The I>aily Review. Towanda, Pa., Wednesday, May 11, 1881. EDITORS . -j S. W. ALVOP.D. NOBLE N.ALVORD. " Daily Rev ten?" [only 95 cent* per month. Try it. The Danville Asylum. The insurance on the portion of the Danville Asylum recently destroyed by fire has been adjusted, says the Hazleton Sentinel , and the award accepted by all concerned. The hospital is to receive $200,116 01. A temporary kitchen at the institution is about completed and a large range m it has been in use for sev eral days past. A force of laborers is now removing the burnt portion, and as soon as that is completed, rebuilding will begin. The plan of operation is to con fine the work entirely to the part occu pied by patients, so as to have room for them as early as possible, and as large an extent as the available funds will per mit. The center building will be left as it is, except the repairs that are necessa ry to protect the steam and other pipes that run through it. All the walls of the latter building will have to be recon structed from the cellar. It is expected to put all the rest of the damaged parts under roof this soasou, in order to pro tect the walls that remain intact. In the work of rebuilding, iron will be used instead of wood for cornices. All communication between the stories will be entirely of brick. The additional ex pense will be $12,000 more thitn for sim ple wooden joist. It has also been decid ed to make an addition to the recess room twenty feet back, thus giving more day room to the excited patients. The present number of patients at the hospital is 170. Eight have been admit ted since March sth, when the Are occur red. There is room for 250 male patients now, and 53 could be admitted. Interesting Facts From the Insurance Commissioner's Report. The eighth annual report of the insu rance commissioner of Pennsylvania, J. M. Forster,gives in detail a great amount of information pertaining to the business transacted by both foreign and domestic insurance corporations doing business in this state. It shows that at the present time there is not an insurance company doing business in this state with a capit al stock of less than $100,000; several, rather than increase their capital to this amount in accordance wiili the legislative act of 1876 and which took effect on the first of the paesent month, retired from busiuess. The same act required all com panies of other states who had not a cap ital of or who couid not exhibit assets of at least $200,000 over liabilities, to with draw from the transaction of any busi ness in this state. Twenty-three com panies withdrew, representing a capital of $6,428,826 and eight new ones, com plying in full with the requirements of the law, with a capital aggregating $5,- 065,630, were authorized to transact business. The report contains the state ments of three hundred and thirty-eight companies, embracing forty-two joint stock and one hundred aud sixty-five mutual compauies of this state, one hun dred and five of other states and twenty six foreign. These companies wrote risks duriug the year 1880 amounting to $8,198,802,514, receiving in premiums $61,719,201.01, and paying losses of $35,- 509,174.26, a ratio of loss to premium received of 57.53 per ceut. This shows a business in excess of that done in 1879 of risks written, $1,106.942,070; of pre miums received, $7,815,972-56; of losses paid, $1,855,256.03. Of the business of the Pennsylvania compauies alone the report shows a total premium income of $9,363,142.79; re ceipts from other sources of $1,712,575.- 15 making the gross receipts amount to $11,075,707.94 with gross expenditures $8,624,151.49; dividends paid of $1,634,- 845.94. The ratio of losses paid to premium income is 61.34 per cent. The business transacted in Pennsylvania by Pennsylvania companies during the year 1880 was as follows: Risks written (lire, marine and inland), $258,039,786; prem iums received, $2,503,887.83; losses paid $2,455,097.77. The exhibit of the various Pennsylvania companies shows that but one, a Philadel phia concern, had suffered an impair ment of capital on Demember 31, 1880, but since the date of the report the com pany has collected from its stockholders $39,000 to make up this impairment and give it a surplus. DAYIS VERTICAL FEED Simplest* Strongest and does work that cannot he done on any Minder feed machine. 0. A. BLACK, Agent, Send for Samvles. Towauda, Pa. KID O^7- (PATENTED JINE 13TU, 1870.) Fc r? r*\E BY EVIMYS # HtEURETU , j Towanda, Pa. £JEW EATING HOUSE JiJYM* RESTJIURAJYT* S. B. TIDD has fitted up one of the stores in Streeter's new block (one door south of Evans & Hildreth's) and is now prepared to furnish WARM MEALS OX SHORT NOTICE. |IIIS LUNCH COUNTER is supplied with all the delicacies of the mar ket. d£gr He has elegantly furnished rooms for the accommodation of parties. GIVE HIM A CALL! "TD ro BONO PUBLICO." "JAKE" The Clothier (Established 1865) Offers better bargains in Men's, Youths', and Boys' CLOTHING, Mtats, Caps, Ties, Scarfs, Collars, Cuffs, &c., than ever, and proposes to sell lower than any house in Bradford county. A large stock of CHILDREN'S SUITS AT COST, as wo wish to close out thut line oi goods entirely In the next Bixtv days. Fresh spring goods everyday For "proof of the pudding," eall on "JAKE at No. 2 Patton Block. Towanda.