Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, September 22, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME 111, NO. 37.
Rev. W. G. WARE has been invited to oc
cupy the chancel of the Episcopal Church for
the next two Sundays, and it is expected he
will accept.
Lawyer KINNEY is taking in the Troy fair.
Mrs. LAPORTE and Mrs. POWERS, of Sayre,
were in town yesterday afternoon.
Rev. W. A. BARBER, of Livonia, N. Y., is
visiting his aged mother and other relatives
in this place,
Mrs. Doctor D. S. PRATT has gone to Min
neapolis to pay a visit to the family of her
son Doctor D. S. PRATT, of that city.
Miss LIZZIE HEY WARD, one of our young
ladies who is already quite proficient in mu
sic, has gone to Syracuse University to com
plete her musical studies.
LEWIS LEE, an old and much respected col
ored citizen of this place, has just received
intelligence of the death of a married daugh
ter, residing at Washington, D. C.
HENRY POWELL, Secretary of Franklin
Engine Co., is the happy father of a bounc
ing boy—just what he hud long been wishing
for. The youngster first put in an appear
ance yesterday morning, and weighed eleven
A. C. STEWART, a former active member
of the Towanda Fire Department, now of
Biughamton, arrived in towu last evening.—
He was at one time Chief Engineer of the de
partment and came down to witness the an
nual parade, not having heard of the post
CHARLES T. M'KINNEY, whose house was
burned a few months since, has already got
his new residence nearly completed, and has
moved into it. CHARLIE believes in "push*
ing things." The new house is a marked im
provement on the old one, and we hope Mr.
M'K and family may long enjoy it.
Christ Church has been draped in mourning
for the dead President.
be shut off to-day from 8 a. 111. to dp. m.
The case of OVERTON'S ex'r. vs. CONMEY,
tried yesterday,|resulted in a verdict for the
Mr. N. P. HICKS has arranged for heating
his factory by steam and offers several heat
ing stoves for sale cheap.
Mrs. WILLIAM MYEII, died at her home
in Elinira on Tuesday evening, of a fever
contracted in nursing her sister, Miss EMMA
DEVENPORT, who died in this place a few
weeks since
Mrs. MiNGOS is now in the city selecting
goods for the fall trade, and will be ready in
a few days to offer the ladies of Towanda
and vicinity an attractive assortment in the
line of millinery and fancy goods.
Although FROST'S SONS are driven with
work and are far behind with orders, they
are preparing to do their part toward ma
king the fair, next week, a success, and will
as usual, have a good display of furniture of
their own manufacture.
Next Sunday morning, Rev. WM. TAYLOR
pastor of the church of the Messiah, will
take for his theme: "Some lessons from the
life and death of President GAEFIELD'? No
evening service until October. Prayer and
conference Thnrsday evening,at 7 1-2 o'clock.
Mr. L. C. NELSON, of Chestnut street, has
shown us two new varieties of grapes
picked from vines propagated by himself.
As he has uo names for thein we venture to
suggest "The Helen" and "The Albion ."as
suitable and appropriate designations for tbfc
new candidates for public favor.
Last week at the Pennsylvania State Fair
-and Pittsburg Exposition, the following Sew
;ng machines were on exhibition, viz: Whee-
ler and Wilson, Home, Singer. New Home,
W bite, Domestic, Wilson, Household and
Davis. The Judges awarded the Silver Med
al to the Davis, for the best double thread
sewing machine; lirst prize for the best plain
sewing; first prize for the best fancy sewing :
first prize for the best silk embroidery.
•We are pained to learn of the sudden death
of JOHN B. SMITH, at his home in North
Towadda, after an illness of only a few hours,
of heart disease, last evening.
The following doctors have registered this
week, increasing the number to 68:
ical degree. More than ten years continuous
ROBERT MURDOCK, M. D. Burlington bo
rough. llannanianna Medical College, l'hila.
rick; Albany Medical College, Jan. 7,1^5.
At the opening of Court Monday morning,
Col. E. OVERTON, Jr.. announced the death
of President GARFIELD, whereupon his Hon.
Judge MORROW made the following order:
In the matter of the death of President (iur
field :
Ami now, September 20, 1881, the death of James
A. Garfield, President of the United States, having
been announced in open court, Hon. Edward Over,
ton, Jr., Col. K. Smith, and L. M. Hall, are hereby
appointed a committee to prepare resolutions ex
pressive of the grief of the Court nud Bar, at this
great public calamity; And it is further ordered
that as a mark of respect and love for the memory
of our deceased President the Court do now ad
journ. It is turther ordered that this minute be
placed upon the records of the Court.
