Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, August 06, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME 11, NO. 306.
Miss CARRIE MATIIEWS is visiting friends
in this place.
Miss CLARRA JONES is visiting at Newark
Valley, N. Y.
Mrs. E. T. and Miss FREDDIE FOX are vis
iting in Rochester.
L. L. LYON, Esq., wife and daughter, of
Monroeton, have goue to-Boston.
Miss HELEN TRACT has joined the compa
ny of Towandians at Asbury Park.
Lawyer FOYLE has gone fishing down to
Rummerlield. He promised us the first 4
pound bass be caught.
The Misses RAIIU and Miss PRATT did not
go to Cooperstown, N. Y., Thursday. The
visit has been postponed.
Mr. C. S. DAYTON and wife have gone, for
a few days of recreation and|pleasure, to Sus
quehauna county, where Mr. D's parents re
We are pleased to be able to state that JNO.
M. PIKE, who has been dangerously ill for a
week or two past, is rapidly recovering.—
Athens Gazette,
Mr. JAMES MATTISON, station agent of the
Boston, Western & lloosic Tunnel R. R., at
North Parnel, Vt., is visiting here. He is the
guest of Collector WICXIIAM.
Miss LOTTIE KEELER of Towanda, iu com
pany with ED. L. KINNEY, of LaFayette,
Col., are the guests of Mr. HENRY CLARK
of Chemung.— Waverly Review.
Dr. RANDALL, the young gentleman who
has been assisting Dr. KELLY for some time
past contemplates engaging in business for
himself iu some other town, and Doctor KEL
LY has engaged another assistant, who is thus
endorsed by the Ithaca Journal :
Dr. Fowler has accepted a very fine offer to
spend three weeks in each mouth as operator
at a dental chair in an excellent office in Tow
anda, L'a. The salary is said to be one which
would tempt most men in his profession.—
The Doctor will give one week in each month
to his practice here, his office remaining in the
Uri Clark building. Engagements will he
made for him by Cal. Clark and Fred Nourse
for patients wishing to make appointments
for his dental services. The doctor will be
missed as much as he will miss his pleasant
associations here.
SPENCER, organist of Dr. HENRY'S (Presby
terian) Church iu Philadelphia, gave a highly
interresting organ recital in our Presbyterian
Church, last evening. The sudden thunder
storm prevented the attendance of most of
those who had been hurriedly notified of this
rare entertainment. About a score, only, of
musicians and lovers of clasieal music, reach
ed the Church iu advance of the heavy rain,
and they were extremely fortunate. A treat
like this lias rarely been enjoyed in Towanda.
Accustomed to a grand Rosevelt organ, with
bellows supplied by water power and many
other modern facilities, Mr. SPENCER, never
theless brought out from this rural instru
ment a wonderful variety of absorbing ef
fects and charming combinations. During a
recess the alarm of tire and the lurid glare
thereof at the south, unfortunately ended the
concert. Mr. SPENCER is also a masterly pi
anist and a composer of popular music. He
has been in town for two days only, the guest
of Mr. C. S. FITCH. When he comes again
we hope lie may find an organ worthy of his
professional skill.
The rain fell in perfect torrents for nearly
two hours last evening.
The Ladies Baptist Missionary Society will
meet iu the church at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
Why is not the fire-escape law observed?
There are a number of buildings in town that
ought to be supplied witli them.
Messrs. DITTKICII have handed us a hen's
egg which measures 7 3-4 inches one way and
6 5-S the other and weighs four ounces. It
was purchased in a crate of eggs sent from
FIRE.—MILLER FOX'S farm barn on the
flats, near Towanda creek bridge, was struck
by lightning during the shower last evening,
and entirely consumed, with all its contents,
including a pair of horses. The building was
filled with hay and grain. No insurance.—
The loss falls very heavily on Mr. JAS. CUM
MINGS, the tenant of the farm, who loses not
only his team but the result of his whole
year's labor.
Be sure and purchase your tickets for Ni
agara 011 or before Saturday night and save
25 cts.
If you wish to avoid Hotel bills when you
go 011 the Niagara Falls Excursion, August
9th, take lunch with you. There will be
a baggage car attached to the train for the
accomodation of lunch baskets.
The President's Condition.
AUGUST 5, 7 I'. M.
