Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, October 08, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME 111, NO. 50.
Mr. K. \V. EI.WKLL and children are home
after an absence of several weens.
Mrs. JAMES MERRILL, of Athens, is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. W. G. ALGER.
JESSEK MILLER of Philadelphia is register
ed at the Ward House this morning.
Doctor TAYLOR goes to Mansfield to preach
and organize a Universalis church today.
Mail Agent F. M. BUCK, of Tunkhannock.
was in town last evening and paid his re
spects to this office.
CLAYTON A. SMITH of the Waverlv Free
Tress WHS in town on Thursday to take in
the Firemen's Parade, and made the REVIEW
a call.
The REVIEW office was Yesterday honored
with a pleasant call from Mr. WATT, and his
bonnie young wife, of Glasgow, Scotland.
Mr. W. is an intelligent young gentleman of
leisure, who has spent several years traveling
in Euaope and now visits America for the
purpose of becoming familiiar with our peo
ple and institutions, with a view, perhaps, of
making a home on this side the water. The
very agreeable and entertaining couple were
accompanied by their cousin. Miss MARY
MOSCRIP, ami were on their way to Han-lav
to visit with Mr. and Mrs. FRED WATTLES.
We hope they may call again.
The Soldiers' Encampment begins Tees
Dr. W. F. TERRY, of Terrytown, died of
consumption Thursday and will he buried
8. B. TIDD wil! serve free clam chowder
this evenirg and invites his friends to call aud
D. C. DK WITT'S liorse, "David Hume,"
took first pre mi uni for best stallon at the
Lackawauna county fair.
The funeral of the late OLIVER MOORE
will take place at the residence of his sou, H.
P. MOORE, at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
The meeting of the Benevolent Society ad
vertised for to-morrow has been postponed
till Monday at the same place and hour.
People who take in the New York excur
sion next week will be afforded an opportu
nity of attending the Yorktowu celebration
at a small additional expense, as tickets are
good for ten days.
Monday evening next. October 10, Wat kins
Post G. A. R., will hold their anniversary
meeting. All comrades of the Grand Army,
also members of the Press, are invited to be
present. After the usual addresses, army
fare will be partaken of.
Mrs. CR VNMKK, widow of the late Elder
E. 11. ORANMKR, died at her residence in
Moiiroeton yesterday morning, aged 07 years.
The deceased was prostrated by paralysis
some tune since, and remained in a feeble
condition to the time of her demise. Funeral
at late residence, at 1.30 p. ML, Sunday.
In the hose race Thursday, the amount of
hose laid was 3<>o feet instead of 100 as sta
ted yesterday. We are pleased to learn that
the Franklins, considering the contest soneaf
lv even, generously divided the prize money
equally with the Naiads, though under the
arrangement the former were entitled to two.
thirds of it.
The hour of evening service at the church
es now is 7 o'clock, instead of 7:30, as print
ed in our directory.
There will be preaching in the Baptist
church to-morrow morning but no service in
the evening.
Rev. Mr. NKTHERTON of O-well is to oc
cupy the M. E. pulpit to-morrow evening.—
No service in the morning.'
As the pastor will he out of town, the only
service in the Universalis church will be the
Sunday school at noon.
The " Hunker's Daughter," Tuesday even
The ladies of the Benevolent Society are
requested to meet at the house of Mrs. Dr. 11.
C. Port kk on Monday the 10th of October,
at 3p. m. A full attendance is desired.
At the annual church meeting of the Con
gregational society on Monday last, the Pas
tor, Rev. Jas. Richmond received a unani
mous call to remain as pastor of the church
another year.— Leliaysvilte Advertiser.
Messrs. DAYTON FC ROCK** ELL, our enter
prising Photographers, procured an excellent
life-like photograph of the late President
GARFIELD, from Cleveland, and, have made
some copies of it. The picture is a great
improvement, on the miserable apologies in
the newspapers. They have a few copies for
sale. Our thanks are tendered for one of
them. We prize it very highly.
Our Postmaster. Stephen Gorham, of this
place, was sixty years old on Tuesday, Sept.
