The Oailv Review. Towanda, Pa., Friday, August 12, (881 EDITORS S. W. ALVOKD. NOBLE N.ALVORD " Unity tterieie " only 43 ren4% per mon th. Try it. TMtyt WliJLIsMitS'S (H i UK. PA. AND N. Y. It. B. Trains on the Pa. 4t N. Y. R. It. pass lids place as follows : Moving South. No. 3, at 5:05 a. m., for New York and way sta. No. 7, at 10:43 a. m., mail train for New York, Phil ; adelphia and intermediate points. No. 9, at 3:00 p. in.—Express for Philadelphia. No. 15, at 10:46, p.m.—Fast express for Philadel phia and New York. No. 31, —Local Passenger Train, between Elmira and Wyalusiug, 7:23 p. m. Moving Xorth. No. S, at 4:00 a. m.—Fast express from New York and Philoaelphia No. 30, at 9:30 a. m., Wilkeaßarre accommodation. J No. 2, at 4:43 p. m.—Mail train from Philadelphia i and New York. No. 12, at 12:45, a.m., from New York. No. 32, at 6 :53 a. in.—Wyalusiug and Elmira local. 1 STATE LINE AND SULLIVAN K. R. Leave. 3 :Q0 o'clock p. m. for Bernice and intermediate sta. Arrive. 9 :00 a. m., from Bernice. BARCLAY R. It. Leave. 7:30 a.m., for Barclay and all stations, and 3:00 p. m. Arrive. 10:15 a. m., from Barclay and intermediate stations, and 6 :2U p. in. CANTON STAGE. Leaves at 9 o'clock, a. m. Arrives at 5 o'clock p. in TROY STAGE, Leaves at 10:30 a. in. Arrives at Ip. m. SHESHEqUIN STAGE. Arrives at 11 o'elock a. m. Departs at 12 in. LERAYSVILLE STAGE. Arrives at 12 m. Leaves at 2 p. m. TKRRYTOWN STAGE. Arrives Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 12 nt. Departs same days at 1 p. in. NEW ERA STAGE. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday, at 12 iu Departs same days at 1 p. m. . CUCRCII DIRECTORY. PRESBYTERIAN—IIev. .T. S. Stewart, D.D., Pas tor. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. m. eve ry Sunday. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. Sunday School—D'A. Overtoil, Superin tendent—at 12 o'clock. CHRIST CHURCH—(Episcopal)—Rev. .Jc'in . S. Beers, Rector. Service and preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 0 :00 p. nt. Service and lecture Thursday evening at 7:30. Sunday School—.las. T. Hale, Assistant Supt.,—at 12 m. Teachers' meeting Tuesday evening at 7:45. M, E. CHURCH.—Rev. ('. 11. Wright, Pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Prayer Meetings on Sunday evening 6:30, Thursday evening at 7:30. Young men's prayer meeting Friday evening at S. Sunday School—B. M. Peck, Superintendent—at 12 m. SS. PETER AND PAUL.--(Il. C.) Rev. Cltas? F. Kelley, Priest Mass at Sand 10:30 a.m. Ves pers at 7:30 p. ni. Sunday School at 12:30 and 2:30. CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH.— (Universalist) Rev. William Taylor, Pastor. Preaching at 10:30 ii. ni. and 7 p. in. Prayer and Conference Meeting Thursday evening at 7:3t). Sunday School—Dr. Taylor, Superintendent—at 12 111. BAPTIST CHURCH—Rev. C. T. Hallowed, Pastor Preaching at 10:3 oa. m. and 7 I. si. Prayer Meeting, Thursday Evening, 7 p. m. Sunday School at 12 m. BRETHREN—Services at 10:30 a. m. every Lord's day. Reading meeting every Wednesday evening. Sunday-school at 5 p. m. SOCIETY DIRECTOR Y. MASONIC. Union Lodge, No. 108, meets First and Third Wednesday of each month. Union Chapter, No. 101, meets Second Wednesday evenings of each month. Northern Commandery, Knights Templar, No. 16. Meets fourth Wednesday each month. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Towanda Lodge, No. 290. Meets every Tuesday evening. Endowment Rank, Section 101. Meets Third Fri day iii each month. ODD FELLOWS. Bradford Lodge, No. 107. Meets every Monday I ight. 3 , Bradford Encampment, No. 41. Meets Second and Fourth Wednesday night of each month. Leoh Lodge Degree of Rebeka. Meets First and Third Fiday evenings of each month. KNIGHTS OF HONOR. Crystal Lodge. Meets every Monday evening. Mystic Lodge, K. and L. of H. Meets Second and ' Fourth Friday evenings of each month. G. A. B. AY atkins Post No. 68. Meets every Saturday evening KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN RULE. Towanda Castle No. 58. Meets at K. of P. Hall every Wednesday evening. ROYAL ARCANUM. Towanda Council, No. 532 meets first and third ' Friday of each month in K., P. Hall. (J. S.