The Oailv Review. Towanda, Pa., Wednesday, Aug. 24 1881. KIUTOKM F. W. ALVORD. NOBLK N.ALVOIiD " Btfiily WrHnr" c*t/y '45 tent* per month. Try it. Tlt.i mjLIfKMVS aUiUti. PA. AND N. T. It. R. Trains on the Pa. k N. Y. It. It. pa#* this place as follows: Moving Mouth. No. 3, at 6 :05 a. m., for New York and way Ma. No. 7, at 10:43 a. m., mail train for New York, Phil adelphia and intermediate points. No. 9, at 3:00 p. in.—Kxpress for Philadelphia. No. 15, at 10:46, p. m.—Fast express for Philadel pliia and New York. No. 31, —Local Passenger Train, between Ktmira and Wyalusing, 7:23 p. n. Moving North. No. 8, at 4 :00 a. m.—Fast express from New York and Philaaelphia No. 30, at 9:30 a. in., Wilkesßarre accommodation. No. 2, at 4:43 p. m.—Mail train from Philadelphia :tnd New York. No. 12, at 12:45, a.m., from New York. No. 32, at 6 :53 a. ni.—Wyuluxing and Elinira local. STATIC LINK AND HULLIVAN ft. It. Leave. 3:00 o'clock p.m. for Bernice and intermediate sta. Arrive. 9 :Q0 a. m., frotn Bernice. BARCLAY K. R. Leave. 7:30 a.m., for Barclay aud ail stations, and 3:00 p. in. Arrive. 10 :15 a. in., from Barclay and intermediate stations, and 6 :20 p. in. CANTON STAGE. Leaves at 9 o'clock, a. in. Arrives at 5 o'clock p. rn TROY STAGE, Leaves at 10 :30 a. m. Arrives at Ip. in. BIIKBHEQUIN STAUE. Arrives at 11 o'clock a. m. Departs at 12 m. I.KRAYHVILLK STAG K. Arrives at 12 m. Leaves at 2 p. m. TERRYTOWN STAGE. Arrives Monday, Wednesday aud Friday, at 12 m. Departs same days at 1 p. in. NEW ERA STAGE. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday arid Sat urday, at 12 m Departs same days at 1 p. in. CUL'RCU t>IIiECTOII 1. PRESBYTERIAN—Rev. J. B. Stewart, D.1)., Pus tor. Preaching at 10:30 a. ra. and 7 p. in. eve ry Sunday. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. Sunday School—D'A. Overton, Superin tendent—at 12 o'clock. CHRIST CHURCH—(Episcopal)—Rev. Jcbn S. Beers, Rector. Service and preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 6:00 p.m. Service and lecture Thursday evening at 7:30. Sunday School—Jas. T. llale, Assistant Bupt.,—at 12 m. Teachers' meeting Tuesday evening at 7:45. U, K. CHURCH.— Rev. C. 11. Wright, Pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Prayer Meetings on Sunday evening at 6:30, Thursday evening at 7:30. Young men's prayer meeting Friday evening at 8. Sunday School—B. M. Peck, Superintendent—at 12 m. SB. PETER AND PAUL.—(R. C.) Rev. Chas! F. Kelley, Priest Mass at 8 and 10 :30 a. m. Ves pers at 7:30 p. in. Sunday School at 12:30 and 2 :30. CHURCH OF THE MKSHIAII. (Universaiist) Itcv. William Taylor, Pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Prayer and Conference Meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. Sunday School—Dr. Taylor, Superintendent—at 12 m. BAPTISTCIIURCH—Itev. C. T. Hallowed, Pastor Preaching at 10:3oa. m. and 7)'. M. Prayer Meeting, Thursday Evening, 7 I*, m. Sunday Scbobl at 12 in. BRETHREN—Services at 10:30 a. in. every Lord's ! day. Reading meeting every Wednesday evening. Sunday-school at 5 p. m. SOCIETY DIRECTOR Y. „ lf XABONIC. Union Lodge, No. 108, meets First', and Third Wednesday of each month. i Union Chapter, No. 161, meets Second Wednesday ! evenings of each month. ] Northern G'ominandcry, Knights Templar, No. 16. Meets fourth Wednesday each month. KNIUIITri or PYTHIAS. Towanda Lodge, No. 290. Meats every Tuesday | evening. Endowment Rank, Section 101. Meets Third Fri- [ day in each month. I ODD BELLOWS. Bradford Lodge, No. 167. Meets every Monday ight. j Bradford Encampment, No. 41. Meets Second and Fourth Wednesday night of each month. Leoh Lo );c Degree of Itebeka. Meets First and I Third Kiday evenings of each month. KNIGHTS or HONOR. Crystal Lodge. Meets every Monday evening, i Mystic Lodge, K. and L. of If. Meets Second and j Fourth Friday evenings of each month. a. A. R. Watkins Post No. 68. Meets every Saturday evening • KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN RULE. Towanda Castle No. 58. Meets at K. of P. Hail j avery Wednesday evening. ROYAL A RCA NUM. Towanda Council, No. 53 2 meets antiirsd third Friday of each month in K., P. ll.iLi. C. S. RUSSELL,, (jeneral Insurance and Real Estate Agent, lowanua, reiin a Call and ee the new goods at the Five Cent Store | TO MY PATIENT.-L—Owing to impaired health I find it necessary to employ an assistant, and it affords mc great pleasure to inform my pa ticnts and the public generally that 1 have secured thd services of l)r. FOWLER, of Ithaca, N. Y,, one of the most skilllfui dentists in the country, and he will spend the greater portion of his time in iny office. This arrangement will insure promptness in attending to /ill who may favor us with calls. Having been associated with Doctor Fowler pre i vious to mv coming to Towanda, 1 know him to be |an accomplished gentleman and a first class i dental operator. W. B . KELLY, Dentist. 