Th© Daily Review Towanda, Pa., Wednesday, Noy. 16,1881. ■DITOBS 8. W. ALVORD. NOBLE N. ALVORD "Daily Mleriete" nly 35 ceati per mmnth. Try it, D. H. R. The finest confections in the market at C. S. FITCH'S. The ladies ot the Baptist Church will hold an oyster snpper m the McCabe store, Mercur block, Wednesday evening Nov. 16, com mencing at 5 o'clock and continuing during the evening. A cordial invitation is extend ed to all to call and get supper. By order of Committee. MONROE ITEMS—Mr. Editor:—Friday and Saturday, the 11th and 12th instants, gave us quite a diversified treat here in Monroe, from our usual bill of fare. The Convention of teachers and officers pertaining to our school and educational interests, with its usual rou tine of business, wus a matter of considera ble excitement to our citizens generally; and especially so to the aspirants for literary dis tinction. A very fine appearing assembly of young teachers, male and female, were pres ent, to listen or act, or to do whatever had been assigned them byway of giving life and zest to their annual gathering. We were pleased with the promptness with which most of them responded to the call, when they were invited to take the ros trum and fill their bills. Some very fine reci tations were rendered in away that did cred it to taste and culture, and evinced talent un mistakable just back of the throne, that made the throne a matter to be admired. We do not presume to make any distinctions in the productions or offering of our young friends, but simply say of the whole,—it was good ? better, best. There was one feature of the entertain ments, where age, position, and experience would make criticism tolerable, and perhaps justifiable. The Rev. gentleman appointed or invited to deliver the address of the occasion, was most fortunate in the selection of his subject, "the formation of character," and tolerably successful in the subject matter, manner, de livery and diction. We were of the opinion, however, that the distinctive line betwixt character and repu tation, was not made and kept sufficiently clear. Character is what there is actually of the individual. His weight,integrity, habits, dignity and his real worth. This part of the man is not easily " ruined" having once been well lormed. Reputation is what he appears to be—what his neighbors think or say about him. In fact it is what he is reputed to be; and what lie will sell for in the markets, be the same more or less, and is wholly aside from character; while yet it may be the creature of character. Reputation is what the politicians call a mail's coord. Charac ter is what avails in places <•! trust and great responsibilities. In his selections of individ uals for illustration, I think him not the most fortunate. His opponents might have assailed Mr. Garfield's reputation; while they could no more infract his invulnerable character, than they could swallow eleven miles of the rocky mountains. A man's character may be good, while his reputation is bad; and it may be the very reverse. They are as distinct as the man and FHE coat that he wears. PENCIL. The gentleman referred to in the following notice from the Ehnira Free Press proposes to give lessons in this place, and perhaps Mr. QUINLAN may secure him for a lecture in the Institute course: Prof. E. C. Eldridge, who has charge of the art department at the college, gave a very interesting and entertaining lecture in the parlors of the Institution last evening. The two large rooms were crowded with the stu dents and a number of invited guests from the city. The subject of the lecture was the Roman forum. Trof. Eldridge spoke weli and as a man will speak who is talking of what his own eyes have seen. He had helps too in his descriptions in ihe shape of large photographs, which, with the accompanying words, set the famous spot before the audi ence, even as though they had been there themselves. The attention paid and the in terest shown must have been gratifying to the speaker. Prof. Eldridge expects to give other lectures during the winter on similar subjects, the one last evening being the open ing: one of the series. We are sure that they will be very popular and that the larger ac commodations provided by the chapel will be necessary to make room for all who may tie sire to hear him. Hon. H. L. SCOTT, trustee, will sell the bal- ance of the Mason real estate at auction on Thursday December 1 at 1 o'clock p. m. Par ticulars hereafter. Speaking of Oysters, we have a word to say in regard to the manner in which S. P. TIDD serves them. He keeps the largest ones, and gets them up n the very best stvle. He has fitted up elegant rooms for his custo mers. IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS.— SpeciaI in ducements are offered you by the BURLING TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewliore in thi paper. Any industrious, practical farmer, with a small capital, can hear of an opportunity to buy a farm on terms which will enable him to pay for ot out of the profits. For particu ars enquire at this office. The Five Cent Store is now receiving an immens stock of fall and winter goods and the enterprising proprietors invite the public to call and examine. Christies' celebrated Count Oysters, the best in the market, for sale at the " Senate." Served in all styles and retailed. Oct. 3, ISBI, FOR SALE CHEAP. —A "Good Morning Range, a foot turning lathe, and a foot jig saw, also three heating stores. N. P. HICKS. Frazer Axle Grease.—One trial will convince you that it is the best. Ask your dealer for the Frazer Axle Grease, and take no other. Every box has our trade mark on. Crystal Lodge, No 57, Knights of Honor of this place, have reduced their initiation fee from SIO.OO to $5.00. This Lodge now has a membership of over 90 members, composed of our best citizens, and pays to the Widows and Orphan's Benefit Fund at each assess ment over SIOO. It gives its members an in surance of $2 000, which has cost on an aver age, since the foundation of the order, $ll.OO per vear and pays a sick benefit of s;} per week in case of sickness or disability. This Order has actually paid to Widows and Or phans since 1873, the sum of $4,410,000. Eor full particulars call on or address J NO. R. KITTREDGE, Reporter, or any memberof the order. The Sugar Creek Mill* are now turning out the best of fiour, meal nnd feed. Our " new process" buckwheat flour is hard to beat. All orders left at mill or sent through post oflice will receive prompt attention. W. N. FOSTER. Oct. 27, 1881. BUSINESS LOCALS. Wanted, work by the day, by a woman who can sew, wash, clean house, etc. Call at Campbell's boarding house on State street. FOR BALE CIIKAP—A good self-feed IP-nting Stove. Enquire at John Sullivan's store, Bridge s. Conveniant rooms for house keeping, in Tracy & Moore's block, Main St. _ Apply to 11, P. MOOHK. Mrs. Kilbourn invites the ladies of Towanda and vicinity to call and examine her stock of Millinery Goods before purchasing elsewhere. FITOII litis new large Figs that almost melt inthe mouth. All persons indebitcd to the subscriber whose ac counts have been standing over three months must settle before December Ist to save costs. N. I'. HICKS. Miss N. A. Powell, an experienced dressmaker would inform the ladies of Towanda that she now resides at Mr. 11. A, Prince's on Packer avenue, where she will be pleased to receive orders for wor work, or she will go out by the day. 1 have bought and used the New Era Washer five days in the week lor the past five weeks and am satisfied it will do all that is claimed for it. It is the Lady's Friend. The more I use it the better 1 I'KE it. Mrs. E. ONAX. FLOWER POTS—Job lot, Pots worth 12c for 9c, or $1 adoz. Pots, worth 15 cents for 12 cents. Pots worth 18 cents for 13 cts. Pots worth 2"> cts. for 15 cts. Also Common and Fancy Flower and CallaPots, at C. P. WELLES'Crockery Store. On and after Monday next, Oct. 24, our store will close at 7:30 p. m., excepting Saturday evening when it will be open until 9 o'clock. Oct. 20. A. I). DYE & CO- Any one having CARPETS to weave will find it to their advantage to call on Mrs. Fox, in Carroll's block. All kinds of Carpet woven in the Best man ner and on short notice. THE VERY LATEST—StyIes in men's, chil dren's and boys' suits, overcoats and fur nishing goods can he found at Jacob's Cloth ing House as he has just opened an immense stock of Fall and Winter goods. FOR SALE:— One Horse, One Cow, O, A. BLACK, Agt., Towanda. If ycu call at HLCM'S boot and shoe store you will find that you can get more and bet ter goods for the money than at at any shoe house in Towanda. LAWRENCE TTALLORAN, the old reliable nnd skil I ful BHOE MAKER is attain "on deck," and wishes to inform bin customers and the public that here- j after, in "rain or shine," he will be found at his post ready to do all work in his line in the best i manner and on short notice, bhop in rear of the REVIEW office. THK NKW EKA WASHEK!