Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, November 04, 1881, Image 4

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    Tlie I>ily Review.
Towanda, Pa., Friday, Nov. 4, 1881.
"Daily Review only 585 cent* per
wonth. Try it.
A fund amouuting to S4OO has been raised
in Bradford county toward building a soldiers'
monument. Several unsuccesful attempts
have been made in this county to start a fund
for the same purpose.— Agitator.
We learn that the S. L. & S. R. R. Co. are
surveying for an extension of their track from
Monroeton to this place. Their business has
increased very largely and the single track of
the Barclay road is inadequate to the demands
of both Companies.
In washing dishes use milk instead of soap.
Fill a dish pan full of hot water and add half
a cup of milk. It softens the hardest water,
gives the dishes a clear, bright look, and
preserves the hands from the rough skin or
chapping which comes from using soap. It
cleans the greasiest dishes without leaving
the water covered with scum.
An old farmer in Bradford county put a
quantity of gunpowder in the stove in the
•'spare room" last summer for safe keeping.
The old woman started a firo in that stove
one cold morning recently, and very shortly
there was a pyrotecbuic display not on the
bills . The cautious farmer is now almost
heart broken because he is obliged to buy a
new stove.—W ellsborough Agitator.
The Scientific Society connected with the
Susquehanna Collegiate Institute, will celc"
bratc its second anniversary at the Institute
building, Friday evening. The programme
will consist of essays and music. Probably
Hon. E. L. HILLIS will be present to give
some select readings. After {the entertain
ment, refreshments will be served. Proceeds
will be for increasing the library. All are
Prof. E. C. ELDREDGE, of Elmira Female
College, proposes to organize a class in Oil
Painting in Towanda, if a sufficient number
desire to take lessons to warrant/liis coming.
Prof. ELDREDGE is a graduate of the Ameri
can Academy of Designs,of New York city,
has pursued his studies in Europe for two
years, and now holds the position of instruct
or in art in the Elmira Female College. This
will be a rare chance to those desiring .to re
ceive instruction from a teacher of high or
der. For terms, or other particulars, address,
or call upon E. E. QUINLAN.
Susq. Col. Inst.
SGO,OOO SAVED.— As a matter of economy
in 1877 the Philadelphia and Reading and the
Lehigh Vailey Railroad Companies decided to
dispense with the men who were employed
to wipe engines. The Reading Company went
still further and painted many of its engines
a very dark brown color that time might not
be employed in burnishing the brass work.
Mr. Go WEN claimed that dispensing with the
cleaners saved him soo,oo® in one year. It
was found that the injury to the machinery
by this neglect, and the delay in moving
trains owing to the tracks becoming greasy
from the engines made the loss really amount
to more than SOO,OOO, and the wipers were
again employed, the Reading Company put
ting on a greatly reduced force, while the
Lehigh Valley Company, about two weeks
ago, put on the same force they removed.—
Catamssa Item.
NEW PAPERS. —We have received during
the past week a copy of the Register , a neat
little paper somewhat smaller than the RE
VIEW, just established in Troy by FRANK
LOOMIS, who has been engaged m job printing
for some time. ALBERT MORGAN is the edi
tor. Though petite it is newsy and we doubt
not will grow in sizo as it advances in years.
Success to it.
The Daily Revieio, Waverly, N. Y., is an
other new venture in the newspaper world,
which starts off well. Brother WALES has
lots of energy and enterprise, and deserves
success. The paper is neatly printed and
contains all the important news both tele
graphic and local.
The Sunday Tidinqs is the title of anew
paper to he issued next Sunday for the first
time, by BRIGGS & COPELAND, Ehnira. The
former is business manager, and the latter
one of the editors of the Advertiser. There
are too many trashy, sensational Sunday
papers already.
TION. —The next meeting of the Bradford
County Teachers' Association will be held at
Monrocton, November 11th and 12th, com
mencing at 10 o'clock a. m. The following
program of exercises will be presented:
Address— Rev. C. T. Hallowell.
School Etiquette—A. D. Albert.
School Examinations etc.— W. 11. Benedict
Composition Writing, etc. —C. W.,Sheldon
The Globe in the School-room —E. A.
Participles and Infinitives —A. F. Bronson.
Square and Cube Boot—J. C. Ingham.
Oral Geography—Miss F. DeLano.
Class Drill—Miss L. Magill.
1. What can be done to induce Directors
and Patrons to give more help to teachers?
2. What suggestions have teachers to offer
in regard to the County Institute?
3. What can be done to make the work of.
our Conimou sehools more practical than it
at present seems to be?
4, Is the practice of giving reward cards
and other prizes as incentives to pupils a
wise and commendable one?
5. Is any change from the present mode of
examining and licensing teachers advisable!
The exercises will be interspersed with
music, and by declamation or recitations by
Frank Lyon, Julia S. llawes, May Alden
Hattie Vangorder, Mary Bowman, Lottie
Payne, and Hallie Dodge.
The committee on entertainment, arrange
ments, etc., are Dr. O. H. Rockwell, L. L
Lyon, M. A. Cranmer, John Bockwell, Mrs.
