Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, July 29, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME 11, NO. 299.
Mrs. P. POWELL and Mrs. A. J. LAYTON
will pay " camp Taylor " a yisit to-day.
Rev. G. D. STROUD, his mother and daugh
ter ELEANOR are registered at the Ward
. Miss HATTIE BROWN of Wyalusing is visit
ing her sister. Mrs. GEO. JACKSON, at Wells
ville, N. Y.
Mrs. Capt. DARLING sends us copies of
Salt Lake City papers, for which we return
our best thanks.
Mrs JOHN E. WARD is making quite a pro
longed visit in the West. She has been in
Topeku. St. Louis, and other cities.
HORTON, of North Towanda, went to Hatch
mountain for huckleberries yesterday..
GEO. D. CRAFTS, of Cedar Rapids, lowa,
arrived in town last evening and is visiting
his sister, Mrs. R. MCKEE, on 2d street.
T. M. WOODRUFF goes to Troy to-day and
will spend a week or two visiting his daugh
ter, Mrs. JOHN A PARSONS and other friends
(and their name is legion), there.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. FROST started last even,
ing for Virginia to visit their son, LESTER R
FROST, who lives near Richmond. We sin
cerely hope the change of climate may prove
beneficial to the health of both of them.
Miss CARRIE BODiEof Towanda, is visiting
at Mr. P. TUBACH'S. — Dushore Review.
WILL STORMONT, of Laporte, who is with
JAS. MCCABE, grocer, at Towanda, is at home
enjoying a few days vacation.— lb.
Our good friend FRANK M. BAKER, accom
panied by Dr. II EATON, of Owego, was in
Towanda yesterday and honored the REVIEW
office with a call. The gentlemen were here
on business connected with a mutual aid soci
ety. We don't know anything about the com
pany, but the fact that Mr. BAKER is inter
tested in it, is evidence of its soundness.
Mr. CHARLES MURRAY, of South Bend,
Ind., was in Towanda yesterday. He is an
old newspaper man, having been connected
with the press of Ohio and Indiana for near
ly fifty yours past, and has been associated
in journalistic work with such able gentle
men as COLFAX, DEFREES and others. He
is a native of Athens, this county, and com
menced the printing business in this place
about 1828, with his brother-in-law, Mr. JEN
KINS, and the next year went west with him.
Until the present visit he has not been in the
county for fifty-three years, and finds very
few peole whom he remembers. He made us
a very pleasant call.
It required a train of six ears to carry the
Presbyterian pic nic to the Trout ponds at
Laddsburg yesterday. A day of unalloyed
pleasure was enjoyed by all who participated.
Miss MINNIE HOWES, a lady well known
and highly esteemed in this place, where she
lived for several years, died on the 11th inst.,
of consumption. The announcement will be
read with real sorrow by a large circle of de
voted friends in this county.
011 complaint of GEO. BRUCE a warrant
was issued yesterday afternoon for
the arrest of the irrepressible SAM BERRY.—
The charge was threatening to take the life
of the coniplainant. 111 default of SSOO bail,
Justice CODDING committed him to jail to
await the action of the grand jury.
Mrs. MARTIN, an aged lady, who had been
infirm for a number of years, died at the resi
dence of her daughter, Mrs. E. H, SMITH, on
York Avenue yesterday morning. Funeraj
services will be held at 5 o'clock this after
noon. The remains will be taken to Olean,
N. Y., the former borne of the deceased, for
A large concourse of people assembled yes
terday afternoon to join in paying the last
sad tribute of respect to the mortal remains
of the late WM. MIX. Rev. J. S. BEERS read
the impressive burial service of the Episcopal
Church. Mr. E. T. Fox directed the arrange
ments and the following gentlemen officiated
as pall-bearers: Colonel SMITH, Hon. Jos.
The President's Condition.
JULY 28, 8 A. M.
The President rested well during the
night. No rigor or febrile disturbance.
Improvement of his general condition.
Pulse 02, temperature 94, respiration 18.
1 :30. p. M.
President's symptoms still continue
favorable. His room and bed was thor
oughly cleansed this morning. Ho is now
feeling well and in good spirits. Pulse
98; temperature 98; respiration 18.
7 P. M.
The President lias passed a pleasant
clay and has taken nourishment with ap
parent relish. His temperature continu
ed normal until about five o'clock
when a moderate afternoon rise occurred,
which, however, gives the patient but
slight discomfort, and causes no anxiety.
