Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, August 27, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME 111, NO. 15.
Mrs. B. A. PETTES has been visiting friends
in Elinira this week.
MATTIK and BERTHA ST EDGE are visiting
their grandparents in Athens.
Mrs. IRVINE and daughter of this place are
visiting Mr. GUY IRVINE in Elmira.
visiting his aunt, Mrs. JOHN ADAMS.
Capt. GEORGE V. MYER and family have
gone to Ralston Springs for a few days' rec
Mrs. COKSEK, Mrs. BALDWIN and Mrs. E.
D. MONTANYK returned from Ocean Grove
this morning.
JOHN \V. MEANS lias returned from Atlan
ta, Ga., where he hail been attending the
Cotton Exposition.
Among the visitors in town yesterday we
noticed lion. GEO. MOSCKIP and Landlord
MORRIS, of Burlington.
Mrs. Doctor MONLANYH arrived home last
evening. She was accompanied by Dr. EYRE.
of Waupaeca, and we regret to learn that she
is quite feeble.
Rev. S. L. CONDK has been up the line this
week making arrangements for the grand ex
cuasion to New York, Saratoga, etc.. on the
6th of September.
Mr. GEOKGI: SHORES, who has been a
faithful subordinate at SEELKY'S for several
years, has just been promoted to head clerk
of that popular hostelric.
Newtield, N. Y., are renewing old acquaint
ances in this place. They are the guests of
Judge Si ALF.mi) of Browntown an intelli
gent citizen and a practical farmer reports
that his farm has never in his recolection
suffered so much from drouth as this year.
MAT MCGAFEY the well known express
agent at Wuverly, and a member of the Wa
vt rly Cornet Hand, was in town Thursday
evening and listened to the Geriuania Con
IKE GREGORY, the able editor of our en
terprising and valued cotemporary, the Elini
vi Free Press, was visiting Mr. FRANK E.
ALLEN at Wysauking last week, and tried His
luck at fishing on Pond llill.
Senator DA VIES has been visiting his broth
er, the Doctor, in Wilkesßarre tiiis week, and
t iking in the soldiers' encampment. The del
egation from Luzerne to the Republican
.State Convention is solid for tlie Senator.
A load of boys and girls will pie nie near
Macedonia to-day.
Doctor TAYLOR, at the Church of the Mes
siah, to-morrow morning will preach on "Free
'Truth the way to True Freedom." No even
ing service.
Some farmers in this vicinity are cutting
their corn in order to fave it for fodder. The
dry weather has spoiled it for a grain crop.—
Athens Gazette.
A distructive tire lias been raging tn the
woods near S.vCKKTT's mill, in Franklin for
some time past, and much valuable timber
has been destroyed.
The venerable JosiAH HULL of Athens,
died of heart disease in his shop yesterday
morning. He was the father of Cashier
CHARLES T. HULL of the Athens National
B n< and was s.bnit s ven y five years old.
The Gcrmania Baud Excursion yesterday
was all that could have been anticipated, The
day was fair and the ntimbers exceeded lbi
highest estimate. Eleven ears were literally
filled with 750 happy exeurtionists. Owing
to the lateness of the hour at which the train
returned we are unable this morning to give
the report of our special correspondent, but
it shall appear Monday.
We received the following gratifying tele
gram last, evening.
P A.. Aug. 26th. 1881. j
Company A made best record in the Ninth
Regiment- on rifle practice to-day.
Capt. WITT.
Persons desiring to visit Philadelphia can
take the New York Excursion as far as Beth
lehem, where Excursion tickets to Philadel
phia an return can he had for $2 50.
Free Clam Chowder at Turn's restaurant
t >-night.
To whomsoever it may concern:—' This is to
ci tify that after being crosseyed for upward
of fifteen years, through an operation of but
a few minutes, by Prof. EAKUNS, my eye was
made perfectly straight. I heartily commend
the Professor to those similarly disfigured.
Towanda, Aug. 20. 1881.
Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLINAN'S on
Bridge street, for the best live cent eegar.
The President's Condition.
8 :30 A. M.
Tlio President slept most of the night
awakening at intervals of half an hour to
an hour. On first awakening there was
as there has been for several nights past
some mental confusion which disappear
ed when he was fully roused and occa
sionly he piuttered in his sleep. The
symptoms have abated this morning as
yesterday morning. Pulse, 108; temper
ature, 99.1; respiration, 17.
t'J :30, P. M.
At the morning dressing of the Presi
dent, it was found that pus from the par
otid swelling had found its way through
the ear and was also discharging through
the incision made in the swelling. llis
wound loojv.s as well as it has done for
some days past. His pulse and tempera
ture are at present higher than at same
time yesterday. He continues to take
liquid food. We regard his condition as
critical. Pulse, 118; temperature, 100;
respiration 18.
6 :30, p. M .
The President's condition has not
changed materially since the last bulletin
was issued. He continues to take by the
mouth liquid food prescribed, and occa
sionally asks for it. Since yesterday
forenoon, commencing at i 1 :30, eneinata
has again been given at regular intervals,
as a means of administering stimulants as
well as nutrition. They are retained
without trouble. Pulse, 116; tempera
ture, 99.9; respiration, 18.