27th. He has four children and four grand
children, is a good musician, andean hit the
bull's eye frequently at two hundred yards,
lias also been Justice of the Peace for many
vears, builds the best wagons in this section
and on the above birthday turned two hand
springs, a custom which he has performed on
each succeeding birthday sinee he was a boy.
We trust Mr. Gorham may be able to follow
up his long continued practice each year to
come for the next sixty years.— Le fiayswille
W. J. DELI'UKCH, Esq., of Horn Brook,
had the mi-Tortuna to lose one of his valuable
gray horses the other day in the following
singular manner. The animal was standing
in the stable, and Miss DKI.PUKCH thinking
a little nut-door exercise would do him good,
led him to a yard near the house, and turned
him loose. While running about in a pla\-
ful manner, the borse suddenly fell to the
ground and never got up again. It was as
certnined that he was Injured internally, and
to put him out of misery he was shot. The
team were well matched, and one of the best
pair in the county. Mr. I). would not have
taken SSOO for them.
Mrs. MINGOS invites the ladies of Towan
d.i and vicinity to call and examine her large
and extensive assortment of fall millinery
goods. Her opening will continue to-day.—
Mrs. MINGOS combines excellent judgment
in the selection of goods with artistic taste in
arranging and diaplayfng them. A visit to
her store affords a genuine aesthetic feast to
lovers of the beautiful and we don't wonder
that so many ladies find themselves attracted
thither. It's an evidence of refinement in
ta*te and prudence in purchasing to see them
there, which is flattering to fond husbands,
and will be encouraged by all who care for
neatness in attire and economy in purchases,
on the part of their wives.
Rev. G. W. PET PER, of Ohio, will lecture
in Mercur Hall|next Wednesday evening un
der the auspices of the Land League. The
Reverend gentleman is a native of Ireland and
will discuss the Irish question from personal
Any industrious, practical farmer, with a
small capital, can hear of an opportunity to
buy a farm on terms which will enable him
to pay for ot out of the profits. For particu
ars enquire at this office.
THE VERY LATEST— StvIes in men's, chil
dren's and boys' suits, overcoats and fur
nishing goods can be found at Jacob's Cloth
ing House as he has just opened an immense
stoek of Fall and Winter goods.
Ed Mouillcsseaux keeps eonstantly adding
to his already fine stock. This time he has
just received a full line of Rogers Brothers
Celebrated Flat Ware, such as Spoons, Forks,
Knives, etc. These goods need no recom
mendation, being the Best Made. Call and
sec him and get prices. Oct. 4.
The News Condensed.
The Senate meets on Monday.
Milk sells at ten cents a quart in Hazle
More charges of swindling have been
brought against ex-Governor Moses,
Representative Law of Philadelphia,
wos drowned while rowing on the Schuyl
kill Wednesday.
Ex-Gov. Moses of South Carolina has
been arrested for swindling a New York
man out of $25.
John Kelly threatens to run for Con
gress, for the seat made vacant by the
death of Fernando Wood.
The Liverpool Kxcliahge buildings were
burned yesterday.
Wolf has got himself organized and is
making on effort to elect Noble.
There was a marked decline in grain
and provision markets in New York yes
terday. It is attributed to the tightness
of money.
Senators Brown, Vance and Voorhces
left Atlanta Thursday night for Wash
ington. All express the opinion that
Bayard will be elected President pro tern.
It is said Arthur will make no changes
in the Cabinet until Congress meets.
I'IGH FOR SALE —I have some fine four weeks
old l'ign for sale. W. J. DELPKUCII.
Ilorn Brook, Get. 8.
LOST, n Meershaum Citrar Holder. Finder will be
suitably rewarded on leaving it with Charles Cowles
at. American House.
Pomona Grunge, No. 23, P. of 11., composed of
Bradford and Sullivan counties, will hold its next
regular Quarterly meeting at the Ilall of Spring
Hill Grange, No. 178, on Thursday, November 3rd,
ISSI, at one o'clock, P. M. Those going by Rail
Road will leave at Wyalusing where conveyances
will be In waiting. A general attendance is reques-,
ted, as business of importance is to be transacted,
together with the election of officers for the ensuing
year. Evening session will be open, and all are in
vited to attend.
