Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, November 02, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME 111, NO. 71.
Mr 9. EYRE, of Danville is visiting at GEO.
Mrs. E. O. GOODRICH has returned from
HARRY CHAAPEL has been spending sever
al days in town.
Mrs. JOHN BARDEN, of Ithaca, was visit
ing friends here last week.
Miss MINNIE WHITNEY of Tyrone wai
visiting at Mrs. GEO. KIRBY'S yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. EI.WELL go to Blooms
hurg this morning to attend the wedding of
Mr. E.'s sister, which takes place to-morrow.
We see by a Kentucky paper that Dr. W.
PATTON GRIFFITHS, late of this place, has
been appointed vaccine physician by the May
or of Louisville.
Miss LUCY PITCHER, daughter of Postmas
ter PITCHER of Owego, is the guest of her
cousin Mrs. M. E. CHUBBUCK. She will vis
it Philadelphia before returning home.
Our former townsman, J. O. WARD, of the
Tioga hotel, Waverly, has been confined to
his room for several weeks by illness, but we
are pleased to state that he is convalescnt.
JAMES IIEES, for several years with FKLCH
& Co., has taken a clerkship with EVANS A
HILDRETH. JAMES is one of the best of
clerks and he is a valuablo acquisition to the
popular and enterprising house he is now en
gaged with.
The youngest subscriber to the REVIEW is
Master HENRY NEWELL, aged 6 years, of
Wyalusiug. He visits the Post Office regu"
larly on the arrival of the mails making the
trip on his bicycle. Young as he is IIENRY
is quite an expert wheelman.
Mr. noRATio N. TILESTON, accompanied
by his mother, arrived in town last evening.
They are stopping at J. J. GRIFFITHS'. Mr.
TILESTON, after a residence of fourteen years
in Japan, returns for a short visit to his
friends and to view the scenes of his boyhood.
Ho spent many years of his early life in Tow
anda and many old friends here will be glad
to meetjhun.
Mr. R. R. WILKON, business agent of the
Sunday Tidings , Elraira's new Sunday pa
paper, paid us a pleasant visit Monday even
ing. Mr. WILSON IS a young man of talent,
and with considerable newspaper experience.
We hope the new venture will be successful,
and congratulate them upon securing the ser
vices of so thorough a newspaper man.—
Waverly Review.
We cordially endorse the above merited
compliment to our young friend WILSON.
One year's leave of absence has been gran
ted ro Rev. E. T. FIELD of Centralia, Rev.
THOMAS MCGOVERN of Danville, Rev. JO
SEPH KOCH of Shamoken, Itev. BOWL
of Gettysburg, all of the Diocess of Harris
burg. The Reverend gentlemen sailed from
New York on Saturday last, for Europe, in
the steamer City of Rome. The four cler
gymen will travel together and will visit Je
rusalem, Bethlehem, and other historic
points in the Holy Land.
Rev. THOMAS MCGOVERN is a native of
this county and a brother of JOHN MCGOV
ERN of Overton.
Argument court next week,
Pamona Grange meets at Spring Hill to
Judge LINN'S equity court has taken a re
cess until the 10th inst.
The Musical Society will meet at the house
of Miss JULIA PHINNEY, To-morrow at
eleven o'clock, a. m. Scale b flat.
A substantial stone crossing has been put
down from the Ward House to Mercur Block.
The improvement is a good one and will be
The M. E. Church Sociable will be held
this evening at the house of G. S. SMITH,
on River St., near the Freight depot. Do not
forget the place. A pleasant time is
FREDDIE, a little son of JOHN EPI.EY, fore
man of the wood-work department of the
Eureka Mower Co., was buried yesterday af
ternoon, having died of diphtheria. He was
in his sixth year.
The annual hunt at Sugar Run resulted in
the victory of Capt. FRAZIER'S party. Af
ter the count was made the hunters with
their wives and sweethearts enjoyed a social
dance and oyster supper at the Odd Fellow's
THOMAS WHITNEY, a brakeman on the S.
