.tt u Byßai*r4 ■*s■ t 9 \yeaeral Insurance and Keal Instate Auent, l owanaa, i'ii. The I >aily Hegree of Rrb ka. Meets First and Third Fiday evenings of each mouth. KNIGHTS OP II INOIT. Crystal Lodge. Meets every Monday evening. Mystic Lodge, K. and L. of 11. Meets Second and Fourth Friday evenings of each month. G. A. it. Watkins Post No. 63. Meets every Saturday evening KNIGIIT.S OF THE GOLDEN K CI. 3. Totvandn Castle No. 58. Meets at 17. of I'. Ilall every Wedtu sday evening. ROYAL ARCANU7J. Towanda Council, No. 532, meets first and third Friday of each month in K. I'. Ilall. TJ EURALGIA CURED BY A* iv I)R. BURR'S NEURALGIA AND SICK HEADACHE TILLS. A universal cure for Neuralgia, Sick Head ache, Nervous Headache, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Paralysis, Palpita tion of the Heart, aucl Head ache arising from over stimulation either from OPIUM OR ALCOHOLIC SIMULANTS. These Pills are very pleasant to take (they dis solve in the moutlD and effectually cure all dieases arising from a deranged nervous system. If your druggist is not supplied, ask him to pro cure it for you, from the wholesale dealers. Font to any address on receipt of 50 cents. For Sale by CLARK 13. PORTER, N EVV Vr . . j, uoo Prntine i OFFI C E . All work Neatly executed on the shortest notice. LETT Kit. NOTE AND BILL HEADS. ENVELOPES, 'TAGS AND PTIAMPLET WORK A SPECIALTY Corner Main and Pine streets, over the Music Store. TOWANDA, PENN'A. ALVORD & SON. Publishers of THE DAILY REVIEW. f FZS C•Jf JL J, E 's (nI'IDMS. PA. AND N. Y. It. K. Trains on the Pa. &N. Y. R. R. pass this place as follows: 1 J loving South. j No. 3, at 5:05 a. m., for New York and way sta. No. 7, at 10:43 a. m., mail train for New York, Phil _adelpliia and interim diate points. No. 9, at 3:00 p. m.—Expi\ ;.s for Philadelohia. No. 15, at 10:46, p. m.—Fast express for Philadel phi a and New York. No. 31. —Local Passenger Train, between Elmira and Wyaiusing, 7:23 p. m. Moving North. No. 8, at 4 .*OO a. m.—Fast express from New York and Philaaelphia I No. SO, at 9:30 a. m., Wllkesßorrc accommodation. No.2,at4:43p.m.—Mail train from Philadelphia and New York, j No. 12, at 12:45, a.m., from New York. No. 02, at 0:53 a. m.—Wyalming and Ehnirn local. STATE I.INE AND SULLIVAN It. It. Leave. 3:o) o'clock p.m. for Bernice and interna diate sta. Arrive. I 9:00 a. in., from Bernice. HAItCLAY It. it. Leave. I 7:30 a.m., for Barclay and all stations, ami 3 :0u p. Til. Arrive. 10:25 a. m., from Barclay and intermediate stations, j and 6) p. m. CANTON STAGE. I Leaves at 9 o'clock, a. m. Arrives at "> >" lo •'.< p. n TROY STAGE, Leaves at 10:30 a. m. Arrives at 1 p. ro. SHESHEQUIN STAGE. Arrives at 11 o'clock a. 111. Departs at 72 m. L E R A YSVILLE STA G E. Arrives at 12 in. Leaves at 2 p. m. TERRYTOWN STAGE. Arrives Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 12 m. Departs same days at 1 p.m. NEW ERA STAGE. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Snturdny, at 12 m Departs same days at 1 p! m. CIIURCU DIRECTOR Y. PRESBYTERIAN—Rev. -T. S. Stewart, I).T>., Pas tor. Preaching nt 10:30 a. nv and 7p. m. eve ry Sunday. