DAILY TOWANDA REVIEW. VOLUME 11, NO. 298. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Personal. J. S. TOME of Jersey Shore, attended the Bridge Co. meeting yesterday. Miss MARY EDWARDS, of Bath,N. Y., is visiting O. L. DELANO'S family. Mrs. Colonel CIIAS MERCUR and children, of Port Jervis, N. Y., are visiting friends in this place. JOHN CULVER, of WIIITCOMB'S book store, will enjoy a vacation for the next few weeks with friends in Salem, Mass. JOHN PIIELAN, of the Ward House, joins an excursion party from Elmira who visit Hammondsport to-day. The reports from Mrs. Dr. MONTANYE were much more favorable yesterday and her early restoration is anticipated. Mr. HARTER and Mr. ROBBINS, two young gentlemen of Philadelphia, are visiting at Hon. E. R. MYER'S in Myersburg. JOHN NORTIIKOP, a young man who was for several years employed on the Barclay railroad, has gone west and secured a position 011 a road at Leadvilie, Colorado. Mr. LEWIS, President of the Long Valley Coal Co., accompanied by his wife and sever al other ladies, has been spending a few days here. The party left yesterday afternoon. We return thanks to our old friend and former townsman, PAT PIIELAN, for late copies of Topeka, Kansas, papers, containing interesting discussions of the new liquor law. •* Col. SMITH informs us that lie has decided to open an office in Scrunton and will spend most of his time there, but will be in Towan" da during court weeks. We congratulate the bar of Lackawanna couuty 011 the valuable ac cession to their ranks. MATTHEW A. GAMBEL, who was principal assistant chief engineer on the N. B. Canal, unuer Mr. FOSTER, some forty years ago, was registered at the Ward House yes terday. It is thirty-five years since he was here before. JOHN BLACK of Leßaysville exhibited to us a unique present which Ins son-in-law, Mr. STIRN, of New York, purchased for him in Europe. At first sight it appears like a neat reception chair, and it is, but a musical in strument as well, and when you take a seat iu it discourses exquisite music. Mr. S. W. RODGKRS, after remaining in Minneapolis a few weeks decided that lie was too old "to grow up with the country" suc cessfully. and ho relinquished a good situa tion, shook " the dust of the city" from his feet and turned his face toward his native heath. He has again taken up his residence in Towanda and will engage in business here. Himself and family will be warmly welcomed back. She was a little girl and wanted so much to go to the pic liie. The clouds obscured the sky, but she stood 011 the piazza watching, and pointing out one small blue spot in the north-east, she exclaimed confidently, ''Papa, it's clearing away!" We are pained at the iutelligeuce of the death, of SYLVESTER W. ALDEN, Esq., of Green Bay, Wis. He was a twin brother of Elder S. W. ALDEN of Monroeton, and died 011 the 13th hurt., after an illness of some two years duration. He leaves a wife and one son. He had not been east in twenty years. Col. R. A. PACKER receives the official bul letins announcing the condition of the Presi dent, as soon as they are posted in Washing ton, and has very kindly directed his opera tor in Say re to repeat them for Towanda. and the morning and afternoon bulletins will be printed 011 slips at this office. The Pic Nic of Christ Church yesterday was a thorough success. The morning was some-: what threatening, but the prophecies of the weather were encouraging, and at 9 the sig- TOWANDA, PA., THURSDAY, JULY 2S, 18S1. nal-bell rang and said " Go!" The cars provi ded were well tilled, and after a pleasant ride to "Weston's, the pick nickers were surprised by the announcement that there had been 110 rain there for several days, the recent show ers in Towanda not having reached that sub urban locality. So the ground was " dry as a bone." The company soon scattered them selves over the extensive grounds, around the tables, in the swings, by (and in) the creek, and on the hills. Clouds appearing, hurried the lunch, but the party were ready for it. Bulletins foretold the weather with singular accuracy and the party enjoyed entire immuni ty from the showers which were falling around them miles away—in this place and elsewhere. At a quarter past six, the train left for home, and then came the rain—but the pic-nickers laughed at it from the close cars or from