DAILY TO WAND A REVIEW. VOLUME 11, NO. 272. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Personal. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. FROST are back from Slaterville. J. A. RECORD and wife have returned from their yisit to Troy, N. Y. Mrs. M. J. LONG and daughter FANNY are visiting in Waterburry, Conn. Mis RUIK MOODY is spending the summer vacation with friends in Milan. Mrs. 31. A. SHAW and daughter, Miss EDITH, have returned from Canada. E. B. MCKHE having completed his studies at tie Oswego Normal School, is home again, Mr. 11. CHARLES PORTER, graduated at Princeton College last week, with high hon ors. Judge and Mrs. ELWELL, of Bloomsburg, are visiting their son, E. W. ELWELL, on River street. HARVEY SHAW of Philadelphia, treasurer of the Barclay Coal Co., is stopping at the Ward House. Mrs. Capt. MANVILLE and baby and lief sister, Miss BARRON, have gone to Penu Yan for a month's visit. JESSEE MILLER, who joined an engineer corps in Mexico lust fall, .returned to Phila delphia the other day. GEORGE FOSTER, wife and daughter, ol Ovego, are visiting his mother. Madam FOS TER, the clarivoynt, in this place. Miss HELEN NEVENS, of Towanda. Pa.' is a guest of her brother, W. S, NEVENS, of this village.— Wciverly lievieto. Col. J. 11. HORTON. of Ithica, was in town Saturday, en route to Laport to join his wife who has been visiting Doctor COLT'S family there for some time. Mr. IIAGERMAN of Asylum, has sold his line pair of Canadian horses to LORMORE & TOMPKINS of Elmira, for a dray team. E. W. ELWELL has purchased GEO. ARM STRONG'S dray and team, and now employes three teams in his local express and draying business. Judge MERCUR, of the Supreme Court, who lias been holding court in Rarrisburg for the past two months, came home Saturday even ing, the court having taken a recess until Oc tober. Mr. OTTARSON, the upholster fiudhing that work comes in faster than he can do it, has secured Mr. W. 11. WYATT, lately with ROBINSON A SONS, Elmira. He is a first class workman. Rev. B. J. DOUGLASS is spending his sum mer vacation in Montrose. His many friends in Towanda hope to have the pleasure of see ing and hearing him before he returns to his parish in Delaware. Hon. Jos. G. I'ATTON has a new gold watch and this i.s the way ho came to have it. When his nephew. W. P. GRIFFITHS entered the University of Pennsylvania as a medical student, Mr. PATTON told him if he graduat ed with honor he would give him his watch and SSO in money. The young gentleman ful filled his part of the contract and JOSEPH was as good as his word. As soon as he re ceived information that the examination had been satisfactorily passed, lie promptly for warded the watch and a check for the money. That is the reason lie went to ED MOUILLES SEAUX'S and bought himself a hadsome new gold watch. The most sleek looking, well groomed, handsome pair of draught horses ever seen 011 our streets, is JAMES VANDYKE'S sorrel team. The boat race advertised to come off Satur day evening, proved to be a "tub race." The contestants were, ELIAS HALE, GEO. RYAN, ARTHUR WELLES and JAS. HUMPHREY. The race attracted a large rssemblage of peo ple. The boys were upsed several times on the voyage. IIALE won the race. TOWANDA, PA., MONDAY, JUNE 27, 18S1. Rev. C. T. HALLOWELL, of the Baptist Church, and Rev. C. 11. WRIGHT, of tho M. E. Church, exchanged pulpits yesterday morning. How pleasant a thing 'tis to sec Brethren dwell together in unity. The congregation of Christ Church having made a liberal contribution to aid their for mer beloved rector, Rev. B. J. DOUGLASS, in paying off a debt 011 his church in George town, Delaware, he requests 11s through the columns of the REVIEW to tender his sincere thanks for the valuable and timely assistance rendered his parish. A DISPUTED HONOR. —Two simultaneous dispatches have been received by Prof, Swift of the Warner Observatory at Rochester, N. Y., by which it appears that another great comet has been discovered. Prof. Sharplcss of Haverford College, Pa., states that L. T. Edwards saw it with the naked eye on the morning of June 23, and Mr. Edgar L. Lar kin, of New Windsor, 111. also reports seeing it and that it is vast. It seems probable that the tail is not less than 15 deg. in length while the head is as bright as Jupiter. The new comet is located in the constellation of Auriga about 8 degrees from Capella, and it is not improbable that it may be the much expected comet ot 1812 which should appear not far from that locality. As the two dis patches were received in Rochester simulta neously there is some question as to whether the honor of discovery, and the Warner prise of S2OO belong to Mr. Edwards or Mr. Lar kin. A pleasant room suitable for the accomoda tion of two persons, together with board, at E. Mclntvre's boarding house. lw. IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS.— SpeciaI in ducements are offered you by the BURLING TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. WEATHER INDICATIONS FOR TO-I>AY.— Slightly warmer and fair; winds mostly southerly; stationary or falling barometer. The News Condensed. The National Division of the Sons of Temperance meets next year at Concord, N. 11. The remains of Mrs. Hattermau of New York, were cremated at Lemoyne's fur nace at Washington, Pa., on Friday even ing. Silas C. Herring, the well-known safe manufacturer died Friday evening at Plaiutield, N. J., in his seventy-eighth year. Joseph Mowbray, a tramp, being refus ed food at a hotel in Wilmington, Del., killed one of the employes with a brick, lie was arrested. A terrific thunder storm was experi enced at Wilkesßarre yesterday. The court house tower and a depot were hit by lightning, but not seriously damaged. Considerable injury was done to grain. It is stated that the comet observed in various places in tne United States, is not the one disdovered recently at the observatory in tne Argentine Republic,so that there are two large brilliant comets visable at the same time from one conti nent, a phenomenon probably unequalled in astronomical history. Bradford county is the first in the field to choose delegates to the next Republi can State Convention, with instructions for State Treasurer. The choice of Brad ford is Senator W. T. Davies, who was one of the most conspicuous figures in the contest over the United States Sena torship at Harrisburg last winter, and who has a clear record as an honest and able legislator. —Philadelphia Press. " Fountain" Tobacco, at Fitch's. When you're down town drop in and try a dish of the celebrated ice cream at Titus' con fectionery store. It can't be beat. They al so have elegant Florida oranges, lemons, pine apples and bananas constantly on hand. Give them a call. Mr. W. 11. WITTER, representing J. AUS TIN SHAW, Esq., the nurseryman, of Roches ter, N. Y., is in town and will call on our citizens. He shows a magnificent lot of illus trations of his stock, many of them varieties controlled by the firm, and his testimonials prove both himself and his employer worthy of every confidence. We commend him to the public and trust many may deem it wise to purchase from him. Haye you noticed those handsome windows at C. F. Cross' book store? If not, go there and inspect them; then do thou likewise by decorating your transom and side lights around your front door, or a bath room win dow, or perhaps an office window, or in fact any glass in store, house or office that needs shading from the sun, and still receive the benefit of all the light. Many of our citizens are availing themselves of an inexpensive and handsome decoration, by using " Luna Smith's Imitation Stained Glass," for which we have the exclusive agency of Northern Pennsylvania,, and a great variety of paterns on hand testify to the fact that we can please any who may favor us with calls in that line. I have a number oj SINGER, HOWE, and WILCOX & GIBBS . Sewing Machines in good condi tion, for sale at very loiufigures. Sewing Machines rented at 50 cents a week. O. A. BLACK, June 16, 3m. Agent. A large assortment of CAN TON and MADRAS DRESS GINGHAMS just received ; also large additions to their stock of CALICOES, APRON GING HAMS, CRETONNES, FUR NITURE PRINTS, &c. Powell & Co. have just received 10,000 yard of PRINTED LAWNS, the best quality and newest styles, which they will sell at NINE CENTS per yard. Powell & Co. have just opened a large stock of LACE AND PLAIN BUNT ING, with a large assortment of NEW STYLES of WORSTED DRESS GOODS, which they are offering at great bargains. PRICE ONE CENT. BUSH'S COLUMN. WANTED! §§ a call from everybody in search of READY MADE CLOTHING. It is an %ad mitted fact that BUSH, Tlie Bridge Sti*eet Olotliier, keeps the largest, most fashionable, and best made Clotliing-, consisting of everything in the line to be found in the country. He defies competition either in quantity or quality of stock. His Spriug Sxiits have just arrived, call and examine ; them. He can fit you out with every article of clothing needed by man or boy. TEUNKS. BUSH, at the Bridge Street Clothing House has just received a cargo o ZREJRRS, VJLLISES, GrßlJr SjICRS, ETC., EIC., which he is offering at manufacturers prices. His invoice filled one and a half cars, and comprises the best line of those goods ever offered in this market. •T. K. BUSH.