The Daily Review Towanda, Pa., Saturday, July 16, 1881. ■BITORS . B. W. ALVORD. NOBLE N.ALVORD " Daily lEerier " only 85 era it per mtmaih. Try it. Mails arrive and depart at the Towanda Post-office as follows: ARRIVE DEPART 4 00 A.M. Phila.N.Y. and East States P.M. 7 45 930 ... .Dushore, Bernice, Laporte, &c.... 245 10 15 L. V. way mail North 3 45 11 00 New Era, &c. Tues., Thurs. and Sat. 1 00 11 00 ..Asylum, &c. Mon.,Wed. and Fri.. 1 00 11 00 Sheshequin, Ike M. 12 00 1 00 P.M. ....Troy, Burlington, &c.... A.M. 10 00 240 . ..Closed mail from Erie ifc's... 845 5 00 Canton, Monrocton, &c 9 00 4 30 L.V. way mail South 9 50 1 00 Leßaysville, Rome, inc...P.M. 1 00 6 30 Barclay. 1 00 10 40 Erie west of Elmira 7 30 Office open from 7: 00 A. M. to 7: 45 p. M. Money order office open from 8 :00 to 7: 00 p. M. Office open Sunday from 9 :00 to 10: 00 A. M. P. POWELL, P. M. Remember if you want to visit Elmira to morrow you can buy a round trip ticket for $1 50. _ r The 4th quarterly meeting service will be held in the M. E. Church next Sabbath as follows: Love Feast 9:30 A. M. Sermon at 10:30, Communion after sermon. CHAS. H. WRIGHT, Pastor. A Troy Pa., correspondent of the Elmira Advertiser, writes under date of July 14th, savs: About 0:30 this afternoon flames were seen issuing from an old building used as a bakery near the corner of Canton and Railroad street. From that it communicated to a small build ing used as a dwelling by GILES GRITS, catch ing in the lower corner of the dwelling of Dr. C. Y. DARE. It soon got under headway and spread across the ereek to a barn and wagou shop owned by FRANK GREEN. Ihe barn was burned to the ground and the shop partly destroyed. Dr. DARE'S house was also burned so as to be a total loss; also Mr. GRIST'S house. The engine did uot start very rapid y, letting the fire get a good start but when it got under headway it worked as good as ever. The engineer, ANDREW BRINK, deserves a great deal of credit. He worked faithfully at his post, The insurance on Dr. DARE'S house was SBSO, the insurance covering the loss. The insurance ou FRANK GREEN'S buildings was $700; loss estimated at SI,OOO. The fire was onlv kept from spreading to other houses near-by by the energetic work of the firemeu. The fire lasted about two hours. Mr. AIIEL S. MANLY, of Alba, lost a large frame barn by tire on Monday night. The lire was discovered about ten o'clock. It burned with great fierceness and it was witli great difficulty that the houses of Mr. MANLY and his son were saved. They were nearly through haying and the barn contained from fifty to sixty tons of hay, besides a quantity of grain. Mr. MANLY has suffered heavily by fires, having lost his house in the winter of '7B and '79, and in the summer of 'T9 his large barn was struck by lightning and burn ed. This was rebuilt at a cost of $2,400. It was insured for $1,400 in the Hariford Fire Insurance Company. A tramp called towards evening and wanted to stay all night, hut being a dirty looking fellow they declin ed to furnish him with a bed. He then asked to stay in the barn, but they refused this also pleasantly, but the tramp went away quite enraged and it is supposed that he set fire to the barn. He could not be found the next morning. Mr. MANLY has been sick in bed for some time and he has the svmpathy of his many friends throughout the eouutry.—El mira Gazette. To the end that none of our numerous read ers in this borough may plead ignorance of the law, we re-publish the new dog ordinance with the suggestion that the borough author ities are iu "dead earnest," and will see to it that the law is enforced. " A word to the wise is sufficient": ORDINANCE. At a special meeting of the Council held July 11, 1881, at which all the members were present except Councllmen McCabe and ltahm, the ordiuance passed July 12tli, 1880, was ammended as follows : Be it ordained by the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Towanda. and it is ordained by the authority of the same, that the ordiuance passed July 12, 1880, in relation to dogs running on the streets of the Borough, be amended as