At present his pulse is 104, temperature
100.5, respiratiou 20.
• <1 1 mmmi 1 ■ • <+•
METEOROLOGICAL.—' The thermometer at
Dr. 11. C. PORTER fc Sox's Drug Store, at the
corner of Main and Pine streets, indicated as
JULY 28.
6a. m.—6l dee. above zero. 9a. m.—6B; 12 m.—
73; 3 p. in.—73; 6 p. m.—7l; 9 p. m.—69.
Average temperature during the day—69.
JULY 29.
6 a. m.—62 degs. above zero.
variable winds; stationary or i.igher barrneter and
Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLINAN'S 011
Bridge street, for the best five cent cegar.
ducements are offered you by the BURLING
TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their
advertisement to be found elsewhere in this
issue. _
The Third Brigade, National Guards of
Pennsylvania, to which the Ninth Regiment
is attached, will encamp at WilkesUdtre from
Aug 23d to 29th. The inspection Ad
utant General wili take place durinfffie En
campment. The Ninth Regiment will be in
spected 011 Thursday, Aug. 25, at 3 p. m.
The Brigade will be reviewed by the Gover
nor on Saturday, Aug. 27th at 4 p. m. The
inspection will be vigorous. The law now
requres the attendance of all officers and men
unless excused by the Brigade Commander
for such reasons only as would prevail in ac
tual service. Since the men are now paid for
five days service, the attendance of the Guard
will 110 doubt be yerv large. Co. A, of this
place belongs to the Ninth Regiment.
News Condensed.
Mr. Coukling says that he has perma
nently retired from political pursuits and
intends to devote his life henceforth to
his profession.
Domingo Santa Maria lias been elected
President of Chili. The Peruvians re
gard his election as favorable to them.
Edith and Lottie Low aged ten and
twelve years were struck by a train while
picking up coal on the track at Wilkes
barrc, Monday. Edith was killed and
Lottie fatally hurt.
MARTIN".—In Tovranda, Thursday morning, 2Sth
i*st., Mrs. Cordelia Martin, aged 77 ycasr, 8
men r ha and 6 days.
POST.—July 20th, at Ruahville, Joseph, only son
of M. L. Post, formerly of Towanda, aged ten
,—i—'■ j
LOST—A Gold Pen No. 3, Made by Todd & Co.,
in pooket rubber holder. The finder will be re
wardedj (298-6t) CHAS. M. HALL.
A set second hand light single harness wanted.
A. J. NOBLE, Troy, Pa. July 28.
I have a line lot of Celery Plants for sale at 62 1-2
cents per hundred. Cull at my house No. 12 Lom
bard street. SAM'L POWELL.
C. M. Manville has n quantity of four feet flag
stones for sale cheap.
We are constantly receiving orders for " Luin
Smith's Imitation Stained glass," and are ready to
give our patrons the full benefit of an inexpensive
and handsome decoration by placing it on any glass
whether door or window, large size or small glass,
gieeu or white, round or square, in fact any posi
tion, shape or kind of frame or glass that needs
shading from the rays of the sun, or from the gaze
of inquisitive eyes. Thankful for the very liberal
patronage bestowed since we have received the
agency of this Imitation, we shall by a strict atten
tion to business, hoping to merit a continuance of
the same. To those who have heard of the *'lmi
tation Glass," and have not seen it, we extend a
cordial invitation to examine into its real merits,
and ask the prices for which it can be obtained, we
are prepared to contract with churches, halls, or
or other public buildings, and warrant all of our
work to surpass in beauty the genuine stained glass
and our prices are less than one-fourth the cost of
the same. Those in need of anything of this kind
or who are lovers of art, whether they wish to pur
chase or not, are respectfully invited to examine
the same at CHAS. F. CROSS* Book Store.
I have bought and used the New Era Washer five
days in the week for the past five weeks and am
satisfied it will do all that is claimed for it. It is
the Lady's Friend. The more I use it the better I
like it. Mrs. E. ONAN.
The finest building lot inTowanda borough
corner of Poplar and Second streets, between
the residence of Hon. E. O. Goodrich and
E. Walker, will be sold cheap. Apply to O.
D Kinney
really elegant and eligibly situated residence
of Mrs. Doct or Houston is ottered for sale at
a bargain. The lot is large and has on it an
abundance of fruit of all kinds. It is alto
gether the most desirable property of the
kind now on the market Only a small pay
ment required; balance can remain on mort
gage. Call on the premises.