Towanda, Oct. 3, 1881.
NEW I'OKK EXCURSION. —The fourth grand ex
cursion to New York, or Philadelphia, under the
auspices of the Tunkhannock Presbyterian church,
over the Lehigh Valley It. 11, will start from Sayre.
I'a., Tuesday. Oct. 11th, after the arrival of the reg.
ular morning train, No. 3, which leaves Elmira at
3:45 a. m., and will closely follow that train to New
York. The tickets will bo good to return by any
regular train from the 11th to the 21st of October,
inclusive, Tills will be n rare chance for business
men, farmers and their families, and tourists to vis
it New York and Philadelphia, at the best season of
the year. Rates of fare to New York and return;
From Sayre and Athens, $6; Ulster, $5,65;
Towanda and Wysauking, $5.20; Standing Stone,
$5.20; Rummerfield, $4.80. Frenchtown, $4.50; |
Wyalusing. $4.25; Excursion tickets from Beth-1
iehera to Philadelphia and return, $2.50.
For full particulars see posters and small bills.
Correspondence solicited.
Tickets for sale in Troy by C. F. Sayles; Canton
by W. W. Whitman. Towanda by H. P. Whit
comb and at all ticket offices on L. V. R.Il.
Rev. S. L. CONDE, Manager.
F. 11. PIATT, Assistant Manager,
Tunkhannock, Pa.
NOTICE—I want it distinctly understood that I
hive Removed from Bridge Street Furniture Store
to rooms over Turner & Gordon's Drug Store and
Woodford & Vandorn's hoot and shoe store where I
keep on hand all kinds of COFFINS ANI) CAS
KETS, from the best to the cheapest. Any one in
need of anything in my line give me a call.
P. B. I have no connection with any of Mr.
Frost's establishments.
Feb. 5. J- 8. ALLYN, Agt.
The finest building lot in Towanda borough, cor
ner of Popjar and Second streets, between the res
idence af Hon. K. O. Goodrich and K. Walker, will
be sold cheap. Apply to U. D. KINNEY.
MOORE.—In this borough, Thursday evening Oc
tober 6, Oliver Moore, aged one hundred years.
| Relatives and friends are invited to attend tlic fu
n ral from the residence of his son, 11. P. Moore, at
I 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Two dwelling houses in the First Ward
for rent. O. D. KINNEY.
Fob I{knt. — A flrnt-ela*a rehidenee on Cheatnat
street. Inquire at this office. seo. 19.
Under this head tre will insert FREE, notices f
situations or help tcanted.
Two good farm hands wanted, to work bv the
month. W. J. Dklpkuch, Horn Brook, Pa.
A good girl wanted immediately. Call at this
Three men wanted to sell sewtng machines Good
wages pakl. Winger Mfg. Co. Towauda, Pa.
WANTED —A good girl to do general housework,
Apply to Mas. M. CAHMON.
lUESDA Y Eve. Oct. 11.
Banker's Daughter!
under the auspices of A. M. PALMER,
Manager of the Union Square Theatre,
New York.
Bronson Howard's Celebrated Drama of
73ct rika r >'& JJcvi icjTi te? \
This delightful plav will he produced
on the above date with all the
The original Music by their own
Free Balcony Concert at 7 o'clock.
35 and 50 cents. Reserved seats, 75 cts.,
at Kirby's.
Coal Yard
The State Line and Sul
livan Rail Road Company
Will opene their New Coal Yard at
the old Overton basin, for the Sale of
all kinds of Coal on
lip town office will be at the Coal Yard.
Down town office, at the Central Ex.
press office.
Prices will be as follows :
Urate, $3 50 per ton.
Lgg, 3 .10
Large Stove, 3 *lO "
Stove, 3 7,] "
JYut, 3 75 "
Small *\ % ut, 3 3,1 "
Lgg, $4 95
Stove, 4 95
JVut, 4 95
Fifty Cents per ton additional for cart
/- O.
October 6, 1881.