Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, October 03, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME 111, NO. 45.
Rev. Mr. CHAMBERS, of lowa, officiated at
Christ Church yesterday.
Rev. I>. W. SMITII , pastor of the Canton
31. E. Church has been quite ill.
Rev. THOMAS MITCHELL has resigned the
pastonite of the Canton Baptist church.
Maj. W. M. PIATT is the member of the
democratic state central committee for litis
Judge MERCUR was among the prominent
arrivals at the Continental hotel, Philadel
phia, Friday.
Editor HINTOX of Athens, who is also Ad
jutant of the county G. A. It., made us a call
Saturday evening.
lion. JAMES FOSTER has returned to lowa,
where he is engaged in real estate trans, c
t ions quite extensively.
C. I>. CASH, who has been employed in a
machine shop at Streator, 111., for some time
past, arrived home on Saturday, looking halo
and hearty.
Rev. J. S. BEERS writes to a friend here
that he is already settled in his new home at
Xatick, Mass., likes it well and has discover
ed that some of his nearest neighbors are-old
Mrs. C. M. SHAW, son HARRY and daugh
ter NELLIE, of Ottawa. 111., are visiting rela
tives in this county, and are guests of E. C.
SHAW'S family, Main street, durimg their so
journ in Towanda.
Onr thanks are due Mr. G. C. JACKSON,
Secretary Sullivan county Agricultural Soci
ety, for complimentary tickets of admission
to the annual exhibition to be held in Un
shorn this week Wednesday, Thursday and
Firemen's parade ou Thursday.
The initial exhibition of the Union Agri
cultural Society will open at Canton on YVed
ROBINSON & Sons, whose furniture estab
lishment, was destroyed by tire in jbfimira on
Thursday evening, had an iusuruuee of sftoS,-
The last great excursion of the seasqn for
New York or Philadelphia will come oil'next
week Tuesday. Get ready to go. Particu
lars to-morrow.
EUGENE CORYELL, on of the late Dr.
CORYELL, formerly a well known physician
<f Burlington, this county, committed sui
cipe in Chicago last week. Since his father's
death, which occurred in Ithaca not long
since, the young man had lived a fast life,
squandering several thousand dollars.
be a meeting of Indies in Mercuf 1 Hall at four
o'clock t his afternoon to devise plans for rais
ing funds to aid the sufferers by the late dis
astrous forest tires in Michigan, by which
several hundred lives were lost and thousands
pf families rendered homeless and destitute—
with 110 means of providing themselves with
necessary food and* raiment. Let there be a
large meeting.
A reporter at the Steuben county, N. Y.
fair, mentions a Towanda manufacture in
these complimentary terms:
Oue of the greatest considerations for far
mers is the saving of horse flesh, and how to
do it is an important problem. In mowing
they find oue of those important factors star
ing them in their faces. The question of how
to avoid it is solved by the New Direct Draft
Eureka Mower, represented at the fair by
that affable general ygeut, Mr. 1,. Van Horn,
of East Troy, Pa. Another advantage is toe
rapidity and evenness in cutting, and of course
the greatest rapidity in curing. No tedder is
required for hay cut by the Eureka. That it
will find favor with a large number of far
mers is assured.
Still Waiting.
Sept. 19, 1881
Alas! when waiting brings us no relief !
When Hope, slow, mergeth into dull despair,
AY hen patient skill, Love's vigilance, fast prayer;
Prove vain, and we, dumb, impotent for grief,
Must yield to Death, the life of martyred chief.
Awhile it seemed like tempting Fate, to dare
Its solemn augruy in " arid air"
'l'o note! Vet should we disavow belief?
Fate's fiats, man nor nation may forestall!
Fate's instruments, shall we not also leave
To Hiin who calleth vengeance His? For they
Who wait " God's leisure" have no call
To speed revenge. Our call is now to grieve,
And wait Ilis time who saith, " I will repay."
Sept. 'JO, 1881. ANNIE 11. MBRCCI
The receipts at the fair aggregated sJOGo
Pretty good.
Special meeting of Linta Ilose Co. at 7:.10
to-morrow evening. Every member is re
quested to be present.
Some papers are not of much account as to
appearance, but I never took one th it did not
pay me, in some way. more than I paid for it.