follows : That from the first day of June to the 30th day of September of each year it shall not be lawful for dogs to be upon the streets within the Borough limits, without a muzzle, either with or without its owner; and it shall be the duty of the Pound Mas ter to seize, or cause to be seized, all dogs so run ning at large and impound them in a secure pound, and unless the owner, or owners of dogs so seized and impounded shall pay or cause to be paid to the Bound Master the sum of one dollar for the redemp tion of his or her dog within twenty-four hours from the time of such seizure it shall be the duty of the Bound Master to kill all such unreclaimed dogs. Any ordiuunce inconsistent herewith is hereby re pealed. Haye you noticed those handsome windows at C. F. Cross' book store? If not, go there and inspect them; then do thou likewise by decorating your transom and side lights around your front door, or a bath room win dow, or perhaps an office window, or in fact any glass iu store, house or office that needs shading from the sun, and still receive the benefit of all the light. Many of our citizens are availing themselves of an inexpensive and handsome decoration, by using •' Lum Smith's Imitation Stained Glass," for which we have the exclusive agency of Northern Pennsylvania,, and a great variety of paterns on hand testify to the fact that we can please any who may favor us with calls in that line. Don't fail to go to JOHN SULI.INAN'S on Bridge street, for the best five cent cegar. IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS.— SpeciaI in ducements are offered you by the BCRLING TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. Lost, somewhere in this borough, an old umbrella witli a cover on it and a piece of red cord tied on the handle. Valued as a keep sake. Finder will confer a favor by leaving at this office.J ICE CREAM.— We are now prepared to fur nish ICE CREAM on short n dice. Orders eft at Kirbry's daug store or with driver of the milk wagon, will receive prompt atten tion. Price 37 1-2 cents per quart. Iw. 11. ELSBRKK. H. WILCOX. Wanted, girl to do light work iu kitchen, etc. Must be able to lodge at home. Inquire at this office. BUSINESS LOCALS. Passengers going West will save money by (•on suiting 11. E. BABCOCK, Ticket Agent, Towanda, Pa., before purchasing tickets. I had been a great sufferer from Neuralgia for years and had consulted a great many dif ferent physicians, but got no cure until I took Dr. Burr's Neuralgia and Sick Headache Pills; they cured me and I have recommended to over fifty persons and I have never known them to fail. They are also the best nervous and dyspeptic pill I ever saw. SIDNEY BROADBENT. Master Mechanic, Dickens Manufacturing Company, Scranton, Pa. The Henry House has recently recruited its resources with the addition to its cellar of a pipe of pure English Ale —home-brewed and genuine. This excellent malt liquor will be found a useful uutural tonic for the invalid, and satisfy the palate of the most fastidious epicure. "A word to the wise is sufficient— so sevs the latin proverb. Oct. 4. " Fountain" Tobacco at Fitch's. FOR SALE— Two valuable fresh milch cows, with calves by their sides. Enquire at this office. Having concluded to go out of the Grocery Business. I offer my Stock and Fixtures for Sale, and the Store to ltent. GEORGE RIDGWAY. Bridge SI. below Main. Towanda June 28,81. Water Coolers and Ice Cream freezers very cheap at C. P. Welles crockery store. Fruit jars, extra glass tops, rubbers, jelly glasses, covered or uncovered, 30c to 00c doz., cheap bowls Ac., at C. P. Welles crockery store. Brick for sale. Enquire of J. T. Hale, at torney at law. Our popular artist, G. H. WOOD, is gaining a reputation for excellence of work which is making Towanda famous. He received the following flattering letter on Saturday from a delighted customer: CAMDEN. N. Y m May 11th, 1881. Mr. GEO. H. WOOD : My Dear Sir —The picture arrived this morning, and was paid for and taken in less than two seconds after it was opened. It is without doubt the finest picture of any kind in town; in fact, the