Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, June 16, 1881, Image 4

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    The I>ilv Review.
Towanda, Pa., Thursday, June 16, 1881.
" Daily Review" only 25 centu per
month. Try it.
Mails arrive and depart at the Towanda Post-office
as follows:
4 00 A.M. Plilla. N. Y. and East States P.M. 7 45
9 30 ....Dushore, Bernice, I.aporte, &c.... 2 45
10 15 L. V. way mail North 3 45
11 00 New Era, &c. Tues., Thurs. and Hat. 1 00
11 90 ..Asylum, Use. Mon., Wed. and Fri.. 1 00
11 00 , .Sheshequin, &c M. 12 00
1 00 P.M. ....Troy, Burlington, &c.... A.M. 10 00
2 40 . ..Closed mail from Erie &'s... 8 45
5 00 Canton, Monroeton, &c 9 00
4 30 L. V. way mail South 9 50
1 00 Leßaysville, Rome, See...P.M. 1 00
6 30 Barclay 1 00
10 40 Erie west of Elmira 7 30
Office open from 7:00 A. M. to 7:45 p. M.
Money order office open from 8:00 to 7:00 p. M.
Office open Sunday from 9: 00 to 10: 00 A. M.
ALEXANDER MURDOCH, of Ulster, took a
twenty-one pound fleece from a merino buck
one day lust week.
A four year old son of GEO. CURRY, (col
ored) of Monroeton, died on Tuesday, from
the effects of scarlet fever. The remains
were brought to this place for burial, yester
day afternoon.
forty-ninth annual meeting of this body will
he held with the Troy Baptist Church next
week Tuesday, June 21, commencing at 2 p.
in. Daily sessions till Thursday noon the
The ladies of the Baptist Church will give
a Strawberry and Ice Cream Festival in the
store lately occupied by Powell & Co., on
Friday evening, June 17. They earnestly re
quest the patronage of the people. It has
been a number of years since they made such
u request and they would seem to have some
claim upon the town. An admission fee of
ten cents will he charged.
" Commencement Week" at Lafayette Col
lege, Easton, occurs the last of this month,
June 20 —30. This honored old institution
possesses great interest for the people of this
county from the fact that many of her gradu
ates are tilling responsible positions as minis
ters, lawyers and business men in our midst,
one honored member of the faculty—Prof.
OWEN, is a native of Bradford, and others
are known and revered here. The exercises
next week will he highly interesting. On
Sunday evening June 26, Rev. DAVID CRAFT,
Class of '57, of Wyalusing, will preach a dis
course before the Christian Brotherhood.—
To accommodate all who may desire to at
tend the exercises, the Lehigh Valley rail
road w'.il sell excursion tickets at Towanda
and other stations.
large audience greeted the appearance of the
minstrels at City Hall last night, and the uni
versal expression was, the best in that lino
ever seen in this city. The elog dancing, the
chorus singing, the quartette, the solos, both
vocal and instrumental, were immense, the
comicalties were fresh and good, while E-fiat
solo playing by Mr. Bi njamin was simply
marvelous, he reaching G on the fourth add
ed line above the staff, with a tone like that
of'a piccolo flute, and an execution corres
ponding. Miss Nellie Gorton rendered, as a
baritone solo, " Swanee River," with arMstic
variations, responding to an enthusiastic en
core with " Genevive," also with variations.—
Mr. G. W. Franeknm's claionet solo was a
brilliant rendition.' —Daily Telegraph, Alton
This famous company will appear in Mer
cur Hall Friday evening this week.
War and Literary Revolution are working
wonderful and happy results for the readers
of books, and searchers after knowledge.
The great Library of Universal Knowledge, is
announced to be completed, ready for deliv
ery to purchasers, the early part of July. It
is probably the largegt and most important
literary work this country and the century
have seen. It is based upon Chamber's En
cyclopedia, the last London edition of which
is reprinted entire, as a portion of its contents,
a large corps of American editors and writers
adding thereto a vast amount of information
upon about 15,000 subjects, in every depart
ment of human knowledge. Chamber's En
cyclopedia, whose distinguished merit is uni
versally known, is the laborious product of
the ripest British and European scholarship,
but being a work of foreign production it has
been naturally deficient in its adaptation to
the wants of American readers. In this new
form it is most thoroughly Americanized, and
becomes at once the largest and most complete
enclclopedia in the field, at a mere fraction of
the cost of any simTlar works which have pre
ceeded it, containing about 10 per cent, more
matter than Appleton's Encyclopedia, at less
than one-fifth its cost, and 20 per cent, more
than Johnson's Cyclopedia at a little more
than one-fourth its cost.
The superlative value and importance of!
this great Encyclopedia, however, lies especi
ally in the fact that it is brought within the
reach of every one who aspires after knowl
edge and culture. It is really a Library o
Universal Knowledge. It brings a liberal ed
ucation easily within the reach of every plow
hoy. Every farmer and every mechanic owes
it to himself and to his children that such a
Cyclopedia shall henseforward form a part
of the outfit of his home. To the intelligent
man in every walk in life, a Cyclopedia is in
dispensible. It is issued in various styles, in
15 large beautiful octavo volumes, varying in
price from sls for the edition in cloth, to $25
for the edition in library sheep binding. Lib
eral discounts even from these extraordinary
prices are allowed to clubs and the publishers.
