Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, July 25, 1881, Image 1

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    I) A I L Y
VOLUME 11, NO. 295.
TOM MYER lias opened a law office in Wya
Miss CARRIE BECK i> visiting her Towau
da friends.
Mrs. O. C. POST returned on Saturday from
a two weeks' visit in Rochester.
Mrs. SAMUEL WOODFORD has gone to Troy
to visit Mrs, JOHN A. PARSONS.
Miss JXLIA POWELL spent Saturday as the
guest of Dr. TAYLOR'S family in camp.
Mr. and Mrs GEO. STEVENS and Mi<s LOT
IIE returned from Niagara Saturday.
Mrs. J. 11. CLARK, of Clu mung. is spend
ing a few days with her parents in this place.
of I'ittstou spent Sunday with friends in this
Mrs. FREDERICK and >Oll, of Augusta,
Wis., arc the guests of Mr. IIEXSLEY'L fam
ily in East Towanda.
Mrs. C. I). HUMPHREY accompanied her
husband on a trip through western Bradfoed
and Tioga last week.
Rev. J. B. FRENCH, of Troy, preached two
excsllent, logical and practical discourses in
the Baptist church here yesterday.
Mrs. F. 1). DOCKER and daughter 31 ETA. of
New York, are visiting friends In Towanda.
They are the guests of Judge PARSONS.
Prof. RYAN, A. J. FISHER and M. E. RO
SEN FIELD and their wives have gone into the
wilds of Sullivan for a week in the woods.
W. L. MOODY of Rome, accompanied by a
young lady of Ithaca, visited his mother, Mrs.
GEO KIRBY, Chestnut street, Saturday even
Mr. and Mrs. CLARK WILSON are enjoying
a little rest at their home in this place. They
conducted service at the 31. E. Church last
deserted their camp near Browntown Satur
day and came home, after a woek very pleas
antly spent.
Senator ROCKWELL and S. 11. STANTON of
Troy, were in Towanea on Saturday. The
last named gentleman called and subscribed
for the REVIEW.
GEO. ELWELL, editor of the Bloomsburg
Columbian, and his wife are visiting in town.
They are the guests of E. W. ELWKLL and
family, River street.
Capt. MANYILLE'S boy already displays his
father's characteristics. The young gentle
man is not yet a year old but drives a horse,
handling the ribbons" quite skillfully. We
expect soon to see him riding the black mare.
Mr. WILL A. RANDALL of New York, trav
eling representative for this state, of the
great hardware house of SARGENT & Co.,
whose catalogue is nearly as large as a "Web
ster's V'nabridged,'' was a guest of tlie Ward
House yesterday.
C. L. and W. G. TRACY, of this place, ED.
SELLECK. of Burlington and FRANK HANXON
of Sullivan count}', siarted down the river in
boats this morning for a week's fun fishing
and hunting. They took with them camp
cquippage and eomlssary stores in abundance,
NAT YOUNG went along as Cook. Their des
tination is a point near Wyalusing. We wish
them a good time.
Our genial friend and enterprising agricul
turalist, \\ . J. DELPUECII, saw our notice of
green corn in the REVIEW the other day and
on Saturday called to say he could double dis
count. it. He lias had delicious sweet corn
from his garden, for the past, ten days. In
verification of this claim, he ieft 011 our table
a very generous sample which was discussed
and enjoyed at our dinner yestenlay with
many pleas mt thoughts of the thoughtful do
nor. 31 ay he live long and do so often.
I>r. M. M. Ruowx. of Syracuse, arrived in
town this morning and spent the day on his
old bass ground near MCKINXEY'S. He re
mains here a few days and then gqesto Penn
sylvania to try his piscatorial skill. — Ithica
Journal. Hi* piscatorial skill is immense.
That man can catch bass every time he
throws In, while others who tish by his side
never get a bite. We know him. His fish
ing ground is Wyalusing, and he is a brother
of Dr. C. W. BROWN, of this city, who is al
so "some on bass."— Elmira Advertiser. —
And now, we should like to know the Dr.
opinion in resord to the worms in bass.
SYLVENUS EASTABROOK died at his resi
dence in Elmira yesterday, aged 03 years, lie
was a brother of A. J. EASTABROOK and re
sided in this place for several years, as a
member of the firm of 15. A. PETTIS A- Co.
