Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, November 12, 1881, Image 4

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    Tiie Oaily Review.
Towanda, Pa., Saturday, Nov. 12, 188!.
//< fy n*riett" only 25 cm t>rr
monllt. Try H!
Fresh candles manufactured every day at
Scarlet fever afflicts some of the residents
along the rlyer above Milan. No deaths
have yet occurred.
The one Wolfe man which ihe Advertise)
Mid comprised the •• kiekcrV strensth in
that borough, must have voted early and 0.-
ten. _
The small-pox patient at. Milan, is doing
well, but much excitement exists in the vicin
ity as they expect new cases to occur soon,
from among those exposed by him.
A child of Phkry Griffith's in Athens
township, while playing with a sewing ma
chine thrust the needle into one of its lin
gers, the point breaking off. The child was
taken to a surgeon, but. he decided that it w as
best not to remove the piece as the pain had
On Wednesday night while Miss MAIIY
OblVKit and her two brothers and (.'iiaki.ks
SWAIN of Wihnot township, were on then
way to a pound party for the benefit of Rev.
Mr. LUCK of Golden Hill, they were thrown
from the wagon in which they were seated,
owing to the team being frightened by the
breaking of the neek-yoke Strap. The hor
ses ran some distance before the wagon was
wrecked. Miss OI.IVKK was seriously injur
ed, the rest escaped with slight bruises. Or
lUHTLKTT was called in attendance.
An exchange dryly observes that a me
chanic in search of work is " out, of a job,'
•a clerk in the same predicament is ♦•disengag
ed" and a professional man similarly placet
is >': it leisure." The mechanic •' gets work,"
the clerk " connects" himself with some es
tablishment, and the professional man " re
sumes practice." This rule, holds good ii
some other things besides employment
When one of the " upper ten" has a bigl
time over night, it is said the next day tha
he was " sightly elevated." The middle so
cietv man under similar circumstances, was
a " little intoxicated;" but the laboring mat
was " beastly drunk.
Every few days we cannot fail to notioi
some of th • juvenile comimmitv swaying
about the streets cons'derablv the worse ot
for old cider or some other drink that is pro
cured about town—we can't say where. Peo
pie who have children who get in this condi
tion should hunt down the Apology for a hu
man being who' deals it out and give then
the full extent of I'm law. Any one whe
will deal out, give or s II to these youngsters
deserves to he ki ked out of civilization
and at an carlv date at that. We have a few
licensed places in town who go yerv close tc
law, and just a few who have no law, lice-nsi
or honor to go by, and who bring a large
amount of censure on our tirst-class licens
ed places .-New Milford Advertiser.
There can be no doubt that in many in
stances the taste for strong drink is formed
in youth by the use of cider, and the above
applies to Towanda in everv pattioulai.
A New York firm gives the following di
rections in regard to the manner of fattening
and preparing poultry for the market :
Thev must bo well fattened; crons empty
when killed; kill by bleeding, but do not re
move the head; nicely and well picked; skin
not broken or torn, entrails should not be re
moved; thoroughly cooled but not frozen,
Pack in boxes, with a layer of clean straw
(rvo straw the best) between each layer ol
poultry, in the same posture in which thev
•oost.' Mark each box, specifying what it
contains. Send invoice by nuul. Ship to
reach about the middle of the week
should never reach us so lutein the week as
on Saiurday. .
The greatest demand on special occasions
is for tine and fat turkeys for Thanksgiving.
Prime and nice turkeys and geese for Christ
mas Extra large and nice turkeys for New
Year's Dav. afa-r this turkeys weighing over
eleven or twelve pounds have very little de
"Yhi'all these occasions shipments should
reach the market two to Ave days in advance.
If \ou cannoi find any prolit in sending prime
.ciualitv an i well prepared, you need not look
for am in ordinary or poor qualities. S< ; e to
it tint, ovorv i s instrkod with \our
name or initials and also what it contains,
and send invoice.
The finest confections in the market at C.
Miss N. A. Powell, an experienced dressmaker
! would inform the ladies of Towanda that she now
1 resides at Mr. 11 % A, Prince's on Packer avenue,
I where she will be pleased to receive orders for
i wur work, or site will go out by the day.
Hon. 11. L. SCOTT, trustee, will sell the bal
! ance of the Mason real estate at auction on
j Thursday December 1 at 1 o'clock p. m. Par
j ticulars hereafter.
Speaking of Oysters, we have a word to
say in regard to the manner in which S. It.
