Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, May 11, 1881, Image 4

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    Tli© Daily Review.
Towanda, Pa., Wednesday, May 11, 1881.
" Daily Review," lowly i) 5 cewti per
month. JTry it.
Council Proceedings.
At the regular monthly session of the coun
cil held Monday evening, May 2d, 1881, the
following named members were present: \V.
G. Alger Burgess, Frost, Gordon, Ilolcomb,
McCabe, Spalding.
The minutes of the two last meetings were
read and approved.
Ex-Burgess Jones presented a peti ion
signed by a number of citizens for widening
Grant street.
N. C. Elsbree, Esq., presented a petition for
opening Fourth street fifty feet wide from a
point already opened to the East coiner of
Daniel O'Boyle's house.
A remonstrance from E. A. Parsons was
read against opening the street at present.
The petit ions and remonst ranee were held over
for consideration at an adjourned meeting to
be held on Saturday evening the 7th inst.
Dr. Payne asked for the erection of a lamp
post on Huston street between Third and
Fourth streets.
Oil motion it was ordered that notice be
served on the Water Works Co., to replace a
crossing near Mr. Orcutt's, removed by the
company when laying their pipes on Main
On motion of Mr. Frost, the street commit
tee of the Second Ward was authorized and
directed to remove all obstructions from the
side walk on the North side of State street
and mark the grade preparatory for the prop
erty owners on the North side of that street
to put down a lawful walk.
Report and resolutions of the committee to
whom the petition of the Water Works ask
ing for a second extension of time, was re
ferred :
WHEREAS, The Towanda Water Works
failed to complete their works on the 28th
day of October, 1880, according to the cove
nants of their contract with the Borough of
Towanda, bearing date the 28lh day of Octo
ber, 1879; and
WHEREAS, Upon the petition of the said
Water Works, on the 25th day of October,
1860, an extension of time for completing the
same was granted by the council of said bor
ough for the term of six months from the
date of expiration of contract, and
WHEREAS, The time granted by the afore
said extension has expired, and the Water
Works not yet being completed, and the To
wanda Works having again petitioned for
further extension of time in which to com
plete the same. Therefore
Resolved , That the consideration of the
said last petition be postponed uutii such time
as the said Towanda Water Works shall
notify the council that their works are fully
completed and readv for use, and that the
said Towanda Water Works shall not demand
or be entitled to any rent on hydrants until
their Works are so completed.
Resolved, That notice of the above action
be given to the said Towanda Water Works,
by tlie Secretary.
The report and resolutions were unani
mously adopted:
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved , That an appropriation of five
dollars per month from May 1, 1881, be, and
is hereby made to the Frankiin Company, No.
1, for the purpose of keeping the steamer
clean and in pood order, the money to be paid
monthly during the pleasure of the council.
On motion of Councilman Spalding the
Treasurer was authorized to pay bills, ap
proved by the Finance Committee, amounting
to $329.03 for expenditures during the month
of April, to-wit:
Gas for 42 lamps SO9 30
y :' Care and lighting same 900
* Linta Engine House 90
'• Franklin & Naiad Eng. H. 1 20
" Police Station 390 84 30
For Police duty 80 90
" Street commissioner's bill 24 98
" Labor on streets 78 43
" Teaming on streets 44 25
" Engineering on streets 4 00
" Stone on streets 25
" Fire department 8 60
" Printing 3 00
" Miscellaneous 1 515
Total $329 03
Without completing the business before it,
the council at a late hour adjourned to meet
on Saturday evening the 7th inst.
The adjourned meeting of the council was
held on Saturday evening, the 7th inst., to act
upon unfinished business held over from the
last regular meeting and to hear appeals from
the tax payers. All the members were pres
ent except Councilmen Parsels and Rahm.
A petition was presented by Mr. Maxwell
from citizens residing in the vicinity of Hus
ton street, asking for the erection of a gas
lamp post on the corner of Watts and Huston
streets, and as it appeared from this petition
that there was no gas post on Huston street.
Councilman 3lcCabe moved that the prayer
of the petitioners be grafted. Carried.
On motion of Councilman Spalding, action
on the petition for the opening of Grant and j
Fourth streets was further postponed to the j
regular monthly meeting to be held June Gth, i
The election of C. P. Welles and G. E. j
Frost by Naiad Co.. No. 2, as members of the I
Fire Police, was approved.
