Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, August 01, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME 11, NO. 301.
Rev. J. A. ROSSEEL and wife left for home
Saturday morning.
WILL W. DECKER has gone to Sheahequin
to rusticate a few clays.
Miss LILLIE MARSHALL returned ftom her
visit in Owego Saturday.
Misses SAUAII aud JESSIE MOODY haye re
turned from Lake Carey.
L. M. IIALL, Esq., visited his parents in !
Wyoming county Saturday.
Mrs. G. V. MYEU and children returned
from Wyalusitig this morning.
News f.tom Mrs. Doctor MONTANYE con
tinues favorable. She is now able to sit up.
JOHN F. PETTES, of Troy, was visiting his
father aud other friends in this place yester
Miss E. I). ANGLE is spending a few weeks
with her parents in Bradford county.— Tunk
hannock Hep.
W. 11. DODGE and family will occupy J.
O. FROST'S residence during the absence in
the South of Mr. and Mrs. FROST.
WILLIE L.VYTOX go into camp for a week
near York's narrows this morning.
WATKINS are spending a few weeks with
Judge INGHAM'S family iu Laporte.
and W. G. TRACY, "broke camp" Friday
afternoon and returned to their homes.
O. D. KINNEY, Esq., has tired of "single
blessedness" and joined his wife at Asbury
Park, where he listens to what "the wild
waves are saying," for the next week.
Mrs. A. 11. KINGSBURY, who was injured
in an accident at Wyalusiug a week ago Sat
urday has been brought home, but will not
he able to stand 011 her foot for some weeks
Mrs. DITTRICII'S injuries by the runaway
a week ago were much more serious than at
first supposed. She has scarcely been able
to move a limb since, but is getting better
Mr. DAILY, the Macedonian market garden
cr. has our thanks for a bountiful supply of
perfectly formed petite pears, of excellent
flavor. The fruit is especially suitable for
A number of the attorneys engaged in the
railroad equity suit accepted an invitation
from Col. PACKER to spend Saturday night
011 Cayuga Lake. Senator DAYIKS was one of
the party.
A. J. WHITNEY, wife and three children
of Tyrone, are spending a few weeks at Mr.
W's old home in Wysox. He has been in the
employ of the Pennsylvania rail road
company for 23 years.
We congratulate R. C. SINSABAUGII, Esq.,
of Athens, 011 his good fortune. He'has just
been awarded a pension for injuries sustained
in the late war, and the other day received a
draft for sl7lO 011 account of arearages.
After seven years of continuous faithful
service as deliverymanfor STEVENS & LONG,
THEODORE ARNOT has resigned the position.
We do not know what his plans for the fu
ture are, but he has our best wishes for suc
cess in whatever he may undertake.
The following clipped from the the Wyalu
sing items in Saturday's Elmira Advertiser
is perfectly correct, barring the name of
vater families. We have always supposed
that THOMAS was the.son of our distinguish
e I and able fellow citizen, Hon. E. 11. MYER:
Thomas E. Myer, a talented young lawyer
of Tow anda, has hung his shingle out in our
village, and awaits clients. Thomas comes
of good stock —being a son of Howard Myer,
a man of acknowledged ability and integrity.
A brave woman like a brave man, deserves
much credit. Brayery in its true meaning, is
to meet heroically eyery emergency, We cite
a case. Some time since, a large hawk dove
down, fastening his claws 011 a young turkey,
when Mrs. C. L. SQUIRES of Pike, caught up
a rifle, and with a steady aim, fetched the
monster on the wing to the ground—landing
the turkey unhurt. This is an example for
the Leraysyille Rifle Team, and one too
which they would find it difficult lo equal.—
Leltaysville Advertiser.
Germauia Band will honor "mine host"
Maj. SEKLY with a serenade this evening.
Prof GLEASON will give an exhibition of
his skill in training vicious horses, in front of
the Ward House at 1 o'clock this afternoon.—
JIM LOCKABEE'S kicking horse is to be the
PARKER, the vidian who assaulted Mrs.
BULL, an account of which appears 011 our
fourth page, was captured in Canada. It is
hoped the severest punishment will be meted
i out to him.
