Tlie Daily Review. Towanda, Pa.. Wednesday, June 29, 1881. EDITORS . 8. W. ALVORD. NOBLE N.ALVORD " Daily Review " only 115 centi pee month. Try it. The doctrine of humane quality receives a staunch recognition in the fact that the new government bonds and currency now bear the signature of a colored man. Kobert Toombs, once prophicied that be fore his death he would call the roll of his slaves at the summit of Bunker Hill; but instead of owning slaves now, instead of trading cotton for human lives, the very money he receives for his produce, or his legal services, bears the autograph of a man who was once sold for a thous and dollars, and once felt the lash that had fallen upon the flesh of his race for a thousand years. John Brown did not die iu vain. The committee having in charge the fund raised to lift the mortgage from his widow's home would make the act significant and historical by offering the holder of the mortgage legal-tender notes of the new issue signed by Blanch K. Bruce. One of the curious features of the cen sus work is the collection of statistics, under the direction of Professor Ilawes, of New llaveu, showing the extent to which stone is produced and used in the United States. A collection of samples of American stone is being made, with an analytical discriptiou of its character and uses,blocks four inches square being sent from every quarry in the United States to the census office. There are in addi tion seven schedules calling for informa tion. The first relates to the quarry; the second to the machinery and labor used to develop it; the third to the quantity, quality,color and uses of the stone; the 4th to the cost,the marketand transportation facilities; the fifth to its convenience to water transportation, and the sixth aims to show the number of buildings wholly or iu part erected of stone iu the United States, and the amount of stone that is now in use in docks, wharfs, bridges, sewers and other structures. The sev enth schedule is purely scientific, and treats of geological and mineralogical features. A Postmaster under Buchanan, finding by his "instructions" that he was to re port quarterly, addressed the following official communication to the President: JULY 0, 1857. Mr. James Buchanan, President of the United States: DEAR SIR: Been required by the in structions of the Post Olliee to report quarterly, I know hcerwith foolfll that pleasin duty by reportin as follows. The liarvestin has been peerty, and most of the nabors have got their cuttiu dun. Wheat is hardly a average crop; on rolen land corn is vallerish, and wont turn out more tliau ten or fifteen bushels to the aker. The health of the commuuity is only tolerable, eholery has broken out about 2 and one half miles from here. There is a powerful awakening on the subject of religion in the falls naborhood, and many soals are been made to know their sins forgiven. Miss Nancy Smith, a near nabor, had twins day before yes terday. One of tlieni is supposed to be a seven mouther, a poor scraggy thing, and wont live halt its day. This is about awl I have to report the present quarter. Give in}' respects to Mrs. Buchanan, and subscribe myself 3'ours truly. .P. M. at Fulton Co., 111. Prominent bankers in New York say that there is 110 truth in the reports that the banks of that city intend to reduce their loans as a matter of safety. There is 110 occasion for uuusuai restriction. The Jesuits have recently been expelled from Nicaragua, and are flying in great numbers in all directions. They are ac cused of being euemies of a free govern ment,and of inciting the populace to acts of disorder, resulting in bloodshed. Thirty thousand nail makers in Staf fordshire, England, Monday struck for an advance of thirty per cent on their wages. First Assistant Postmaster General Tyner says that his resignation has not at any time been tendered to the President or to any one else. lie does not expect to resign in the near future, and has rea son to believe that an appointment to suc ceed him has not been tendered to any person. BUSINESS LOCALS. L. C. Nelson can furnish any kind of nur serv stock grown iu this country, true to name, and will replace if any die at half price in fall delivervof 81. Strawberry plants, all the finest varieties ready the 12th of July; an abundance of the best varieties of grape vines cheap. Send postal for prices. 