Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, May 12, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME 11, NO. 233.
JOHN E. FOX has returned from his west,
eru trip.
Col. MEANS is treating his residence on
Main street to a coat of paint.
Rev. C. T. IIALLOWELT. will deliver the
"Decoration Day" address in this place.
Mr. MALLORY will soon remove his coal
office from present location to the building
just north of it.
JAMES WILBUR having sold his residence
011 William street, has moved into one of Mr.
BANKING'S houses 011 same street.
We understand Mr. JOHN IIINMAN will
erect a brick store at Monroeton, and engage
in the mercantile business.
G. A. DAYTON & Co. of the Eagle Mills,
are so crowded with work that tliay contem
plate putting in another run of stones.
We regret to learn that C. F. TAYLOR. who
is now tilling a responsible position in a
wholesale house in Utiea. N. Y., is confined
to his house in this place by an attack of
B. R. CARPENTER painter aud decorator at
MCINTYRE & SPENCLLR'S carriage factory is
quite clever with his brush 011 canvass. One
of his pieces 011 exhibition at WIIITCOMIJ'S
is greatly admired.
Towanda lias long pointed with pride to its
musical talent, and the very be>t musicians
in town have united to give a grand concert
at Mercur Hull to-morrow evening, for a pur
pose which commends itself to all. Let us
see that the Hall is filled.
"Our Record" is the title of a monthly
magazine published in the interest of the
Home for the Friendless, Buffalo, New York.
The paper is ably edited and neatly printed.
Mrs. MIXER, a lady well known and greatly
admired in Towanda, is tbe editress. The
last number contains Mrs. MERCUR S article
011 GEORGE EBERS, the great German Egyp
tologist, which originally appeared in the
Illustrated Christian Weekly.
Deeds neatly printed, for sale at this office.
Like his ice cream, the soda water dispens
ed by Fitch is unsurpassed in flavor.
Tickets for Old Folks Concert for sale at
Kirby's Drug Store.
A new feature of the Decoration Day pro
cession this year will be a company of sol
diers* boys.
The railroad company have the steam shov
el at work in the bank just opposite town, 011
the east side of the river.
All should make an effort to hear the last
lecture of the Institute coil se for the present
year by Judge INGHAM, of Lnporte, on Mon
day evening next. Subject, "Success in Life."
Lecture will commence at s o'clock, sharp.
EDGAR SMITH lias purchased tbe line of
h:ick> running between this place and Mon
roeton. The convenience of the stages has
already been demonstrated, and the public
should sec to it that they are well patronized.
I semi thee pnnsies while the year is young,
Yellow as sunshine, purple as the night,
Flowers ol'remembrance ever fondly sung
By all the chiefest of the sons of Light.
And if in recollection lives regret [true,
For wasted days and dreams that were not
I tell iiiee that the pansy streaked with jet
Is still the hearts-ease that the poets knew.
Take all the sweetness of a gift unsought
And for the pnnsies send me hack a thought*.
The young ladies who have combined to
maintain a library in this place, are doing a
noble work. Aid them in their praiseworthy
effort by attending the Old Folks Concert in
Mercur Hall to-morrow evening.
STILL INCREASING. —The report of the
First National Bank to be found in another
c dmnn, is a flattering exhibit. It shows the
business of this old and popular institution
increases with its years. Over $550,000 in
deposits, is evidence that there is plenty of
money in the country, and that people who
possess it have confidence in the First Na
You can enjoy one of the richest musical
treats of the season and aid a worthy cause by
attending the Old Folks Concert at Mercur
liall to-morrow evening. The musical talent
of Towanda will be represented.
Our art critic has not put in an appearance
this morning and as a consequence we are un
able to give our readers a report of the ex
ceedingly enjoyable entertainment given by
Mrs. FEET'S music scholars last evening. It
will appi ar to-morrow.
JAMES BRINK, who had been ill for sever
al weeks, died at the residence of his son-in
law, ex-Sheriff LA YTON, yesterday afternoon, j
The deceased was seventy-nine years old and
had been a resident of this place since the
death of his wife, three months ago. The
funeral will take place at Mr. LAYTON'S resi
dence 011 Main street, at half.'past nine to
morrow morning, after which the remains
will be taken to Waverly for interment.
Slightly warmer, fair.
Mutick of ye Olden TV m e.
Certain of ye goodo old
Anthems, Toynes, and other gette-pieces.
will he played and sung i:t
Ye Hall of Mr. Mercur.