Besides they propose during the next two
months to distribute SIO,OOO cash, in special
rewards to persons who forward clubs of five
ten, or more subscribers. The American
Book Exchange, 701 Broadway, New York'
are the publishers, who will send sample pa.
ges and full particulars, free, on request.
ducements are offered you by the BURLING
TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their
advertisement to be found elsewhere in this
Miss 11. L. Billiard, Fashionable Dress-
Maker. Residence—Mrs. Miugos house, on
South Main Street. Towanda, Pa. 200.
Children's carriages for sale by C.P.Welles.
The Jones Shoe Shop in the rear of the RE
VIEW office is still in successful operation.
Boots and Shoes made to order and repairing
neatly done. All work guarranteed. Mend
ing rubbers a speciality.
ROSENFIELD, the popular clothier, is sell
ing good hats for 3 cents and an elegant one
for five.
Pure fresh milk for sale every day atCowles
Bakery, at FOUR CENTS per quart. lw
Go to Ottarson for a new couch.
FOR SALE CHEAP.—A "Good Morning'
Range, a foot turning lathe, and a foot jig
saw. N. P. HICKS.
Oil stoves for sale by C. P. Welles.
Homeopathic Lung Syrup, is the best rem
edy for coughs and colds. It is mild, pleas
ant and effective, Sold in Towanda only by
Ice cream freezers; a good one, at lowest
prices ever offered at C. P. Welles crockery
L. 0. Nelson can furnish any kind of nur
sery stock grown in this country, true to name,
and will replace if any die at half price in fall
delivery of 81. Strawberry plants, all the finest
varieties ready the 12th of July; an abundance
of the best varieties of grape vines cheap.
Send postal for prices. 2m
Towanda, Pa., June 8,1881.
The "Senate" has long been considered
headquarters for the best clams. Mr. Nestor
is now receiving his supply direct from the
famous Perth Amboy beds* and serves them
in every style.
GEORGE LYNCIICOME has removed his
barber shop from the room over POWELL &
Co's store, to his old quarters under the
Meat Market, one door south of Ward House,
where he will lie pleased to see all Ids former
patrons and everybody else desiring tonsorial
Our popular artist, G. 11. WOOD, is gaining
a reputation for excellence of work which is
making Towanda famous. He received the
following llattering letter on Saturday from
a delighted customer:
CAAIDEN', N. Y., May 11th, 1881.
Mr. GEO. 11. WOOD:
My Dear Sir —The picture arrived this
morning, and was paid fr and taken in less
than two seconds after it was opened. It is
without doubt the finest picture of any kindj
in town ; in fact, the finest I ever saw at any !
I cannot compliment you sufficiently for
your talent, ai d assure vou that you will
never regret the labor bestowed on this piece
of work; it will be productive of other simi
lar work from this section and to no small
amount. I have no doubt putting it
on exhibition in window I could secure you
hundreds of dollars worth of work. I have
compared it with former one of same subject
made by you ai sls 1 think, and this is very
much finer.
My wife who is a daughter of the subject,
is perfectly carried away; you may consider
her under obligations to" you. Again thank
ing you, I remain, Yours, &c.
notice having appeared in the last Argus to
the effect that the plumbing at the poor house
was done by a Mr. TATE, Commissioner
HURST makes a correction in the following
The plumbing at poor house was done un
der the direction of Edward Williams, of
Towanda, and those employed by him, and is
entirely satisfactory so far."
J. W. HURST, Commissioner.
If the plumbing at the poor house reflects
credit upon any one, Mr. WILLIAMS, who had
the contract, is entitled to it. and it is hardly
fair in ourcotemporary to cheat him out of it
The Oxford and Cambridge is the only auth
orized and correct edition of the Now Testa
ment yet published. For sale bv S. I'.
Whitcomb and C. 1\ Welles.
The Towanda Library, over EVANS A* IIIL
DKKTH'S store, is open from ten til twelve,
Tuesday and Saturday. Yearly subscrip
tions $2 00. Any one may draw a book from
the library on the payment of ten cents.
New Testament, revised version, only 20c
at C. P. Welles crockery and 99c store.
Passengers going west will save money by
consulting 11. E. BABCOCK, Ticket Agent,
Towanda. Pa., before purchasing tickets.
Get your couches, sofas, easy chairs—every
thing in the upholstery line repaired at
Ottarson's, Bridge street.
I had been a great sufferer from Neuralgia
for years and had consulted a great many dif
ferent physicians, but got no cure until I took
Dr. Burr's Neuralgia and Sick Headache Pills;
they cured me and I have recommended to
over tlftv persons and 1 have never known
them to fail. They are also the best nervous
and dyspeptic pill I ever saw.
Master Mechanic, Dickens Manufacturing
Company, Seranton, Pa.