L. AS. R. R., was thrown from the top of a
box car near New Albany on Monday by
striking against a bridge. He was consider
ably bruised but is able to be about, no bones
being broken.
C. L. S. C.—The next meeting of the Chau
tuqua Literary and Scientific Circle will be
at the house of Mrs. MARIAII WATKINS on
Friday evening, Nov. 4, at 7 o'clock, sharp.
A full attendance of members is desired.
Those wishing to learn something of ths ob
jects of the Circle, are cordially inyited to be
The Scientific Society connected with the
Susquehanna Collegiate Institute, will cele
brate its second anniversary at the Institute
building, Friday evening. The programme
will consist of essays and music. Probably
Hon. E. L. HILLIS will be present to give
some select readings. After the entertain
ment,'refreshments will be served. Proceeds
will be for increasing the library. All are
SUDDEN DEATH. —While on his way home
fjom this place Monday evening, JOHN
LYNCH, living with his father, MICHAEL
LYNCH, near the *• Overshot," died. The
young man was driving the team while his
father and sister occupied a seat behind him.
Just after passing the water trough near
HENRY JONES' he fell from his seat to the
ground and immediately expired, without ut
tering a word.
A MONROE ACCIDENT.— Mrs. Tracy, wid
ow of the late Judge Tracy, in attempting to
descend a flight of stairs at her residence
made a misstep, and cauie down all of the
stairs at once, landing at the bottom in a state
of unconsciousness from which she did not
recover until she was picked up by her son
llenry, and conveyed to quarters more con
genial to her age and afflicted condition. She
will find it the the most comfortable place in
doors, and in bed for a few days. The many
friends of this aged and valued lady will see
to it that company, calls and comforts arc
not wanting to this veteran friend of the
sick. N. D. p.
The disease known as "pink-eye" has made
its appearance among the horses in New York
and is also reported as prevalent in some
towns and viilages on the line of the Erie
west of this village. The complaint appears
to be the effect of a kind of acute inflammation
of all the mucus membranes, and the inflam
mation is said by veterinary surgeons to be
caused by the sudden changes in the weather
from heat to cold. "Pink eye," it is said, is
not an epidemic. It is apt to break out sud
denly in a large, over-crowded stable, and it
will often confine itself to that one stable.
About seven-tenths of all the horses in the
B table catch the disease, and about one in
twelve of the horses affected die. The
symptoms are loss of appetite, rise of tem
perature, rheum of the nose and eyes, swell
ing of the legs, and inflammation of the in
ternal lining of the eye-lids. A cure takes
ten or twelve days. Stimulents are the chief
feature of the treatment.— Ex.
A good girl wanted to do general work in small
family. Apply at this office.
Wanted—A young man acquainted with
the business, at FIVE CENT STORE.
The publicdebt was decreased #13,321,-
458 87 last month.
The Episcopalians will erect a cathe
dral in Albany.
The trial of Guitteau will begin two
weeks from yesterday.
The U. S. war ship Alliance has return
ed from a four in the Arc
tic region. No trace of the Jeanette was
Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLIVAN'S on
Bridge street, for the best five cent cigar.
C. 11. CRAWFORD is canvassing this place
and vicinity for BALTCH'S life of GARFIELD,
As we believe the life of the lamented Presi
dent worthy the imitation of every man and
boy in the country, we hope the work will
have a large sale. The price is only #2.
Tinted Lineograpli. The family of eight artistical
ly and lovingly grouped; Mollie nits by her father;
the youngest boys are beside tbeir Grandma. A
touchingly beautiful memento. Retail prices—
large size, 5o cents. Men, Women and Youths
wanted to sell it. Large commissions. Remit SI,OO
for two pictures, roller case and terms. We pay
postage. Sales immense. .'>oo,ooo will be quickly
sold. Don't delay.
R . H. CURRAN & CO., Publishers,
22 School St., Boston, Mass.
Miss Garrett desires to fiil a few vacancies in her
school for children. Also instruction in drawing.
LOST—Strayed or stolen from my premises in
Towanda township, on the night of October 30th, a
DARK RED COW, with black face; 8 or 9 years
old; coming in soon; had a rope tied around her
horns. A liberal reward will be paid for her return
or for information that will lead to her discovery.