— Give it A trial. It does the washing clean, in one fourth the time. 262-4w. L. S. 151.A8DKLI., Agent. Oar loads of new goods now being received at the Five Cent Store. Cups and Saucers with Portraits of Mr. and Mrs OARFiELD at C. P. Welles* Crockerv Store. HOUSE ANd LOTS FOR SALE AND RENT.—I have a number of dwelling houses for rent or tor sale on easy terms. Also, eligible and desirable build ing Lots which will be sold on long credit to per sons desiring to build. Oct. 17. 1881. L. ELBBRKK. The mareh of imorovement lias brought us to the j time when old fogy machinery lias to take a back seat. This is verified by the success of the " New Davis" Sewing Machine, with its "Vertical Feed.', Whereever it has been introduced hosts of adini- J ring friends sound its praise. 6dy5.39 FOR SALE:— One Cook stove. One Heating stove, suitable for oal or wood, O. A. BLACK, Weston st. Seller's Liver Pills," have been the standard rem- j edy for malaria, Liver complaints, costiveness, etc. | for fifly years- Tumors, erysipelas, mercurial diseases, scrofula, and general debility cured by Dr. Lindsey's Blood Searcher." CHARLES AKENS has taken the Barber Shop late ly occupied by PATTINANTO, in Patton Block, and solicits a share of public patronage, lie is an ex perienced barber and understands all branches of the business. LOST, on W ednesday October 19th, in Towanda borough a brown heaver overcoat, with velvet col lar. Pair of dog skin and cloth gloves in pocket Pindar will be liberally rewarded on lenving at this office. Silver Plated Napkin Rings for TEN Cents at C. P. Welles' Crockery and 99c Store. The only market in Towanda where you 1 can got good, fat western beef is at ItiindellN, ! where the best Itridg* M., ToWaJidu. •My Wayward I'urdnctf.,r .*2 at Whit comb's Rook S?t*>r.\ WINDOW ('<)!,KS—('uviiic-'s an J {ling.*, at C.I". WELLES' Croek< ry store. We are still si'lUngl'iir* Mhk at KIVK CENTS Per Quart. 11. KI.sJp.ltKE. FOR RENT. Two dwelling houses in the 1 ir>t Ward for rent. t>. I >. KINNEY. Rooms suitable for small fan/ y, to 1< t. jo centre of town. Enquire at this office. WANTS. Undert his head we trill invert f /IKK, notices J situations or help icanted. Good I tench men, and machine men wanted to work in turnituru factory. Also two wood turners* FROSTS fcSGN'H, Towarida, Pa. A good girl wanted to do general work in smal family. Apply at this office. Wanted, a good girl to learn the inillhmrv trade . Apply Bt Mrs. Kilbourn'sstore. Wanted—A young man acquainted with the business, at KIVK t E.\ i S i ORE. ANTED—Good wc i diggers. Rest wages. Fltv, IsT tjONe?. BZ.SI *1 E> IS iVIS I! ! i he celebrated stallion has returned to his sta tiles In this place where ho may he found. Tfin wa —Same as heretofore. Oct. 151, 1881. p>. (j, DEW ITT. | ysst>U HON'.—Tile copartnership ✓ heretofore existing under the firm name of G. A. I)A VI t)X St CO. is this day dissolved hy mutual consent. All accounts will tie settled bv G A. J)A VTON, Gko . a j Utt "* 1 owanda, 1 a., Oct. 8, "81. IT. KUYKJNDU.'L. I tt , u, ". , '-' rwi b' lu d will continue the milling utid I fir WIIU ' Bt! i,IS foim(, rly conducted by the late ' y ° U f ° r p " flt favorf, I would respect tully ash your continued patronege. GEO. A. DAYTON. NEW Coal It card | The State Line and Sul livun Rutl Jvocid Co?npany jY\ ill opens; their New Coal Yard at ! the old Overton basin, for the Sale of I all kinds of Coal on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 th. Up town office will be at the Coal Yard Down town ofllee, at the Central Ex press ofllce. Prices will be as follows : ROYAL SOCK COAL AT YARD. j Ovule, £55 50 per ton. a .o JLa-rge Store, ,?o " Stove, ;i 7,1 u 3 7 # i 4, Smut I i *, i u BEST QUALITY PITTSTON COAL PER TON. flfSb $4 35 4 35 * lHf ) 4 35 fifty Cents per ton additional for cart age. 1.0. UIjIGSIT. Superintendent. October G, 1881.