fiuest 1 ever saw at any price. I cannot compliment you sufficiently for. your talent, ai d assure "vou that you will never regret the labor bestowed on this piece of work; it will be productive of other simi lar work from this section and to no small amount. I have no doubt that by putting it on exhibition in window I could secure you hundreds of dollars worth of work. I have compared it with former one of same subject made by you at sls I think, and this is very much finer. My wife, who is a daughter of the subject, is perfectly carried away; you may consider her under obligations to you. Again thank ing you, I remain, Yours, Ac. A. C. WOODRUFF. For sale cheap on easy terms. One span horses, one single horse, two top buggies. Inquire of G. S. Ackley. The "Senate" has long beeu considered headquarters for the best clams. Mr. Nestor is now receiving nis supply direct from the famous Perth Ainboy beds, and serves them in every style. "Jacobs the Clothier." has the best assort ed and nobbiest stock of Spring clothing fur nishing goods, Ac., of any dealer in Towan da which we can assure you are sold fully 15 percent lower than other dealers for the same goods. A NEW ENTERPRISE.— It. S. Thurber has provided himself with a suitable " rig" and is now prepared to deliver all kinds of packages, goods, trunks, &c., on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Orders left at Stevens fc Long's and Dye & Co.'s will re ceive prompt attention. The Towanda Library, over E VANS & HIL DRKTH'S store, is open from ten til twelve, Tuesday and Saturday. Yearly subscrip tions $2 00. Any one may draw a book from the library on the payment of ten cents. Get your couches, sofas, easy chairs—every thing in the upholstery line repaired at Ottarson'B, Bridge street." NOTICE. —We wish to inform the people of Towanda and vieinitv that Mrs Harriet Collins is now prepared to do all kinds of Hair Work at short notice. She also keeps constantly on hand a large supply of Iteadv Made flair Work, such as Switches. Curls." Braids, and Puffs. Residence on Lombard street. Mrs. HARRIET Cot LIXB. Mattresses new at wholesale and retail, olain and fancy stripe feather pillows, ready made; plain pillows for shams, ready made; double front couches, full spring; smoking, sleepy hollow and students chairs, at Ottar sou's, Bridge street. Latest styles of Hats and Caps just received at M. E. KOSKNFIEI.D'S. Strayed, from my premises in Towanda twp., hear D. D. Maynard's, on Monday last, a pale red cow. about 8 years old; white strip in face, and a piece of right horn broken off. A liberal reward will be paid for the ie turn of the cow or information where she mar be found, S. VANEERPOOL. July 2. " My Wayward Pardner," for $2 at Whit comb's Book Store. 24b. ICE CREAM! Samuel Powell is now pre pared for the season to make Ice Cream of all kinds, such as Pineapple, Lemon, Strawberry, Bisque and Vanilla. He uses nothing but the Best Country Cream, from the celebrated dairy of B. I*. Bowman. I also make Orange and Lemon Ices. I also furnish Ice Cream for Pic-nics and parties. I hope my custom ers will give me a call. Orders can be left at Mercur & Co's hard ware store or at my resi dence, Lombard st., house No. 12. Icecream per quart, 37 cents. SAKE FOR SALE— Fire-proof, Combination Lock. Inquire of W. J. YOUNG. PLATFORM WAGON FOR SALE, bran-new and of best material. Will be sold low for cash or good paper. Enquire of A. WICIIAM or O. A. BLACK, Towanda, Pa. Two good water tanks one holding 40 bar rels and the other 10 barrels, the small one lined with lead, for sale cheap. S-lw M. E. ROSEXFIELD. Bronze Busts of noted men. only Toe at the 99c store. L. C. Nelson can furnish any kind of nur serv stock grown in thiseountry. true to name, ami will replace if any die at half price in fall delivery of 81. Strawberry plants, all the finest varieties ready the 12th of Juiv; an abundance of the best varieties of grape vines cheap. Send postal for prices. 2m Towanda, Pa., June 8. 