Wanted Immediately a first-class Salesman in a
Dry Goods house in Towanda, address with full
name and reference, MERCHANT, I'. O Box fiß6.
All communications confidential.
Wanted, a good girl to learn the millinery trade.
Apply ut Mrs. Kilbourn'sstore.
WANTED—Dress-Making and Plain Sewing, by a
thoroughly competent Dress Maker. TERMS, 50
Cents per day. Enquire at J. M. bill's, Cherry st.
FOUND between the house of J. G. Benslev
in Wysox, and Towanda. a Pocket Book con
taining money. The owner can have it by
calling at J. G. Bensley's ami proving proper
ty and paying for this'notice.
■ keeps several
and is ready to attend all calls in his line promptly,
lie runs to ALL TRAINS. Charges for night and
early morning trains (Nos. 12, 8 and 3,) no reduction
for these trains, 545 cents per passenger. Regu
lar customers supplied with tickets at reduced rates.
Charges for attending parties, one couple $1.60; two
cduples in one load, SI.OO per couple; for attending
funerals from $2.00 to $3.00. Hack by the hour sl,
Horses and carriages to let.
Orders left at his ofllce below council rooms will
receive careful attention. H. W. MILLER.
Nov. 27, 1880.
TION. —WHEREAS, in and by an Act of the
General Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, entitled an "Act relating to the
elections of this Commonwealth," passed the 2nd
day of July, A.D. 1839. it is made the duly of the
Sheriff of every county to give notice of such elec
tion, and to make known in such notice what officers
are to be elected, and to designate the places at
which the elections are to be held. Therefore, I,
PETER J. I)KAN, High Sheriff of the County of
Bradford, do hereby make known and proclaim to
the qualified electors ot Bradford County, that-a
general election will be held on TUESDAY, the
EIGHTH day of NOVEMBER, A. D. 1881, (be
ing the Tuesday next following the first Monday of
said month), in the several election districts of said
County, as follows:
Armenia.—At the house of John S. Becker.
Alba Borough.—At the house of Ira. Smith.
Albany Twp.—At the Bahr School House.
Albany Boro.—At the Odd Fellows Hall.
Asylum.—At the School House near Edwin W.
Athens Boro. First Ward.—At the Central House
in said Ward.
Athens Boro. Second Ward.—At the Engine
House, on the South side of Bridge Street., in said
Ward. *
Athens Twp. Ist District.—At the Exchange
Hotel in Athens Borough.
Athens Twp.—2d District —At the house of Town
send Knowles.
Athens Twp. 3d District—At the Sayre House.
Buriington Boro.—At the house of W. 11. D.
Burlington Twp,—At the house of W. H. D.
Green in Burlington Borough.
Burlington West—At the M. E. Church.
Barclay.—At the school house.
Canton Boro.—At the Central Hotel.
Canton Twp.—At lhe Central Hotel in Canton
Columbia.—At the house lately occupied by
James Morgan.
Franklin.—At the Town Hall. *
Granville.—At the house of B. F. Taylor.
llerrick.—At the school house at Herrickville.
LeKaysville.—At the house of F. E. Case.
Litchfield.—At the house of 8. B. Cartner.
Leßoy. At the Centre School House.
Monroe Boro.—At the Summers House.
Monroe Twp.—At the house lately occupied by
J. L. Rockwell, deceased.
Orwell.—At the Town Hall.
Overton.—At the School House, No. 2.
Pike.—At the Brusliville School House.
Rome Twp.—At the Academy in Rome Borough.
Rome Boro. —At the Academy.
Ridgbury.—At the house occupied by Vinceat
Sheshequin.—At the Valley House.
Springtield.—At the house occupied by Joseph
Smithfield.—At the house occupied by O.C.Mills.
South Creek.— At the house occupied by George
Standing Stone.—At the house lately occupied by
Henry Cunningham.
South Waverly.—At the Bradford House.
Terry.—At the house of K. J. Shepard.
