Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, October 12, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME 111, NO. S3.
ITAKKY GORE, of Oswego, N. Y., was vis.
iting in town Sunday.
Captain TF.LKORD is in town to attend tin
reunion of the survivors of the 60th Regi
ment P. V.
Capt. DAVID MASON, of the old 6th Re*
serves, of Susquehanna Depot, is attending
ing the Soldier's encampment.
Miss GRACE SAYI.KS of Troy, and Mr
HKRMON NEWTON, of Topeka. Kan., were
Visiting friends in this place last Saturday.
Our talented young townsman, LEGUAND
BREWER, left for New York yesterdav.morn
ing, whence he expects to embark for South
America or China, as Purser of a steamer.
We wish him a prosperous voyage and sub.
ptantial improvement in his health.
The pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. L. 11.
WOODWARD, on West Gray st.. was made
all the more pleasant on Sunday morning by
the appearance of a young conductor, weigh
ing nine pounds plump. Mother and son do
ing well. — Elmira Free Press.
Our old fr end GEORGE FARRAK, who is a
survivor of the gallant 60th, is in town to at
tend the reunion. Since the war he has been
engaged In the more agreeable pursuit of
44 teaching the young idea to shoot." That
he has been successful is manifest frem the
fact that he has taught one school for the
past ten -ears.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. HII.DRKTII celebrated
the close of the fifth y-ear of their happy wed
ed life last evening in a brilliant reception
Which was attended by a large number of
their friends. The occasion was a merry one
for both host and hostess and guests. The
appropriate presents evidenced the high fes
teem in which Mr. 11. and his excellent wife
are held by their acquaintances. The re
freshments served were elegant.
Troy Court cenvenes Monday October 24.
The water has been drawn out of the wa
ter worka reservoir.
The Owego Zouaves arrived in town last
night and will be at the encampment to-day.
The firm of G. A.DAYTON & Co.. of the
Eagle steam flouring mill Is dissolved. Mr.
DAYTON will continue the business.
LEAMAN EI.BBKKR. of Athens, has sold
his flue team of matched iron-gray horses to
a Wilkesßarre gentleman for f470.
Go to Mereur Hall this evening and bear
an eloquent presentation of the Irish ques
tion hy one who speaks from persoaal ob
The contract for carrying th* mails between
the Towanda post oftlce and and the Lehigh
Valley station has been awarded to GKOKGK
ENNIK of the Ward House.
Rev. O. W. PEPPER, who is to speak be
fore the Land League in Mercur Hall this
evening, is a protestant Irishman who has
recently returned from a visit to his native
Mrs. STEDOF. has removed to the room un
der FISHER'S photograph gallery, first stairs
north of DYE k Co's.. where she invites her
customers and the ladies generally to call
and examine her assortment of hair goods.
Colonel ARCHIE BAXTER, one of the most
eloquent speakers, a* he was among the brav.
est soldiers of the late war, will address the
soldiers' encampment this afternoon. Citi
zens who desire to liear a good speech should
The Elmira Advertiser has just put on a
new dress and looks as neat and tldv as it is
newsy and interesting. The Advertiser is
one of the best papers in the country, and
this new evidence of prosperity will be grat
ifying to its hosts of friends.
" The Ranker's Daughter," was greeted
vitha full house last evening. The large,
refined and critical audience were charmed
•vith ihe entire performance.
Two more doctors have registered siuce
>ur last publication:
Francis G. Morrow, M, D.. Warren Cen
ter; Jefferson Mcdieal College, March 9, '72.
Comfort Carv Worthing, Rome twp.; no
medical degree. Attended lectures at Gene
va Medical College in 1K44 and 1846.
The 4th annual re-union of the Survivors
of the 60th Regt. P. V. V.. will be held in
this place to-day. It is expected that this
will he the most interesting re-union yet
held, for the number of eomrades present
will represent Philadelphia, Berks. Chester,
Lancaster, Luzerne, Schuylkill. Susquehan
na and Mrndford counties. The banquet will
be held at the Ward House rt 9 o'clock this
CAMP FIRE NOTES.—A large number of
the " boys" came iu early yesterday. Up to
1 n' evening ten Posts bad reported
Comrade c. G. ROCKWELL of Ulster, has
been appointed Sergeant Major during the
There are three good drum corps in camp.
Col. BAXTER, the soldiers' favorite, will
speak this afternoon.
The order of exercises for to-dav is as fol
lows: 9 a. ni.—Guard Mounting. 10 to 11
a. m.—Company Drill. 12 iu.—Dinner. 1:30
p. m.—Chaplain's services. 2:30 p. ni.—
Spegking. 4p. in.—Dress Parade.
