Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, July 30, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME 11, NO. 300.
Miss MYU.V SIIAW, who has been visiting
friends in this place, has returned to her home
in Waverly, X. Y.
Mrs. GRIN W. DELANO, of Detroit, Mich.,
is visiting her uncles, O. L. and T. C. DELA
NO, in this place.
Miss ALICE DELANO has returned from
Detroit, Mich., after a visit of three months,
with health fully restored.
E. T. NOBLE and wife and JOHN NOBLE,
who have been visiting in Lock Haven for
the past two weeks, returned yesterday.
The schools of Misses IDA BEDFORD and
SARAII SHERWOOD, at Barclay, having closed
they returned to their homes last evening
Miss MINNIE MCMASTER, of Toronto, Out.,
is spending the summer with her cousins, the
Misses MCINTOSH, at their pleasant home 011
York avenue.
WC were gratified to see Co). MASON out
riding yesterday, and hope he may soon be
able to attend to business and be seen upon
the street as aforetime.
Mrs. GEORGE MORSE, who lias been spend
ing several months with her mother. Mrs.
MCINTOSH. in this place, returned to her
home in Rochester, 011 Monday.
Mrs. J. D. and Mrs. JoiiNjMoNTANYEhavc
returned from Slaterville Springs. The lat
ter ia confident her short visit there lias af
forded* her great relief from rheumatism from
which she has suffered much of late.
Col. 11. LUTHER, of Luther's Mills, and Mr.
T. I'. PATCH, who uave been sojourning at
Slatcryille for a short time are home. Both
gentlemen express themselves as much pleas
ed with the place and believe they have ex
perienced great benefit.
BENNIE WATERS, who was employed for
some time in the furniture store of FROST'S
Sons, is now Tilling a similar situation in the
city of Bradford. We arc gratified to hear
of his good luck, as BEN is a reliable, trusty
young man and will win success.
Maj. C. F. CROSS has been tendered the gen
eral agency of the Owego Mutual Benefit As
sociation of which F. M. BAKER is President.
The officers of the Association are all
known, responsible gentlemen, aud if Mr.
CROSS accepts the position they have tender
ed him, that branch of the business will be
entrusted to good hands.
Twenty-five years ago to-day W. 11. PER
KINS, Esq.. and Mis MARY BniTTONwere
married in this place, and to-night they will
celebrate their silver wedding at their pleas
ant home 111 Soranton, where they have resi
ded ever since their happy marriags. Al
though a full quarter century has elapsed
since they left us, many friends in Tovvanda
will join in heartily extending congratula
tions, coupled with the unfeigned wish that
Mr and Mrs. PERKINS may be spared to en
joy many more years of happiness. Mr. P.
is one of the most conspicuous business men
in the city of Scranton, and has for the past
fifteen years filled the responsible position of
treasurer of the Dickson Iron Co.
At the invitation of Lucius P. MALLORY,
Esq., a party consisting of Misses ALICE and
VOUD, HIRAM MISRCUR, editor of the Mer
cury. and "Ye Junior," made a pleasant vis
it to Fall Creek, yesterday. At Mr. MAL
LORY'S suggestion, Superintendent LYON
kindly extended the " freedom of the road,"
to the entire party. Lucius did everything
in his power that would add to the pleasure
of his guests. After picnicking near to mouth
of the mine, those of the party who desired
to went into the mine. The ride in a mine
coal car drawn by TOM COYLE'S line mule,
" Tom," 011 the narrow guage railroad, was
one of the pleasantest features of the day.
All returned in the evening feeling them
selves under many obligations to L. P. MAL
LORY for one of the best days they ever on
joyed, and all voted Lucius "a prince of
good fellows."
Postmaster POWELL has liaudod us the fol
lowing, sent him from Bradford. The docu
ment explains itself:
DEAR SIR :—Tjust had a soldier's discharge
handed to me which was picked up in Elmi
ra, N. Y. It reads: *'Samuel S.Cook. En
listed Aug. 21, ISiif, for three years. Co L,
10th Iteg. N. Y. Cavalry. Capt.—. Col. —.
Discharged Aug. 7.1865. at Elmira, N. V., by
general order No. 77. Born in Bradford Co.
Pa, 67 years of age; 5 feet 8 inches; com
plexion light; eyes dark; hair brown; occu
pation, shoemaker.'?
This certificate of discharge may be vuluu
ble to secure a pension, or lie or bis heirs is
entitled to a bounty of 8100.