TIDP serves thorn. He keeps the largest
ones, and gets thoin up hi the very best stvle.
He has fitted up elegant rooms for his custo
ducements are offered you by the BURLING
TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their
advertisement to be found elsewhore in thi
Any industrious, practical farmer, with a
small capital, can hear of an opportunity to
buy a farm on terms which will enable him
to pay for ot out of the profits. For partieu
ars enquire at this office.
The Five Cent Store is now receiving an
iminens stock of fall and winter goods and
ihe enterprising proprietors invite the public
to call and examine.
Christies' celebrated Count Oysters, tbe best in
the market, for sale nl tbe " Senate." Served in nil
styles and retailed. Oct. 3, 1881,
If yen call at BLUM'S boot and shoe store
you will find that you dan get more and bet
tor goods for the. moucv than tit at any shot
house in Towanda.
FOR SALE. CHEAP. —A "Good Mornina
Range, a foot turning lathe, and a loot ji;.
saw, also three heating stoves. X. I'. HICKS.
Frazer Axle Grease. —One trial will convince yot
that it is the best. A.-.k your dealer lor the 1* razci
Axle Grease, and take no other, livery box ha.-
our trade mark on.
Crystal Lodge, No 57, lvnighls of Honor o
this place, have reduced their initiirtion let
from SIO.OO to $5.00. This Lodge now has i
membership of over 00 members, compose*
of our best citizens, and pays to the Widow;
and Orphan's Benefit Fund at each assess
ment over SIOO. It gives its members an in
sura lice of $2,000, which has cost on an aver
age, since the foundation of the order, sll.o<
per year and pays a sick benefit of $3 pel
week in case of sickness or disability, Ihi
Order lias actually paid to Widows and Or
plians since 1873. the sum of $-1,440,000. Ko
full particulars call on or address JNO. R
KITTRHDGU. Reporter, or any member of tin
The Sugar Creek Mills are now turning out tin
best of liour, meal nnd feed. Our " new process'
buckwheat Hour is hard to beat. All orders left a
mill or sent through post office will receive pronip
attention. W. N. l-GSTER.
Oct. 27, 1881.
Car loads of new goods now being received at tin
Five Cent Store.
I have bought and used the New Krn Washer tiv
days in tiie week tor the past five weeks and an
satisfied it will do all that is claimed for it. Jt i
the Lady's Friend. The more 1 use it the better
like it. ' Mrs. E. ONAN.
LAWRENCE ITAT.EORAN, the old reliable and skil
ful SHOE MAKER is again "on deck," and wislu
to inform his customers and the public that here
after, in "rain or shine," Vie will he found at hi
post ready to do all work in his line in the bes
manner and on short notice. Shop in rear of th
REVIEW otiice.
THE NEW KIM WASHER!— Give it a trial
| It does the washing clean, in one fourth tin
I 262-4\v. L. S. BLASDKLL, Agent.
FLOWER POTS—Job lot, Pots worth 12c fo
9c, ot $1 adoz. Pots, worth 15 cents for 12 cents
Pots worth 18 cents for 13 cts. Pots worth 25 cts
for 15 cts. Also Common and Fancy Flower am
(Julia Pots, at C. P. WELLES'Crockery Store.
On and after Monday next, Oct. 24, our store wil
close At 7:30 p. m., excepting Saturday ovenin;
when it will he open until 9 o'clock.
Oct. 20. A. I). DYE & CO-
Any one having CARPETS to weave will find i
to their advantage to call on Mrs. Fox, in Carroll'
block. All kinds of Carpet woven In the Best man
ner and on short notice.
THE VERY LATEST— StyIes in men's, chil
I (Iron's and hoys' suits, overcoats and fur
nishing goods can he found at Jacob's Cloth
ing House as lie has just opened an immense
slock of Fall and Winter goods,
I One Horse,
One Cow,
(>, A. BLACK, Agt., Towanda.
Cups and Saucers with Portraits ofMr. and Mrs
GARFIELD at C. P. Welles' Crockorv Store.
r a number of dwelling houses for rent or tor sale
' on easy terms. Also, eligible and desirable build
, ing Lots which will be sold on long credit to per
r sons desiring to build. aranvv
Oct. 17. 1881. L. ELSBREE.
. 1 WANTED —Furnished room and board for sraal
, family, for the winter. Inquire at this office.