Oue time an old friend started a little paper
away down in Southwestern Georgia and
sent it to me, and 1 subscribed just to encour
age him, and after a while it published a no
tice that an administrator had an order to sell
several lots at a public outcry, and one of the
lots was in my county. So I enquired about
the lot, and wrote to my friend to attend the
sale and run it up to fifty dollars. He did so,
and bid me off the lot for thirty dollars; and
1 sold it, ina month, to a man it joined for a
hundred, and so I made sixty-eight dollars
clear by taking that paper. My father told
me that when he was a young man he saw a
a notice in a paper that a school teacher was
wanted away off in a distant count", and he
went there and got the situation, and a little
girl was sent to him, and after a while she
grew lip mighty sweet and pretty, and lie fell
in love with her and married her—now. if he
hadn't taken that paper, what do you reckon
would have become of me? Wouldn't I have
been some other fellow, or may be not at
Any industrious, practical farmer, with a
small capital, can hear of an opportunity to
buy a farm 011 terms which will enable Mini
to pay for ot. out of the profits. For particul
ars enquire at this office.
The News Condensed.
The reduction of the public debt dm iug
September amounted to $17,482,(111 fid.
A detailed official autopsy lias been
published, signed by all the surgeons par
Senator Jones denies that liis recent
visit to Conkling had any political signif
icance. It was merely a friendly call. •
The receipts of the New York post of
fice for the past quarter show an increase
of $97,000 over the same quarter last
The police authorities of New York are
said to have discovered a plot by a mad
man to assassinate Conkling to avenge
Garfield's death.
Col. Bliss states that the proceedings
in the Star Route cases will be begun im
mediately against ex-Senator Dorsey, and
that 110 one, high or low, will be shielded.
J. N. McCullough, Esq., Vice-President
of the Pennsylvania railroad company, is
reported as saying that lie sees 110 pros
pect of an early end to the war between
the eastern roads. He thinks it will last
till navigation closes, and that unless
Vanderbilt becomes more tractable by
that time that it is likely to last through
the winter.
On account of the President's funeral the
Gcrmania Band concert announced for last
Monday evening was postponed. It will
; come oft this Monday evening in the park,
and the following programme will be execu
ted :
March—X. Y. 7th Regiment Markstein
Selection —The Waltz. Basquet
Polka—Young America. Levy
Andante and Waltz—Solo for baritone
March—Weben Kben. Bnstert
Nearer My God to Thee.
Rev. G. W. PKFPER, of Ohio, will lecture
: in Mercur Hall next Wednesday evening un
! der the auspices of the? Land League. The
Reverend gentleman is a native of Ireland and
will discuss the Irish question from personal
THE Or.o ILE LIABLE American Tailor continues
I the business on the same floor of the Review oflice.
All persons having had clothes made by other par
; hes not to their expectations, will And this a reliable
i place ro get a fashionable and well fitting garment.
: Men out of proportion, largo men, and all others,
who are difficult to fit, T make a specialty. Satis.
| faction guaranteed. Samples of goods to order.
' Cutting done on short notice. <l. H. CAREY.
Sept. 23, 1881.
TOWANDA, I'A., Sept 27th, 1881.
T the people: —l have closed out my Grocery
i Busiucss and have taken a position in the Dry
j Goods House of FEI.CH & CO., where 1 shall be
| pleased to have my Friends Call on Me and will
| take this opportunity of thanking the people of
j Towanda and vicinity for the very liberal patron
i age they have extended to me during the past
! Twelve years that 1 liaye been in Towanda, and will
j he glad to see them and liavo a share of their pat
j ronage in My New Place. Very Respectfully,
to the death of the President of the United
I States, the annual parade of the Towanda
j Fire Department is hereby postponed front
the 22d mst., until Thursday, October 6th.
Sept. 20, 1881. Chief Engineer.
GREAT SUCCESS! —The Great Boston Cio
i thing House, just opened in Means'block,
Main street, Towanda Pa., is meeting with
j great success. They are selling more goods
!in one day, in tho lino of Clothing and Boots
and Ladies and Chiklrens Shoes, than some
: body in three days.
Remember! we are hero permanently es
! tablished, and we give satisfaction to every
| one. We sell good goods for less money than
you can buy in other places Shoddy Goods.
! Remember, we keep no shoddy goods, and we
I warrant every article as represented. We
exchange goods if not satisfactory, or money
will be refunded.
We have the facilities for underselling any
other dealer in the county in the line of
Clothing and Hoots and Shoes. It is only for
the People to try us before purchasing else
where. Remember the Boston Clothing
House, just opened in Means' Block, Main
street, Towanda.
CONVENTION. —The Seventeenth Annual
Convention of the Pennsylvania State Sun
day-School Association will be held in the
Presbyterian Church in the city of Johns
town, commencing Tuesday, October Ist
18S1, at 2.30 P.M., and continuing Wednes
day and Thursday, October 19th and 20th.