Towanda Boro. Ist Ward.—At the International
Towanda Boro. 2nd Ward.—At the Grand Jury
Towanda Boro. 2d Ward.—At the Grocery of G.
S. Smith.
Towanda Twp.—At the school house near 11. L
Towanda North.— \t the house of S. A. Mills.
Troy Boro. —At the house lately occupied by V.
M. Long, deceased*
Troy Twp.—At the house lately occupied by T.
M. Long, deceased, in Troy Borough.
Tuscarora.—At the School House near James
Ulster.—At the Van Dyke House.
Warren.—At the house of R. Cooper.
Windham.—At Miles Bidlcman's Store in Wind
ham Centre.
Wyalusing.—At the house of J. H. Black.
Wilmot.—At the house of A. J. Stone.
Wysox.—At the house owned by W. 11. Conklin,
in M yersburg.
Welles.—At the building occupied by the Odd
Fellows as a hall.
At which time and place the qualified electors will
vote by ballot for tne lollowing named officers,
namely :
One person for Treasurer of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania.
One persoe for High Sheriff for the County of
One person for Prothonotary, Clerk of the Court
of (Quarterly Sessions and Oyer and Terminer for
the County of Bradford.
One person for Register of Wills, Recorder of
Deeds and Clerk of Orphan's Court for the County
of Bradford.
One person for County Treasurer for thecouutv
of Bradford.
Three persons for County Commissioners for tli*
County of Bradford.
Three persons for County Auditors for the
County of Bradford.
It is farther directed that the election polls of the
several districts shall be opened at seven o'clock ia
the morning, and shall continue open without any
interuption until seven o'clock in the evening
when the polls shall be closed.
No person shall be qualiffied to serve as an elec
tion officer who shall hold, or within two months
have held, anv office, or appartment, or employ
ment in or under the Government of the United
States, or of this State, er of any city or county, or
of any municipal board, commissioner of trust,* ia
any city, save only Justices of the Peace and Alder
men, notaries public and persons of militia service
of the State; nor shall any election officer be eligi
ble to any office to be filled at an election at which
he shall serve, save only to such subordinate muni
cipal or local offices below the grade of city or coun
ty offices, or shall be designated by general law.
At the opening of the polls at all elections, it shall
be the duty of the Judges of Election, for their re
spective districts to designate one of the inspectors
whose duty it shall be to have in custody the regis
try of voters, and to make the enteries thereof re
quired by law, and it shall be the duty of the said
inspectors to receive and number the ballots pre
sented at said election.
All elections by the citizens shall be by ballot,
and every ballot voted shall be numbered in the or
der in which it is received, and the number recorded
by the clerks on the list of voters opposite of the
name of the elector from whom received. And ev
ery voter voting two or more tickets, the several
tickets so voted shall each ho numbered with the
number corresponding with the number to the name
of the voter. Any elector may write his name upon
his ticket, or cause the same to be written tliercoo
and attested by a citizen of the district. In addit
tion to the oath now prescribed by law to be taken
and subscribed by election officers, they shall sever
ally be sworn or affirmed not to disclose how any
elector shall have voted unless required to do so in
a judicial proceeding.
One ticket shall embrace the names of all the
Judges of Court voted for. and to be labeled out
side "Judiciary." One ticket shall embrace all the
names of State officers voted for, and be labeled
"State." One ticket shall embrace the names of all
County officers voted for, including office of Senator
and Members of Congress if voted for. and be la
beled "County."
All judges living within twelve miles ofthePro
thonotary's office, or within twenty four miles* if
their residence be in a town, village or city, upon
the line of a railroad leading to the County seat
before 2 o'clock past meridian of the day after the
eleetion, and all other Judges shall, before twelve
o'clock meridian of the second day after the elec
tion, deliver the returns together with return sheet
to Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of
the County, which said return shall be filed, and
the day and hour of filing marked thereon, and shall
be preserved by the Prothonotary for public inspec
tion. *
n dor my hand at my office, in Towanda,
this 10th day of October, in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one.
PETER J. DEAN, Sheriff.