DAILY TOWANDA REVIEW. VOLUME 11, NO. 257. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Personal. Judge BENTI.Y and JOHN RANSOM, of Williamsport, are in town. Mrs. T. M. SAXTKK, of Hazleton, is visit ing her mother at the Ward House. REED BRAUND, of RUN DELL'S market, is on the sick list, and lias been confined to the house for several days. S. SMITH, wife and son, of Ilazleton, are at the Ward House. They are oil their way home from Niagara Falls. The Supreme Court has refused a motion for the re-argument in the case of EDWARD OVERTON'S exT vs. COXMEY, decided in fa vor of the defendant at the late session in Philadelphia. Rev. W. S. STEEN was ordained to the Gospel Ministry by the Presbytery of Lacka wanna in Wvsox on Tuesday evening. Dr. CHARLES REED was at the same time ordain ed a ruling elder. A trout caught by EZRA DECKER, in Sulli van county was exhibited at Dr. 11, U. POR TER'S drug store, yesterday. IT was a beau ty, ami weighed twenty ounces. Its length was almost 15 inches. JOHN BEAMAN'S little dog was run over by the cars at Sayre the other day and the head entirely severed from the body. JOHN was greatly attached to the animal, because it was a pet of his wife's. PHILIP O NEILL, of Wilkesßarre, made us a pleasant call yesterday. He was on his way to Overton to spend a month or two with bis father. Mr. O t N. is a member of the Luzerne county bar, and a writer of some note. IRVING S. BOAS, for many years clerk at the Loehiel Hotel, Ilarrisburg, will have charge of the office of the hotel Albion, At lantic City, this season. lie is one of the best known and most accomplished hotel men in the country, and his hosts of friends all over this State.should they visit Atlantic City,will esteem it fortunate to find themselves in his charge. Mrs. Doctor MONTANYE and Miss IRENE MASON will leave for the West to-morrow morning. The former goes to Waupacka, Wis., to yisit her cousin Mrs. Doctor EYRE (nee Miss BELLE LAMON) and expects to re main several weeks. Miss MASON'S destina tion is Wyoming Territory where sin* goes to visit the family of her brother, Col. J. W. MASON, of the U. S. Army. CELESTIA LAMON who some years ago liv ed with her uncle, W. A. CHAMDEKLIN Esq., is still very pleasantly remembered by her many friends here. A year or so since she was married to Dr. GASTON, a prominent young physician in Tennessee. Last fall her hus band was elected to the State Senate 011 the Republican ticket, and now he has been ap- pointed Surveyor of Customs at the port of Chatanooga. Miss LAMON deserved a good husband, and from Dr. GASTON'S high stand ing and prominence in Tennessee we have 110 doubt that she has been fortunate in her mar riage. We know that he has secured an ex cellent wife. If tiio weather will permit, the Gcrmanias will give another Open Air Concert to-mor- row evening MILLER, the hackman, m kes a specially of the early morning trains, S and 3. If you are obliged to meet these or any other trains, leave your order at MILLER'S oilice, below the Council room, and you will be sure to reach ike depot on time. The " Shale Sisters," three blind ladies, in charge of Miss HAMLIN, gave one of their pathetic, artistic and grand entertaiments in the M. E. Church last evening, to a large and delighted audience. Little MYRTLE added very largely to the interest of the entertain ment by her recitations. POWELL & Co., who know how to adver TOWANDA, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 9, ISSI. tise us well as how to buy ami sell goods. make several important announcements in the REVIEW this morning. The reputation of this house is such that the public know they mean every word they say, and when they advertise great bargains in any line of goods, they are prepared to offer them. IMPORTANT LEGISLATION. The fol low ing important bill has been passed by both branches of the legislature and signed by Governor IIOYT: SECTION I.—That if the proprietor, keeper, lessee or manager of anv saloon,hotel,tavern, inn. billiard room or other places of resort or entertainment shall keep, maintain or permit to be played upon his premises, or in connec tion therewith, or having passage or commu nication to or with the same, the game or amusement of pool with balls or any other game of chance, the result or price of forfeit ure of payment in any form of such game or amusement shail be by drinks vinous, spirit uous, malt or brewed liquors or any admixture thereof, he or she shall be guilty of a misde meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be sentenced for the first offense to pay a fine of one hundred dollars and to undergo an im prisonment of not less than ninety days, and for the second offense to pay a fine of five hundred dollars and to undergo an imprison ment of not less than one year; and any license granted for the keeping of such sa loon, hotel, tavern, inn, billiard room or other place of resort or amusement shall, upon such second conviction, be declared null and void by the court in which the tfaid second offence shall be tried. Approved June i, A. 1). 