DAILY TO WAX DA REVIEW. VOLUME 11, NO. 291. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Personal. Judge J ESS UP of Mont rose, is stopping at the Ward House, Mr. J. W. TAYLOR is making hi> friends here a short visit. Mrs. M. J. LONG and daughter have re turned from their visit to Connecticut. Miss CORA HEATH of Athens, is visiting Mrs. Capt. R. MCKEE on Second street. Mr. and Mrs. GEO. STEVENS and daughter Miss LOTTIE, went to Niagara yesterday. WIRT PIMMOCK, station agent at Foot of tiie Plane, is visiting his parents in Towanda township. Mrs. GEO. M. DECKER and her three little girls are visiting relatives and friends in Brooklyn, N. Y. FRANK COVERDALE has returned from his visit, to Connecticut, accompanied by a blush ing young bride. Col. JOHN A. CODDING and wife and J AS. 11. CODDING, wife and son are visiting in Lcßaysville to-dav. ASA W. PIMMOCK has been seriously ill for several days. We are happy to announce lie was reported improving last evening. Lawyer ANGLE lias hied himself to the hills of Derrick and will take, a short vaca tion from professional work at his parental home. Rev. DAVID CRAFT, of the Wvalusing Presbyterian church, is having his summer vacation. He will he absent from his pulpit next sabbath and the one following. The President's wound reminds the Tow anda correspondent of the Elmira Free Press of a similar one sustained by Gen. MADILL during the war which disabled him for months and the effects of which are still manifest. Telegrams were received yesterday announ cing the alarming illness of Mrs. Dr. MON TANYE, in Waupaeca, Wis., where -he is vis iting her cousin, Mrs. Dr. EYER. Her fath er and mother and little son. Master FRANK, started last evening for Wisconsin to see her. Many friends will pray for her restoration. JOHN J. SPALDING is happy again. Ilis good wife has returned after an aosence of several weeks, during which time JOIIN kept ••bachelors hall." He says he got along all right until all the dishes had been used, and the beds occupied until tbey were as bard as a board, after that he thinks he would just as soon take up with the fare of a first class watering place hotel. But the beds have been stirred up and the china washed and put in order; hence JOHN'S serene appear ance. It lias been said '• corporations have 110 souls," and circumstances often seem to con-' lirm the charge. After seventeen years of faithful service, at a not very rohiuiierative salary, our esteemed friend, T. M. WOOD RUFF, was on Monday notilied, without any previous warning, that his place would here-, after be occupied by another. We suppose tbe Erie railway company understand their own business, but such acts appear to the public quite heartless. TOMMY will be miss ed about the Barclay depot. The railroad equity suit before Judge LINN, was resumed at the court bouse yesterday. j The loss to the Company by the burning of the Barclay repair shops yesterday morning is quite considerable, as the machinery and material in the building was valued at 820,- 000. In addition, Mr. JOHNSON, the foreman, i lost 8250 worth of tools. No insurance. Su perintendent LYON says it is not improbable that the shop will be rebuilt at the Foot of Flano. The origin of the fire is not known. Wvalusing is bound to keep pace with some of the modern improvements even if she can't sustain a newspaper, and telephone stock is fairly booming there. We are informed that four individual lines, owned respectively by TOWANDA, PA., WEDNEESDAY, JULY 20, ISSI. the following named gentlemen— ll. J. IIAL LOCK W. H. KINTNEU, 11. J. LLOYD and C. L. LVWlS —have recently been put up, while a stock company has run a line to the depot, with village office at J. M. ALLlS' drug store. C. K. THOMPSON of Meboopuny has con structed all these lines. MRS. GARFIELD FEND. —A few gentlemen of this village met yesterday and resolved to make an organization to aid in raising the •t>200,000 subscription for Mrs. GARFIELD. N. N. BETTS, Esq., of the National Bank was selected as treasurer,and all subscriptions may be sent or handed to him. The move ment is entirely non-partism and all who de sire to express their practical sympathy with the President's family in the sad bereave ment they are passing through, are invited to contribute. The