The President has passed another good
day. The appearance of the wound and
the character and amount of the discharge
of pus continues satisfactory. He has
taken an adequate quantity of nourish
ment and has had several pleasant naps
during the day. At 12:30 his pulse was
1)8, temperature • 98.4, respiration 18.
After four p. m., his temperature began
to rise as usual but to a moderate degree
and without perceptible dryness of the
skin. At present the pulse is 102, tem"
perature 100.4, respiration 19.
Greenfield, the Oswego wife hmrderer,
was finally executed yesterday.
Maud S. trotted a mile in 2.10J at Buf
falo, 011 Thursday.
Seven steamships lauded 2,651 immi
grants at Castle Garden Thursday.
Mayor Grace of New York, has direct
ed the suspension for three mouths of
City Marshall Michael Shaughnessy for
improper couduct iu the service of pa
A number of Republican journals are
disposed to differ with Senator Mitchell
111 regard to his advice to the Virginia
Republicans that they coalesce witli the
METEOROLOGICAL.—The thermometer at
Dr. 11. 0. PORTER & SON'S Drug Store, at the
corner of Main and Pine streets, indicated as
Ca. ra.—72 dog. above zero. 9a. m.—7G; 12 in.—
82; 3 p.m.—B9; Gp. m.—BS; (9 p. m.—B3.
Average temperature during the day—32.
6 a. m.—7o degs. above zero.
winds mostly south and westerly; stationary tem
perature and barometer.
Don't /ail to go to JOHN SULLINAN'S on
Bridge street, for the best five cent cegar.
ducements are offered you by the BURLING
TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their
advertisement to be found elsewhere in this
FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. —A second hand, two
horse tread power with thrasher and cleaner. Also
a large tubular steam boiler, size 4 1-2 by 12 1-2 feet
with 45, 4 inch flues. Address or inquire of
Is. G. OWEN, Wysox, Pa.
FOR SALE.—A Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Ma
chine, in good repair and but little worn. Will sell
at a reasonable figure. A good chance for someone.
Enquire of Miss Alice King, Bridge st Towanda, Pa.
FOR SALE, —A second hand buggy in good repair.
Inquire at this office.
Lost, Sunday evening, between W. Dittrich's and
F. Watts', a pair of lisle thread gloves, with colored
wrists. Finder will eonfer a favor by leaving at
Mr. Watts'.
We are constantly receiving orders for M Lum
Smith's Imitation Stained glass," and are ready to
give our patrons the full benefit of an inexpensive
and handsome decoration by placing it on any glass
whether door or window, large size or small glass,
gieen or white, round or square, in fact any posi
tlou, shape er kind of frame or glass that needs
shading from the rays of the sun, oi from the gaze
of inquisitive eyes. Thankful for the very liberal
patronage bestowed since we have received the
agency of this Imitation, we shall by a strict atten
tion to business, hoping to merit a continnance of
the same. To those who have heard of the ''lmi
tation Glass," and have not seen it, we extend a
cordial invitation to examine into its real merits,
and ask the prices for which it can be obtained, we
are prepared to contract with churches, halls, o/
or other public buildings, and warrant all of our
work to surpass in beauty the genuine stained glass
nnd our prices are less than one-fourth the cost of
the same. Those in need of anything of this kind,
or who are lovers of art, whether they wish to pur
chase or not, are respectfully invited to examine
the same at CHAS. F. Cnoss' Book Store.
Under this head we will insert FREE, notices of
situations or help wanted.
Wanted, work by the day, to support my family.
Mrs. Saml. G. Berry, Mechanic street.
A GOOD GIKL, one who understands all kinds of
house work and cooking, wanted. Highest wages.
Inquire at this otlice.
A set second hand light single harness wanted.
A. J. NOBLE, Troy, Pa. July 28.
Eagle, Automatic and Copying pencils, at C. P.
Welles* Crockery store.
C. M. Manville has a quantity of four feet flag
stones for sale cheap.
Picture Frames, a large stock, varieiy and low
prices at C. P. Welles' crockery and 99c store.
Buy Knapp's Superior Flavoring Extracts
for lamily use, warranted pure.
Trunks nnd Traveling Bags, good assortment in
medium and low priced goods at C. P. Welles' 99c
Live spring chickens constantly on hand at
Myer's Bridge St. Market.