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at i :30. Sunday School—D'A. Overton, Supcrin tendent—at 12 o clock. CIIRIS 1' CHI R\ ll—(Episcopal)—Rev. John S. Beers, Rector. Service and preachiug nt 10:30 a. m. and 0:00 p.m. Serviceand lecture Thursday evening at 7:30. Sunday School—,las. T.Hale, Assistant Supt.,—at 12m. Teachers' meeting Tuesday evening at 7:45. M, E. CIIURCII.—Rev. C. 11. Wright, Pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. ni. Prayer Meetings on Sunday evening at 6:30, Thursday evening at 7:30. Young men's prayer meeting Friday evening at s. Sunday School—B. M. Peck, Superintendent— at 12 m. S3. PETER AND PAUL.—(R. C.) Rev. Chas. F. Kelley, Priest Mass at 8 and 10:30 a. m. Ves pers at 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 12:30 and 2:30. CHURCH OF TIIE MESSIAH. (Univcrsalist) Rev. \\ illiam Taylor, Pa-tor. Preaching at 10:30 a. in. and 7 p. m. Prayer and Conference Meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. Sunday School—Dr. Taylor, Superintendent— at 12 m. BAFTISTCHURCH—Rev. C. T. Ilalloweil, Pastor Preaching at 10:3 o m. and 7P. >t. Prayer Meeting, Thursday Evening, 7 i\ m. Sunday Scliool at 12 m. BRETHREN—Services at 10 :30 a. m. every Lord's day. Reading meeting every Wednesday evening. Sunday-school at 5 p. m. pRO BONO PUBLICO." "JAKE" The Clothier ! (Established 156.>1 Oilers better bargains in Men's, Youths", and Boys' CLOTHING, JJ/ffs, CV/jM', Tics, Scarfs, Collars, Cull's, ever, and proposes to sell lower than any Iranse in Bradford county. A large stock of CHILDREN'S SUITS AT COST, as we wish to close out that line oi goods entirely in the next sixty days. Fresh spring goods everyday For "proof of the pudding," all on "JAKE at No. 2 Patton Block, Towanda. pLUMBIXG AND GAS-FITTING! -Sjrra*. •, ~7V_N R#Lti*scjl vtcra U ''y iy THE Gil EAT BVBLTXGTON IZOZTE CA7~No other line runs Three Through Pas senger Trains Daily between Chicago, Des Moines, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Lincoln, St. Joseph, Atchison, Topeka and Kansas City. Direct connections for all points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Ne vada, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and j California. The Shortest, Speediest and Most Comforta- j bio Route via Hannibal to Fort Scott. Denison, [ Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Galvos- 1 ; ten and all points in Texas. The unequalod inducements offered by this i Line to Travelers and Tourists, are as follows: j The celebrated Pullman (IG-wheel) Palace Sleeping Cars, run only on this Lino, C., B. & Q. Palace Drawing-Room Cars, with Gorton's Reclining Chairs. No extra charge for Seats | in Reclining Chairs. The famous C.. JL &Q. Palace Dining Curs. Gorgeous Smoking Cars i fitted with Elegant High-Backed Rattan Re -1 volving Chairs for the exclusive use of first- . class passengers. Stool Track and Superior Equipment, com- ! l ined with their Great Through C'ar Arrange- j mcnt, makes this, above all others, the favorite I i Route to the South, South-West, and the Far i West. Try it, and you will find traveling a luxury j instead of a discomfort. Through Tickets via thi3 Celebrated Line [ for sale at all oiliees in the United States and j Canada. All information about Rates of Faro, Sleep- ! ! intr Car Accommodations, Time Tables, &e., j will be cheerfully given by applying to J. Q. A. BEAN, Gon'l Eastern Agent, 3ffJ Washington St., Boston, Mass. I and 317 Broadway, Now York, i I JAMES