Daniel Iluntly, Mrs. Dr. Hull, Miss Mary
Satterlee and Miss Stella Vangorder.
This being the annual meeting the Associa
tion will elect officers for the coming year.
It is hoped that there will be a large turn out
of teachers and friends.
E. T. BURGAN, President.
11. C. GREEN, Secretary.
Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLIVAN'S on
Bridge street, for the best five cent cigar.
stead of being stamped out—for sale at C P.
WELLSE 1 Crockery store.
Christies' celebrated Count Oysters, the best in
the market, for sale at the " Senate." Served in all
styles and retailed. Oct. S, 1881,
FOR SALE CHEAP. —A "Good Morning
Range, a foot turning lathe, and a foot jig
saw, also three heating stoves. N. P. IIICKS.
Frazcr Axle Grease.—One trial will convince you
that it is the best. Ask your dealer for the Frazer
Axle Grease, and take no other. Every box lias
our trade mark on.
ducements :tre offered you by tlie BURLING
TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their
advertisement to be found elscwhore in thi
Any industrious, practical farmer, with a
small capital, can hear of an opportunity to
buy a farm on terms which will enable him
to pay for ot out of the profits. For partieu
ars enquire at this office.
The Five Cent Store is now receiving an
iinmens stock of fall and winter goods and
the enterprising proprietors invite the public
to call and examine.
Crystal "Lodge, No. 57, Knights of Honor of
this place, have reduced their initiation fee
from SIO.OO to $5.00. This Lodge now has a
membership of over 90 members, composed
of our best citizens, and pays to the Widows
and Orphan's Benefit Fund at each assess
ment over SIOO. It gives its members an in
surance of $2,000, which has cost on an aver
age, since the foundation of the order, $ll.OO
per year and pays a sick benefit of $0 per
week in case of sickness or disability. This
Order has actually paid to Widows and Or
phans since 1873, the sum of $4,440,000. Eor
full particulars call on or address JNO. R.
KITTREDGE, Reporter, or any member of the
HOUSE FOR SALE.. —The valuable house
and lot on Second street known as the "HI
RAM TAYLOR PROPERTY" will be sold to the
highest bidder on Saturday, November sth al 2
o'clock, p. in., in front of the First National
Bank. The lot has a frontage of 77 1-2 feet
on Second street and extends back to Third
St., about 800 feet diyided by an alley running
from Maple st., to Lombard. Good barn on the
alley. TERMS— Ten per cent, at time of
sale. Fifteen per cent, on delivery of deed.
Balance in three equal annual payments, with
interest on the whole at each payment. For
further particulars enquire at the Bank.
Oct. 12,1881. N. N. BEITS, Cashier.
Car loads of new goods now being received at the
Five Cent Store.
I have bought and used the New Era Washer five
days in the week for the past five weeks and am
satisfied it will do all that is claimed lor it. It is
the Lady's Friend. The more I use it the better I j
like it. Mrs. E. ONAN.
LAWRENCE ITALLORAN, the old reliable and skil ]
ful SHOE MAKER is again "on deck," and wishes !
to inform his customers and the public that here- J
after, in "rain or shine," be will be found at his ;
post ready to do all work n his line in the best |
manner and on short notice. Shop in rear of the j
REVIEW office.
THE NEW ERA WASHER!—Give it N trial.
It does the washing clean, in one fourth the
262-4\v. L. S. BLASDEI.L, Agent.
FLOWER POTS—Job lot, Pots worth 12c for
9c, or $1 adoz. Pots, worth 15 cents for 12 cents.
Pots worth 18 cents for 13 cts. Pots worth 25 cts.
for 15 cts. Also Common and Fancy Flower and j
CallaPots, at C. P. WELLES* Crockery Store.
On and after Monday next, Oct. 24, our store will j
close at 7:30 p. m., excepting Saturday evening
when it will be open until 9 o'clock.
Oct. 20. A. I). DYE & CO-
Any one having CARPETS to weave will find it
to their advantage to call on Mrs. Fox, in Carroll's
block. All kinds of Carpet woven in the Best man -
ner and on short notice.
THE VERY LATEST— StyIes in men's, chil
dren's and boys' suits, overcoats and fur
nishing goods can be found at Jacob's Cloth
ing House as lie has just opened an immense
stock of Fall and Winter goods.
One Horse,
One Cow,
O, A. BLACK, Agt., Towanda. j
Cups and Saucers with Portraits ofMr. and Mrs |
GARFIELD at C. P. Welles' Crockery Store.
a number of dwelling bouses for rent or for sale j
on easy terms. Also, eligible and desirable build- I
ing Lots which will be sold on long credit to per- i
Bons desiring to build.
Oct. 17. 1881. L. ELSBItEE.
WANTED —Furnished room and board for small
family, for the winter. Inquire at this office.
The mareh of imorovement has brought us to the
time when old fogy machinery has to take a back
j seat. This is verified by the success of the " New
Davis" Sewing Machine, with its "Vertical Feed.',
Whereever it has been introduced hosts of admi
riug friends sound Its praise. 6dy5.39
One Cook stove.