Suppose you hand this to a printer of your
place. I will deliver the certificate to* the
owner and will aid in getting the bounty if
lie desires it. o. 11. WHEELER, Att'v,
ducements are offered you by the BURLING
TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their
advertisement to be found elsewhere in this
The President's Condition.
JULY 20, 8:30 A. M.
President rested well this morning.
Looks well. No rigor or febrile. Pulse
92; Temperature and respiration normal.
1:30 P. M.
The appearance of the wound, the char
acter and quantity of the discharge aud
the general condition of the President arc
satisfactory. He rests well and takes an
adequate quantity of nourishment.
Pulse 98; temperature 98-4; respiration
7:00 P. M.
The President has been comfortable and
cheerful during the day aud had quite a
nap since the noon bulletin was issued.
The afternoon febrile rise came on later
and was not so marked as yesterday.—
The wound has been discharging freely
and looks well. At present his pulse is
98, temperature 100, respiration 20.
At 11 last night the President was le
ported free from fever and sleeping.
The News Condensed.
John J. Baarly, ex-Governor of Michi
gan died in San Francisco ou Wednes
A farmer named Wilson while passing
through a bush unarmed near Kingston,
Out., was attacked by a bear, torn to
pieces and almost eaten.
Montpelicr, the former home, and buri
al place of President Madison, was sold
at auction yesterday, for 820,000, to Jas.
L. Carrington, of Richmond.
The Grand Trunk and Central Ver
mont r/iilroads have reduced rates 011
first-class freights from Boston to Chica
go from 75 to 25 cents per hundred
pounds, 011 second class from GO to 25
cents, third class 40 to 20 cents and
fourth class and special from 40 to 15
Bishop Philip K. Smith, once of high
standing alul influence in the Mormon
church, and exposer of the Mountain
Meadow massacre in which he participat
ed, has been found dead in Prospect Hole
iu Senora, Mexico. The "circumstances
indicate murder. Smith, after convict
ing John 1). Lee of the Mountain Mead
ow massacre, said. "I know the Church
will kill me sooner or later. It is only a
question of time " After the trial, by or
der of the Church, his wife left him, and
lie went to Arizona where two attempts
W.Te made to kill him.
Don't fail to so to JOHN SULLINAX'S on
Bridge street, lor the best live cent cegar.
Wire dish covers, round aiul oval, at C.P. Welles'
Crockery store.
Bird cages, perfectly sate fastenings, cheapest
considering quality, at C. I'. Welles'Crockery and
99c store.
Childrcns carrages at reduced prices to close out
stock, at O. I'. Welles' crockery store.
Trunks and Traveling Bags, good assortment in
medium and low priced goods at C. P. Welles' 99c
Picture Frames, a large stock, varieiy and low
prices at C. P. Welles' crockery and 99c store.
Eagle, Automatic and Copying pencils, at C. P.
Welles' Crockery store.
LOST—A Gold Pen No. 3, Maybie Todd & Co..
in pooket rubber bolder. The tinder will be re
warded. (298-Ct) CIIAS. M. I [ALL.
A set second band light single harness wanted.
A. J. NOLLE, Troy, Pa. July 28.
I have a tine lot of Celery Plants for sale at 62 1-2
cent* per hundred. Call at my house No. 12 Lom
bard street. SAM'L POWELL.
C. M. Manville has a quantity of four feet flag
stones for sale cheap.
We are constantly receiving orders for " Lum
Smith's Imitation Stained glass," and are l'cady to
give our patrons the full benefit of an inexpensive
and handsome decoration by placing it on any glass
whether door or window, largo size or small glass,
gieen or white, round or square, in fact any posi
tion, shape or kind of frame or glass that needs
shading from the rays of the sun, or from the gaze
of inquisitive eyes. Thankful for the very liberal
patronage bestowed since we have received the
agency of this Imitation, we shall by a strict atten
tion to business, hoping to merit a continuance of
the same. To those who have heard of the •'lmi
tation Glass," and have not seen it, we extend a
cordial invitation to examine into its real merits,
and ask the prices for which it can he obtained, we
are prepared to contract with churches, halls, or
or other public buildings, and warrant all of out
work to surpass in beauty the genuine stained glass
and our prices are less than one-fourth the cost of
the same. Those in need of anything of this kind
or who are lovers of art, whether they wish to pur
chase or not, are respectfully invited to examine
the same at CIIAS. F. Cnoss' Book Store.
