Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, May 31, 1881, Image 2

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    The Daily Review.
Towanda, Pa., Tuesday. May 31, 1881.
" Daily Review" only !<5 centi per
month. Try it.
Frederick Douglass aud ex-Senator
Bruce, of Mississippi, are acknowledged
to be the noblest specimens of the intelli
gent colored men of this country, and it
is to the credit of President Garfield's Ad
ministration and of the Senate that both
of them have been officially recognized.
Fred Douglass has been made Recorder
of Deeds in the District of Columbia,and
Mr. Bruce was nominated for Register
of the United States Treasury, and con
flemed by the Senate without opposition.
And this unanimity 011 the part of the
Senate was owing to the indorsement of
Senator Lamar, who took occasion to
declare that Mr. Bruce's appointment
was an honor to Mississippi, and to re
quest that lie be confirmed by a uuaui- 1
mous vote. This speaks well for the
Mississippi Senator's heart and head
Mr. E. Lilley, of Leßoy, is being ad
vanced by many friends for the ofiice of
county treasurer, aud should he be nom
inated there can be no doubt but that he
will be elected and make a most faithful
officer. A fair distribution of ollices will
be insisted upon in the next county con
vention, and any attempt to centralize and
ignore this or that part of the county
will meet with such serious opposftiou as
to make it impossible. People in general
should and doubtless will look closer to
the primaries*— Canton Sentinet.
The spirit of the times is not favorable
to the advancement of Christian godli
ness. The public mind is unduly occu
pied by secular politics stimulated by
cheap newspapers. In many quarters,
where the Bible is not assailed by down
right infidelity, it is treated with a levity
bordering upon profaneuess; some of its
most Important doctrines being denied,or
explained away, superseded by human
opinion, under the plausible name of
Senator Conkling says he is worth not
more than $30,000, but "Gatli," who ap
pears to know all about it, asserts that
he is worth from $200,000 to $400,000.
The difference between $30,000 and $400,-
000 is considerable, and the ex-Senator
ought to compel "Gatli" to deliver the
missing assets.
It is stated that the report of the Chi
cago and Northwestern Railroad will
show an increase of two millions in the
year's earnings which will amount from
nineteen to twenty millions. The net
earnings will not show up so well in eon
sequence of the extraordinary expendi
ture the past Winter.
Secretary Blaine has informed the rep
resentatives of the American Hebrew
congregations, that instructions regard
ing the persecution of the Jews in Rus
sia, so far as American subjects were
coucerned, were being prepared for trans
mission to the United States Minister at |
St. Petersburg-
Arrangements have been made at the
Indian office to effect the removal of 70
North Carolina Cherokees to the Indian
Territory. It is thought at the Depart
ment that this is the first step toward
the removal of the whole tribe of North
Carolina Cherokees, about two thousand,
to the Territory.
Over 51,000 Sunday School children
were in line of procession 011 Wednesday
last in Brooklyn. It was a unique and
beautiful spectacle, and were reviewed
by a force of delighted relatives of even
greater numerical strength.
Out of 18,000 persons examined for col
or blindness, it has been proveci that
scarcely a woman is thus afflicted. They
can even discern colors in the dark, es
pecially if they belong to some recreant
husband or lover.
Mark's, of the Globe store, Bridge street
is just opening an elegrnt assortment of seas
onable goods and invites the ladies to call and
examine them.
The Towanda Library, over EVANS A* IIIL
DKETH'S store, is open from ten til twelve,
Tuesday and Saturday. Yearly subscrip
tions $2 00. Any one may draw a book from
the library on the payment of ten cents.
Passengers going west will save money by
consulting 11. E. BABCOCK, Ticket Agent,
Towanda. Pa., before purchasing tickets.
Get your couches, sofas, easy chairs—every
thing in the upholstery line repaired at
Ottarson's, Bridge street."