Which is sette down at ye Corner of Main
Street and Park Street,
On Friday ye 13th day of May.
Ye sounding of ye mufiek will begin at early can
dle light, wh is now eight by ye elocke.
Ye price to enter In will be FOUR YOUK SHILLINGS
and Mr. Kirby will sell tickets. Ye first buyers
will find ye heft pi ace.-. Ye profits will lieip ye
Towanda Library.
"Daisey," a first-class Lawn Mower at the
following.very low prices:
Twelve inch - SI 1.00
Fourteen inch - 12.00
Sixteen inch - 13.00
The manufacturers have advanced prices
on these mowers since our stock was pur
ed. We give our customers the benefit of old
prices. We have a tine stock of water coolers
and ic > cream freezers. Our plumbing and
gas fitting department, is now in order, and
wo shall be pleased to have any one wanting
work of that kind done to give us a call.
Under this head we will insert FREE, notices oj
situations or help wanted.
Wanted, A Good Girl who can cook, wash
and iron. Apply at the house of E. O. Mac
farlane, Houston street.
Convenient medium sized house, well situ
ated, for rent cheap. B. W. LANE.
FOR KENT. — A desirable medium sized
house 011 4th street near Chestnut. Inquire
at this office or of J. 11. Xevins.
■II I ~,111 IM,T Hlil I ■■■■ I ||l■ 11 ■
LOST. —On Slain street, near Fitch's store,
an overcoat, the finder will be rewarded by
leaving the same at this office.
CANARIES, a few good singers at the 99c
YUMUWA*!■ .town im>
The News Condensed.
The puckllers and helpers in the Fall
river iron works have struck for higher
Two hundred and twenty-three fatal
cases of spinal meningitis in New York
si nee January Ist.
The controller lias called for reports of
the conditions of the national banks at
the close of business May i ; .
The executive session of the Senate ad
journed yesterday without taking final
action 011 the names of Matthews and
President Garfield will see that Presi
dent Hayes's order prohibiting the use of
intoxicating liquors at military posts is
fully carried out,
The Bev. Mr. Brookmau, has resigned
from the Baptist church in Yorkville,
Out., because he did not believe in eter
nal punishment and close communion.
The woman's nationalchristian temper
ance union held its anniversary in New-
York Monday. The women claim 50,000
members, and a largely-increasing num
ber in all the states.
It is estimated that the internal reve
nue recepts will aggregate this year
$135,000,000 or about 810,000,000 more
than last year. The increase is due to
the increased production of cigars and
Black, Cason and Blackmail of Phila
delphia, charged with defrauding the gov
ernment in mail contracts, and Henry
Arbuckle. an alleged star route conspira
tor, have been held, each, in $5,000 bail.
The senate committee on foreign aela
tions will recommend the passage of Mr.
i Morgan's resolution providing that the
! consent of the United States is necessary
to the building of canals across the isth
mus of Panama.
i at the close of business. May C>, 1881:
I Loans and Discounts. $454,680 08
United States Bonds and \
other securities, j 150,491 00
Due from Banks and 1
Treasurer U. S., \ 175,717 63
Legal tender notes, coin, Bank )
not3s and other Cash items j 54,984 10
Real estate, furniture and fixtures 34,256 00
Expenses and Taxes paid, 5,622 67
$875,751 4S
Capital $125,000 00
Surplus fund and undivided profits 82,672 37
Circulation, 112,500 00
Deposits 551,718 79
Due Banks 3,860 32
$875,751 48
I, N. X. BETTS, Cashier of the First National
Bank of Towanda, do solemnly swear that the above
statement is true to the best of my knowledge and
N. N. BETTS, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn before me this 11th day of
May, 1881. W. 11. DODGE, Notary Public.
C. L. TRACY, > Directors.
n HHn
a call from everybody in search of READ\ MADE CLOTHING. It is an ad
| mitted fact that ISTJSBEI, The Bridge Htieet Clothier, keeps the
largest, most fashionable, and best made CTotliin> consisting of everything in
g the line to be found in the country. He defies competition either in quantity or
quality of stock. His Spring SSuits have just arrived, call and examine
ithem. He can fit you out with every article of clothing needed by man or boy.
BUSH, at the Bridge Street Clothing House has just received a cargo of
which lie is offering at manufacturers prices. His invoice filled one and a halt cars,
and comprises the best line of those goods ever offered in this market.
.T. K. HUSH.