We beseech the Towandu REVIEW to pro
cure a proof reader.— Tunkhannock Stand
And we suggest the propriety of the Stand
ard's securing the services of a practical
A number of the stockholders of the
Muney Creek railroad, in order to get a rail
road into Sullivan county, are endeavoring to
organize a company and procure a charter for
a new railroad, to be called the Lycoming,
Sullivan and Bradford railroad company. In
this project it is proposed to use the bed of
the Muncy Creek road, that being the one
terminus and the other tcrminns ultimately
to reach Bradford county. It will have the
endorsement and support of several promi
nent railroad magnates.— Willsamsport Sun
and Baoner.
The M. E. Church and Sunday School will
pic nic at Eilenberger's Trout Ponds on
Wednesday next, August 3. Train will start
from Court House at 10 a.m. sharp and return
at 6 p.m. Fare for the round trip 60 cents
for those not members of the school. All
members of the congregation and other
friends are cordially invited to join Tickets
for sale at C. T. Kirby's, Dye & Go's and
Geo. Ridgway's.
DIED.—III Montrose, Pa.. Sunday morning,
July 2-tth, Mrs. LYDIA C. SEARLK. widow of
L. SKARLE, Esq., who died in December last.
Mrs. SEARLK was about seventy years of age,
a lady of rare literary attainments, being the
author of several works of great merit. She
was the daughter of Elder DIMMICK, one of
the pioneer preachers in northern Pennsylva
nia. She was beloved by all who knew her,
and especially the needy. No one ever left
her door without a kind word, accompanied
with something to make him or her happy.
This class will miss her kind words and char
itable gifts. She leaves a family of three
daughters and one son. To the children of
the deceased I would oiler my warmest sym
pathies m this hour of their great sorrow.—
Oiceyo Gazette.
The Third Brigade, National Guards of
Pennsylvania, to which the Ninth Regiment
is attached, will encamp at Wilkesßarre from
Aug 23d to 2SJth. The inspection by the Ad
utant General will take place during the En
campment. The Ninth Regiment will be in
spected 011 Thursday, Aug. 25, at 3 p. m.
The Brigade will be reviewed by the Gover
nor 011 Saturday, Aug. 27th at ip. nil. The
inspection will be vigorous. The law now
requres the attendance of all officers and men
unless excused by the Brigade Commander
i for such reasons only as would prevail in ac
tual service. Since tlie men are now paid for
live days service, the attendance of the Guard
will 110 doubt be very large. Co. A, of this
place belongs to the Ninth Regiment.
except possibly local rains near the coast; winds
mostly southerly, with stationary barometer and
higher temperature.
The President's Condition.
JULY 31. 8 :30 A. M.
The President slept well during the
night and awoke refreshed this morning.
The afternoon fever subsided earlier than
the night before and had quite disappear
ed by 10 p. m. His appearance and ex
pression this morning indicate continued
improvement. At present his pulse is 94,
temperature 08.4, respiration 18.
7 r. M.
The President has passed an excellent
day. From just after the morniug dress
ing till about 0 p. m., he has had his head
and shoulders elevated by a frame beneath
the mattress, has taken and relished an
ample supply of nourishment and contin
ues to improve in general condition. The
appearance of the wound at the evening
dressing was in every way satisfactory.
The afternoon rise in temperature has
been quite insignificant. At present the
pulse is 104, temperature 90, respiration
The News Condensed.
Attorney General McVeagh has been
quite ill but will resume the duties of his
ollice to-day.
The President is getting cross and ir-
i table, and the physicians consider it a
favorrble symptom.
Collector Robertson will assume his
duties to-day. His bondsmen are C. P.
Huntington and Theron R. Butler, of
New York city.
So great is the scarcity of farm labor
ers in the vicinity of Mendota, 111., that
it is feared that some of the crops will
be damaged or lost for want of harvest
ducements are offered you by the BURLING
TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their
advertisement to be found elsewhere in this
Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLINAN'S on
Bridge street, for the best five cent cegar.