- KUSiSJh,.L.L,, (Jeneral insurance ancl Keal instate Agent, lowanaa, renn a Gkokoe Lyxciicome has removed bis barber shop from the room over Powell fc Co's store, to bis old quarters under the Meat Market, one door south of Ward House, where he will b6 pleased to see all hs former patrons and everybody else desiring tonsorial services. Having sold niv retail Furniture and Un taking business, known as the Bridge Street Furniture Store to K. B. Pierce J would re spectfully reeonnnelid those m need of goods in his line to call on iiim at the old stand. I also wish to inform those indebted to me that it will be necessary to settle the accounts soon. * X. P. IIICKS. January 1,1881. Hotel fob Sale. -1 offer the American Hotel property for sale on very reasonable terms—one half the purchase money down and the balance in ten years. Possession given April 1, 1881. There is a good barn connected with the property. This hotel is located on the corner of Bridge and Water streets, in Towanda borough. The free bridge and new depot near to it make this hotel desirable for any one wishing to engage in the hotel business." Call upon or address. Joseph G. Patton. Towanda. Pa. "What everybody wants is the best organ for the least amount of money : Therefore every body wants the Burdett; and when you've said that, you've told the whole story." .So say the brightest and busiest organ dealers throughout the land, who are turn ishing this matchless instrument to a musica public, which is rapidly learning to distinguish its marvellously pure and beautiful voice from that which is not music. For sale by J. A. Manville, Xo. J Bridge St., Towanda. Passengers going West will save money by con sultingH. E. Babcoi k, Ticket Agent, Towanda, I'a., before purchasing tickets. 1 had been a great sufferer from Xeuralgia for years and had consulted a great many dif ferent physicians, hut got no cure until I took Dr. Burr's Xeuralgia and Sick Headache Pills: they cured me and I have recommended to over fifty persons and I have never known them to fail. They are also the best nervous and dyspeptic pill 1 ever saw. Sidney Bkoadbkxt. Master Mechanic, Dickens Manufacturing Company, Scrantou, Pa. The Henry House has recently recruited its resources with the addition to'its cellar of a pipe of pure English Ale—home-brewed and genuine. This excellent malt liquor will be found a useful natural tonic for the invalid, and satisfy the palate of the most fastidious epicure. A word to the wise is sufficient— so sevs the latin proverb. Oct. 4. Pomona Grange No, 23, I*. of 11.. will lioid its next Regular Meeting at West Warren Grange Hall, Xo. 295, on Thursday, August 11, 1881, at one o'clock p. in. A general attendance of 4th degree members is requested. Dwiuht Kellcm, .Secy. FOR RENT. Two dwelling houses in the First Ward for rent. O. D. KINWEY. FOR Ren r.—The office lately occupied by Win. M. Mai lory as a coal office. Apply to D. W. Scott. HW. MILLER • keeps several PUBLIC HACKS and is ready to attend all calls in bis line promptly. He runs to ALL TRAINS. Charges for night and early morning trains (Nos. 12, 8 and 3,) no reduction for these trains, 99 eentu per pannenger. Regu lar customers supplied with tickets at reduced rates. Charges for attending parties, one couple $1.50; two couples in one load, SI.OO per couple; for attending funerals from $2.00 to $3.00. Hack by the hour sl, llorses and carriages to let. Orders left tit his office below council rooms will receive careful attention. H.W MILLER. Nov. 27, 1880. / have a number oj SINGER, 110 WE, ami WILCOX & GIBBS Sczving Machines in good condi tion v for saic at very lozvfigures. Sewing Machines rented at 50 cents a week. C). A. BLACK, June 1(>, 3m. Agent. QOAL ! COAI a ! rots r.f*// : At yM.tLLVn **># Wtieu, formerly Pierce's Sullivan Coal, LARGE STOVE, $3 00 SMALL STOVE, 3 25 CHESTNUT, 3 25 EGG, 3 00 GRATE, 3 00 SMALL CHESTNUT, 2 15 With same additional charges for cartage. W. M. MALLOKY October, 24, 1879. 11. BEAN, Plain and Ornamental Painter, AND PAPER HANGER. All work in his line promptly executed on sljor notice. From long experience both in city and country, he prides himself on being able to suit the most fastidious. BUSINESS LOCALS. w It! flow on sale and durin? the season. IB I 'lrst-class EXCURSION TIOKKTS, from I I i aTO J t"hicapo and local polnta, to DEN". IB I VER, COLORADO SPRINGS, and kßi CK2EH PUEBLO, AND RETURN, by six RPH UIFFKRJCNT HOVTKS, at wonder- P*®l pood pomp west within fifteen (1.% i I■ ■ I days from date of sale, and to return flu■ I IB B| until October 31st following. * s IJ Pullman Palace Cars are run by L.J 'V' i.'/I Oils Company from CHICAGO to MKH iaSr*! COUNCIL BLUFFS, TOPEKA and Hff| ?3rJl KANSAS CITY, forminp a line with SBl IB I®®! but one chanpo of cars to DENVER P*Wf^| w and PUEBLO. Dininp Cars are at- a\l tncheK Siair Cat and, Share Go to the J WARD HOUSE SHAVING PARLOR WILLIS FAIRHILD Formerly STEDGE Is there.