The last Elmira Trlryrum gives a picture
of Chief of Police BURNS, of this place with
the following biographical sketch:
In a pleasant valley at the foot of Elk
mountain, in Susquehanna county, Pennsyl
vania. the subject >f this sketch first, saw the
light, September 16. 1839. His mother came
of good old Puritan stock, and was.a woman
of strong and noble eharae er. His father
was of Scotch-Irian descent. With the mus
cles of an athlete he hail the courage of the
pioneer. Until twenty-one years of age.
Burns lived and worked on a farm. To his
active out-door life he owes iu a measure, the
splendid phy-'que and iron constitution that
i ave so we I 11 ed him to p rform tie
trving duties of h : * af'cr years. In D •
ceuiher. 1872. Mr. Bums, who was living on
u farm in Smithfield, was solicited by the
Burgess to come to Towanda and perform
police duties for four months. At the expi
ration of that time he was offered the position
of Chief of Police, which he accepted. For
nearlv nine years he has proved himself a
faithful and efficient officer. There were dif
ficulties attending a discharge of the duties
of the office, at that time, that have wholly
disappeared. Fires and robberies have grealv
diminished in frequency. It is a significant
fact that three tlmea aa many arrests were
made in 1872 as in 1880. Towanda is now as
orderly a town as any of its size in the State.
Officer Burns' courage, perseverance ami
success in following and bringing criminals
to justice, have become almost proverbial.
He has been instrumental in hunting up and
returning about fifty stolen horses, and near
ly aIWHNs succeeded in bringing the thieves
to trial. In 1872. Officer Burns arrested the
notorious "butter thief," named Roeers.aL'as
Caswell, who had committed a series of dar
ing deprsdations in Southern New York and
Northern Pennsylvania Rogers went liter
ally "armed to the teeth" Rnd grew so bold as
to defv arrest. One horse snd buggy stolen
bv Ruggers, was traced to Bradford county.
Pa., and fouud in possession of "Josh," the
Oipsev King. The latter who passed through
Tow unda oacasionallv, has since cherished a
wholesome respect for Officer Burns'a ilitv
to detect the receiver of stolen property.
The "butter thief" was confined to the Au
burn penitentiary for twelve years. On the
4tli of July, 1877, while quelling a riot in the
streets of Towanda, thief Burns was assaul
ted by : drunken and infuriated mob. In
self-defence, and in protecting the lives and
property of law-abiding citizens, he futally
shot one of his assailants ami slightly woun.
ded another. The rogues who had hereto
fore "run the town" on circus davs. were
taught a valuable lesson No such disgrace
ful riot lias been attempted since that time.
In April, 1876, Offie r Burns was commis
sioned by Governor llartranft, as Railroad
Police, on the Northern division of the Le
high Valley railway, lie has been verv suc
cessful in guarding the interests of the
company and is deserving the confidence or
railway officials. In Novomlcr. 1878, Chief
Burns was appointed Deputy United States
Marshal for the Northern District of Penn
syvania. Ilis skill in detecting counterfeiters
and "pulling" illicit distilleries has demon
strated his superior sagacity as a detective
and his fearless daring as aa officer.
The News Condensed.
There was a light vote polled in Ohio
yesterday. The meagre returns indicate
the re election of Foster, republican, by
ten to fifteen thousand majority.
The vote in lowa was also light, but
the republican ticket is elected.
The Erie city ice company's supply ol
ice was so laige that they have sufficient
ice left of this year's supply for their cus
tomers next season.
Work is still progressing at the Indian
town Gap silver miue, in Lebanon coun
ty. A recent assay of the ore showed a
yield of S2B to the ton.
Over a thousand bricklayers struck in
New York Monday.
A warrant has been issued tor the ar
rest of Joaquin Miller, the poet, r and A-
Wheeler, editor of a New York paper.
The first regular meeting of the Towanda
Musical Society will be held Thursday Octo
ber 20, at the house of Mr*. DUDLKY TURN
ER. _
FLOWER POTS— Job lot, Pots worth 12c for
9c, or $1 aduz. Pot*, worth 15 cents for 12 cents.
I'ots worth IS cents for 13 ct*. Pots worth 2f> cts.
for 15 cts. Also Common and Fancy Flower ami
I Cull* Pots, at C. P. WELLES' Crockery Store.
WINDOW POLKS-Cornices and UlDgs, atC. P.
WELLES' Crockery store.
stead of being stamped out—for sale at C. P.
WKLLBK' Crockery store.
A New Line of Decorated Chamber Sets just
received. American Porcelain and Ivory body
verv cheap at C. P. WELLES' Crockery store.
LOST.—A copy of l'urdon's Digest, Vol.
11, to 1872, (inclusive). Also a supplement
to the same to 1874, (inclusive). These books
have the names of PATRICK & FOYLE in
them, and may be returned to their office, or
to the office of the REVIEW.
