DAILY TO WAND A REVIEW. VOLUME 111, NO. 24. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Personal. Mrs. Capt. Manvillc and son have returned from Penn Yan. Mrs. M. A. Colvin and son of Susquehanna are visiting at It. H. Patch's. Mrs. M. C. MERGER took advantage of the " Very Best Excursion * to visit New York. Mr. and Mrs. BERNKTT HARDING, of North Towauda, are vtsiting friends in New ark, N. Y. Maj. Gage, of New York, and M. E. IJcise, of Philadelphio, were callers at this oißcc yes terday. I). V. ST EDGE spent Sunday with his fami ly in town. lie returned to Elmira yester day morning. I. ROGALSKI has been in town this week. His many friends liere and elsewhere, are al ways glad to see him. John Phelan started last evening for an ex tended trip west, lie will visit bis parents in Kansas and then go on to the Pacific coast. I)r. WM. 11. MERCER returned to Philadel phia yesterday morning, to resume bis stnd dies at, the University of Pennsylvania. WILL is a thorough student and embraces every opportunity for increasing his knowl edge of the secrets of the profession which he lias chosen. Excursion to Maueli ('hunk next mouth.' Many local items are crowded out by the proceedings of the republican convention. This hot weather one must have something to drink. Try a glass of that delicious birch beer at KIRUY'S* . - Religious services were held yesterday morning in the Presbyterian and Episcopal Churchescomformahly with the proclamation of the Governor. Court was adjourned at 10 o'clock." The Republican Convention^ The Republican convention a>seinbole\l in Mercur Hall yesterday afternoon and was called to order at 1 o'clock by E. J. ANGLE, Esq., Chairman of the County Committee, who read a list of delegate®, when the fol lowing answered to their names : Alba—Eugene Lawrence, Mai lory Churchill. Albany Foro—Morris Kellogs?, .Janiea (j. Saxe. Albany Twp—Wm Kenyon, Wm Llewitt. Armenia—A El (Idle, Richmon L,Kwoet. Aylum—F J Kerrick, JJyroh Frlsby. Athens ltoro—lst Ward, MahUn Nevinn, Engcnc Davis. 2nd Ward. Geo Gavin, Merevir Frost. Athens Twp—lst I>ist, Frank Morb y Geo I) Mll- Ir. 2nd Gist, Asel Knapp, —— FulJ. brd Gist, •! N Weaver W G Ileckman. Barclay—K F Lyon, John Davis. Burlington Twp—Clarence Fierce, W 1' Lane. Burlington Roro—Lnmnh Putnam, Win R Frown. Burlington West—Colton Diekii>soti, dohn Gar row. Canton Twp— ilufus Hrowil, .1 N Feardkleo. Cauton Roto—Theodore Pierce, ('lias K Bullock. ; Franklin—G I. Hmiley, O M Fonney. Granville—Hiram Kittle, C R Kenyon. Merrick—Ja* Newell, Geo Titus. Leltaysvillc—L L llos worth, Asa Nichols. Leroy—Amos Van Fleet,'R II Palmer. I.itehrteld—John Struble. Bcnj Park. Monroe Twp—ll W Northrop, Harvey Camming* Monroe ltoro—O F Mingo*, E F Young. ' 'rwell—A A Hamilton, J O Alger. Gverton— Fred Beverly, Grange Chase. I'ikt-—Horace Chaft'ee, T.aeey Stevens. Ridgeberry—Eugene Thowpson, Walter Dewey • Rome Twp—Hugh McCabc, 1, Sl.tussall. Rome Foro—John Whittaker, Albert Wilmouth Sheshoqnin—Wilmot Chatlee, Frank Vought. rtmithfh-Kl—J Warren Chamberlin, F J Fur -1 in game. South Creek—John F Gillett, Cyril* Ferk. South Waveriy—D I, F Clark, W 11 Plum. Springfield—E 0 Strong, Joel Adams. Stone—Martin Itennett, Geo Sage. Syl'-'ania—S I. Gregory, Chas Waldo. Terry—N T Miller, J C Dyer. 'l'owanda Foro—lst Ward. Judson Iloleomb, S M Frown. 2nd Ward, I, M Ilallj O E Bennett. ' Brd Ward, N C Elshree, E J Angle. 'l'owanda North—Geo Granger, Addison Hicks, i l'owanda Twp— R A Fostley, ('has Gumming* I Troy Foro—F F Mitchell, F II Hobart. Troy Twp—John Strait, Joseph Fall. I useurora—Guy Lamonmx, I.ovi Wells, l ister—Janlcs Howie, JanteH Mather. W.urren—Julni Kinney, 1) A Sleeper. Welles Twp.—G. H. Knapp, Chas. Bowman. Wilmot—Hiraiu .Weeks, 1' A Quick. Windham- -Cyrus Wheat on, Geo Lawrence. ] Wvalusing—W H lCentner, R G Gooddale. Wysox—Js G Owen, Wll (Xmglin. J. IIOI.cojii; was chosen Chairman of the : Convention, and O. E. BENNETT, CHAS. E. I TOWANDA, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1881. BULLOCK and Capt. B.