R. WOOD. Gen. Pass. Agt., Chicago. T. J. POTTER, Gen. Manager, Chicago* jpASSEXGEKS < * orxcx w.ih,ST Should romemivr that the regular Ticket O llico a the upper depot, Towanda, is the place to pu rchns TICKETS TO ALL POINTS WEST, NORTHWEST and SOUTHWEST, at th IjOivcsZ jPossible IZafcs by any route. For information as toroutes, tim ; changes, connections, &c., to any place in the Unite States or Canada, call on or address IL E. BABCOCK, Ticket Agent, To wand i, Pa F■ ■ - : vJ ! ! I j|„ | '' I - , F '*■ •• I f ? ®W L. days from date of sal. , and lo°roturi 3 m '! Sftßi unt'l October- 31-4 following. ) C;' I'ullman I'alaee Cars are run by i. . J filltiSK! Loniiiauv from CHICAGO to * !an® 5 COUNCIL IfBUFJ- TOPEKA nn 1 iavJMxu KANSAS CITY, forming a line wi!h ''"s> twZ but one climigo of ears to DENVER 1 SV siS ancl PUEBXiO. Dining Cars are at- a v *> 15 taehed to ail tbroach trains, in which I'¥ J J meals can be obtained at the reason able price of seventy-live cents. -For rates, further information, affd elegant Map of United Sr -8 *! States free, address, BMA I ! J. Q. A. BEAN, Gan'l Eastern Agt., 317 Broadway,NrwYork,and3oG - •'im, vVashiru ton bt„ Boston, Mass. V pjjffH DAILY REVIEW I 1 ONL Y TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A MONTH. ! i T\7[KS. P. V. STEDGE, Manufacturer of and dealer in ITi-imn.ii XTaii- Goods, Special attention given to COMBING?—Boots all turned one way. Switches from $1 upwards Also agent for Tltm erV IN Vis 111 I i. Ku E VO\\ lKi: t Ma .. a,dark's (Jo"scts, and shoulder Brace Elastics. I 'anicular attention paid t<> dressing ladles liair at their lionies or at my piace of business, over Evans & lUldreth'g store. MRS. I>. V. STEDGE JSTENV EATING HOUSE ♦ At 3F.v r j\ jb.B. 'I 1 i>o ljas litted up one of the stores in ! 'r : V,'V 1 I V r 'N u ." u ' ~10/ '!< C'lio door -out It of Evans .v l.iail en si and now prepared to furnish IRJICV JIEALS OX snoirr NOTICE. III? LUNCH COUNTER is Mippli >d \\ dh all the delicacies of the mar ;R- ICC He has elegantly furnished rooms mr the accommodation of parties, GIVE II I M A GALL! pjv \v. MILLEH a. x keeps several GELIC I-:IC.CIIS and is ready to attend all calls i:i liis line prorriDtlv. lie runs to ALL TRAINS. Charges for nielit and early morning trains 25 cents per passenger. Retro, ar customers supplied with tickets at reduced rates. Charges for attending funerals ftom $2.50 to $3.09 Horses and carriages to let. • tillers left at his cdUeo below council rooms will receive careful attention. U , \\', M IDLER Nov. 27, lSisO. OTEDGE'S TONIC FOE TIIK ' HAIR. A sure cure for Dandruff and all otlie diseases or trie Scalp. Stops lite hair lioni lulling out; invigorates the hair nerves; cleanses the hair perfectly and gives it a beautiful anil healthy gloss that cannot be obtained without its.' use. oO cents per Bottle. Manufactured and soltl by U. V. STEDGE, To WAND A, FA. Vf*> :v'diy l - ' Dv<. "• v-v"^''"' ■) *■-* "• # *+"•■• •'•■ * -rs~-n .*v~-i J ~*-~J >._/ ••-. • .•/ -;..$ (TJS rr>;' . '-} •■: ;nr, la'O.) j"r Tf / .y ~ JEI'.I.VA' i; zsmstssnTse, Towimdji, .'."n. I DAVIS VEKTI OA I- FEE] > £££j&'f */ ,*•- ; -V'-'>i - • : life.! f | , | /'' Simplest n Strongest and does work that cannot he (lane on any an den feed machine. O. A. BLACK, Agent, KV* tfend for Samvles. TowaiklaPa.