A GOOD HOME CHEAP.— I offer for sale
VERY CHEAP, the house and lot. South
east corner Third and Elizabeth streets in
this borough. The house is in good repair,
the lot large, with good well of water and
water in the house. The property will be
sold for half its value on long time.
June 9, 'Bl. O. D. KINNEY.
Childrens carrages at reduced prices to close out
stock, at C. P. Welles' crockery store.
really elegant and eligibly situated residence
of Mrs. Doctor Houston is offered for sale at
a bargain. The lot is large and has on it an
abundance of fruit of all kinds. It is alto
gether the most desirable property of the
kind now on the market Only a small pay
ment required; balance can remaiu on mort
gage. Call on the premises.
July 7. Mrs. HOUSTON.
AUGUST 9th, 1881.
P. & N.Y. & G. 1.& S., & N.Y.C. & H.R.R.R.
Giving 8 hours at the Falls.
Round Trip Ticket.
If bought on or before Saturday Aug. 9th.
From Towanda #4.95,
After Aug. 6tli, 25 cents additional will
be charged.
Tickets for sale at all Rail Road Stations.
Train will leave
TOWANDA - - 4.00 A. M.
Arriving at Niagara Falls 1 p. M.
The first and only Excursion ever run
from this section to the famous Wat
kins Glen, will run over portions
of the Pa. & N.Y.; N.Y., L.E.
& W. and the N.C. Rail
Roads, without
change of cars.
On Tuesday Aug. 16,'81,
By the Presbyterian and Methodist
Episcopal Churches aud Cornet Band of
Presbyterian Church M. E. Church.
Rev. D CRAFT, Past. Rev. J N WESTON, Past.
Cornet Band.
8 G ZIOLER, Leader.
The Excursion Train will start from Mchoopany
and stop for excursionists at all stations
named in the following table, in
which is shown the
Schedule Time and Ticket Fare :
6:00 A B leave Mehoopany . . $2 75
0:23 " " Meshoppen . 265
6:33 " " Black Walnut - - - 2 60
6:38 " " Skinner's Eddy - 255
6:42 44 *' Laceyville - - 250
7:02 " 44 Wyalusing - . . 235
7:IS 44 44 Frenchtown . 2 30
7."27 44 44 Rummerfield . . 2 25
7:33 44 44 Standing Stone - 220
7:42 44 44 Wysauking - . . 210
7:49 , 44 * 4 East Towanda . . 2 00
7:54 44 44 Towanda . . . 2 00
8 :07 44 44 Ulster - . - 190
8 :16 44 44 Milan . . . . 1 85
8 :24 44 44 Athens - 1 75
8 :31 44 44 Sayre . . . - 170
10 :30 44 arrive at Watkins.
Returning, the Excursion Train will leave Wat
kins at 6 p m, and will stop at all the stationsnamed
above to let off excursionists, arriving at Sayre at
8:00 pm, Towanda 8;40, Wyalusing 9 :30, Mehoop
any 10.15.
Tickets can be purchased at the above stations,
and are good going and returning on our Excursion
Train for that day onl>.
This Excursion is very cheap. There is no change
of cars. It gives you over seven hours to go through
the most remarkable Glen in all this region "round
about," and return home the same evening. You
can take your own refreshments nnd call it a pic-nic
or you can stop at the Glen Park Hotel, one of the
finest in the State, located at the foot of the Glen,
and get a first-class dinner at any hour, and Free
Bus for guests of the notel to and from Depot, for
75 cents.
We will sell you a ticket on our train for 20 cents to
go through the Glen—less than half the regular rate
There are many places of great intcres in the vi"
cintiy, some or all of which you can see, such as
Watkins Glen, Havana Glen, Glen Eld
ridge, Glen Excelsior, Glenora, Hector
Falls, Lodi Glen, Wiilard's Asylum, Lake
Cayuta, Lake Lamoka, Mineral Springs,
Devil's Punch Bowl.
From Point Lookout there is one of the finest
panoramic views in the World—Magee Monument,
Iron Bridge across Glen Gorge, 165 feet high, &c.
If you desire, you ean take a grand boat ride of 20
or 25 miles on Seneca Lake on board one of the
magnificent Steamers of the Seneca Lake Steam
Navigation Co. We will sell you a ticket on our
Vain for 20 cents. In short, the Committee of Man
agement and Rail Road Officials will spare no pains
for the comfort, pleasure and safety of the excur
Wyalusing, Pa,, August 4, 1881.