2m Towanda, Pa., June 8,1881. ICE CItEAM! Samuel Powell is now pre pared for the season to make Ice Cream of all kinds, such as Pineapple, Lemon, Strawberry, Bisque and Vanilla. He uses nothing but the Best Country Cream, from the celebrated dairy of B. F. Bowman. I also make Orange and Lemon Ices. I also furnish lee Cream for Pic-nics and parties. I hope my custom ers will give me a call. Orders can be left at Mercur fc Co's hard ware store or at my resi dence, Lombard st., house No. 12. lee cream per quart, 37 cents. SAFE FOR SALE—Fire-proof, Combination Lock. Inquire of W. J. YOUNG. PLATFORM WAGON FOR SALE, bran-new and of best material. Will be sold low for cash or good paper. Enquire of A. WICIIAM or O. A. BLACK, Towanda, Pa. Two good water tanks one holding 40 bar rels and the other 10 barrels, the small one lined with lead, for sale cheap. 8-lw M. E. ROSENFIELD. FOR SALE CHEAP.—Having abandoned my public hall I offer a nice stage curtain, cost #SO, will sell for $lO. A lot of seats painted and numbered, cost $2 50 each, will be sold for a dollar a piece. Address May J. G. PATTON. Get your hair mattress made oyer at Ottar son's. Go to G. S ACKLEY Si Co's for cheap Cow Hay. 90. Owing to the increased demand for ice, and the inability of the regular team that runs on week days to run 011 Sunday, 1 have made arrangements with Mclntyre'sdray to deliver ice to our regular customers 011 Sunday morn ings, commencing and continuing during the heated season. JOHN ADAMS. Having sold my retail Furniture and Ull taking business, known as the Bridge Street Furniture Store to E. B. Pierce I would re spectfully recommend those in need of goods 111 his line to call 011 him at the old stand. I also wish to inform those indebted to me that it will be necessary to settle the accounts soon. * N. P. HICKS. January 1, 1881. HOTEL FOR SALE. -I offer the American Hotel property for sale 011 very reasonable terms —one half the purchase money down and the balance in ten years, Possession given April 1, 1881. There is a good barn connected with the property. This hotel is located 011 the corner of Bridge and Water streets, in Towanda borough. The free bridge and new depot near to it make this hotel desirable for any one wishing to engage in the hotel business. Call upon or address, JOSEPH G. PATTON. Towanda, Pa. ICE! John Adam's Ice Wagon lias been running for the last month, delivering Ice to his many customers. Ice gathered one mile and a half above town. Orders solicited, and prices satisfactory. HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE AND RENT. —1 have a number of dwelling houses for rent or for sale on easy terms. Also, eligi ble and desirable building lots which will be sold on long credit to persons desiring to build. (mar. 1,3 m) L. ELSP.MEE. "What everybody wants is the best organ for the least amount of money: Therefore every body wants the Burdett; and when you've said that, you've told the whole story." So say the brightest and busiest organ dealers throughout the land, who are turn ishing this matchless instrument to a niusica public, which is rapidly learning to distinguish its marvellously pure and beautiful voice from that which is not music. For sale by J. A. Manville, No. 3 Bridge St., Towanda. The finest building lot in Towanda borough corner of Poplar and Second streets, between the residence of Hon. E. O. Goodrich and E. Walker, will be sold cheap. Apply to O. D Kinney FARM FOR SALE. —I ofler for sale 011 reason able terms a valuable farm, located in the valley of the Towanda creek, about 2 1-2 milos from Towanda, containing 75 acres, under a good state of cultivation, well water ed, a voung orchard of choice trees, good framed dwelling house, and fine large barn— with underground stabling. I will sell this arm on long time, or exchange it in part for property in Yowada borough. JOSEPH G. PATTON. Second hand Herring Safe for sale cheap, quire at this office. For sale very cheap, one of the celebrated Rochester Filters, nearly new. Holds a barrel. Call at this oflice. The Revised Edition of the New Testament in three different styles and ranging in price from 20 cents to $1 25, just received at Whit comb's Book store. 240 One of those thin gum overcoats sold by Rosentield is cheaper and much more conven ent than an umbrella. A GOOI> HOME CHEAP.