under umbrellas. All got safe ly home and felt that they had enjoyed a pleasant day. May to-day's company be as fortunate. The President. The President appears to be making steady progress toward recovery. The bulletins of yesterday will be read with devout thankfulness. The whole couu try is earnestly praying that the hopes these dispatches inspire may be realized speedily. OFFICIAL BULLETINS. The 7 p. m., official bulletin is as fol lows: The President is still resting quietly. lie has been able to take more nourishment to-day than for several days past, and up to the present hour has had no ferbrile rise of temperature. Ilis wound has just been dressed. It looks well and has continued to discharge heal thy pus in sufficient quantity during the day. His pulse is now 9G, temperature 98.5, respiration 20. At 11 p. m., Secretary Blaine sent Minister Lowell the following disbhtch : The President's physiciads give a most favorable account of his condition. There is a conspicuous improvement in his di gestion and in the restfulness of his sleep. We are by 110 means relieved from anx iety, bvt are growing more hopeful. Twenty thousand Spaniards have quit Algeria since the Salida massacre. Ex-Senator Coukliug made quite a lengthy call at the White House Monday. Ihe Czar ot Russia will shortly be crowned at Moscow. lie at least de serves admiration for his courage. Very Reverend John McMulleu was consecrated Catholic Bishop of the newly created See of Davenport, lowa, Monday. METEOROLOGICAL.—The thermometer a fc Dr. 11. C. POUTER & SON'S Drug Store, at the corner of Main and Pine streets, indicated as follows: JULY 27. 6a. m.—6o deg. above zero. 9a. in.—69; 12 m.— 72; 3p. m.—7o; 6p. m.—6B; 9p. m.—62. Average temperature during the day—7o. JULY 23. m.—6l degs. above zero. WEATHER INDICATIONS FOR TO-DAY.—Fair, to variable winds; stationary barmeter and temper ature. Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLINAN'S on Bridge street, for the best live cent cegar. IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS. — Special in ducements are offered you by the BURLING TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. DIED. MIX—In this borough, Tuesday morning, July 26, 18S1, William Mix, aged 72 years. Funeral this atcrnoon at 5 o'clock from late residence of deceased. Good trusty boy to do chores and milk, enquire at this office. LOST—A Gold Pen Xo. 3, Made by Todd & Co., in pooket rubber holder. The finder will he re warded. (298-6t) CHAS. M. HALL. A set second hand light single harness wanted A. J. NOBLE, Troy, Pa. July 28. I have a fine lot of Celery Plants for sale at 62 1-2 cents per hundred. Call at my house No. 12 Lom bard street. SAM'L POWELL. C- M. Manville has a quantity of four feet flag stones for sale cheap. We are constantly receiving orders for " Luin Smith's Imitation Stained glass," and are ready to give our patrons the full benefit of an inexpensive and handsome decoration by placing it on any glass whether door or window, large size or small glass, gieen or white, round or square, in fact any posi tion, shape or kind-of frame or glass that needs shading from the rays of the sun, or from the gaze of inquisitive eyes. Thankful for the very liberal patronage bestowed since wo have received the agency of this Imitation, we shall by a strict atten tion to business, hoping to merit a continuance of the same. To those who have heard of the •'lmi tation Glass," and have not seen it, we extend a cordial invitation to examine into its real merits, and ask the prices for which it can be obtained, we are prepared to contract with churches, halls, or or other public buildings, and warrant all of our work to surpass in beauty tlie genuine stained glass and our prices are less than one-fourth the cost of the same. Those in need of anything of this kind or whs are lovers of art, whether they wish to pur chase or not, are respectfully invited to examine the same at CIIAS. F. CROSS' Book Store. BUSINESS LOCALS. I have bought and used the New Era Washer five days in the week lor the past five weeks and am satisfied it will do all that is claimed for it. It is the Lady's Friend. The more I use it the better I like it. . Airs. E. ONAN. The finest building lot in Towanda borough corner of Poplar and Second streets, between the residence of Hon. E. O. Goodrich and E. Walker, will be sold cheap. Apply to O. D Kinney AN ELEGANT RESIDENCE FOR SALE.