names of contributors will be printed in the HE VIEW. Subscriptions to the fund may be forwarded from any part of the County. All sums received by Mr. | BETTS will be sent to CYRUS W. FIELD. EDUCATIONAL NOTES. —Superintendent RYAN lias about decided to hold the IN ! stitute this year the week between Christmas ■ and New Year. The following teachers have been employed j as Principals of the beiow named graded ' schools of this county : Towanda borough—Prof. A. D. ALBERT. Troy borough—Prof. ,J. T. MCCOI.LOM. Athens borough— Prof. W. 11. BENEDICT. Canton borough—Prof. BURRITT. East Smithtield—E. X. WOOD. South Waverly— J. I). HARDING. Wvalusing. fall term—J. V. KEELER. Rome borough—.C F, IIEVERLY. Overton —J. C. OSBORNE. S. C. .JOHNSTON lias been added to the fac ulty of the Collegiate Institute,- in place of Prof. BIGELOW. Mr. .1. is a graduate of the Institute and has for the past year been a stu dent at the Madison, N. V., University. He is well qualified from a literary stand-point for the position, and is moreover an earnest, conscientious christian gentleman, who will exemplify and emphasize his precepts by a correct walk and conversation. We most heartily commend the aetton of the Towanda school board in selecting Mr. GEORGE M. MARSHALL to (ill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Miss PENNK PACKKR. The school is so large that at least two male teachers are necessary, and one who would more acceptably till the position than Mr. MARSHALL could hardly he found. The action of the directors will meet the entire approbation of the patrons of the school. Anew school house is being erected in the Gregory district, Athens township. JOB GRIFFIN and W. A. I'LUMMKR are the con tractors—a guaranty of a good job. A substantial new school building lias been built the present sea-011 in the Nealy district, Litchfield A new school house will be put up at West Warren during the summer vacation. The News Condensed. The dead-lock may last two days yet. Two cases of Asiatic cholera have been reported in the vicinity of Philadelphia. Hon. Charles A. Mayer, President Judge of the Twenty-fifth judicial district is presiding over the special term of Lackawana court which began Monday. Mrs. Shafer Smith, of Green Ridge, stepped from her home into that of a neighbor, 011 Wednesday last, and on re turning was surprised to find that some one had been in the house during her ab sence and relieved her of SIIG. The thief has not yet been fo.nul. A fourteen-year-old lad named Samuel Young was accidentally shot in the breast by his own father, Mr. Thomas Young, at Scrauton, on Saturday, while ihe lat ter was engaged in a target shooting match. All examination of the wound by physicians encouraged Mr. Young to believe his sou will recover. THE PRESIDENT'S SYMPTOMS MUCH IMPROVED. At 7:00 last evening the following dis patch was sent by the attending to the consulting surgeons: Last evening the President received a hypodermic inject ion of a grain of sulphate of morphia, and slept well during the hight. He continu es to take snlphate of qninia in three grain doses, thrice daily, and has enemata when required. As anticipated, the in creased fever of yesterday, proved only temporary and he has had a better day to day, than any since he was injured. The wound looks well and is discharging heal thy pus freely. METEOROLOGICAL. —The thermometer at I)r. 11. 0. POUTER & Sox's Drug Store, at the ; corner of Main and Pine streets, indicated as ! follows: JULY 19. oa. m.—62 deg. above zero. 9a. in.—7o; 12 in.— 77; 3p. ni.—7B; 6p. in.—Sl; 9p. m.—72. Average temperature during the day—73. JULY 20. 0 a. in. 63—dogs, above zero. WEATHER INDICATIONS FOR TO-DA Y. —Slightly j ly warmer; fair; winds, mostly south to west; sta tionary or lower barometer. A GOOD GIRL, one who understands all kinds of house work and cooking, wanted. Highest wages. | Inquire at this office. Don't fail to go to JOHN SULIJNAN'S on Bridge street, for the best live cent eegar. ICE CREAM.