I had been a great sufferer from Neuralgia
for years and had consulted a great many dif
ferent physicians, but got 110 cure until I took
Dr. Burr's Neuralgia and Sick Headache Pills;
they cured me and I have recommended to
over fifty persons and I have never known
them to fail. They are also the best nervous
and dyspeptic pill i ever saw.
Master Mechanic, Dickens Manufacturing
Company, Scranton, Pa.
Bird seed, best only 10c per pound, at C.
P. Welles crockery and 00c store.
For sale cheap on easy terms. One span
horses, one single horse, two top buggies.
Inquire of G. S. Ackley.
Go to Ottarson for a new couch.
Latest style of Hats and Caps just received
at M. E. llosenfield's.
Teas and coffees of the best grades, fresh
and pure at Swarts A Gordon's.
The Henry House has recently recruited its
resources with the addition to its cellar of a
pipe of pure English Ale—home-brewed ami
genuine. This excellent malt liquor will be
found a useful natural tonic for the invalid,
and satisfy the palate of the most fastidious
epicure. A word to the wise is sufficient—so
sevs the latin proverb. Oct. 4.
NOTICE.— We wish to inform the people of
Towanda and vicinity that Mrs Harriet Collins
's now prepared to do all kinds of Hair Work
at short notice. She also keeps constantly 011
hand a large supply of Ready Made ilair
Work, such as Switches, Curls. Braids, and
Puffs. Residence 011 Lombard street.
The surest way to get good family groceries
is to buy them at a reliable and enterprising
store, and Swarts A Gordon's is one of that
kind. You always get just what you ask for
there. Their goods are ali new and fresh.
Bird cages at C. P. Welles crockery store.
Mattresses new at wholesale and retail,
olain and fancy stripe feather pillows, ready
made; plain pillows for shams, ready made;
double front couches, full spring; smoking,
sleepy hollow and students chairs, at Ottar
son's, Bridge street.
NOTICE. —I want it distinctly understood
that I have Removed from Bridge Street Fur
nture Store to rooms over Turner A Gor
don's drug store and Woodford A Vandorn's
boot and shoe store where I will keep 011
hand all Kinds of COFFINS ANI) CASKETS
from the best to the cheapest. Any one in
need of any thing in my line give me a call.
P. S. 1 have 110 connection with any of Mr
Frost's establishments.
Feb. 5. J. S. ALLYN, Agt.
You run 110 risk when you buy yourgrocer
es at G. L. Ross' new store in Montanve
Block. His prices are way down to rock bot
His store in Kellum Block, Ist Ward beats
the world by low prices and good goods.
If you call at BLUM'S boot and shoe store
you will find that you can get more and bet
ter goods for the moncv than at at any shoe
house in Towanda.
The only market in Towanda where vou
can get good, fat western beef is at Rundell's,
where the best < uts of veal, lamb and mutton
are always served. Also ham. bacon and salt
meats of all kinds. Fresh Eish, dressed poul
try. vegetables and fruit. Leave your orders
at Rundell's market.
Our popular artist, G. 11. WOOD, is gaining
a reputation for excellence of work which is
making Towanda famous, lie received the
following flattering letter on Saturday from
a delighted customer:
CAMDEN, N. Y., Mav 11th, 1881.
Mr. GEO. H. WOOD :
Jly Dear Sir —The picture arrived this
morning, and was paid for and taken in less
than two seconds after it was opened. It is
without doubt the finest picture of anv kind
in town ; in fact, the finest I ever saw at any
1 cannot compliment you sufficiently for
your talent, ai d assure vou that vou will
never regret the labor bestowed 011 this piece
of work; it will be productive of other simi
lar work from this section and to 110 small
amount. 1 have no doubt that by putting it
011 exhibition in window I could secure vou
hundreds of dollars worth of work. I have
compared it with former one of same subject
made by you at sls 1 think, and this is very
much finer.
My wife, who is a daughter of the subject,
is perfectly carried away; you may consider
her under obligations to you. Again thank
ing vou, 1 remain, Yours, Ac.