One Heating stove, suitable for oal or wood,
O. A. BLACK, Weston st.
WINDOW POLES—Cornices and Rings, atC.P.
WELLES' Crockery store.
Seller's Liver Pills," have been the standard rem
edy for malaria, Liver complaints, costivencss, etc.
for fifly years-
Tumors, erysipelas, mercurial diseases, scrofula,
and general debility cured by Dr. Lindsey's Blood
Having rooms in my father's house on Main st
(where Andrew Noble used to live) I would res
pectfully inform the ladies of Towanda and vicin
ity, that I am prepared to do all kinds of work in
the Dress-making line to the entire satisfaction of
all who may favor me with their patronage. CUT
TING AND FITTING a specialty.
Sept. 20, 1881. ALICE SIIAW.
CHARLES AKKNS has taken the Barber Shop late
ly occupied by PATTINANTO, in Patton Block, and
solicits a share of public patronage. He is an ex
perienced barber and understands all branches of
the business.
LOST, on Wednesday October 19th, in Towanda
borough a brown heaver overcoat, with velvet col
lar. Pair of dog skin and cloth gloves in pocket
Pindar will be liberally rewarded on leaving at this
Dr. W. E. Caswell, of Westlield, Mass., has been
in town for a few days and will remain the balance
of the week. He is selling his celebrated Surinam
Quassia Cups, which are highly recommended by
physicians and the press in this and adjoining coun
ties both in Pennsylvania and New York. The
Doctor has been in the business over six years and
manufactures his Cups from the Surinam (South
America) Quassi Root. He guarantees satisfaction
or will redeem the goods if returned before he
leaves town. Dr. Caswell can he found at the Hen
ry House where he has his cups for sale at the small
sum of 25 cents each.
The Sugar Creek Mills are now turning out the
best of fiour, meal nnd feed. Our " new process"
buckwheat flour is hard to heat. All orders left at
mill or sent through post office will receive prompt
attention. W. N. FOSTER.
Oct. 27, 1831.
C. L. S. C.—The attention of the mem
bers of the Circle is called to an article on
Art in the first No. of the Century Scribner's
Magazine, Tenus of Melos.
CAAS. 11. WRIGHT, Pres't.
HOPE for tie DEAF.
I>r. Peck's Artificial Ear Drums
the Mitvral Drum. Always in position, but invisible others. All conversation and even whisDer*
heard distinctly. We refer to those using them. Send for descriptive circular with testimonials
Oct. 18, 1881 Address 11. P. K. PECK & CO., 853 BROADWAY, N- Y.
"What everybody wants is the best organ for
the least amount of money: Therefore every
body wants the Burdett; and when you've
said that, you've told the whole story."
So say the brightest and busiest, organ
dealers "throughout the land, who are furn
ishing this matchless instrument to a musica
public, which is rapidly learning to distinguish
its marvellously pure and beautiful voice
from that which is not music. For sale bv
J. A. Mnnvilie, No. 3 bridge St., Towanda.
"My Wayward Purdner," for $2 at Whitcom
Book Store.
We are mill selling Pure Milk at FIVE CENTS
Per Quart. If. ELBBUKE.
Silyer Plated Napkin Itings for TEN Cents at C.
P. Welles' Crockery and 99c Store.
NESTOR, of the Senate, has the " run "on
cigars now. lie is having manufactured
expressly for his own trade the "Senate"
brand, of cigar, which is very popular with
lovers of the " weed." Good judges pro
nounce it equal in flavor to the best Hava
Two dwelling houses in the First Ward
for rent. O. 1). KINNEY.
Rooms suitable for small family, to let, in centre
of town. Enouire at this ofllce.
Under this head we will insert Fit EE, notices cj
situations or help wanted.
Good Bench men, and machine men wanted to
work In furniture factory. Also two wood turners-
FROSTS SONS, Towanda, Pa.
A good girl wanted to do general work In small
family. Apply at this ofllce.
It.ll'tMt Hf .UI, >
The celebrated Stallion has returned to his sta -
hies in this place where lie may he found. TERMS
—Same as heretofore.
Oct. 21, ISBI. ' p>. c. DEWITT.
j —The copartnership
I 'heretofore existing under the firm name of G.
A. DA\ ION & CO. is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. All accounts will he settled bv G
towanda, L'a., Oct. 8, 'BE B. KUYKKNDALL.
The undersigned will continue the milling and
firm 1,1088 118 fonneriy conducted by the late
t hanking you for past favors, I would respect
fully ask your continued patronege.
Coal Yard
The State Line and Sul
tivan Rail Jioad CJom^pciny
Will openc their New Coal Yard at
the old Overton basin, for the Sale of
all kinds of Coal on
Up town office will be at the Coal Yard.
Down town office, at the Central Ex
press office.
Prices will be as follows :
Grate, $3 50 per ton.
Igg, 3 SO "
Large Stove, 3SO "
Stove, 37.1 "
JYut, 3 7.1
Small JVut, 3 "
Vs-sr, $4 24
Stove, 4 as
.Vft, 4 25
Fifty Cents per ton additional for cart
October 6, 1881.