The J>sil„y lieview Towanda, Pa., Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1881. EDITOUS 8. W. ALVORD. NOBLE N. ALVORD '■•lPaity itcviete" only 23 tenia per month 'M'<•// it, "My Wayward Pardner," for $2 at Whitcomb's Book Store. Seckel Pears and Ca tawha grapes at FITCH'S eontectionery store. We are still selling Pure Milk at FIVE ChN 1 8 l'.T tjunri. "• EU-BUHK. POlt HALE a good second hand Cook Stove with Furniture. Enquire at COW EES' Bakery. Rogers Bros. 1547, Silver Knives, tripple plated, No. 12, at $3 50 per dozen at mn * El) MoUI LbESSE AI x'. PIGS FOlt SALE I have lino fo}> r old Pigs for sale. M • J- I'LLI ,A Horn Brook, Oct 8. Chrtoltai' Cfl.'hrHtcd C .unt, lh„ Win Servnd nail , . i Oct- o. looI . , „y cs and rct'iilcu. FOUND, a Goid Ear King, also a Cable Chain, or Plank Itoad street. Owners can have same by proving property and paying for this "odcc.^^ FOB -ai.E "Good Morning Range, a foot turning laihe, and a loot jig saw. also three heating stoves. N. P. HICKS. Frazor Axle Grease.—One trial will convince you that it is the best. Ask your dealer for the Fra/.er Axle Grease, and take no other. Every box has our trade mark on. 'Phe sui-v vors of the 50th Regiment F- V. will hold ire union in 11i H place Oc'obcr 12 All members of the Regiment arc invited to he present, and participate, without further noti-e. Col. E. OVKKTOiN is President of the Association. A' out the bu-iest, place in town is the Five Cent Store. The designation. Iv the way, is n niismnner. It should he called the Bazaar, as it contains almost everything; art Ties from the lowest to tlie highest price. It is a favne- J,. resort, for the ladies. One of the firm goes to New York this week to buy new goods. PUBLIC VFN I)F K.—The undersigned, Admln istrat rix of the estate of Dr. 11. C. Porter, late of To wanda, will expose to sale at public vendue or out ers , at the Porter homestead, in Towanda, on Nat urday, October 22,1, 1881, commencing at 10 o'clock a.m., the following property, to-wit: One team of horses, lumber wagons, platform wagon, buggies sleighs, harness, robes, (arming implements of va rious kinds, household furniture, Su-. \ny of the above articles can be had at private sab- prior to the public sale, by applying at I)r. 11. (1. t'orter TKUMS OF SALE—AII sums under S2O, cash All over that sum si\ months to. a ydar time, as ngreed upon, with Interest with approved security. MU-, K. PORTER, Administratrix. Towanda, Pa Oct. 4.1881. CrvsP.d Lodge. No 57. Knights of Honor of this place, have reduced their initiation fee from #IO.OO t<> $5.00. This Lodge now has a membership of over 5)0 members, composed of our b -st citizens, and pays to the Widows and Orphan's Benefit Fund at each assess ment over #IOO. It gives its members an in surance of #2.000. which has cost on an aver age, since the fptinda'PU) of the order, $ll.OO per vear and pays a sick benefit of #3 per week in ease of sickness or djsabilitv. This Order has actually- paid to Widows and Or ptums since 1873, the stun of $4.4415.000. For full particulars call on or address JNO. R. Ki rTRKPGE, Reporter, or ttny.mesuberof the order. During the iottg period of suspense about 1 resident G ABFIELD, when all were praying for liis restoration, a little 5 years old son <>t one of our village clergy men, in repeating his evening prayer, after invoking the Devine b'lessing mi tlie different members of the fain* | v, added this patriotic petition: "God bless G vKKIKLD and llAN'popk, luit don't bless Guiti'EaU." Who will say that the young ster did not have sonic realization of what lie was asking for. Many older ehristains fcit if they did not give utterance to the same convictions. With such sentiments implant ed in he heerts of even the youngest of the rising GITTKAU, should he es cape the gallows, would find his "punishment greater than he could hear." Pomona Grange, No. 23, P. of 11., composed of] Bradford and Sullivan counties, will hold its next regular Quarterly meeting at the Hall of Spring Ilill Orange, No. 178, on Thursday, November 3rd, 1881, at one o'clock, P. M. Those going by Rail Itoail will leave at Wyalusing where conveyances will be in waiting. A general attendance is reques tc J, as business of importance is to be transacted, together with the election of oflieers for the ensuing year, livening session will be open, and all are in vited to attend. J)WIGHT KELLUM, Sec'y Towanda, Oct. 3, 1881. Grand Army Gf The Republic. HEADQUARTERS It IA I)i--< it I> co.. EN - 4 CAMI'MENT (i. A. It. ATHENS, I' \., October, 3d. J Generrl Order, No. 2. 1. The Fifth Annual Encampment of the Posts of the Grand Army of the Republic o H rati ford and adjoining counties ami the re un'on of the soldi' rs and sailors will lie held in East Towanda. on the Fair Ground on the 11.h. 12th and 13th of October, IN,si. 2. All Posts, .Military Companies. Soldiers, Sailors and Marines are invited to be present ami participate in the encampment. 