—The really elegant and eligibly situated residence of Mrs. Doctor Houston is offered for sale at a bargain. The lot is large and has on it an abundance of fruit of ail kinds. It is alto gether the most desirable property of the kind now on the market Only a small pay ment required; balance can remain on mort gage. Call 011 the premises. July 7. Mrs. HOUSTON. 83 REWARD —Lost between Leßaysville and Towanda, a small sized Gold Watch, wrapped up in paper. No. of case, 20,821; No. of movement, 1,521,128. Five Dollars Reward will be paid if delivered to Wm. A. Chamberlin,Towanda, Pa. July 8,1881. Pomona Grange No, 23, P. of 11., will hold it*, next Regular Meeting at West Warren Grange Hall, No. 298, on Thursday, August 11, 1881, at oiie o'clock p. m. A general attendance of 4th degree members is requested. DWIGHT KELLUSI, Secy. Fresh crackers, 4 lbs., for 25 cents, at Clark's 3d Ward Grocery. Fresh Bread at Clark's 3d Ward Grocery. ICE CREAM.—We are now prepared to fur nish ICE CREAM on short notice. Orders left at Kirby's drug store or with driver of the milk wagon, will receive prompt atten tion. Price 37 1-2 cents per quart. Iw. 11. ELSBREE. H. WILCOX. A Canada long-wool Buck Sheep, weighing 225 lbs., and a Grade Alderny Bull, two yearo old, for sale by the subscriber W. J. DELPUECH, July *25. • Horn Brook, Pa. A GOOD HOME CHEAP.—I offer for sale "VERY CHEAP, the house and lot, South east corner Third and Elizabeth streets in this borough. The house is in good repair, the lot large, with good well of water and water in the house. The property will be sold for half its value on long time. June 9, 'Bl. O. I). KINNEY. BAGS taken in exchange for goods at the 5 cent Store. PASTURE FOR HORSES.—I have good pas ture add will take a few horses to keep either for cash, or light work by the animals. W. J. Delpeuch, Horn Brook. Buy Knapp's Superior Flavoring Extracts for family use, warranted pure. PRICE ONE CENT. Live spring chickens constantly on hand at Myer's Bridge St. Market. Berries, Garden truck at Myre's meat mar ket, Bridge St. JELLY TUMBLERS 25 cents per dozen, at the 5 cent Store. WANTS. Under this head \ce will insert FREE, notices of situations or help wanted. WANTED.—A Compositor at the Journal Office. Good wages will be paid for a tirst-class workman. A servant girl wanted Immediately. Mrs. J. 1\ VANFLEET. A GOOD GIUL, one who understands all kinds of house work and evoking, wanted. Highest wages. Inquire at this office. TO WANDA AND M A 11 0 01 J AN Y Stage leaves Towanda Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at one p. m. Notices of passen gers and packages may bo left at Stevens it Long's, and will be carefully attended to. B. 11. BROWN, jul-28. . Proprietor. BARCLAY JUNCTION HOTEL. It. CAT OX, Proprietor, Near the Barclay depot. Good accommodations at reasonable prices. Call and see us. ARCTIC HOUSE, Corner Surf ami Ocean Avenues, OCKAN GROVE, N. J.— Furnish Dinners for Excursions. M. A. BULL. I have a number of SINGER, IIOWE, and WILCOX & GIBBS Sewing Machines in good condi tion, for sale at very lozvfigures. Sewing Machines rented at 50 cents a week. O. A. BLACK, June IG, 3m. Agent. PMkLL S A large assortment of CAN TON and MADRAS DRESS GINGHAMS just received ; also large additions to their stock of CALICOES, APRON GING HAMS, CRETONNES, FUR NITURE PRINTS, &c. Powell & Co. have just received 10,000 yards of PRINTED LAWNS, the best quality and newest styles, which they will sell at NINE CENTS per yard. Powell & Co. have just opened a large stock of LACE AND PLAIN BUNT ING, with a large assortment of NEW STYLES of WORSTED DRESS GOODS, which they are offering at great bargains. T_T W. MILLER PUBLIC HACKS and is ready to attend all calls in his line promntlv He runs to ALL TRAINS. Charges for night and early morning trains (Nos. 12, 8 and 3,) no reduction for these trams, 35 cents per passenger. lieeu lor customers supplied with tickets at reduced rates Charges for attending parties, one couple $1.50* two couples in one load, 81.00 per couple; for attending funerals from $2.00 to $3.00. Hack by the hour 81 Horses and carriages to let. * Orders left at his office below council rooms will receive careful attention. H.W MILLER Nov. 27,1880. MIL.L.U.K.