DAILY T< )W A XI) A REVIEW. VOLUME 11, NO. 253. ADDITIONAL LOCAL Personal. Bunress ESTELL of Canton was in town yesterday and favored us with a call. Rer. \V. L. THORPE and wife, of Chenan go county. X. Y., are visiting at A. D. DYE'S. rs. ROBSEEL is visiting her daughters, Mrs. Col. OVERTON and Mrs. IRA B. HUM PHREY. 3lbs FANNIE KENYON of Athens, is visit ing her lister, Mrs. FRANK -BROWN, in this place. GEORGE J. and C. 11. Low, of Sandwich, 111., have been visiting friends in this place this week. Our young friend GEO. I'. PARSONS, has taken a situation with a large New York boot and shoe house. 31. P. SWARTS' mare " .Josephine S." won the 2:2S race at Scranton yesterday. The purse was SSOO. Editor MYERS, of theCattawissa Item , and wife are the guests of tneir unci >, DAVID RAIIM, Esq., 011 Locust Avenue. Miss JOSIE, daughter of IRA B. HUMPHREY has returned from Pleasant Mount, Wayne county, where she has been attending school. -Our townsman WILLIAM MARSDEN has just been successful in a sui f in Philadelphia establishing his claim to an estate of $35,000. Mr. and ilrs. JAMES T. IIALE, of Towan da, have heen visiting at the residence of J). 31. PITCHER, Esq., 3lain street.— Owego Times. 3lrs. L. T. ROYSE, who has been very ill for several months, is so much improved in health that she started for Roaring Branch to spend a few weeks with her sister, 011 Thurs day. 3lr. G. It. YOUNG, of Rome, Pa., has ac cepted a position as salesman in the dry goods house of HASTINGS & STRATTON, 31r. 3'. is well known as a teacher throughout this county and has manv friends in the border towns of Pennsylvania.— Owego Gazette. BATCHELLER & DORIS' circus will exh'bit in Troy on the 14th. About sixteen tons of mail matter passed through the Towanda post office during the month of 3lay. A gentleman from a neighboring town called on CAREY the tailor yesterday to order hree suits of clothes. SOL WALBORN and ED AYERS have taken the mail route between this place and Troy for another four years. The 3lanngers of the Agricultural Society hold a meeting this afternoon to make ar rangements for the fair. A Council of Baptist churches was held in Albany township 011 Wednesday last, at which a new church was recognized, in that town, with Rev. 3lr. HARP pastor. Referring to the fearful steam boiler cx plos'o 1 which happened in Philadelphia this week, by which several lives were lost and buildings demolished, we remind owners of s'eam boilers in this vicinity that Codding & Dodge, General Insurance Agents, issue policies insuring against loss or damage by explosion of s'eam boilers, also insure plate glass against accidents, and issue daily or an nual accident policies on lives. Rev. D. It. FORD, I). I)., of the Elmira Fe male C liege, will deliver the annual address before the Philomathean and Institute Scien tific societies, on Tuesday evening next, June 7, in 3lercur Hall, commencing at 8 o'clock. Subject, " Books and Travels."' Xo admiss ion fee will be charged and tho public are cor dially invited. From the reputation Doctor FORD enjoys we have no hesitation in proph esying that the lecture will be both edifying and entertaining, and we hope to see the hall filled. Our citizens owe it to themselves and TOWANDA, PA., SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1881. the good name of our town to come out 011 such an occasion. WEATHER INDICATIONS FOR TO-DAY.— Local rains, followed by clearing weather; northerly winds; stationary temperature, higher barometer. The News Condensed. The crops in the greater part of Russia are reported very satisfiictarjx The aggregate revenue of the Govern ment during May was $32,324,000. The New York legislature had another ineffectual ballot for senators yesterday. A hail storm in Dutchess and Ulster counties, X. Y., 011 Tuesday caused §50,- 000 damage to crops. By a boiler explosion at Philadelphia 011 Thursday, several men were killed and many others injured. Two railroad employes are under ar rest at St. Louis 011 the charge of having plundered General Grant's luggage. The schooner Carrie S. Doyle, which sailed from Gloucester, 3lass., March 15, with a crew of twenty men, is given up as lost. f Congressman Dezeudorf, Republican, has arrived in Washington to consult the Administration relative to the situation in Virginia. Jacob Klein and wife, of Milford town ship, Bucks county, have sixteen chil dren; the three youngest are six mouuhs old and triplets. A jury in Bangor, 31e., which returned a verdict for $l5O, is said to have stood divided for two hours and a half upon the half cent. The Linden boom at Williamsport con tains about 225,000,000 feet of logs, which are packed up almost as high as a house for nearly seven miles. Bishop Elder, of the Cincinnati diocese, has issued a circular to the churches ask ing tlieir prayers for