Owing to the increased demand for ice, and
the inability of the regular team that runs 011
weekdays to run 011 Sunday, 1 have made
arrangements with Melntyre's dray to deliver
ice to our regular customers 011 Sunday morn
ings, commencing and continuing during the
heated season.
For sale very cheap, one of the celebrated
Rochester Filters, nearly new. Holds a barrel.
Call at this ofliee.
Having sold ray retail Furniture and Un
taking business, known as the Bridge Street
Furniture Store to F. B. Pierce I would re
spectfully recommend those 111 need of goods
111 his line to call 011 liira at the old stand.
I also wish to inform those indebted to me
that it will be necessary to settle the accounts
soon. * X. P. HICKS.
January 1,1881.
HOTEL FOR SALE. -I oriel* the American
Hotel property for sale 011 very reasonable
terms —one half the purchase money down
and the balance in ten years. Possession
given April 1, 1881. There is a good barn
connected with the property. This hotel is
located 011 the corner of Bridge and Water
streets, in Towanda borough. The free
bridge and new depot near to it make this
hotel desirable for any one wishing to engage
in the hotel business. Call upon or address,
JOSEPH G. PATTON. Towanda, Pa.
John Adam's Ice Wagon has been running
for the last month, delivering Ice to his main
customers. Ice gathered one mile and a liali
above town. Orders solicited, and prices
ROSENFIKLD, the popular clothier, is sell
ing irood hats for 3 cents and an elegant one
for live.
FOR SAI.K VKHV CHEAP.—A nearly now
heavy single harness. Inquire of 11. M. Tay
lor at Dr. Lvman's office.
WANTED.— A gentleman wants a furnished
room centrally located. Address REX, this
office, with terms and location.
Fon SAT.E CHEAP.—Having abandoned my
public hall I offer a nice stage curtain, cost
SSO, will sell for $lO. A lot of seats painted
and numbered, cost $2 50 each, will be sold
for a dollar a piece. Address
Hay ,J. G. PATTOX.
Get your hair mattress made oyer at Ottar
Go to G. S ACKLEY A Go's for cheap Cow
Hay. DO.
Second hand Herring Safe for sale cheap,
quire at this office.
Before purchasing your new hat call and
examine the assortment just opened at the
Globe store. Bridge street,
WANTED.—Good agents in Bradford
the ShamoKin Mutual Aid Association. Ref
erence required. Losses paid promptlv."
W. I). WAGNKK. District Agent.
Dushore, Sullivan county, Pa. Office over
SAFE FOR SALE —Fire-proof. Combination
Lock. Inquire of W. J. YOUNG.
and of best material. Will be sold low for
cash or good paper. Enquire of A. WICIIAM
or O. A. BLACK, Towanda, Pa.
'•Jacobs the Clothier," has the best assort
ed and nobbiest stock of Spring clothing, fur
nishing goods, Ac., of any dealer in Towan
da which we can assure you are sold fully 15
percent lower than other dealers for'the
same goods.
A NEW ENTERPRISE.—E. S. Thurber has
provided himself with a suitable "rig" and
is now prepared to deliver all kinds of
packages, goods, trunks, Ac., on the shortest
notice and at reasonable rates. Orders left at
Stevens A Long's and Dye A Co.'s will re
ceive prompt attention.
—1 have a number of dwelling houses for
rent or for sale on easy terms. Also, eligi
ble and desirable building lots which will be
sold on long credit to persons desiring to
build. (mar. 1,3 m) L. ELSUUKE.
" W hat everybody wants is the best organ for
the least amount of money: Therefore every
body wants the Burdett; and when you've
said that, you've told the whole story."
So say the brightest and busiest organ
dealers throughout the land, who are furn
ishing this matchless instrument to a musica
public, which is rapidly learning to distinguish
its marvellously pure and beautiful voice
from that which is not music. For sale by
J. A. Manville, No. 3 Bridge St., Towaiula.
Good Maple Sugar only ten cents per pound
at Swarts & Gordon's.