OYSTERS !—Having made arrangements to
handle the celebrated Amboy oysters—besl
in the market—we are prepared to supply
them io our customers by the quart or gallon
on the most reasonable terms. Oysters serv
ed In every style. A. M. TITUS.
Old news paper* wanted at 2 eta. per pound.
N. P. Htcas.
LOST.—Between the Rpiaeopal Church and
North Towanda, a pair of pebb'e spectacle*, silver
bowa. A euitable reward will be paid for their re
turn to Mr. Wickhnm. In the Post office.
Any industrious, praetical farmer, with a
small capital, can hear of an opportunity to
buy a farm on terms which will enable him
to pay for ot out of the profits. For particu
ars enquire at this office.
THE VERT LATEST—StvIes iu men's, chil
drcn's and boys' suits, overcoats and fur
nishing goods can be found at Jacob's Cloth
ing House as he has just opened an immense
stock of Fajl and Winter goods.
Rev. G. W. PEr PER, of Ohio, will lecture
in Mercur Hall next Wednesday evening un
der the auspices of the Land League. The
Reverend gentleman is a native of Ireland and
will discuss the Irish question from personal
Ed Mouillesseaux keeps constantly adding
to his already fine stoek. This time he has
just received a full line of Rogers Brothers
Celebrated Flat Ware, such as Spoons, Forks,
Knives, etc. These goods need no recom
mendation, being the Best Made. Call and
see him and get prices. Oct. 4.
ducements are offered you by the BURLING
TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their
advertisement to be found clsewbore in this
Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLIVAN'S on
Bridge street, for the best five cent cigar.
Horse, Phaeton, Harness and whip for sale at a
bargain, by Wn. Chambkumh.
Two dwelling houses in the First War 4
for rent. O. D. Kinney.
Under this head xee teill insert EH EE, notices */
eituations or help icanted.
Two good farm hands wanted, to work by the
month. \\\ J. Dklpxcch, Horn Brook, Pa.
Three men wanted to sell sewtug machined Good
wages paid. Hinger Mfg. Co. Towuuda, l'a.
Wanted— A good girl to do general ho use work.
Apply to Uhh. M. Cakmon.
A change of weather means a ehnnge of CLOTIIKS f
Anybody m need of Overcoats, Business and Dre*
Suits, Boots, Ladies and Children's Shoes, will find
ING HOUSK, just oponed in Means' Block, MaLn
street, Towmnda, l'a.
Oct. 11. 18*1.
Term 1881.
11. M. Lake vs. John Kelley, .issue.
W. S. Newman vs. ri. J. Hlckuk "
A. M. Cunnings Adm., vs. mi i Knapp, Appeal
J. A. LindeiTnan vs. Northern Cen. K. It. Co. "
Michael Klynn ys. Win. Daughan, Asspt
i\ m r y Bros vs. David Linuley. et al Isbuc
N. Smilii, use, vs. ('has. 11. Wright, Debt
Hannah Ward vs. John ltoy, Blander
Henry Patterson vs. Jas Hetherington etui Trespass
Betsey G. Bullock vs. Carpenter Hoagland.. Issue
Henry Path r;,n vs. J mes ongwell Tresp.
Kubrlght & Dow man vs Mln. Hp'gs Imp Co Sci Ha
Wells 't'ownship. vs. ilenn Uoberts et ul .. Kjeet.
Mary Ann Smitli, use, vs. J G. itockwe I Covenant
Kason Pepper vs. H.J. Iliekok Hject
Geo. E. Bullock, et al vs. Margaret Dunn Issue
Daniel D. Watkins, vs. Mary A . lngalis Kjeet
Pomeroy Bros, vs It. M. Munly Appeal
Lester Klpley vs. John Morgan Trespass
l'omeroy Bros. vs. ltansom Bixby Kjeet
11. 11. Hickok vs. James F. Fox, etal. 44
Simon Htanton vs. Henry i'atteison, "
Asa Mattoek's heirs vs. Daniel Brown, "
Win. Irvin, vs. J. C. C'raver Appeal
B. L. Knight, vs. Chus. Benson, "
Hubpcenaes returnable on Monday Oct. 24, 1811,
at 2 o'clock, p. m. GEO. W. BLACKMAN
Towanda, Pa. Hpt. 23, 1881. I'rothy.
Coal Yard
The State Line and Sul
livan Rail Road Company
Will opene their New Coal Yard at
the old Overton basin, for the Sale of
all kinds of Coal oil
Up town office will be at the Coal Yard.
Down town office, at the Central Ex
press office.
KP- Prices will be as follows :
Grate , $3 30 per fon.
Egg, 3 SO •
Large Stove , 3 .10 "
Stove , 3 71% "
JVut, 3 7.1
Small JVut, 9 2.1 <k
*?•% §4 5M
stove, 4 aa
JVut, 4 aa
Fifty Cents per ton additional for cart
I October 6, 1881.