|B. MITCHELL, Secreta ries. On motion, the Chairman appointed the following committee on Resolutions: N. C. ELSERKH, It. It. PALMER. J. F. GII.LETT, B. B. MITCHELL and E. G. OWEN. After deliberation the Committee reported the following which were unanimously adop ted : 1. Resolved., That we denounce in un measured terms the dastardly, wicked at tack of the assassin Guiteau upon the life of President Garfield, and hoartily joiu with our fellow countrymen of all sections in extending our sympathy to himself and his family, with the hope that through the blessing of Divine Provi dence he may yet recover to resume the reins of government, and carry out the policy so auspiciously entered upon. That we rejoice with joy unspeakable, that the improvement in the condition of the President in the past fow days affords a lively hope of his ultimate and full recovery. 2. Resolved, That we congratulate the country upon the wise and successful fi nancial policy of the past and of the pres ent National Administrations, and es pecially do wo comineud the efforts of tho present administration to root out organized corruption in every depart ment of the government as evidenced in the prosecution of the conspirators in the Star-route and other frauds. -J. Resolved, That we commend the course of lion. Edward Overton, our member of the last Congress from this district, who represented faithfully and with honor and ability the interests of his constituents. 4. Resoked. That the general prosperi ty of all the material industries of our Commonwealth evinces the wisdom and soundness of our present State adminis tration. 5. Resolved, That we approve the course of our Senator ami Representatives in the last Legislature ; their independent action relative to the choice of United States Senator was demanded by an out spoken, pronounced sentiment of their constituents, and in acting with respect to that sentiment they but performed a recognized public duty. fi. Resolved, That we emphatically de clare as the sense of this Convention, that the compensation of the County Treasur er should be reduced, fifteen hundred dol lars or less per annum. In no event to ex ceed that amount,and we earnestly recom mend that our County Commissioners so fix the Treasurer's compensation. 7. Rejoiced, That in making purchases for the County Poor House, we recom mend that the Commissioners take, bills in duplicate of all purchases, and that one copy of all bills be filed with the Superin tendent of the Poor House at the time of delivery of the goods purchased, and that he keep a book of entry of same in detail. 8. Resolved, That this Convention rep resenting the sentiment of the Republi cans of Bradford County, e rnestly recom mend tho nomination of Hon. VV. T. Davies by tho Republican State Conven tion, which assembles on Thursday next, for the ofiieeof Siate Treasurer, believing that his nomination would bo eminently wise and proper in the present political ♦ xigcncies in Pennsylvania, and would insure party success. 9. Resolved, That as the representatives of tho Republican sentiment of Bradford County we deciaro that it is theduty of the Legislature to submit to a vote of the people a proposition to so amend the Constitution of the State as to prohibit tho manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors except for medicinal and mechani cal purposes. For Sheriff, Capt. W. T. Ilou roN of Terry, and E. WALKER, of Towanda borough were placed in nomination. The ballot stood: I 101 l TON,* SO WALKER, 28 The nomination of Mr HORION was made unanimous. On motion, GEO. W. BLACK MAN t was nominated by acclamation for Pro. tlionotarv. For Register and Recorder, Hon. J. 11. WEBB of Sinithfiold; M. J. WELLER, of Athens township and ALFRED BLACKWELL, of West Burlington, were presented as can- didat.es. Mr. WEBB was nominated on the first ballot by the fol lowing vote: WEBB, AS WKLLKR, 23 BLACKWELL, 27 For Treasurer, C. T. HULL, of Athens, Eiytx LILLY, of Leßoy; 11. A. Ross, of Pike; L, ELSBREE, of Towauda borough; J. F. AMMKRMAN,UIster; JOHN S. QUICK, of Wilmot, and GEO. FORBES, were named: The first ballot stood : HULL. 18 LILLY, 27 Ross, 11 ELSBREE, 32 QUICK, 10 FORBES, 10 "At his own request