Appropriate remarks were made by Col.
Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLIVAN'S on
Bridge street, for the best five cent cigar.
JOHN DECKER is now canyasing this place
for an article which ought to find a ready
sale in every household, as it will commend
itself on examination. It is an Ironing Board
so constructed that while it is durable it is
readily folded up and put out of the way
when not in use. We ask for Mr. DECKER
a cordial reception; we believe the introduc
tion of the artido he is offering will prove n
great benefit to all who have ironing to do.
—- - — ,
The fifth annual encampment of the Grand
Army of the Republic of Bradford county
and vicinity, and soldiers and sailors, will be
held on the fair grounds, in East Towanda.
on the 11th, 12th and 13th days of October,
1881. It is earnestly requested that the dif
ferent Posts, and the soldiers and sailors, will
lend their aid in making this encampment a
grand success. General orders will be issued
ina few days. Giving full details.
CII AS. HINTON, Adjutant.
The News Condensed.
Mrs. Garfield does not desire to enter
the White House again. and during her
stay in the capitol will remain at Mr.
MacVeagh's house.
This is the fourth time in forty years
that the President of the United States
has died during his term of office—twice
stricken by disease and twice by the hand
of an assassin.
Vast multitudes gathered at all stations
along the route yesterday to look at the
traiu bearing the remains of the lamented
President. The cortege reached Wash
ington at 1 :3.J.
At the time of President Garfield's!
death he was in his fifty-first year. Gen
eral Arthur, who succeeds him, as Prpsi-1
dent, is also in his fifty-first year—a cu-1
rious coincidence.
James G. Blaine's third son, James G.,
jr., has just entered Exeter. His first,
Walter, is an Assistant Secretary of
State; his second, Emmons, is learning
railroading in Chicago with Manager
Hewitt, of the North Western.
It is stated that Garfield left no will,
and during his sickness he said he did
not wish to make one. He was willing
to trust to the courts to make an equita
ble division of his property. The value
I of his property is about .$25,000 including
his house in Washington which is mort
! gaged.
"This day will be sadly memorial so
! long as this natiou shall endure, which
| God grant may be till the last syllable of
I recorded time, when the volume of hu
man history shall be sealed up and deliv
ered to the Omnipotent Judge."— James
A. Garfield on the first anniversary of the
d?ath of President Lincoln.
Governor Pillsbury, of Minnesota is in
a curious predicament. lie wishes to re
tire from public life, and his supporters
won't allow him to. He published a card
saying he is not a candidate for renomi
nation, and means what he says, but the
Republican newspapers coolly inform the
public that he is not the person to decide
the question, that the State needs his
services, and that the thing to do is to
pay no attention to his wishes, but re
nominate hiui aud reelect him. It looks
as if the Governor would have to submit.
He is suffering the penalty of being a
good and faithful office.
to the death of the President of the United
States, the annual parade of the Towanda
Fire Department is hereby postponed from
the 22d mst., until Thursday, October oth.
Sept. 20.1881. Chief Engineer.
Miss EMMA WARING respectfully informs
the ladies tha- she has taken rooms at Mr.
WM. KKYSER'S house, on Pine street near
Graded school, where she will be pleas
ed to see all in need of her services. Cutting,
fitting and dress making done on reasonable
terms, and all work warranted to suit.
Two good farm hands wanted, to work by the
month. W. J. DKLPEUCH, Horn It rook, Fa.
, IIORTON—BIDLACK— At the Hornbrook M. E.
parsonage, September 18, 1881, by Rev. 8. F.
Wright, Mr. J. K. Horton and Miss Susie M. Bid
lack, both of Ghent.
lIINMAN- M'CORD, —At the home of the bride,
in Highland, hy the Rev. John S.Stewart, I). J).,
of Towanda, Dudley M. Hinman, of Monroeton,
and Miss Rebecca C. McCord, daughter of S. B.
' J.. -—■ I ■ I I
• 4 My Wayward Pardner," for $2 at Whit
comb's Book Store. 246.
SAFE FOR SALE— Fire-proof, Combination
Lock. Inquire of W.J.YOUNG.
If yen call at BLUM'S boot and shoe store
: vou will find that you can get more and bet
tor goods for the liioncv than at at any shoe
! house in Towanda.
NOTICE.— We wish to inform the people of
Towanda and vicinity that Mrs Harriet Collins
's now prepared to do all kinds of Ilair Work
at short notice. She also keeps constantly on
hand a large supply of Ready Made Hair
Work, such as Switches. Curls. Braids, and
Puffs. Residence on Lombard street.