July 7. Mrs. HOUSTON.
$•") REWARD —Lost between Leßavsville
and Towanda, a small sized Gold Watch,
wrapped up in paper. No. of case, 2fi,821;
No. of movement, 1,521,128. Five Dollars
Reward will be paid if delivered to Win.
A. Chamberlin,Towanda, Pa. July 8,1881.
Pomona Grange No, 23, I\ of 11., will hold its
next Regular Meeting at West Warren Grange
Hall, No. 298, on Thursday, August 11, 1881, at one
o'clock p. m. A general attendance of 4th degree
members is requested. DWIOHT KKLLUM, Secy.
Fresh crackers, 4 lbs., for 25 cents, at Clark's
3d Ward Grocery.
Fresh Bread at Clark's 3d Ward Grocery.
ICE CREAM.— We are now prepared to fur
nish ICE CREAM on short notice. Orders
left at Kirby's drug store or with driver of
the milk wagon, will receive prompt atten
tion. Price 37 1-2 cents per quart. Iw.
A Canada long-wool Buck Sheep, weighing 225
lbs., and a Grade Alderny Bull, two yearo old, for
sale by the subscriber W. J. DKLPUKCH,
July 25. Horn Brook, Pa.
A GOOD HOME CHEAP.— I offer for sale
VERY CHEAP, the house and lot, South
east corner Third and Elizabeth streets in
this borough. The house is in good repair,
the lot large, with good well of water and
water in the house. The property will be
sold for half its value on long lime.
June 9, 'Bl. O. I). KINNEY.
RAGS taken in exchange for goods at the 5 cent
PASTURE FOR HORSES.—I have good pas
ture add will take a few horses to keep either
for cash, or light work by the animals. W.
J. Delpeuch, Horn Brook.
Buy Knapp's Superior Flavoring Extracts
for family use, warranted pure.
Live spring cliiekens constantly *vi> b.vikt at
Mycr's Bridge St. Market.
Berries-, Garden tiTiek at Mjre's meat mar-'
ket, Bridge St.
JELLY TtJMiSLEIiJEJ 25' cents* per dozen', at the
5 cent Store.
!"!...! '■ .".i..t_ 1-I—l
Under this head toe will invert PREE, rioilce's'o/
situations or help wanted.
WANTED. —A Compositor at ffie Journal Office.
Good wages will be paid for a first-class workman'.
Wanted, work by the day, to support my family.
Mrs. Saml. G. Berry, Mechanic street.
Good trusty boy to do chores and milk, enquire
at this office.
A GOOD GIRI., one who understands all kinds of
house worjc and cookiug, wanted. Highest wages.
Inquire at this office. '•
Stage leaves Towanda Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays, at one p. m. Notices of passen
gers and packages may be left at Stevens & Long's,
and will be carefully attended to. B. 11. BROWN,
jul-28. Proprietor.
It. CATON, Proprietor,
Near the Barclay depot. Good accommodations at
reasonable prices.* Call and see us.
ARCTIC HOUSE, Corner Surf and
Ocean Avenues, OCEAN GROVE, N. J.—
Furnish Dinners for Excursions. M. A. BUI.L.
I have a number oj
HOWE, and
Sczving Machines in good condi
tion, for sale at very lozvfigures.
Sewing Machines rented at 50
cents a week. O. A. BLACK,
June IG, 3m. Agent.
A large assortment of CAN
GINGHAMS just received ; also
large additions to their stock of
Powell & Co.
have just received 10,000 yards
best quality and newest styles,
which they will sell at NINE
CENTS per yard.
Powell & Co.
have just opened a large stock
ING, with a large assortment of
DRESS GOODS, which they
are offering at great bargains.
" keeps several
and is ready to attend all calls in his line promptly,
lie runs to ALL TRAINS. Charges for night and
early morning trains (Nos. 12, 8 and 3,) no reduction
for these trains, Si 5 cents per passenger. Regu
lar customers supplied with tickets at reduced rates.
Charges for attending parties, one couple $1.50: two
couples in one load, SI.OO per couple; for attending
funerals from $2.00 to $3.00. Hack by the hour sl,
Horses and carriages to let.
Orders left at his office below council rooms will
receive careful attention. H. W, MILLER
I Nov. 27, 1880.