I have bought and used the New Era Washer five
days in the week for the past five weeks and am
satisfied it will do all that is claimed for it. It is
the Lady's Friend. The more I use it the better I
like it. Mrs. E. ONAN.
really elegant and eligibly situated residence
of Mrs. Doctor Houston is offered for sale at
a bargain. The lot is large and has on it an
abundance of fruit of all kinds. Tt is alto
gether the most desirable property of the
kind now on the market Only a small pay
ment required; balance can remain on mort
gage. Call on the premises.
July 7. Mrs. HOUSTON.
Pomona Grange No, 23, I'. of 11., will hold its
next Regular Meeting at West Warren Grange
liall, No. 298, on Thursday, August 11, 1881, at one
o'clock p. in. A general attendance of 4th degree
members is requested. DWIGIIT KELLU.M, Secy.
Fresh crackers, 4 lbs., for 25 cents, at Clark's
3d Ward Grocery.
Fresh Bread at Clark's 3d Ward Grocery.
ICE CREAM. — We are now prepared to fur
nish ICE CHE AM on short notice. Orders
[eft at Kirby's drug store or with driver of
the milk wagon, will receive prompt atten
tion. Price 37 1-2 cents per quart. Iw.
A Canada long-wool Buck Sheep, weighing 225
lbs., and a Grade Aldcrny Bull, two yearo old, lbr
sale by the subscriber W. J. DELPUECII,
July 25. Horn Brook, Pa.
A GOOD HOME CHEAP.— I offer for sale
VERY CHEAP, the house and lot, South
east corner Third and Elizabeth streets in
this borough. The house is in good repair,
the lot large, with good well of water and
water in the house. The property will be
sold for half its value on long time.
June 9, >Bl. O. D. KINNEY.
RAGS taken in exchange for goods at the 5 cent
PASTURE FOR HORSES.—I have good pas
ture add will take a few horses to keep either
for cash, or light work by the animals. \Y.
J. Delpeuch, Horn Brook.
Buy Knapp's Superior Flavoring Extracts
for family use, warranted pure.
Live spring chickens constantly on hand at
Mycr's It ridge St. Market.
Berries, Garden truck at My re's meat mar
ket. Bridge St.
JELLY TUMBLERS 25 cents per dozen, at the
5 cent Store.
Under this head we will insert FREE, notices of
situations or help wanted.
WANTED.— A first class compositor (not a hoy)
would like a situation on a Towanda paper, Journ
r'i ! Tn o m ' d " , Must have good wages—not less than
$1.25 1-8 per day. Address T , this otliee.
Wanted, work l>y the day, to support my family
Mrs. Satnl. tt. Berry, Mechanic street.
Good trusty boy to do chores and milk, enquire
at this ollice. 1
A GOOD GIRL, one who understands all kinds of
house work and cooking, wanted. Highest wattes.
Inquire at tins oilice.
Towanda and mehoopajty
Stage leaves Towanda Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays, atone p. m. Notices of passen
gers and packages may he left at Stevens & Long's,
and will be carefully attended to. B. 11. BROWN
_ Proprietor.
B. CATON, Proprietor.
Near the Barclay depot, Good accommodations at
reasonable prices. Call and see us.
ARCTIC HOUSE, Corner Surf and
Ocean Avenues, OCEAN GROVE, N. J.—
Furnish Dinners for Excursions. M. A. BULL.
I have a number of
HOWE, and
Sewing Machines in good condi
tion, for sale at very lozufigures.
Sewing Machines rented at 50
cents a week. O. A. BLACK,
June IG, 3in. Assent.
A large assortment of CAN
GINGHAMS just received ; also
large additions to their stock of
Powell & Co.
have just received 10,000 yards
best quality and newest styles,
which they will sell at NINE
CENTS per yard.
Powell & Co.
have just opened a large stock
ING, with a large assortment of
DRESS GOODS, which they
are offering at great bargains.
■ keeps several
and is ready to attend all calls in his line promptly
Re runs to ALL TRAINS. Charges for night and
early morning trains (Nos. 12, 8 and 3,) no reduction
for these trains, 535 cents per passenger. Regu
lar customers supplied with tickets at reduced rates
Charges for attending parties, one couple $1.50: two*
couples in one load, SI.OO per couple; for attending
funerals from $2.00 to $3.00. Hack by the hour sl.
Horses and carriages to let.
Orders left at his office below council rooms will
receive careful attention. 11. W MIT.T/KR
Nov. 27,1880. '