— I offer for sale VERY CHEAP, the house and lot, South east corner Third and Elizabeth streets in this borough. The house is in good repair, the lot large, with good well of water and water in the house. The property will be sold for half its value on long time. June 9, 'Bl. O. D. KINNEY. Business Cards. ALVORD & SON, JOB PRINTERS, DAILY REVIEW OFFICE, Main street, Towanda Pa DSAVERCOOL, • Manufacturer of OFFICE FURNITURE, DESKS, And Library Tables. Shop corner Second and Poplar streets. mar 23 81 DR. T.B. JOHNSON, PHYSICIAN AND d S URGE ON, Office over 11. C Porter's Drug Store, llesidenct corner Maple and Second Streets, ELSBREE & SON, AI TORNEYS-A T-LA W, South side Mercur Block, Towanda, Pa. N. C. ELSBUKE. | L. ELSBREE. FL. IIOLLISTER 1)7l )7 s ~ ■ (Successor to Dr. E. 11. Angle.) OPERATIVE AND MECHANICAL DENTIST. Office on State street, second floor of Dr. Pratt's office. 10jan80 F THORNTON, TUNER AND REPAIRER Of Pianos and Organs. (Over 17 years experi ence.) Orders received at Holmes & Passage's Music Store. GW. RYAN, • o O UNT Y S UPERIN 7 EN DEE 7 Office Means' Block. HENRY STREETER, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW A TOWANDA, PA. JAMES T. HALE, A T TORNE Y-A1 -LA 1 1 Office over Stevens & Long's store. JOIIN W. CODDING, A T TORNE Y-A T-LA W, Office Mercur Block, over Kirby's Drug Store. OD. KINNEY, A T TORNE Y-A T-LAIV. Office corner Main and Pine Streets, Towanda, Pa. PECK & OVERTON, Attorneys-cit-lMio, Tncanda, Pa. D'A. OVERTON. I BENJ. M. PECK. WILLIAMS, ANGLE & BUFFING TON, A TTORNEYS-A T-LA W, Office formerly occupied by W. Watkins. QOAL: COAL z CIS F.I£*SOU • At tliil it X Wt IS I?, formerly Pierce's Hullivan Coal, LARGE STOVE, #3 00 SMALL STOVE, 3 25 CHESTNUT, 3 25 EGG t 3 oo GRATE, 3 00 SMALL CHESTNUT, 2 15 With same additional charges for cartage. W. M. MAI.I.ORY October, 24, 187&. CAYUGA LAKE HOTEL, on Lake Cayuga, Sheldrake, Seneca county, N. Y., open from June loth to October; accommo dations for 250 guests; very low rates can be secured over Lehigh Valley It. It. For terms and descrip tion address JOIIX E. ALLEN, Osborn House, Auburn, N. Y., until June 15; thereafter at Shel drake, N. \ . JOHN E. ALLEN, Proprietor. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. — The co partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the tirm name of Hill & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by N. I'. Hicks, to whom all money due the tirm must be paid, and all ac counts against the tirm be presented. W. HILL, E. C. DKWEIIS, J. G. PITTENUEH, N. P. HICKS. June 10, 1881. Having purchased the Planing Mill and Furni ture Fuctory on the river bank, near the bridge, I WI L k ?, ep , in Btock a S°°d assortment of Doors, Sash and Blinds, and be prepared fo do plaining and oth er work at short notice. Cash Paid FoF Lumber. IMilee in W arenouse, back of Pierce's lurniture Btorc - N P. HICKS. USUAL Rosenfield the fashionable clothier, is the first to open a FULL LINE OF SPRING CLOTHING to which he invites the particular atteu tion of THE P NS JL IC. His assortment comprises the most fash ionable goods in the HEADY-MADE CLOTHING LINE, purchased for cash, and will be sold CHEAPER than any other house in the country can offer the same quality of goods. A full line of MEN'S ANI) BOVS' HATS AND CAPS Also a better assortment of FURNISH ING GOODS than can be found elsewhere in To wan da. Call, examine, and satisfy your selves. M. E. ROSENFIELD. March 9, 1881. QJOAL, Nathan Tidd, DEALER IN PITTSTON, WILKES -BARRE, AND Loyal Sock Coal. Invites the patronage of his old friends and the pub. lie generally. I shall keep a full assortment 01 all sizes, AND SHALL SELL AT LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. Yard and oflice, foot of Pine street, just south o Cour House AugoO. N. TIDD. JsTEW SPRING GOODS! Now is the time to make your selection of a JYEW SPITI.VG SUIT from the attractive array of suit ings on exhibition at the tailoring establishment of Parroti V Gresscl These goods have just been opened and are of the latest styles and very best quality. We guarantee fits, and make prices as low as lowest. LEG ANT SPRING AND s r.Ti.n E n s ui T s. FRANK P. GRADY, MERCHANT TAILOR, corner Main and Pine streets, has an elegant line of spring and summer suitings, and is prepared to furnish WHOLE SUITS or a single garment on the shortest notice. ({£?* Before going elsewhere call and inspect his stock and get prices. F. P. GRADY. May 21, ISBI. SH. BEAN, • Plain and Ornamental Painter, AND PAPEB HANGED. All work in his line promptly executed on shor notice. Prom long experience both in city and country, he prides himself on being able to suit the most tastidious.