The march of imnrovement has brought us to th
time when old fogy machinery has to take abac
stat. Tills la verified by the success of the >to
Davis" Sewing Machine, with its "Vertical heed.
) Whereever it has hecn introduced hosts of adm
ring friends sound its praise. 6dy5.39
One Cook stove.
One Heating stove, snitahle for oal or wood.
O. A. BLACK, Weston st.
WINDOW POLES—Cornices and Rings, at C. 1
WELLES' Crockery store.
Seller's Liver Pills," have been the standard ren
* edy for malaria, Liver complaints, costivenese, et
r for fifty years-
Tumors, ervsipelas, mercurial diseases, scroful
and general debility cured by Dr. Lindsey s Lloi
t 1 Having rooms in my father's house on Main f
(where Andrew Noble used to live) I would te
1 nectfuliv inform the ladies of Towanda and viet
l icy that 1 tun prepared to do all kinds of work
th<> Dress-making line to the entin satisfaction
' all who mav favor me with tlieir patronage. CL
TING AND FITTING a specialty.
Sept. 20, 1881. ALICE 3IIAW .
1 CHARLES A KENS has taken the Barber Shop lat
I ly occupied by in Pattoh Block, ai
t solicits a share of public patronage. lie is an e
porienced barber and understands all branches
the business.
1 LOST, on Wednesday October 19th, in Towanc
1 borough a brown beaver overcoat, with velvet cc
lar. Pair of dog skin and cloth gloves In pocki
Pindar will be liberally rewarded on leaving at th
p office.
e Silver Plated Napkin Rings for TEN Cents at <
P. Welles' Crockery and 'J'.tc Store.
NESTOR, of tlm Senate, has the " run " O
; cigars now. He is having manufacture
g I expressly for his own trade the "Scnat
" | brand, of cigar, which is very popular wit
Movers of the "weed." Good judges pr<
, I nounce it equal in flavor to the best Havs
> i na ' , ,
I had been it great sufferer from V uralg:
for vcars and had eonsultcd a great many di
fcrent physicians, but got no cure until I too
Dr. Burr's Neuralgia and Sick lleadache I'ilh
f thev cured me and I have recommended 1
over fifty persons and 1 have never know
' them to fail. They are also the best nervoi
il and dyspeptic pill ever saw.
Master Mechanic.. Dickens Manufaeturin
Compiiny, Seranton, I'ti.
r Call and see the new goods at the Five Cent Stor
0 Seirilitz Powders tire put up in elegant wooden ho:
es instead of the usual white and blue papers, an
r are therefor portable, convenient, and retain the
freshness many months They are warrante
S made of pure materials of tlrst quality, giving gre:
purity, full weight and uniformity, anil forming a
j. nffevveecing aperient drink, as relreshing tind plea
I nt as a glass of lemonade.
<• I uiiwiwn. mm mem nrawMMi * ■■■■■■■■
i TEHM, 1881.
Kmi'v McTavisti vs E. Lock wood Ejc<
W. M. Nixon vs "VVin. Wolf ...lssu
U it. B. Ingham vs A. J. til Trespto
it B. S. Bently.trus., ete. vs Susq. Mot. In-. Co Deb
First Nttt. Bank, Athens, vs Geo. \\ • Morse..
Selim Kirby vs A. C. Carpenter ....E.iec
Pa XN. Y. Canal XR. It. Co. vs J. D Moutanyi
et al
Geo. W. EH SIT vs duo. O. It aril I res
Jno. Swiiekhtiminer vs Clias. and M r\ -i1:... E.iec
11. 15. Vangilder vs W. 11. Sherwood I'res
Frederick R. Cole vs David Cole Ejet
e Delphene Shoemaker vs L. B. Faulkner
C. W. Clapp vs Jno. W. llollenbaek .Deb
Athens B. X L. Association vs O. t). lluntingtoi
e et al *j -i F
n Wright Dunham vs Ellsworth Osborn ... I res
* Citizens' Nat. Bank Towanda vs A. Conklin. Assp
I First Nat. Bank Towanda vs A. Conklin
Mary E. Hamilton vs Win. Snyder. Deb
Lormore X Tompkins vs Geo. P. Tracy \ppea
I Wm. M. Mai lory vs Douglass Wilson, etai...Ejee
s Jackson T.ewis vs Win. Whitney Trcsj
t Rose L. Secor use vs Elisha Atherton's Ex'rs 1-. Is
e E. A. Packer X Co. vs Bchriuler Mill, X Mfg
i First Nat. Bank. Towanda vs Thus F. Madill " .