The linest building lot inTowanda borough
corner of Poplar and Second streets, between
the residence of Hon. E. O. Goodrich and
E. Walker, will be sold cheap. Apply to O.
D Kinney
FARM HOR SALE.—I offer for sale 011 reason
able terms a valuable farm, located in the
valley of the Towanda creek, about 2 1-2
miles from Towanda, containing 75 acres,
under a good state of cultivation, well water
ed, a voung orchard of choice trees, good
framed dwelling house, and tine large barn—
with underground stabling. I will sell this
farm on long time, or exchange it in part for
property in Towada borough.
Elegant Residence for Sale
The tine residence erected and owned by
the late W. H. Morgan, is offered for sale at
a bargain. The property is eligibly located
on Main street, and the house is one of the
best built and most complete in Towanda—is
supplied with furnace, range, hot and cold
water, gas, bath-rooms, &e. The barn is also
a model of convenience, with plenty of water.
An artistic iron fence in front of the lot,.
The grounds have been fitted up at great ex
pense. The property will be sold at a sacri
fice. For further particulars call on or ad-
Towanda, March 7,1881.
A universal cure for Neuralgia, Sick Head
ache, Nervous Headache, Dyspepsia,
Constipation, Paralysis, Palpita
tion of the Heart, and Head
ache arising from over
stimulation either
Thee Pills are very pleasant to take (they dis
solve in the mouth -1 and effectually cure all dieases
arising from a deranged nervous system.
If your druggist is not supplied, ask him to pro
cure it for you, from the wholesale dealers. Sent
to any address on receipt of 50 cents.
For Sale by
The Clothier
(Established 1865;
Offers better bargains in Men's, Youths',
and Boys' CLOTHING,
Hals, Caps. Tics, Scarfs,
Collars, Cuffs, &c., th&.i ever, and proposes to
sell lower than any house in Bradford county. A
large stock of
as we wish to close out that line oi goods entirely in
the next sixty days. Fresh spring goods everyday
For "proof of the pudding," all 011 "JAKE at
No. 2 Patton Block. Towanda.
Ed. Williams
I 9 !amber and Oas-Fitter,
Respectfully informs the people of Towanda that
he is prepared to do all work in his line tin the
horti st notice, and guarantee satisfaction.
lie keeps a LARGE ASSORTMENT of stock,
and will furnish pipe, nil plumbing materials and
gas fixtures at a smalladvance from jobber's prices.
I refer to my numerous customers during the ten
years I have been in Towanda as to the character
of my work, and solicit the patronage of those hav
ing jobs in my line.
■6SC Estimates furnished when desired.
Shop a few doors north of Mereur Block.
May 0,1881.
i < r s vll r /.
This remedy is something new, both as to name
and composition. This is one of the wonders of the
world. This Syrup, I claim, is better and more
effective,than any other ever offered to the oplc of
America or any other country, and xvhat 1 say of
this I can prove, This Syrup, like the Fills, is
harmless and safe. It contains no opium or other
narcotic poison, like the most Syrup, and is not dis
agreeable to take. Any child will take it. And it *
will cure any and ail inflammations arising from
Cold. It is superior to all others in every respect
and especially for the following reasons:
Ist- It will cure Croup every time.
2d. It will cure Inflammation of the Lungs.
3d. It will cure Quinsy.
4th It will cure Whooping Cough.
sth It will cure Bronchitis.
6th It will cure Hoarseness.
7th It will cure Sore Throat.
Bth It will cure any Cold.
9th It will cure Congestion of the Lungs.
10th It will cur" any Cough.
11th It will cure Scarlet Fever.
12th. It is the best remedv that any one can take
for Consumption, and if taken in the first stage I
will guarantee a cure.
13th. It is perfectly safe for all ages as there is
nothing in its composition that can harm a child.
For sale by CLARK B. PORTER.
Hair Cat and^Shavc
Go to the
Is there.