5. A general invitation i> also extended to citizens who have an interest in the re-union and as v-sitors. Their presence heretofore lias been a ph-asant and agreeable feature or our encampment and we again offer them a sol dier's gi ting and bid theni come. 4. Gomrades to provide themselves with three days cooked rations, blankets, towels, and as fai as possible with tents. 5. All the Posts. Companies, etc.. are re quested to report at Headquarters by I o'clock p. in., Get. llili. and will make out duplicate rolls of their commands, one-of .which they will baud to the Adjutant of the en campment on reporting, and the other to be retained as the muster roll of the com mand. (5. Soldiers, ete., not members of any Post will attend with the Post they may choose or organize in separate companies, and elect their own oflieers, provided they number twenty ou more. 7. The exercises will consist of drils, guard mounting, daess parade, shatn battles, court-martials, songs speeches and cainp sports. S. Distinguished speakers will he present and deliver addresses. 5). The sum of s'(l will be distributed as prizes to the three Posts -bowing the greatest prolieieucy In drills' aeeording Upton's revis ed tactics; $,") as first prize, $3 as second prize, and $2 a-a third prize. All Posts com pel ing for above prize- must have in t lie rank at least one half the number reported on the roll of t he command. 10. It is with prtde that we refer to the geiitlcu aolv conduct of the diif rent com mands in former one inpmcnts. Let no act of unseemly conduct mar the propriety of this, and we shall show ourselves wortliv the inline of Comrade. Commanders of Po-is and companies will he Imld ropnnsible for the conduct of the men under their change and are especially urged to prohibit iloxica tion so far as possible. 11. We extend a cordial invitation lo the public generally, the ladies, and all who feel an interest in stall a t re-union, and we hope and trust that lhis annual' gattiering mav tes ter a spirit of fraternal good will and pat rio'- ie impulses that Will ho cheri-hed in ail our active life. / i 12. I.illi" Post will he mounted and set a escort from To warn la to the campground in the forenoon of the lirst day. 13. Guard mount immediately after enter ing camp. FRANK AMMKIIMAN, Com CIIAS. IIINTON, Adj't. lUININHKS IJIT'ALS. RAGS taken in exchange for goods at the 6 cent Store. Car loads of new goods now being received at the Five Cent Store. I have bought and used the Mow Era Washer live days in the week lor the past live weeks and am satisfied it will do all that is claimed for it. It is the Lady's Friend. The more 1 use it the better 1 like it. Mrs. K. OMAN. LAWRENCE ITAI.I.ORAN, the old reliable and skil fill SIP >H M AKKit is again "on'dceU," and wishes to inform liis customers and the public thai here after, in "rain or shine," he will be found at bis post ready to do all work in bis line in t],,• lu\t manner and on short notice, (shop in rear of the REVIEW dtllce. THKNUW ERA WASH KlT !—Give it a trial. It doca the washing clenit, in one. fourth the time. ) 2(2-4\V ; L. S. BI.ASPKI.L. Agent,. "Wluit everybody wants is the best origin for the least amount of money; Then vf ore'every body wmuts the Burdett; and when vou've ■ said tliiit, you've told the whole story." do say the brightest, and busiest organ dealers throughout the laud, who are fitrit ishing this matchless instrument ton niu-iea p iblie, which is rapidly iearningtodistinguish its marvellously pure and beautiful .voice from that which is not'music. For sale by J. A. Mnnvillc. No. 3 Bridge St., Towanda. Homeopathic Lung Syrup, is the best rem edy for coughs and colds. It is mild, pleas ant and effectivc. Sold in Towanda only by C. B. PoKyKIt. The finest building lot in Towanda borough, cor nor ofPoplar and ■ ccond streets, betwcin ti e res idenee of lion. K. (). Goodrich and K. Walker, will be sold cheap. Apply to <>. I). KINNEY. Iho only market in Towanda where you can get good, f; t western beef is at Bundcll's, where the best. < tils of veal, lamb and mutton are always served. Also ham. bacon aitd salt meats of till kinds, Fresh Fish, dressed poul try, vegetables and fruit. Leave your orders at liuiidell's market. AUTUMN Are now receiving a large stock of FALL GOODS, EVEKY DEPARTMENT FILLED WITH NEW GOODS SUITABLE FOR TTHE FALL AND WINTER SEASON. The attention of our customers is called to our unusually fine display of NEW GOODS DRESS GOODS BLACK SILKS SATIN DE LYONS DRESS GOODS BLACK SILKS SATIN DE LYONS BROCADES SATINS CASHMERES . BROCADES SATINS CASHMERES "ARMURES FLANNELS . &C ARMURES FLANNELS &C LACES EMBROIDERIES TIES FICHUS LACES EMBROIDERIES TIES FICIIUS NOTIONS IIOISERY RIBBONS &C NOTIONS IIOISERY RIBBONS &C. I • White Goods, Table Lin ens, IS", &c. . CLOTHS C A SSI \IE RES SUITINGS &C CLOTHS CASSI.M ERES SUITINGS &C DRESS GINGHAMS DRESS GINGHAMS DRESS GINGIIAMS DRESS GINGHAMS - DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS DOMES ITC COTTON- GOODS DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS jf . r * • •' " ' CLOAKS & SHAWLS CLOAKS & SHAWLS CLOAKS & SHAWLS CLOAKS &\ SHAWLS Full Fall Stock Now Open. TOWANDA, Pa., Sept. 15, IBBR.