11. W. Tracy vs Pa X N. Y Canal X R. Il.Co.Appea
' M s. Pike's* Ex'rs vs A. Ilunsiker. Issiu
Francis A. Drexel vs Jno. Carrol Ejec
C. E, Frost vs Thus. It. Jordon Appea
8. 11, Farnsworth vs J. Cobb IBSIH
r E. W. Drake vs Thos. Harding, et al Assp
, K. L. Palmer vs Eugene Kceler Appea
M. B, Pike's Ex'rs vs llunsiker Rpivi
j Lewis X Brown vs David Whipple Appea
Samuel Ovenshirc vs A, 11. Spalding, et al. .Tresp
Clark Johnson vs Asylum Tw p Vppea
II B. 11. Howell vs A. J* Lay ton
„ Gluts. Perrigo &Co vs Kinney X\\ atkins.... I resp
Chas. Perrigo XCovs M. Watkins '.. "
Mary I,alley, use vs Michael Kirwin '
Geo. C. Atwood vs N. N- Parks "
Bnhpeenaes first week returnable Monday, Nov
t 21. 1881, at 2 o'clock P.M.
a Buhpoenaes second week returnable Monday .Nov.
28. 1881, at 2 o'clock P. M.
Towanda, Pa.,0ct.14, 1881. l'roth'y
HO P E "™ DEA E.
I >i*. Pock's Artificial Eor Drums
the Nattrcil Drum. Always in position, but invisible others. Al! conversation and even whisper®
' heard distinctly. We refer to those usin;: them. Send for descriptive circular with testimonials.
Oct. 18, 1881" ~ Address 11. P. K. PECK k CO., 853 BROADWAY, X- T.
" "What everybody wants is the best organ for
the least aniouul of money : Therefore every
i body wants the Burdett; and when you've
said that, vou've told the whole story."
So say "the brightest and busiest organ
dealers throughout the land, who are turn
ishing this matchless instrument to a musiea
public, which is rapidly learnimrtodistinguish
its marvellously pure and beautiful voice
from that which is not music. For sale by
.1. A. Manville, No. 3 Bridge St., Towunda.
"My Wayward Pardner," r it Wultcara
Book Store.
. We are still selling Pure Milk at FIVE CEN TS
Per Quart. B. ELSBRKE.
Two dwelling houses in tlie First Ward
for rent. O. I). KINNKV.
Rooms suitable for small family, to let, in centre
of town. Enquire at this office.
Under this head we will insert FREE, notices sj
situations or help wanted.
Good Bench men, and machine men wanted to
work in furniture factory. Also two wood turners-
FRONTS SONS, Towandu, Pa.
A good girl wanted to do general work in smal
• family. Apply at this olllce.
Wanted Immediately a first-class Salesman in a
Dry Goods house in Towandn, address with full
i name and reference, MERCHANT, P. O Box 656.
. ■ All communications confidential.
[ Wanted, a good girl to learn the millinery trade .
I Apply t Mrs. Kilbourn's store.
f Wanted—A young man acquainted with
the business, at " FIVE CENT STORE.
l ; WANTED—Good well diggers. Best wages.
The celebrated Stallion has returned to his eta
' i bios in tiiis place where he may be found. TERMS
—Same as heretofore,
i | Oct. 21, 1881. D. C. DEWITT.
DISSOLUTION. —The copartnership
heretofore existing under the firm name of G.
•j A. DAYTON & CO. is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. All accounts will be settled by G.
i Towanda, Pa., Oct. 8, 'Bl. B. KUYKKNDALL.
The undersigned will continue the milling and
: j grain business as formerly conducted by the late
', firm.
> Thanking you for past favors, I would respect
( fully ask your continued patroncge.
ij Coal Yard
. |
The State Line and Sal -
t livan Wail Road Company
i Will opeue their New Coal Yard at
the old Overton basin, for the Sale of
all kinds of Coal on
I ; Up town olllce will be at the Coal Yard.
Down town olllce, at the Central Ex
; press oflice.
II l'rices will be as follows :
ft* rate, per tint.
\ Kgx, oO * 4
Fswrge Store, :i riO 44
! Store, JS 7*9 '•
55 , 44
Sunt ft 2 2*l '*
• Hffg, $4 2*l
Store, 1 2*l
•Vat, 8 2*l
Fifty Cents per ton additional for cart
| a n e
October G, 1881.