Bird seed, best onlv 10c per pound, at C.
P. Welles crockery and 99c store.
For sale cheap on easy terms. One span
horses, one single horse, two top buggies.
Inquire of G. S. Ackley.
Latest style of Hats and Caps just received
at M. E. Bosenfleld's.
Pioneer glassware, new, stylish and cheap,
at C. P. Welles crockery store.
The. Henry House has recently recruited its
resources with the addition to "its cellar of a
pipe of pure English Ale—home-brewed and
genuine. This excellent malt liquor will be
found a useful natural tonic for the invalid,
and satisfy the palate of the most fastidious
epicure. A word to the wise is sufficient—so
sevs the latin proverb. . Oct. 4.
NOTICE.—We wish to inform the people of
Towanda and vicinity that M rs Harriet Collins
s now prepared to do all kinds of Hair Work
at short notice. She also keeps constant Iv on
hand a large supply of Ready Made Hair
Work, such as Switches, Curls," Braids, and
Puffs. Residence on Lombard street.
Bird cages at C. P. Welles crockery store.
Mattresses new at wholesale and retail,
ulain md fancy stripe feather pillows, ready
made; plain pillows for shams, ready made ;
double front couches, full spring; smoking,
sleepy hollow and students chairs, at Ottar
son's, Bridge street.
NOTICE.—I want it distinctly understood
that I have Removed from Bridge Street Fur
nture Store to rooms over Turner & Gor
don's drug store and Woodford & Yandorn's
boot and shoe store where I will keep on
hand all Kinds of COFFINS AND CASKETS
from the best to the cheapest. Any one in
need of any thing in my line give me" a call.
P. S. I have no connection with any of Mr
Frost's establishments.
Feb. 5. J. s. ALLYN, Agt.
You run 110 risk when you buy yourgroccr
es at G. L. Ross' new store in Montanve
Block, ilis prices are way down to rock bot
His store in Kellum Block, Ist Ward beats
the world by low prices and good goods.
If you call at BLUM'S boot and shoe store
you will find that you can get more and bet
ter goods for the liionev than at at anv shoe
house in Towanda.
The only market in Towanda where vou
can get good, fat western beef is at Rundell's,
where the best < uts of veal, lamb and mutton
are always served. Also ham. bacon and salt
meats of all kinds, Fresh Kish. dressed poul
try, vegetables and fruit. Leave vour orders
at Itundell's market.
Under this head we icill insert FREE, notice* of
situations or help wanted.
A young man wants employment half or
three-fourths of the daytime, either as book
keeper to do writing, or as clerk. Has bad
considerable experience; pay moderate; good
references given. Inquire* or address this
Two dwelling houses in the First Ward
for rent. O. D. KINNEY.
FOR RENT.-—' The office lately occupied by
Wm. M. Mallory as a coal office. Apply to
D. W. Scott.
Convenient medium sized house, well situ
ated, for rent cheap. B. W. LANE.
FOR RENT. — A desirable medium sized
house on 4th street near Chestnut. Inquire
at this office or of J. 11. Kevins.
Several good offices and rooms suitable for
small families. Water and other conveniences.
Over Powell & Go's store. Inquire of H. P.
Powell & Co.
Call attention to their new stock
PIOUAS, &c., which are being
! sold at very low prices.
Powell & Co.
have now in stock a large quan
STERS, all sizes and prices;
also a full assortment of new
Powell & Co.
have just opened a very LARGE
Ladies' Gloves, Hosiery, Lace
Ties, Fans, Ruchings, Spanish
Laces, French Laces, &c. Their
notion and fancy goods depart
ment is now unusually full and
complete, with all the new things
in the market. The stock of
BRELLAS is very large, and
prices very low. Silk Fringes,
Girdles, Passamentries, Dress
Buttons, a large assortment just
IJ fr/.v 4* s R u §*.
This remedy is something new, botli as to name
and composition. This is one of the wonders of the
world. This Syrup, 1 claim, is better and more
effective than any other ever offered to the ople of
America or any other country, and what 1 say of
this I can prove, This Syrup, like the Tills, is
harmless and safe. It contains no opium or other
narcotic poison, like the most Syrup, and is not dis
agreeable to take. Any child will take it. And it
will cure any and all inflammations arising from
Cold. It is.,superior to all others in every respect
and especially for the following reasons:
Ist- It will cure Croup every time.
2d. It will cure Inflammation of the Lungs.
3d. It will cure Quinsy.
4th It will euro Whooping Cough.
sth It will cure Bronchitis.
6th It will cure Hoarseness.
7th It will cure Sore Throat.
Bth It will cure any Cold.
9th It will cure Congestion of 'he Lungs.
10th It will cun* any Cough,
lltlt Tt will cure Scarlet Fever.
12th. It is tlie best rented*' that any one can take
for Consumption, and if taken in the first stage I
will guarantee a cure.
13th. It is perfectly safe for all ages as there is
nothing in its composition that can harm a child.
, , _ A. E. BURR
For sale by CLARK B. PORTER.
EBair Cut tenti Shave
Go to the
I? there.