W. 11. SNYDER, who was injured by a rail
road accident Friday night, died yesterday
morning. He was badly burned but the doc
tor thinks he died, of interal injuries. The
funeral takes place at ten o'clock this morn
ing. He leaves a wife but 110 children.
The river is fordable in many places—the
drouth having rendered the water very low.
Last year it was forded in May, some six
weeks earlier than this season, 'At those
points where there is neither bridge nor fer
ry, the low water is hailed with much inter
Mr. GOODKXOUGII. who for more than a
year past has been associated with the pro
prietors in the publication of this paper, sev
ered his connection threwith on Monday last
to accept the business and editorial charge of
the Blossburg lle/jister, recently tendered
him by HAVENS A Company. The Gazette
regrets that duty compels die severing of as
sociation so mutually pleasant. The stroke ß
of his graceful pen have often shown resplen
dent in the columns of this journal; but it is
not the loss of the able writer we so much
mourn, as the absence of the genial compan
ion, faithful companion and linn friend.
" Isr.x " is known to almost everybody in this
vicinity, and to his credit be it said he is
known only to be respected and admired.
With him acquaintance soon ripens into
friendship, and a friend once made is never
lost. We feel we are not alone in expressing
this regret—all Wellsboro feels the change.
We are consoled, however, in the hope that
ir has been for the best, and that his ability,
industry and good nature will be appreciated
in Blossburg as they were here. His home is
s'ill with us for a little while, but his sniiiing
countenance will henceforth be seldom seen
upon our streets. — Wellsboro Gazette.
At the Gcrmaiiiu Band Concert this ev
ening, the following programme will be pro
duced :
I—March—Maj. (.'has. 11. Scolcy—Eastern
2—is lection—(teniveve tie Brabant—Oltenbncli.
■l—March—(Boss of the season) American Line—
F. T. Baker.
.">—Andante and Waltz —Rollinson.
o—Galop—Our Friends—Faust.
Don't fail to go to Joux SULLIXAN'S 011
Bridge street, for the best five cent cegar.
M ETEOROLOGICAL. —The thermometer at
Dr. 11. ('. PORTER ,fc Sox's Drug Store, at the
I corner of Main and Pine streets, indicated as
JULY 23.
6a. m.—6l deg. above zero. oa, m.—66; 12 m.—
73; 3 p. m.—79; 6 p. m.—77; 9 p. m.—79.
Average temperature during the day—7l.
JULT 24.
6 a.m. —dogs, above zero. 9a- m.—6S; 12 m.
—77; 3 p. m.—SI; 6 p. m.—SI; 9 p. in.—74.
Average temperature 77.
JULY 23.
0 a. in.—67 degs. above zero.
warmer; fair; southerly winds; stationary or
lower barmeter.
A Cdnada long-wool Buck bheep, weighing 225
His., and a Grade Alderny Bull, tAvo yearo old, for
sale by the subscriber W. J. DELPUECII,
July 25. Horn Brook, Pa.
News was received Saturday afternoon
to the effect that the President had suffer
ed a serious relaps, and had experienced
a chill. The unfavorable news caused
much uneasiness, and ail day yesterday,
crowds of people hung around the tele
graph ollice, anxious to hear the reports.
Manager Ward kindly gave the public ev
erything he could get. The following
telegrams will explain the symptoms and
condition of the President up to 1 :30 this
July 24, 10 a.m.—The President was
more restless than usual during the night
and had another chill just before midnight.
This morning at 8 :1J his pulse was lis.
temperature 95.4, respiration 18. • A con
sultation was held with Dr. Hamilton of
New York and Dr. Agncw. of Philadel
phia, after which a counter opening was
made through the integument of the back
about three inches below the wound,
which it is hopeful will facilitate the
drainage of the pus and increase the
chances of recover}'. The President bore
the operation well. His pulse is now 112.
3 p. m.—There has been no perceptible
change in the President's condition since
the last un-otlicial bulletin. The favora
ble reaction which followed the operation
is very encouraging to the surgeons, and
they consider the President's condition
-• jmfm* ■ y -
improved. Col. Rockwell, who came from
the sick room, says that the President is
resting quietly. lie says further, '• we
all feell greatly relieved and hopeful.
7 p. m —The President has been much
relieved by the operation of this morning
and the pus has been discharging satis
factorily through the new opening. At
noon his pulse was 118, temperature 99.8,
respiration 24. At present his pulse is
104, temperature 99.2, respiration 23.