1* S—Or Fowler will be here on the 15th nf Au | gust. aug 10 FOR BALE VERY CHEAP.—A second hand, two ! horse tread power with thrasher and cleaner. Also ; a large tubular steam boiler, size 4 1-2 by 12 1-2 feet ! with 45, 4 inch flues. Address or inquire of K. (1. OWEN, Wysox, Pa. j (JKOHGK LYNCITCOMK lias removed his ! barber shop from the room over POWELL & I Go's store, to bis old quarters under the Meat Market, one door south of Ward House, i where lie will be pleased to see all Ids former ; patrons and everybody else desiring tonsoriul i services. Having sold my retail Furniture and Un ! taking business, known as tlie Bridge Street ! Furniture Store to K. lb Pierce I would re ; speetfully recommend those in need of goods in Ins line to call on liini at tlie old stand. I also wish to inform those indebted to me 1 that it will be necessary to settle the accounts j soon. N. P. HICKS. j January 1, 1881. HOTEL FOR SALE. -I offer the American ! Hotel property for sale on very reasonable terms—one half the purchase money down j and the balance in ten years. Possession given April 1, 1881. There is a good barn connected with the property. This hotel is located on the corner of Bridge and Water i streets, in Towanda borough. The free j bridge and new depot near to it make tiiis hotel desirable for any one wishing to engage iint he hotel business. Gall upon or address, ! JOSEPH G. PATTON. Towanda, I'a. "What everybody wants is the best organ for the least amount of money : Therefore every body wants the Burdett; and when you've said that, you've told the whole story." So say the brightest and busiest, organ I dealers throughout the land, who are furn t ishing this matchless instrument to a musica | public, which is rapidly learning to distinguish I its marvellously pure and beautiful voice i from that which is not music. For sale by ! -J. A. Manville, No. 3 Bridge St., Towanda. Passengers going West will save money by eon suiting 11. E. HA BCOCK, Ticket Agent, Towanda, Pa., j before purchasing tickets. I had been a great sufferer from Neuralgia i for years and had consulted a great mauydif j ferent physicians, hut got no cure until I took Dr. Burr's Neuralgia and Sick Headache Fills: • tliey cured me and f have recommended io I over fifty persons and I have never known ! them to fail. They are also the best nervous j and dyspeptic pill I ever saw. SIDNEY BROADBKNT. Master Mechanic, Dickens Manufacturing Company, Scranton, Fa. The Henry House has recently recruited its resources with the addition to its cellar of a pipe of pure English Ale —home-brewed and genuine. This excellent malt liquor will he found a useful natural tonic for the invalid, | and satisfy the palate of the most fastidious i epicure. A word to the wise is sufficient—so ! sevs the latin proverb. Oct. 4. Pomona Grange No, 23, P. of 11., will hold It* I next Regular Meeting at Went Warren Grange I Hall, No. 298, on Thursday, August 11, 1881, at one o'clock p. m. A general attendance of 4th degree members is requested. DAVYUHT KKLI.UM, Secy. GET THE BEST. fr t/w£esr/:ff\ " J&ten fflmswccii cD J™§m j ! Published by G. &C. MERRIAM. Springfield, Mass. If you intend Ronifl day to get WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED, "DO IT NOW." THE NEW EDITION Contains over 118,000 Words, IS2B Pages, 3000 Engravings, Four Pages Colored Plates, 4600 JiEW WORDS and Meanings, Biographical Dictionary of over 9700 Names. BEST FOR FAMILIES. Great amount of information in the pendix and Tables. Every copy is a vast storehouse of use- T8 ful knowledge. JQI The very best aid to help a family to he- ffH conic intelligent, JL BEST IN ENGRAVINGS. The " most beautiful and complete Ene- m lish Dictionary," J. Has 3000 En graving*. nearly three TTJP times as many as any other D'ict'ry. JljL Every school and family should liuve it "ST4 for constant reicivnce. JQI BEST FOR SCHOOLS. BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY has oiertq 9700 N nines of noted persons. ri Each word in Supplement has been se- Tr* leeted and defined with great care. JCf SUPPLEMENT, contains over 4600 CJ New Words and Meanings. {j The. pictures of ships on page 1539, show FIM the meaning of 110 words. Also Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary. 1040 Pages Octavo. 600 Engravings. 111/ SIN ESS LOCALS*. flow on sal* and danmrthe season. IB| I 'fst-class EXCURSION TICKETS, fmin I S V* 1 PbiciLpro and local point*, to DEN- WFJ VER COLORADO SPRINGS, am I 8&M PUEBLO. AND RETURN, by sr.