Blaine to Bowel!, at 10, p. m.: While
the President has made no gain to-day.
his loss of ground has been less in the
judgment of the physicians than was
feared l ist night. In this aspect there is
a slight feeling of encouragement, or at
least a rag of hope. The adverse symp
toms are still manifest aud the one favor
able indication of swallowing and digest
ing liquid food continues. Two or three
limes during the day lie has asked for
nourishment. He has spoken intelligent
ly aud volunlairily, and throughout the
dty his mind lias been less affected than
yesterday. The expected relief to the
parotid swelling from the discharge
through the ear has not been realized.
The situation is one of great gravity and
At a Union meeting of prayer for the
recovery of the President, yesterday, at
Christian Church, Washington, It was
decided to ask all the churches in the
land to observe to-morrow, Sunday, as a
day of humiliation fasting and prayer for
the recovery of our President. It is un
derstood that the proposition meets the
approval of the President's family.
METEOROLOGICAL.— The thermometer at
Dr. 11. O. PORTER & SON'S Drug Store, at the
corner of Main and Pine streets, indicated as
oa. in.—s9 deg. above zero. 9a. m.—69; 12 m.—
78; a p. m.—B4; 0 p. ra.—Bo; 9 p. m.—75.
Average temperature during the_day—7s.
0 a. m.—6o dega. above zero.
ing cloudiness, followed by local rains; winds most
ly southeasterly; higher temperature; lower ba
Crystal Lodge, No. 57, K. of H,, have reduced
their Initiation Fee to $5.00. The Lodge has 90
members in good standing and is in a prosperous
condition. Persons wishing to .join can get the de
sired information by calling on or addressing J. It.
Kittridge, Reporter, Towanda, I'H. 2W
Wanted a place to board where I can do chores
nights aud mornings to pay. Knguirc at REVIEW
office. ' RODNEY POST.
Wanted a good second-hand heating stove. En
quire at this office. lw
Miss GARRET'S School for Children, between the
ages of Five and Twelve, Reopens Monday, August
29th, at 10 a m, in the room adjoining Mrs Patrick's
residence on Main street.
Also pupils in drawing.
STORE TO LET—Suitable for any business
Rent Low! Possession given Sep 1, 1881 Apply
to George ltidgway
twenty-eighth year commences Aug. 22d, 1881- \
large and efficient corps of teachers; a full collec
tion of maps, cnarts. models and apparatus, and
.appliances for teaching. Expenses are reasonable.
For catalogue or particulars call upon, or address
Principal, EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M.
Towanda, Pa.
Would cali attention to a large assortment of
Elegant Spanish Laces
in variety of widths and prices, in White and Black.
Spanish Lace, Scarfs and Fichus,
WHITE and BLACK in all of the Widths and sizes.
Together with a large assortment of
s3* All of which have just been received, and are
ready for inspection.
LOST last Thursday, a Breast Pin with Onyx
] Gem set in Gold, with a Pearl in center. A re
| ward of fifty Cents will be paid to the finder on re
] turning it to the REVIEW office.
We are constantly receiving orders for " Lum
I Smith's imitation Stained glass," and are ready to
give our patrons the full benefit of an inexpensive
and handsome decoration by placing it on any glass
whether door or window, large size or small glass,
gieen or white, round or square, in fact any posi
tion,-shape or kind of frame or glass that needs
j shading from"the rays of the sun, or from the gaze
] of inquisitive eyes. Thankful for the very liberal
patronage bestowed since we have received the
agency of this Imitation, we shall by a strict atten
tion to business, hoping to merit a continuance of
the same. To those who have heard of the ''lmi
tation Glass," and have not seen it, we extend a
cordial invitation to examine into its real merits,
and ask the prices for which it can be obtained, we
are prepared to contract with churches, halls, or
or other public buildings, and warrant all of our
work to surpass in beauty the genuine stained glass
; and our prices are less than one-fourth the cost of
j the same. Those in need of anything of this kind
| or who are lovers of art, whether they wish to pur
| chase or not, are respectfully invited to examine
the same at G'HAB. F. CROSS' Book Store.
j WANTED.— A place to board and go to school.
; Address Miss CRCKLIA MCCARTHY, Ulster, Pa.
Under this head we rcill insert FREE, notices 0/
situations or help icanted.
A good girl to do general house work wanted.
I Enquire at this office.
WANTED,—Three or four good farm hands from
j this time until December first. Wages, Twenty
1 Six dollars per month and board. Must be able,
I competent and willing to earn the money. Inquire'
j by letter of E. E. B. this office .
Wanted, work by the day, to support my family.
| Mrs. Sami. G. Berry, Mechanic street.
A BARGAIN.—In consequence of contin
ued ill health I now offer my mill property, known
I as I.U niElt'S MILL, in Burlington township for
i sale at a great bargain. The site is one of the best
i on Bugar Creek, and embraces about 7 acres of land
i on which are several dwelling houses and other
| buildings. The mill has always enjoyed a large
I custom. A practical miller can pay for the prop
erty in a short time from the profits. The property
j will be sold very cheap and on easy terms,
Luther's Mill, August 17, 1881.