 1881 Address 11. P. K. PECK & CO., 833 BROADWAY, N Y
"What everybody wants is the best organ f< r
the least amount of money : Therefore every
body wants the Uurdett*; and when you've
said that, you've told the whole story."
So say the brightest and busiest organ
dealers throughout the land, who are furn
ishing this matchless instrument to a musica
public, which is rapidly learning to distinguish
its marvellously pure and beautiful voice
from that which is not music. For sale by
J. A. Manville. No. !> bridge St., Towanda.
"My Wayward I'ardner," for $2 nt Whitcoriib's
Book Store.
WINDOW POLES— (lorn ices and Kings, at o.l'.
WELLES' Crockery stoic.
We are stiff seltlngPure Milk at F'\'K CENTS
Per Quart. It. ELSBIiEE.
Two dwelling houses in the First Ward
for rent. O. I). Kinney.
Rooms suitable for small family, to let, in centra
of town. Enquire at this office.
Under this head ice icill. insert FREE, notices of
situations or help xeantsd.
Good Bench men, and machine men wanted t
work in turaiture factory. Also two wood turners*
FROST.-* SONS, Towanda, Pa.
A good girl wanted to do general work in smal
family. Apply at this office.
Wanted, a good girl to learn the millinery tradt .
Apply i:t Mrs. Kilhouru'sstore.
Wanted—A voting man acquainted with
the business, at Five Cent Stokk.
WANTED —Good well diggers. Best ycizm,
MM.B £ *IEP BBi'MJS: /
r I he celebrated Stallion has returned to his sta
hies in this place where he may he found. Terms
—Same as heretofore.
Oct. 21, ISSI. D. C. DEWITT.
T"MSSOLUTION.—The copartnership
heretofore existing under the firm name of G .
A. DAYTON & CO. is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. All accounts will be settled by G.
A. Dayton, Geo. A. Dayton,
J owanda, Pa., Oct. 8, 8L B. Kuvkknuall.
The undersigned w ill continue the milling and
grain business as formerly conducted bv the iate
' hanking yoti tor past favors, I would respect
fully ask your continued patronege.
The State Line and Sul-
Ii van R ail Road Com pan x
Will ope no their Xew Coal Yard at
the old Overton basin, for the Sal* of
all kinds of Coal ou
I 'p town office will be nt the Coal Yard.
Down town office, nt the Central Ex
press office.
KIT"* Prices will be ns follows :
K&gi :i .to
I surge Store, :g *7O <<
Stove, 3 73 "
3 7.1
Small .Vat, *2*23 u
B'jxig) *23
Store, a 23
4 23
I'ilty Cents per ton additional for cart
October 6, ISBI.