- JISB (ib DIfFF.RKNT ROCTRS. At WondtT- ft*! U 3j23 fully low rates. Those tickets will he HAWB '■■■ l (rood pomp west within fifteen (15 **** ■■l days from date of sale, and to return ■■ oWI 'U'til October 31st following. O W . . J Pullman Palaex Cars are run by a—i this Companr from CHICAGO to 9^l COUNCIL BLUFFS. TOPEKAnn l |f| 1 sJitSs KANSAS CITY, forming n line with Ha but one rhAnro of oars to DENVER F l *® ja* 1 and PUEBLO. Dining Cars are at a . I J inched to all through trains, in which ,w A , j meals can he obtained at tha reason- '. TW \ Mfl able price of rercnty-llve cents. * . For rates, further information. Sftjot and elegant !>lai of United i®**® i 1 CH I states tree, address, £3s L (L A. EaoUrn A|t. • : -pilE DAILY HtiVIEW : 1 J I j ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A MONTH THE CREAT BVULINGTON ROUTE. other line runs Three Through Pas senger Trains Daily between Chicago, Des j Moines, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Lincoln, St. Joseph, Atchison, Topeka and Kansas City. Direct connections for all points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Ne ; vada. New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and California. The Shortest, Speediest and Most Comforta ble Route via Hannibal to Fort Scott, Denison, Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Gaives i ton and all points in Texas. The unequdled inducements offered by this Line to Travelers and Tourists, are as follows: J The celebrated Pullman (16-wheel) Palace ; Sleeping Cfxrs, run only on this Line, C„ H. & j Q. Palace Drawing-Room Cars, with Horton's I Reclining Chairs. No extra charge for Seats in Reclining Chairs. The famous C„ B. & Q. , Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars i fitted with Elegant High-Backed Rattan Re j volving Chairs for the exclusive use of first : class passengers. Steel Track and Superior Equipment, cora i bined with their Great Through Car Arrange i ment, makes this, above all others, the favorite j Route to the South, South-West, and the Far West. I Try it, and you will find traveling a luxury instead of a discomfort. . Through Tickets via this Celebrated Line for sale at all offices in the United States and ! Canada. All information about Rates of Fare, Sleeip ! ing Car Accommodations, Time Tables, &e., ! will be cheerfully given by applying to J. Q. A. BEAN, Gen'l Eastern Agent, 306 Washington St., Boston, Mass. and 317 Broadway, New York. | JAMES R. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt., Chicago. T. J. POTTER, Gen. Manager, Chicago. MRS. D. V. STEDGE, Manufacturer of and dealer in Human Hair Goods, Special attention given to COMBINGS—Roots all turned one way. Switches from $1 upwards Also agent for Hui er's INVISIBLE FACE POWDER, and Duplex and Qriswold Corsets and Shoulder Brace Eiasties. Corsets, and Shoulder Brace Elastics. Particular attention paid to dressing ladies hair at their homes or at my place of business, oyer Evans & llildreth's store. MRS. 1). V. S'l EDGE* DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Si nipt est, Strongest and does work that cannot he pone on any trader feed machine?. O. A. BLACK, Agent, i end for Samnles. TowandaPa LpUO BONO PUBLICO." '" JAKE " The Clothier (Established I860; Offers better bargains in Men's, Youths', and Boys' CLOTHING, , Hats, Caps. Tics, Scarfs, I Collars, Cuffs, &c., thij ever, and proposes to sell lower than any house in Bradford county. A large stock of CHILDREN'S SUITS AT COST, as we wish to close out that line oi goods entirely In the next sixty days. Fresh spring goods every day For "proof of the pudding," all on "JAKE a No. 2 Putt on Block, Towanda j jpLUMBING AND GAS-FITTING! ! Ed. Williams PRACTICAL S"! anther and Gas-Fitter, Respectfully informs the people of Towanda that he is prepared to do all work in his line on the honest notice, and guarantee satisfaction. lie keeps a LARGE ASSORTMENT of stock, and will furnish pipe, all plumbing materials and gas lixtures at a srnalladvance from jobber's prices. I refer to my numerous customers during the ten i years I have been iu Towanda as to the character 1 ol my work, and solicit the patronage of those hav- J ing jobs in my hue. | T* Estimates furnished when desired E. WILLIAMS, a few doors north of Mcreur Block * May 6, 1881. ; QTKDGE'B TONIC FOR THE I HAIR. : j A sure cure for Dandruff and all other ! diseases oi tin; Seaip. Stops the hair . j from lulling out; invigorates the hair 3 ! nerves; cleanser the hair perfectly and * gives it a beautiful and healthy gloss that * ! cannot be obtained without iti. use. * . Syp-Pnce cents per Bottle. Manufactured and sold by - D. V. STEDGIC, E TOWANDA, PA. ; f°" e j Itair tat and Share Go to tbej WARD HOUSH SHAVING PARLOR W'IELIS FAIRHILD I t 1 Formerly * ! S TEDGK I iktrt.