Archbishop Purcell, who is sinking rapidly. The brother of Pierre I-orillard is au thority for the statemeuu that the latter wins §2,000,000 on one bet made 011 the result of the Derby race. A general enrollment of the Greenback Labor party began in Xew York city 011 Wednesday night. The leaders expect a marked increase of votes. The Re-adjusters of Virginia yesterday nominated Col. Cameron foi Governor and ex-senator Leu is for Lieutenant Gov ernor. Mahone withdrew from the con test. It is thought that the Princess Bea ! trice leads a dreary sort of life, with no definite duties except to stand in ful dress near her mother at state ceremo nials. The failure is announced of the old Pioneer 3lail Company, A. Arnot, of St. Louis, Mo., president, with headquarters in Washicgton, which has beeu engaged in the mail contract business for the past forty-six years, and which lias at difl'er ent times held large contracts in every State and Territory. Ex-Senator Bruce, the new Register of the Treasury, is now working night aud day to sign the continued bonds. Prac tically the only duty which the Register of the Treasury has to do is to sign bonds and notes, and the late Register said that he coul,l never have been charged with dereliction of duty unless he had mispell ed his name. Nest Eggs that drive away Hen Lice, only 5e or 50c a do/., for sale by C. P. Welles. A free Clam chowder lunch will be served at SEELY'S this evening. Everybody and es pecially the ladies invited. Large Assortment of Decorated Chamber Sets just received. Prices greatly reduced. Please examine at C. P. Welles' Crockery Store. Don'T fail to go to JOHN SULLIVAN'S, on Bridge street, for the best five cent cegar. IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS.— SpeciaI in ducements are offered you by the BURLING TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this ssue. When you're down town drop in and try a dish of the celebrated ice cream at Titus' con fectionery store. It can't be beat. They al so have elegant Florida oranges, lemons, pine apples and bananas constantly 011 hand. Give hem a call. Wanted immediately—two or three good rooms in a pleasant dwelling house. Ad dress P. O. box 30. Brick for sale. Enquire of J. T. Hale, at torney at law. HORSE FOR SALE.—I am going out of bus iness and will sell my horse, harness, whip, lap-robe, and fly net for $95 cash. The mare is eleven years old kind, reliable and will be a bargain for any one. Enquire at REVIEW office. " C. J. ELLIS. Pure fresh milk for sale everyday atCowles Bakery, at FOUR CENTS per quart. lw The " Senate" has long been considered headquarters for the best clams. Mr. Nestor is now receiving his supply direct from the famous Perth Amboy beds, and serves them in every style. ICE CREAM! Samuel Powell is now pre pared for the season to make Ice Cream of all kinds, such as Pineapple, Lemon, Strawberry, Bisque and Vanilla. He uses nothing but the Best Country Cream, from the celebrated dairy of B. F. Bowman. I also make Orange and Lemon Ices. I also furnish Ice Cream for Pie-nics and parties. I hope my custom ers will give me a call. Orders can be left at Mercur A Co's hard ware store or at my resi dence, Lombard st., house No. 12. Icecream per quart, 37 cents. ICE CHEAP! The BEST quality of ICE ta ken from the River Before any Thaw after it had frozen when not anything but PURE WA TER was running. For the month of JUNE, this PURE ICE will be furnished at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PER WEEK, in quantities of TEN POUNDS PER DAY. No Delivery on Sunday ; when necessary it will be sent on SAT URDAY NIGHT. BY THE HUNDRED at 15 Cents per 100 LBS. Leave your orders at MAL LORY'S COAL OFFICE. A o Mixture oj the Drainage from the Catholic Cemetery and the aeenmnlation after scve?'al thazvs, in THIS ICE. TIIE UNDERSIGNED Hereby gives notice that the Books and Accounts of the late firm of Myer & Devoe, are in his hands for collection. All persons indebted to the late firm are requested to call and settle without delay. May 17, 1881. C. M. MYER. PRICE ONE CENT. BUSH'S COLUMN- WANTED! §§ a call from everybody in search of READY MADE CLOTHING. It is an ad mitted fact that BUSH, The Bridge Street Clothier, keeps the largest, most fashionable, and best made Clothing", consisting of everything in the line to be found in the country. He defies competition either in quantity or quality of stock. His Spring Suits have just arrived, call and examine them. He can fit you out with every article of clothing needed by man or boy. TRUNKS. BUSH, at the Bridge Street Clothing House has just received a cargo of TR LJCJCS, VALISES, GR ETC., ETC., which he is offering at manufacturers prices. His invoice filled one and a half cars, and comprises the best line of those goods ever offered in this market. .T. If. BUSH.