NOTICE.—I want it distinctly understood
that I have Removed from Bridge Street Fur
i nture Store to rooms over Turner & Gor
don's drug store and Woodford & Vaadorn's
| boot and shoe store where I will keep on
hand all Kinds of COFFINS AND CASKETS
| from the best to the cheapest. Any one in
need of any thing in my line give me a call.
P. S. I have no connection with any of Mr.
Frost's establishments.
Feb. 5. J. S. ALLYN, Agt.
The finest building lot in Towanda borough
corner of Poplar and Second streets, between
the residence of Hon. E. O. Goodrich and
E. Walker, will he sold cheap. Apply to O.
D Kinnov
The only market in Towanda where you
can got good, fat western beef is at Rundell's,
, | where the best < uts of veal, lamb and muttoi.
are always served. Also ham. bacon and sa!;
j meats of all kinds, Fresh Fish, dressed poul
' | try, vegetables and fruit. Leave your order*
; at Kundell's market.
! HOUSE FOR SALE.—I offer foi sale a Firs;
Class House on York Avenue near Locust
' street, containing of rooms with closets, chin*.
. closet in dining room, pantry in kitchen, goor
cellar, well, barn and out buildings. The a
bove said house, I will sell on reasonable
j terms for cash. Or will exchange for a goo<
farm. 11. P. MOORK
I JulvS. 3m. Towanda, Pa.
1 ! .
FOK RKXT. —A dwelling house on Poplar street
possession given immediately. W. 11. Coverdale.
Two dwelling houses in the First Wur<
: for rent. O. D. KINNEY.
SION.—J. F. Calkins has been traveling i:
the interest of Dr. O. L. Stevens, ol the city o.
; Cleveland, Ohio, and in the past three years has v s
ited all the cities and principle towns of our State
His business has brought him in acquaintance with
many of the most eminent and talented Physiciam
in the State, and in his intercourse with -them has
gathered a number of valuable prescriptions Iron
which he has compounded an article he calls Calk
kins' Embrocating Emulsion, used as a lotion
Many of the citizens of Towanda and siirrouiidiin:
towns by its use are recommending it as a valuable
i treatment for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, local aud
chronic pains, hack, head or tooth ache, crick in
1 neck or back, sprains, bruises, sore throat, quinsy,
burns; &c. Price 25 cents per bottle Druggists
supplied on liberal terms.
I A gentleman in town says, it is the best thing lot
burns I ever had in my house.
A lady in Wilksbarre was cured of quinsy in its
first stages by it when her physician said it coulii
not be stoppecd.
A young man in Monroe had a severe attack ol
Pleurisy the Embrocating Emulsion stopped it at
. once. A lady in East Troy says it cured her of In
' flammatory Rheumatism with which she was affile
I ted for more than a year, having kept her bed for
l weeks at a time.
A lady in Monroe Township sprained her ankle
l so severely that she was obliged to keep her foot on
a pillow, by the use of the Embrocating Emulsioi
in three days she was doing her house work, and
was at once cured. An old citizen of Ithaca was
afflicted with a pain in liis side. He could find
nothing to relieve him. He was induced to use the
Embrocating Emulsion and writes: F. J. Calkins,
' dear sir: Two applications of the Embrocating
Emulsion stopped the pain. I was afflicted with
| Itching piles. It also stopped them. It is very
valuable. Signed, I*. Case.
One gentleman who was suffering with a severe
hack ache caused by lying in bed for a long time
' with sickness wasjeffeetually relieved by three ap
■ plications of the Embrocating Emulsion.
A lady in our Town who had used the article
said Mr. Calkins ought to make a fortune out ot
the Embrocating Emulsion.
A number ot Physicians are using it.
The names f all the above cases can he given
and many more eases added. Try it.
—The undersigned, desirous of changing his
• business, offers for sale the property now occupied
by him as a wine and liquor store and bottling es
tahlishment. on South Main street, Towanda, to
gether with the entire stock, horses, wagons, liar
' nesses, bottling machinery, store furniture, and al
' other goods and articles iu said store and estab
This is the most complete and best arranged es
tahlishment in Northern Pennsylvania, and offer*
i unusual and superior inducements to any person
desirous of entering into business.
The above property will he sold upon libera
Towanda, Sept. 19, 18S1.
• Plain and Ornamental Painter,
All work in ids line promptly executed on shot
notice. From long experience both in city and
, country, lie prides himself on being able to sui' tin
most fastidious.
Corner Main and Pius Streets,
Mr. GRADY has just received an
endless variety of CLOTHS and SUIT
i INGS for
and can give you "FITS" ut Bottom
i Prices.
? Sept. G. FRANK P. GR \DY