the name ofjMr. FORBES was withdrawn. On the sixth ballot the vote stood; LILLY, ' 57 ELSBREE, 32 HULL, 19 On motion of N. C. ELSBEE the nomi nation was made unanimous. For Commissioner from the west, the fol lowing gentlemen were named; I). BRAD FORD, Columbia; EZRA RUTTY, North To wanda; JAS. MCINTYRE, Towanda borough; A. W. DIMMCCK, Towanda township; NEL SON GlLßEßT,Franklin; The ballot stood: Bradford, 70 Ruttv, 17 Dimmock, 13 Mclntyre, 5 Gilbert, 3 on motiou, the nomination of Bradford was made unanimous. For Comissioner from the east Steph en Strickland, Wysox; Demon Aek ley, l'uscarora, James Mclntyre, Towanda borough, Myron Kingslev, Standing Stone A. W. Dimmock, Towanda township. Mr. Ivingsley was nominated on second ballot, by the following vote: Kingslev, 57 Aekley," 30 Mclntyre, 4 Strickland, 11 The nomination was made unanimous. For Auditors, W. W. Moody, of Rome, and J. T llestcd of Albany, were nominated, The convention was one of the most har monious and orderly ever held here. METEOROLOGICAL.—The thermometer at Dr. 11. C. PORTER A SON'S Drug Store, at the corner of Main and Pine streets, indicated as follows: SEPTEMBER C. • Ga. m.—73 dog. above zero. 9a. in.—SO; 12 in.— 89; 3p. m.—97 ;* Gp. m.—9l; 9p. ni.-—B2. Average temperature during the day—Bs. SEPTEMBER 7. G a. m.—7o degs. above zero. WEATHER INDICATIONS FOR TO-DAY. —Fair; westerly wind*; lower barometer; stationary or higher temperature. The President's Condition. Off for Long Branch ! Presidential train left G :30 A. *M. for Long Branch. President bore transpor tation well with only some accumulation of pulse from the excitement. President's train passed Union Depot, Baltimore at 8:04 without stopping. HE IS ENJOYING THE RIDE. 9, A. M. As the Presidential train passed Jltuvre degraee the President appeared to be real ly enjoying the trip. The train is ex pected to reach Elberou between 1 and 2 P. M. ALL RIGHT AT PHILADELPHIA. The President passed West Philadel phia at 10 :52 apparently all right. SAFE ARRIVAL AT LONG BRANCH. At 1 :20 o'clock the President arrived at Long Branch. He was somewhat fa tigued, as was expected, and very fever ish. His pulse rose to 124 and his tem perature to 101. At half past ten o'clock he was quietly sleeping and in is hoped this morning will find him much better. PRICE ONE CENT. OFFICIAL BULLETINS. 6 :30 P. M. ! . Since the last bulletin was issued the President has been moved from Washing ton to Long Branch. He was more rest less than usual last night, beiug evidently somewhat excited by the anticipations ol the journey. This morning at 5 :30 his pulse was 118; temperature, 99.8; respi ration, 18. We lelt Washington with the I President at 0.30 A. M. Owing to the ad mirable arrangements made by the Penn sylvania Railroad Cyrapany and the inge niously arranged bed designed by T. N. Ely, the fatigue incident to transportation was reduced to a minimum. Neverthe less, as was anticipated, some signs of disturbance produced by the journey, have been exhibited since his arrival by the rise ot temperature and the increased frequeucy of his pulse. At present his pulse is 124, temperature 101.0, respira tion 18. J-y) YOU WANT A STYLISH FALL SUIT CALL AT 1 GRADY'S Corner Main and Pine Streets, AND LEAVE YOUR MEASURE. • Mr. GRADY has just received an . endless variety of CLOTHS and SUIT INGS for FALL & WINTER WEARER and can give you "FITS" at Bottom * Prices. Sept. 0. FRANK P. GRADY. • HALL TOWANDA. • • • ONE NIGHT ONLY Tuesday lt. 13. GREATER THAN EVER. AB ERCROMBI E'S Boston IdegZ Company. Giving the finest rendition of Mrs. Beecber Stowe's great immortal work ever witnessed on any Stage, Uncle Tom's Cabin With all its magnificent Tableaux and Scenic Effeects. The incomparable BLANCHE SLADER % In her great impersonation of TO S V With songs dances and Banjo Solos. LITTLE PANSY as EVA. The sjuallest, youngest and best Child Actress in the world. Supported by the Boston Ideal /v'y . Company. Nashville University Students, Marks' Donkey, and a Pack of Siberian Blood hounds. ADMISSION 25 Cent 9 Reserved Seats - - 35 &50 " Seats now on sale at Kirby's Drug Store.