| Business Cards. ALVOIID & SON, JOB PRINTERS. DAILY REVIEW OFFICE, Main street, To wan da I'a DSAVERCOOL, • • Manufacturer of OFFICE FURNITURE, DESKS, And Library Tables. Shop corner Second and Poplar streets. mar 23 81 DR. T.B. JOHNSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office over U. C Porter's Drug Store, Residcnct corner Mapic and Second Streets, AI TORNE YS-A T-LA IV. South side Mercur Block, Towanda, Pa. N. C. ELSBREE. | L. ELSBREE. FL. IIOLLISTER I). I). s. • (Successor to Dr. E. H. Anjrle.) OPERATIVE AND MECHANIC A L DENTIST. Office on State street, second floor of Dr. PrattV uflice. . 10jat)80 F THORNTON, TUNER AND RE FAIRER Of Pianos and Organs. (Over 17 years experi ence.) Orders received at Holmes & Passage's Music Store. GW. RYAN, ■o O UNT Y S UF3II IN IEYD 3N 7 Office Means' Block. aF. MASON, A TTOUNE Y-A TLA W, Office over Patch & Tracy, Main street. HENRY STREETER, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR A % LAW TOWANDA, I'A. JOHN W. CODDING, AT TORNE Y-A T-L A W. Office Mercur Block, over Kirby's Drug Store. OD. KINNEY, A T TORNE Y-A T-L A IV. | Office corner Main and Pine Streets, Towanda, Pa. PECK & OVERTON, Atturneys-at-Laio, Tnoanda, Fa. D'A. OVERTON. I UENJ. M. PECK. T T TILLIAMS, ANGLE & BUFFING- W TON, A T TORNE YS-A T-L A W. Office formerly occupied by \V. Watkins. \A/OOD & HALE ' ~ Attorneys at Laio, Office corner Main and Pine Streets Towanda, Pa. JAB. WOOD. | JAS. T. HALE. QOAL Nathan Tidd, DEALER IN PITTSTON, WILKES-BARRE, ANI) Loyal Sock Coal. Invites the patronage of his old friends and the pub. lie generally. 1 shall keep a full assortment oi all sizes, AND SHALL SELL AT LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. Yard and office, foot of Pine street, just south o Oour House ' Aug3o. N. TIDD. "KTT RS. D. V. STEDGE, AAA. Manufacturer of and dealer in Human Hair Goods, Special attention given to COMBINGS—Roots all turned one way. Switches from $ 1 upwards Also agent for Hun er's INVISIBLE FACE POWDER, Madam Clark's Corsets, and Shoulder Brace Elastics. Particular attention paid to dressing ladies hair at their homes or at my place of business, over Evans & Hildreth's store. MRS. D. V. STEDGE NEW SPRING GOODS! Now is the time your selection of a .VJE It* SI*RI.VG SUIT from the attractive array of suit ings on exhibition at the tailoring establishment of JParrott Gressel These goods have just been opened and are of the latest styles and very best quality. We guarantee fits, and make prices as low as the lowest. I USUAL the fashionable clothier, is the first to open a FULL LINE OF SPRI A (; CLOTHING to which he Invites the particular atten tion of THE J VMS LIC. His assortment comprises the most fash ionable goods in the READY-MADE CLOTHING' LINE. purchased tor cash, and will he sold CHEAPER than any other house in the country can offer the same quality of goods. A full line of MEN'S AND BOYS' HATS AND CAPS Also a better assortment of FURNISH ING GOODS than can be found elsewhere in Towanda. Cull, examine, and satisfy your selves. M. E. ROSEN FIELD. March 0, 1881. p*RANK p. GRADY MERCHANT TAILOR. Corner Main and Pine Streets, Keeps a large assortment of Cloths and Snitincrs* And makes a SINGLE GARMENT or a WHOLE SUIT to order ON SIIOUT NOTICE. llis present stock has been purchased at VERY LOW PRICES, and he proposes to give his customers the benefit of his good bargains. ME A CALL.^Cij FRANK P. GRADY. Practical Cutter and Tailor. Towanda, Jan. 13, ISBI. jpou Hair Vat and Share Go to the WARD HOUSE SHAVING PARLOR STEDGE I there. T A DIES OF TOWANDA Wishing to-have anything made in the line of Hair Switches, lira ills & FINGER PUFFS, WATER CURLS, in fact anything in the line of HAIR GOODS. Custom Work a specialty. Switches made of combings and rooted. Send jour old switches aud combings by mail, aud 1 will return them by mail in a few days, in the best manner possible and warranted. Orders by mail will receive more atten tion than if attended to in person. Address MISS ELLA J. POWELL, No. 12 Lombard St. Towanda. XT THE GLOBE STORE On Rridge Street, you will find the LATEST STYLES of Millinery Goods a large assortment of FANCY GOODS AND DRY GOODS. Mr. Marks has just returned from New York, where he lias purchased a fine stock at the lowest prices, and he wishes to inform the pub lic and patrons generally, that he is ready to sell at wholesale and retail, at the LOWEST PRICES. MILLINERS will do well to come and see the JYew Stales and Prices. NEW GOODS ARE COMING IN DAILY FROM NEW YORK.