—We are now prepared to fur nish ICE CRM AM on short notice. Orders left at Ivirby's drug store or with driver of the milk wagon, will receive prompt atten tion. Price o7 1-2 cents per quart. Iw. IF. ELSBREE. H. WILCOX. BUSINESS LOCALS. Go to G. S ACKLEY & Co's for cheap Cow flay. 90. KItUIT JARS, pints, quarts, $1 25 pur dozen, half gallon, $1 63. At the 5 cent Store. JELLY TUMBLERS 25 cents per dozen, at the 5 cent Store. For sale cheap on easy terms. One span horses, one single horse, two top buggies. Inquire of G. S. Ackley. The finest building lot inTowanda borough corner of Poplar and Second streets, between the residence of Hon. E. (). Goodrich and E. Walker, will he sold cheap. Applv to O. D Kinnev RAGS taken in exchange for goods at the 5 cent Store. FARM FOR SALE.—I offer for sale on reason able terms a valuable farm, located in the valley of the Towanda creek, about 2 1-2 miles from Towanda, containing 75 acres, under a good state of cultivation, well water ed, a young orchard of choice trees, good framed dweliing house, and line large barn— with underground stabling. I will sell this arm on long time, or exchange it in part for property in Vowada borough. JOSEPH G. PATTON. BIRD CAGES, 40 cents and upwards at the 5 cent Store. AN ELEGANT RESIDENCE FOR SALE.—The really elegant and eligibly situated residence of Mrs. Doctor Houston is offered for sale at a bargain. The lot is large and has on it an abundance of fruit of all kinds. Jt is alto gether the most desirable property of the kind now on the market Only a small pay ment required; balance can reinaiu on mort gage. Call on the premises. July 7. Mrs. HOUSTON. PASTURE FOR HORSES.—I have good pas ture add will take a few horses to keep either for cash, or light work by the animals. W. J. Delpeucb, Horn Brook. Buy Knapp's Superior Flavoring Extracts for family use, warranted pure. Live spring chickens constantly on hand at Myer's Bridge St. Market. • Berries, Garden truck at My re's meat mar ket, Bridge St. A GOOD HOME CHEAP.—I offer for sale VERY CHEAP, the house and lot, South east corner Third and Elizabeth streets in this borough. The house is in good repair, the lot large, with good well of water and water in the house. The property will be sold for half its value on long time. June 9, 'Bl. O. I). KINNEY. I PRICE ONE CENT. For First Class Custom Boots and Shoes, go to I Morgan McMahon's Shop, over Burchill Brothers Marble Works. Repairing of all kinds neatly done. We are constantly receiving orders for " Lum Smith's Imitation Stained glass," and are ready to give our patrons the full benefit of an inexpensive and handsome decoration by placing it on any glass whether door or window, large size or small glass, gieen or white, round or square, in fact any posi tion, shape or kind of frame or glass that needs shading from the rays of the sun, or from the gaze of inquisitive eyes. Thankful for the very liberal patronage bestowed since we have received the agency of this Imitation, we shall by a strict atten tion to business, hoping to merit a continuance of the same. To those who have heard of the ''lmi tation Glass," and have not seen it, we extend a cordial invitation to examine into its real merits, and ask the prices for which it can be obtained, we are prepared to contract with churches, halls, or or other public buildings, and warrant all of our work to surpass in beauty the genuine stained glass and our prices arc less than one-fourth the cost of the same. Those in need of anything of this kind or who are lovers of art, whether they wish to pur chase or not, arc respectfully invited to examine the same at CIIAS. F. CROSS' Book Store. ARCTIC HOUSE, Corner Surf and Ocean Avenues, OCEAN GROVE, N. J.— Furnish Dinners for Excursions. M. A. BULL. I have a number oj SINGER, HOWE, and WILCOX & GIBBS Sczuing Machines in good condi tion^for sale at very low figures. Sewing Machines rented at 50 cents a week. O. A. BLACK, June 1(J, Jin. Agent. Ptm&z $ A large assortment ol CAN TON and MADRAS DRESS GINGHAMS just received ; also large additions to their stock of CALICOES, APRON GING HAMS, CRETONNES, FUR NITURE PRINTS, &c. Powell & Co. have just received 10,000 yards of PRINTED LAWNS, the best quality and newest styles, which they will sell at NINE CENTS per yard. Powell & Co. have just opened a large stock oi LACE AND PLAIN ING, with a large assortment of NEW STYLES of WORSTED DRESS GOODS, which they are offering at great bargains. pOR Hair fiat and Shave Go to the WARD HOUSE SHAVING I'AIiLOR, WILLIS FAIRHILD Formerly STEDGE Isthere.