July 23 1:30 a. m.—The President is
resting quietly. The physycians are doz
ing and the members of the household,
excepting tlm watchers in the sick room,
are asleep.
Fr<*-h crackers, 4 !'>., for '4"> cents, at Clark's
3d Ward Grocery.
Fresli Bread at Clark's 3d Ward Groeery.
ICK CREAM.—We arc now prepared to fur
nish ICE CREAM on short n dice. Orders
left at Kirby's drug store or with driver of
the milk wagon, will receive prompt atten
tion. Price 37 1-2 cents per quart. 1 w.
For First Class Custom Boots and Shoes, go to
Morgan MeMahon's Shop, over Burchill Brothers
Marble Works. Repairing of all kinds neatly done.
A GOOD giki,, one who understands all kinds of
housb work and cooking, wanted. Highest wages.
Inquire at this ollice.
Go to G. S ACKLKY fc Co's for cheap Cow
Hay. 9G.
83 REWARD —Lost between Leßavsville
and Towunda, a small sized Gold Watch,
wrapped up in paper. No. of case, 20,821;
No. of movement, 1,521,128. Five Dollars
Reward will lie paid if delivered to Win.
A. Chamberlin, Towanda, Pa. July 8,1881.
FRUIT JAItS, pints, quarts, $1 25 per dozen,
half gallon, 81 63. At the 5 cent Store.
For sale cheap on easy terms. One span
horses, one single horse, two top buggies.
Inquire of G. S. Aeklev.
FARM FOR SALE. —I oflcr for sale on reason
able terms a valuable farm, located in the
valley of the Towanda creek, about 2 1-2
milos from Towanda, containing 75 acres,
under a good state of cultivation, well water
ed, a young orchard of choice trees, good
framed dwelling bouse, and tine large barn—
with underground stabling. I will sell this
arm on long time, or exchange it in part for
property in Towada borough.
We are constantly receiving orders for " Lum
Smith's Imitation Stained glass," and are ready to
give our patrons the full benefit of an inexpensive
and handsome decoration by placing it on any glass
whether door or window, largo size or small, glass,
gieen or white, round or square, in fact any posi
tion, shape or kind of frame or glass that needs
shading from the rays of the sun, or from the gaze
of inquisitive eyes. Thankful for the very liberal
patronage bestowed since we have received the
agency of this Imitation, we shall by a strict atten
tion to business, hoping to merit a continuance of
the same. To those who have heard of the "Imi
tation Glass," and have not seen it, we extend a
cordial invitation to examine into its real merits,
and ask the prices for which it can be obtained, we
are prepared to contract with churches, halls, or
or other public buildings, aiul warrant all of our
work to surpass in beauty tin- genuine stained glass
and our prices are less than one-fourth the cost of
the same. Those in need of anything of this kind
or who are lovers of art, whether they wish to pur
chase or not, are respectfully invited to examine
the same at CIIAS. F. CROSS' Book Store.
ii\ CATON, Proprietor,
Near the Barclay depot. Good accommodations at
reasonable prices. Call and see us.
ARCTIC HOUSE, Corner Surf and
Ocean Avenues, OCFAN GROVE, N. ,I.
Furnish Dinners for Excursions. M. A. BULL.
I have a number oj
HOWE, and
Sczolng' Machines in good condi
tion ,for sale at very low figures.
Sewing Machines rented at 50
cents a week. O. A. BLACK,
June 10, 3m. Agent.
PmhLL d-
A large assortment of CAN
GINGHAMS just received ; also
large additions to their stock of
Powell & Co.
have just received 10,000 yards
best quality and newest styles,
which they will sell at NINE
CENTS per yard.
Powell & Co.
have just opened a large stock
ING, with a large assortment of
DRESS GOODS, which they
are offering at great bargains.
■ keeps several
and is ready to attend all calls in his line promptly,
lie runs to ALL TRAINS. Charges for night and
early morning trains (Nos. 12, 8 and 3,) no reduction
fur these trains, 23 rents per passenger. Regu
lar customers supplied with tickets at reduced rates.
Charges for attending parties, one couple $1.50; two
couples in one load, SI.OO per couple; for attending
funerals from $2.00 to $3.00. Ilack by the hour sl,
| Horses and carriages to let.
Orders left at his office below council rooms will
receive careful attention. lI.W, MILLER.
Nov. 27, 1880.