1881. Brick for sale. Enquire of J. T. Hale, at torney at law. If the person who lost a silk umbrella a week or two since, will call at this office and pay for this notice, the whereabouts of the missing article can be ascertained. WEATHER INDICATIONS FOR TO-DAY.— Partly cloudy; occasional rain; variable winds, mostly northerly; stationary or high er temperature. The News Condensed. No material change in the situation at Albany. Gen. Devens was yesterday elected President of the Army of the Potomac. The Yale Boat Club has voted to ask the Harvard Club to agree 011 June 30th, the day after the Commencement, for the boat race. Sir Eward Thornton, the British Min ister at Washington, is gazetted as Am bassador to St. Petersburg in place of Lord Butterin. One man was killed and another fatally injured by an explosion in a dymanite factory in Unionport, Weschester county, on Monday. Tbe building was blown to atoms. The Ohio republican convention met yesterday. Senator Sherman presided. Gov. Foster was renominated and the national administration enthusiastically endorsed. It is reported that the Western Union Company have leased 011 favoeablo terms all the Canada or Dominion lines, in per petuity, and will soon connect their in terests witli the new American Cable Company fron Penzance to Nova Scotia. Tlie American Rapid Transit Company of Boston lias applied to the President for permission to laud two cables on our shores, one from England and tne other from France. If the proper guarantees are given the application wid be granted. It i s reported in Washington that Speaker Randall is trying to form a com bination which will prevent the Republi cans from organizing the House next December, and enable their opponents to control the ollieeis and committees. Mr. Randall is reported as saying that only one more vote is now needed, and it all depended 011 how Congressman J. Ilaytt Smith, of Brooklyn, would vote. Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLIVAN'S, 011 Bridge street, for the best tive cent cegar. Referring to the fearful steam boiler explo sion which happened in Philadelphia this week, by which several lives were lost and buildings demolished, we remind owners of steam boilers in this vicinity that Codding & Dodge. General Insurance Agents, issue policies insuring against loss or damage by explosion of steam boilers, also insure plate glass against accidents, and issue daily or an nual accident policies on lives. IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS.— SpeciaI in ducements are offered you by the BURLING TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. When you're down town drop in and try a dish of the celebrated ice cream at Titus' con fectionery store. It can't be beat. They al so have elegant Florida oranges, lemons, pine apples and bananas constantly 011 hand. Give them a call. Fitch's ice cream parlors are now open for the season. Ilis cream needs 110 recommen dation. It is uneqiialed in quality. REDUCED FARE TO TEACHERS' ASSOCIA TION. —The Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. will place on sale for June 10th and lltli, round trip tickets at Athens, Ulster, Towanda, Wy sauking. Standing Stone, Rummerfield, and Wyalusing, to Sayre, at the rate ot two cents per mile each way, good to return to and in cluding June 11th. E. T. BURGAN, Pres. One of those thin gum overcoats sold by llosentield is cheaper and much more conveu ent than an umbrella. A GOOD HOME CHEAP. —I otFer for sale VERY CHEAP, the house and lot, South east corner Third and Elizabeth streets in this borough. The house is in good repair, the lot large, with good well of water and water in the house. The property will be sold for half its value 011 long time. June 1), 'Bl. O. D. KINNEY. Two good water tanks one holding 40 bar rols and the other 1(1 barrels, the small one lined with lead, for sale cheap. 8-1 w M. E. ROSEN FIELD. A large assortment of CAN TON and MADRAS DRESS GINGIIAMS just received ; also large additions to their stock of CALICOES, APRON GING HAMS, CRETONNES, FUR NITURE PRINTS, &c. Powell &Co. have just received 10,000 yards of PRINTED LAWNS, the best quality and newest styles, which they will sell at NINE CENTS per yard. I \>well & Co. have just opened a large stock of LACE AISD PLAIN BUNT ING, with a large assortment of NEW STYLES of WORSTED DRESS GOODS, which they are offering at great bargains. PRICE ONE CENT. BUSH'S COLUMN- WANTED! §§ a call from everybody in search of READY MADE CLOTHING. [lt is an ad mitted fact that J3USXI, The X3i*itl2fe Street Clothier*, keeps the largest, most fashionable, and best made Clothing-, consisting of everything in the line to be found in the country. He defies competition either in cjvian or quality of stock. His Spring have just arrived, call and examine them. He can fit you out with every article of clothing needed by man or boy.| TRUNKS. BUSH, at the Bridge Street Clothing House has just received a cargo of Til L jYICS, -VALISES, GRIP SJLCES, ETC., PIG, which he is offering at manufacturers prices. His invoice filled one and a half cars, and comprises the best line of those goods ever offered in this market. .T. K. BUSH.