Each county association is entitled to send six
delegates from their respective counties. The
cities of Philadelphia and Piltsburg are accor
ded six delegates each, and cities of 20,000
inhabitants three delegates each in addition
to the county representation. All delegates
will bo entertained. Application for enter*
tainment must be made to Mr. John Fulton,
chairman of the local committee. Upon their
arrival at Johnstown, delegates will report to
Mr. D. L. Jones in the Presbyterian church,
where homes will be provided for them. Spe
cial railroad rates are being prepared from all
parts of the State. Orders for the same may
be procured by addressing the chairman of
Railroad Committee, Mr. James M. Gamble,
Williamsport, Pa. These orders may be had
M. L. SciixKEiiEkg , Proprietor.
by all parties who desire to attend the con
vention, but. entertainment will be provided
only for duly accredited delegates. Special
rates at the hotels are made for all persons
attending the convention. Sunday-school su
perintendeiits, teachers, workers, and all otlr
crs interested in the cause, are invited to at
tend. An instructive and attractive program*
me of special helpfulness to Sunday-school
workers is being prepared, and eminent spea
kers from all parts of the State will partici
pate. It is earnestly recommended that Sun
day, October 10th, be observed as a day of
, prayer for the divine blessing upon the ap
| proachitig convention, and upon the Sunday
j school work throughout the State.
By Order of the Executive Committee.
It. WARNER IIARK, Acting Cli'n.
THE VERY LATEST— StvIes in men's, chil
drcn's and boys' suits, overcoats and fur
; nishing goods can be found at Jacob's Cloth
j ing House as he has just opened an immense
stock of Fall and Winter goods.
ducements are offered you by the BURLING
TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their
advertisement to be found else whore in this
paper. _
Having rooms in my father's house on Main
j street (where Andrew Nobles used to live) 1
would respectfully inform the Ladies of Towanda
and vicinity, that Tain prepared to do all kinds of
work in tlic Dress-making line to the entire satis
faction of all who may favor me with their patron
age. CUTTING AND FITTING a specialty.
Wo are still selling Pure Milk at FIVE CENTS
Per Quart. H. KLBBUEE. '
.... „ ■' ~ ' "" '
" My Wayward Pardtier," for at Whit
comb's Book Store. 2IG.
SAFE FOR SALE —Fire-proof, Combination
Lock. Inquire of W.J.YOUNG.
NOTICE. —We wish to inform the people of
Towanda and vicinity that Mrs Harriet Collins
's now prepared to do till kinds of Hair Work
at short notice. She also keeps constantly on
i hand a large supply of Ready Made {lair
j Work, such as Switches. Curls. Braids, and
! Puffs. Residence on Lombard street.
J • HOUSE FOR SALE.—I offer foi sale a First,
i Class House on York Avenue near Locust
j street, containing of rooms with closets, ohinu
j closet in dining room, pantry in kitchen, good
j cellar, well, barn and out buildings. The q
| hove said house, I will sell on reasonable
; terms for cash. Or will exchange for a good
I farm. 11. P. MOORE
July 8. 3 in. Towanda, Pa.
The eiily market in Towanda where vop
; can got good, fat western beef is at Rundell's,
j where the best < uts of veal, lamb and muttoh
i are always serve*'. Also ham. bacon and salt
i meats of all kinds, Fresh Eisli, dressed poul
i try, vegetables and fruit. Leave your orders
■ at Rundell's market.
J NOTICE. —I want it. distinctly understood
j that I have Removed from Bridge Street Fur
nture Store to rooms over Turner <fc Cor
don's drug store and Woodford & Yandorn's
j boot and shoe store where I will keep on
, hand all kinds of COFFINS AND CASKETS
; from the best to the cheapest. Any one in
1 need of any thing in my iine give me a call.
P. S. I have no connection with any of Mr.
Frost's establishments,
j Feb. 5. J. S. ALLYN, Agt.
The finest building lot in Towanda borough
| corner of Poplar and Second streets, between
| the residence of Hon. E. O. Goodrich and
;E. Walker, will be sold cheap. Apply to <.
] D Kinney
i Under thin head we ici/l insert FREE, notices oj
situations or help wanted.
Two good farm hands wanted, to work by the
month. \V. .J. DEWKUCH, Horn Brook, Pa.
! A good girl Wanted immediately. Call at this
I hree men wanted to sell sewtng machines Good
wages paid. Singer Mfg. Co. Towanda, l*a.
! WANTED —A good girl to do general housework,
Apply to Mas. M. CAUMON.
Koit REST.—A dwelling house on Poplar street •
possession given immediately. W. 11. Coverdale.
Two dwelling houses in the First Ward
Fon RENT.—A first-class residence on Chestnut
street. Inquire at this oflice. jp.