We nre constantly receiving orders for " Lum
Smith's Imitation Stained glass," and are ready to
give our patrons the full benefit of an inexpensive
and handsome decoration by placing it on any glass
whether door or window, large size or small glass,
gieen or white, round or square, in fact any posi
tion, shape or kind of frame or glass that needs
shading from the rays of the sun, or from the gaze
of inquisitive eyes. Thankful for the very liberal
patronage bestowed since we have received the
agency of this Imitation, we shall by a strict atten
tion to business, hoping to merit a continuance of
the same. To those who have heard of the •'lmi
tation Glass," and have not seen it, we extend a
cordial invitation to examine into its real merits,
and ask tire prices for which it can be obtained, we
are prepared to contract witli churches, halls, or
or other public buildings, and warrant all of our
work to surpass in beauty the genuine stained glass
and our prices arc less than one-fourth the cost of
the same. Those in need of anything of this kind
or who are lovers of art, whether they wish to pur
chase or not, are respectfully invited to examine
the same at C'IIAS. F. CROSS' Book Store.
Pomona Grange No, 23, P. of 11., will hold its
next Regular Meeting at West Warren Grange
Hall, No. 298, on Thursday, August 11, 1881, at one
o'clock p. in. A general attendance of 4th degree
members is requested. DWIQHT KELLU.W, Secy.
The Revised Edition of the New Testament
in three different styles and ranging in price
from 20 cents to $1 25, just roceived at Whit
comb's Book store. 240
Get your couches, sofas, easy chairs—every
thing in the upholstery line repaired at
Ottarson's, Bridge street.
The Senate " has long been considered
headquarters for the best clams. Mr. Nestor
is now receiving bis supply direct from the
famous Perth Amboy beds, and serves them
in every style.
LOST—A Gold Pen No. 3. MaybleJ,Todd & Co.
in pooket rubber bolder. The finder will be rc
warded. (295-6t) CIIAS. M. HALL.
ICE CREAM.— We are now prepared to fur
nish ICE CUE AM on short notice. 'Orders
[eft at Kirby's drug store or with driver of
the milk wapron, will receive prompt atten
tion. Price 37 1-2 cents per quart. Iw.
Under this head xee will insert FREE, notices of
situations or help wanted.
Wanted, Work by the day, to support my family.
Mrs. Saml. G. Berry, Mechanic street.
Good trusty boy to do chores and milk, enquire
at this ollice.
A GOOD GIRT,, one who understands all kinds of
house work and cooking, wanted. Highest wages.
Inquire at this ollice.
Stage leaves Towanda Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays, atone p. m. Notices of passen
gers and packages may be left at Stevens & Long's,
and will be carefully attended to. B. 11. BROWN,
jul-28. Proprietor.
7?. CA TON, Proprietor,
Near the Barclay depot. Good accommodations at
reasonable prices. (Jail and see us.
ARCTIC HOUSE, Corner Surf and
Ocean Avenues, OCFAN GROVE, N. .I.
Furnish Dinners for Excursions. M. A. BULL.
I have a number of
IIOWE, and
Sewing Machines in good condi
tion, for sale at very low four cs.
Sewing Machines rented at 50
cents a week. O. A. BLACK,
fJuue 10, 3m. Agent.
A large assortment of CAN
GINGHAMS just received ; also
large additions to their stock of
Powell & Co.
have just received 10,000 yards,
best- quality and newest styles,,
which they will sell at NINE
CENTS per yard.
Po well & Co.
have just opened a large stock
ING, with a large assortment of
DRESS GOODS, which they
are offering at great bargains.
• keeps several
and is ready to attend all calls in his line promptly „
He runs to ALL TRAINS. Charges for night and
early morning trains (Nos. 12, 8 and 3,) no reduction,
for these trains, 35 cents per passenger. Regu
lar customers supplied with tickets at reduced rates.
Charges for attending parties, one couple $1.50; two
couples in one load, SI.OO per couple; for attending
funerals from $2.00 to $3.00. Hack by the hour sl t
Horses and carriages to let.
Orders left at his office below council rooms will
receive careful attention, U. W. MILLER
Nov. 27,1880.