DAILY TO WAX DA REVIEW. VOLUME 11, NO. 256. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Personal. Rev. J. S. BEERS is in .Massachusetts. Mrs. GRAHAM MACFARLANE is visiting in Clean, N. Y. Mrs. N. X. BETTS is visiting her parents in Stroudsburg. The Rey. F. W. BARTLKTT, of Northfield, Vt., is in town. SENECA ARNOLD has been appointed a member of the police force by the borough council. Miss ANNIE MIXELL PETRIE, of Barclay, is secretary of the Young Ladies' Christian Association of Elmira College. Miss LOUISE BARSTOW, who has been spending a year with her grandmother in this place, returned to her home in Easton, Md., last evening. Mrs. 1). F. BARSTOW and Mrs. Dr. JOHN SON and daughter CARRIE have gone to Easton, Md., to v'.sit Doctor D. 11. BAR STOVV'S family. The money which Mrs. JORDAN of North Towanda lost the other evening, as noticed in the REVIEW, has been restored to her through the efforts of Hon. W. W. KINGSBURY. Prof. G. W. RYAN has b