By Councilman Spalding:
Resolved, That the Street Commissioner ,
employed by the authority of the council, be i
and he is hereby authorized and directed to j
procure proper material and construct a good ,
and sufficient culvert under direction of the !
Burgess or Assistant Burgess and the street j
committee of the First Ward, in the ravine i
crossing Third street near the residence of
Mrs. Laughlin, and cover the same with earth
so as to construct a roadway to make the
street passable by teams. Provided that stld
culvert shall be constructed according to spec
ifications to be furnished by the Burgess.
Provided also, That a sum not exceeding two
hundred and seventy-five dollars may be ex
pended thereon, but not a further sum with
out consent of the council.
The resolution was adopted without dis
Bills amounting to SIOB.BO were approved
by the Finance Committee and ordered paid.
The minutes were read and approved and
on motion the council adjourned.
J. KINGSBURY, Secretary.
Pomona Grange, No. 23, P Of 11., compos-!
Ed of Bradford and Sullivan Counties, will
hold its next regular quarterly meeting at
the Hall of Towanda Valley Grange, No. 204,!
at Franklindale.on Thursday, May 12th, 1881, j
at 1 o'clock, p. m. The evening session will
be open and all are invited to attend. A gen
eral attendence of 4th Degree members is
requested, as business of importance is to be
transacted, together with the installation of
officers for the ensuing year.
Towanda, April 24th, 1881. Secretary.
Earthen Stew Kettles —better than Granite
iron—very cheap, at C. P. Welles Crockery
"Jacobs the Clothier." has the best assort
ed and nobbiest stock of Spring clothing fur
nishing goods, &c., of any dealer in Towan
da which we can assure you are sold fully 15
per cent lower than other dealers for the
same goods.
The finest building lot in Towanda borough
corner of Poplar and Second streets, between
the residence of Hon. E. O. Goodrich and
E. Walker, will be sold cheap. Apply to O.
D Kinnev
A NEW ENTERPRISE.— R. S. Thurber has
provided himself with a suitable " rig" and
is now prepared to deliver all kinds of
packages, goods, trunks, &c., on the shortest
notice and at reasonable rates. Orders left at
Stevens & Long's and Dye & Co.'s will re
ceive prompt attention.
ffp.TU Baggage and parcels hauled to and
from depots. 4—12
A full line of Jesse Oakleys soaps including
the celebrated "Queen" at D. Wi Seott&G'o.,
" What everybody wants is the best organ for
the least amount of money: Therefore every
body wants the Burdett; and when you've
said that, you've told the whole story."
So say the brightest and busiest organ
dealers "throughout the land, who are furn
ishing this matchless instrument to a musica
public, which is rapidly learning to distinguish
its marvellously pure and beautiful voice |
from that which is not music. For sale by
J. A. Manville, No. 3 Bridge St., Towanda.
GEO. 11. WOOD fc Co. will, according to
previous announcement, open their New
Galery the first Monday of April, where you
can get four very nice tintypes for 50 cents.
All kinds of copying Plain or in Ink, done.
Stereoscopic and other out-door work, a Spe
ciality. We have the best of Instruments,
and will make the best of work. Patton's
Block, Corner of Bridge and Main St., To
wanda, Pa.
Our "specialty", everything in the grocery
line, the best that we can buy. D. W. Scott
& Co., . 3t
Elegant Residence for Sale
The fine residence erected and owned by
the late W. H. Morgan, is offered for sale at
a bargain. The property is eligibly located
on Main street, and the house is one of the
best built and most, complete in Towanda—is
supplied with furnace, range, hot and cold
water, gas, bath-rooms, Ac. The barn is also
a model of convenience, with plenty of water.
An artistic iron fence in front of the lot.
The grounds have been fitted up at great ex-
Sense. The property will be sold at a sacri
ce. For further particulars call on or ad
dress, O. D. KINNEY.
Towanda, March 7,1881.
—I have a number of dwelling houses for
rent or for sale on easy terms. Also, eligi
ble and desirable building lots which will be
sold on long credit to persons desiring to
build. (mar. 1,3 m) L. ELSBREK.
Carpets and Wall Paper!
Are now receiving their Spring stock of
Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, 3 ply, Extra
Super, Super, Ingrain, Cottage,
Rag, Hemp, fyc.
All ot which will be sold at much less than last year's prices.
A large assortment of
Which we shall offer at
Lower Prices than ever before shown.
New Wimil Paper
is much larger and finer than usual, and to which we call
Your Especial Attention.