1881. Get your hair mattresses made over at Ot tarson's. WANTED TO RENT. —Furnished house. — No children. Inquire at this office. Mantle ornaments, china vases, dogs, eats, candlesticks &e., very cheap at C'. P. Welles crockery store. HOUSE FOR SALE.—I offer fot sale a First Class House on York Avenue near Locust street, containing of rooms with closets, china closet in dining room, pantry in kitchen, good cellar, well, barn and out buildings. The a bove said house, I will sell on reasonable terms for cash. Or will exchange for a good farm. 11. P. MOORE July 8. 3 m. Towanda, Pa. Majolica, finest assortment ever exhibited in Towanda and lowest prices, at C. P. Welles crockery i nd 99c store. The Jones Shoe Shop in the rear of the RE VIEW office is still in successful operation. Boots and Shoes made to order and repairing neatly done. All work guarranteed. Mend ing rubbers a speciality. The increasing demand for Ice compels me to say that after the fifteenth of July I will take no more customers; two wagons at the present time having hard work toget through and deliver to our regular customers their regular amount, without solicitation. Regu lar customers will get Ice at same price as heretofore. Ice gathered with drainage from Catholic cemetary. JOHN ADAMS. Wanted, a reliable man with small capital to purchase the agency for Bradford county of the best Washing Machine extant. A sam ple machine on exhibition at this office, where applications for agency may be left. Call early, THE NEW ERA WASHER!— Give it a trial. It does the washing clean, in one fourth the time. 262-4w. L. S. BLASDELL, Agent. Homeopathic Lung Svrup, is the best rem edy for coughs and colds. It is mild, pleas ant and effective. Sold in Towanda onlv by C. B. PORTER. ROSENFIELD. the popular clothier' is sell ing good hats for 3 cents and an elegant one for five. Go to Ottarson for a new couch. FOR SALE CHEAP.—A "Good Morning' Range, a foot turning lathe, and a foot jig saw. N. P. HICKS. NOTICE. —I want it distinctly understood that I have Removed from Bridge Street Fur nture Store to rooms over Turner Gor don's drug store and Woodford & Vandorn's boot and shoe store where I will keep on hand all Kinds of COFFINS AND CASKETS from the best to the cheapest. Any one m need of any thing in my line give me a call. P. S. I have no connection with any of Mr Frost's establishments. Feb. 5. J. S. Allyn, Agt. You run no risk when you buy yourgrocer es at G. L. Ross' new store in Montanye Block. Ilis prices are way down to rock bot tom. His store in Kellum Block, Ist Ward beats the world by low prices and good goods. If you call at Blum's boot and shoe store you will find that you can get more and bet ter goods for the moncv than at at any shoe house iu Towanda. The only market in Towanda where you can get good, fat western beef is at Rundell's. where the best < uts of veal, lamb and mutton are always served. Also ham. bacon and salt meats of all kinds, Fresh Eish, dressed poul try, vegetables and fruit. Leave your orders at Rundell's market. FOR RENT. Two dwelling houses in the Firt Ward for rent. O. I). Kixxky. For Rknt. —'The office lately occupied by Wm. M. Mallory as a coal office. Applv to D. W. Scott. WANTS. Under this head >ce will insert Fff EE, notices situations or help wanted. Wanted, a general carriage wood worker D. L. Iluntly, Monroeton. A good girl wanted forgeneral house-work. Mrs. E. L. llillis. Powell &Co. Call attention to their new stock of WHITE GOODS, DOTTED SWISS, PLAID NAINSOOKS FRENCH MUSLIN, INDIA MULLS, VICTORIA LAWNS PIOUAS, &c., which are being sold at very low prices. Powell & Co. have now in stock a large quan tity of LADIES LINEN UL STERS, all sizes and prices; also a full assortment of new SHETLAND WOOL AND THIBET SHAWLS. Powell & Co. have just opened a very LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK of Ladies' Gloves, Hosiery, Lace Ties, Fans, Ruchings, Spanish Laces, French Laces, &c. Their notion and fancy goods depart ment is now unusually full and complete, with all the new things in the market. The stock of PARASOLS and SUN UM BRELLAS is very large, and prices very low. Silk Fringes, Girdles, Passamentries, Dress Buttons, a large assortment just received.