Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, May 11, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME 11, NO. 232.
Pastor HA I.LOWKLL is attending the meet
ing of Baptist ministers in Athens.
WILLIAM MCCABE manager of the Lehigh
Valley Co.'s farms near Pittston, is in town.
RAMIE LEWIS, one of the brightest lads in
town, has been given a position as clerk in
the First Ward Grocery Store.
Rev. Mr. RAYMOND, pastor of the West
Franklin Baptist Church, was a welcome
caller at this office yesterday.
Among the improvements going 011 in town
we notice that Mrs. E. H. SMITH and Mr.
DITTIHUH are each building new front fences.
W. T. BISHOP, formerly of this place is
practicing medicine in Ilarrisburg and is a
member of the York County Medical Society.
C. A. LASUKR formerly toll-gatherer for
the Towanda Bridge Co.. is running the flour
ing mill at Wysaukiug. He is a milier of
considerable experience and makes excellent
tlou r.
Mrs. DITTRICH has been very ill for some
time past and is still far from being well, but
her son WILLIAM, wlio lias also been con
lined to the house for several weeks, 1> much
ADRAM CAMP who has been in the employ
ment of FRANK GREGG, for a long time, is
said to bo one of the best ploughmen in the
county and his services are in good demand
for any kind of farm work. •
C. X. BEERS proprietor of the Leßaysville
stage route was serving as a juror last week
and since his discharge has been too ill to oc
cupy his accustomed place 011 the driver's
seat. We are pleased to learn that he is im
REED BRAUXD has shown us some stalks
of winter wheat taken from his father's field
near Cawker City, Kan., two weeks since
which measure two feet. Mr. B. writes that
he has 30 acres which looks well and promis
es a large yield.
WILLIAM SIMS, one of the bravest sol
diers from this county in the late war, and
who rendered efficient service as a dashing
cavalryman, has just been granted a pension
for wounds sustained in battle. His arrear
ages amount to over SI4OO.
Bv reference to our hymeneal department
the reader will see that one of our leading
teachers has turned Benedick. The bride
must be possessed of rare accomplishments to
attract Prof. CRAWFORD so far from home,
particularly when he has been thrown in the
society of so many beautiful and gifted young
ladies of thiscountv. We congratulate the
Professor on the important step lie has taken,
and bespeak for him and his wife a long and
happy life. The newly wedded pair are
spending a few weeks with Prof. CRAWFORD'S
brother in Cincinnati. They expect to pro
ceed to California in August.
Pomona Grange meets in Frunklindnle to
The celebrated "deep rock" water, genuine
100, 011 draught at FITCH'S.
A stone walk is being laid from Main street
to tlie office 011 the EDWARD OVERMEN prop
Ministerial Conference of Bradford Baptist
Association met in Athens yesterday, and
will remain in session until this afternoon.
Eleven contrary men kept a jury out all
night in the Mareellus case, but "the other fel
low" was finally convinced as tlie "wee sma"
hours'' approached.
If you wish to enjoy a rich musical treat,
make your arrangements to attend the Old
Folks Concert at Mereur Hall Friday evening.
To wan da's best musicians will furnish the
The aged widow of the lat: Gen. ELIIIUE
CASE, of Troy, is dead. She \va married
in ISI4 and moved on the farm in Troy,where
she continued to reside until her death. She
was about 90 years of age, and was the moth
er of a large family of children, most of whom
are still living.
The performers who art to take part in the
Old Folks' Concert to be given at Mereur Hall
Friday evening, are our best local musicians'
and the entertainment will be worthy the
patronage of all.
WE understand SAVERCOOL, who was con
victed of larceny at the present session of
court, and who made his escape from jail sev
eral months since, made au unsuccessful
attempt to gain his freedom lately. lie had
loosened the tloor of Jiis cell before his plan
was detected. To make sure of keeping him
the sheriff put him in irons.
Court Proceedings.
In the case of the Com. vs. Marcelluses,
charged with forcible entry and detainer, the
jury tin# the defendants guilty of detainer,
but not of forcible entry. Rule for new trial.
The Judge sentenced the following prison
ers yesterday:
Fred Baker, convicted of stealing sheep, to
pay a tine of SIOO to the commonwealth and
costs of prosecution, and undergo an impris
onment of two years in the Eastern Peniten
David Shears, larceny, to pay a line of s.">o,
costs of prosecution, and undergo imprison
ment in the Eastern Penitentiary one year
and two months.
Henry Savercool, Larceny, to pay a tine of
SIOO to the commonwealth, cost of prosecu
tion and undergo an imprisionment in the
Eastern Penitentiary for the period of two
years and two months.
Com. vs. John Keler. Forcible entry and
detainer. Jury return verdict of guilty 011
first count and not guilty 011 second. Rule
for new trial.
O. I). Bartlctt to use of Pomeroy Bros. vs.
J. S. and S. 1). Madden. Overton & Sander
son and L. M. Hall for plaintiff; Patrick &
Fovle and Col. E. Smith for defendants.. On
Fresh mackerel, shad and vegetables at
RundelFs market this morning.
Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLIVAN'S, 011
Bridge street, for the host five cent cegar.
SEED POTATOES. — I have several choice
varieties of early seed potatoes for sale.
Fitch's ice cream parlors are now open for
the season. His cream needs 110 recommen
dation. It is uuequaled in quality.
Have you been to Titus' confectionery store
and tried some of that celebrated Wyoming
county Ice Cream'( We have and unhesita
tingly pronounce it the best we have ever
eaten. Call and get some.
ducements are offered you by the BURLING
TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their
advertisement to be found elsewhere in this
There will he an Old Folks Concert in Mer
eur Hall, on Friday evening, May 13th, for
the benefit of the Towanda Library. Tick
ets fifty cents. Reserved seats may be secur
ed without extra charge three days before
the Concert at C. T. Kirby's.
notice having appeared in the last Argus to
the effect that the plumbing at the poor house
was done by a Mr. TATE, Commissioner
! IIURST makes a correction in the following
The plumbing at poor house was done un
der the direction of Edward Williams, of
Towanda, and those employed by him, and is
entirely satisfactory so far.
J. W. HURST, Commissioner.
If the plumbing at the poor house reflects
credit upon any one, Mr. WILLIAMS, who had
t'ie contract, is entitled to it, and it is hardly
1 f tir in our cotemporary to cheat him out of it.
The News Condensed.
It is expected that the Senate will to
day act on the nominations of Mathews
and Chandler.
On reaching his home in Virginia City,
Nevada, Senator Fair was met at the de
pot by his four-in-hand.
The marriage of Prince Rudolph and
Princess Saephanie was imposingly sol
emnized in Vienna yesterday.
Miss Olive Gould, for many years liv
ing with the family of Daniel Webster,
died at Eliot, Me., a few days ago, aged
91 years.
George 11. Williams, the only negro in
the Ohio Legislature, has fallen heir to
$.">0,000 ;tnd will retire from business and
politics and devote himself £0 a history
he is writing entitled "Negroes as Slaves
as Soldiers, and as citizens."
The Chairman of the Republican Na
tional Committee has issued a circular
inviting expressions of opinion from Re
publicans throughout the country regard
ing the best methods or rules to he adopt
ed for electing delegates to the next Na
tional Convention in 1884.
The custom house and post office build
ing in Georgetown, 1). C., was entered
by burglars on Friday night. The safe
of the post office was broken open and
robbed of $275 in cash, sl7l in stamps,
SI,OOO in bonds and a gold watch and
chain. An attempt was made to blow
open the customs safe, ill which was
considerable money, but withou ; success
A number of capitalists in Buffalo, al
ready prominently identified with the nar
row gauge railroad in the Bradford oil
country, will begin at once the construct
ion of another road from Eldred, Pa., to
some point in New York, on the line of
the Western division of the Erie railway,
not determined upon.
The arrangements for the meeting of
the Society of the Army of the Potomac
in Hartford, on June Bth, have been com
pleted. Gen. Sherman, Secretary of War
Lincoln, the Governor of Connecticut,
Generals Wright, Hancock, Shridau,
Eranklin, Hawley, Slocuin and other dis
tinguished officers, will be present.
CRAWFORD—VANNESS—At the residence
of bride's parents, Locust Grove, Boone
county, Ky., by Rev. 11. Olmstead, pastor
Presbyterian Church, llisinsr Sun, Ind.,
May 4, 1881, Prof. I. S. Crawford, of Brad
ford county, Pa., and Miss Graeie V. Van-
Ness. No cards.
Under this head toe will insert FREE, notices of
situations or help wanted.
Wanted, A Good Girl who can cook, wash
and iron. Apply at the house of E. O. Mac
farlane, Houston street.
Two good houses for rent cheap.
Convenient medium sized house, well situ
ated, for rent cheap. B. W. LANE.
Several good offices and rooms suitable for
small families. Water and other conveniences.
Over Powell & Co's store. Inquire of 11. P.
FOR RENT. — A desirable medium sized
house on 4th street near Chestnut. Inquire
at this office or of J. H. Nevins.
LOST.— On Main street, near Fitch's store,
au overcoat, the finder will be rewarded by
leaving the same at this office.
CANARIES, a few good singers at the 99c
a call from everybody in search of READY MADE CLOTHING. It is an ad
mitted fact that I3USII, The Bridge Street Clothier, keeps the
largest, most fashionable, and best made Clothing-, consisting of everything in
the line to be found in the country. He defies competition either in quantity or
quality of stock. His Spring Snits have just arrived, call and examine
them. He can fit you out with every article of clothing needed by man or boy.
BUSH, at the Bridge Street Clothing House has just received a cargo of
which he is offering at manufacturers prices. His invoice filled one and a half cars,
and comprises the best line"'of those goods ever offered in this market.
.T. K. BUSH.