Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, May 07, 1881, Image 4

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    The Daily Review.
Towanda, Pa.. Saturday, May 7, {BBI.
" Itaily Itevieie" only 515 cent* per
month. IPry it.
Mails arrive and depart at the Towanda Post-office
as follows:
4 00 'A.M. Pliila. N Y. Mideast States P.M. 7 45
9 30 ....Dushore, Bernice, Laporte, &e.... 245
10 15 L. V. way mail North 3 45
11 00 New Era, &c. Tues., Thurs. and Bat. 1 00
11 90 ..Asylum, &o. Mon., Wed. and Fri.. 1 00
11 00 Bheshequin, &c M. 12 >0
1 00 P.M Troy, Burlington, &c.... A.M. 10 00
240 ...Closed mail from Erie &'s... 10 00
5 00 Canton, Monroeton, &c 9 oo
4 30 L. V. way mail South 9 15
1 00 Leßavsville, Rome, &c ...P.M. 1 00
6 30 ...Barclay 1 00
10 40 Erie west of Elmira 7 30
Office open from 7 . 00 A. m. to 7:45 p. M.
Money order o/flee open from 8:00 to 7:00 P.M.
Office open Sunday from 0:00 to 10 :00 A. M.
The railroad company have planted willows
along the bank of their lot on the east side of
the river, to save it from washing.
The monthly meeting of the Agricultural
Society will be held at tlie Grand Jury Room,
Saturday, at 1 p. in. All are invited to attend.
The managers of the Society will hold a meet
ing at t he same time and place.
There will be an Old Folks Concert in Mer
eur Hall, on Friday evening, May 13th, for
the benefit of the Towanda Library. Tick
ets fifty cents. Reserved seats may be secur
ed without extra charge three days before
the Concert at. C. T. Kirby's.
The school directors of Shcsbcquin have
just provided every school in the township
witii a copy of Webster's Unabridged Dic
tionary. This example should be followed
by every board in the county. As yet we
believe there are only two other townships
that have been thus supplied—Warren and
" We hold these truths to he self-evident,"
that correspondents and contributors for the
REVIEW and other respect ible and sprightly
sheets, are entitled to a fair share of consid
eration, as well as editors and publishers of
the same. So when parties cannot find it
convenient to call at the sanctum editorial
and receive a friendly recognition, they may
visit the less pretentious grotto of a contrib
utor with the assurance that literary life and
habits all tend to courtesy and refinement,
especially toward the gentler sex, with their
molifying influences and genial and oft need
ed influences over us impetin us beings.—
Such being the case, we make a note of it,
and for a day or two we chronicle those an
gelic lookings in upon our hotnclv retreat,
that we arc so gratified to call home, or
There was Mrs. W. W. Irvine with her
huge basket of benevolence, and her heart
full of kindness, making somewheres near
her twentieth call of a iijvo import, without
the least probability that this is anywhere
near the last time that age and infirmity are
to be made to leap for joy, because of her
unostentatious presence.
There is Mrs. J. F. Woodruff whose coun
tenance a long-time has indicated that she is
a second "Rachaal," remembering the frost
that nipped the first-born, but she is of t he.
same christian faith still, and her practices
keep pace with her sturdy, good old Scotch
Then there is Mrs. Doctor Hull, without
cither pill or potion, and with a shining coun
to nance and a cheery heart, dispensing glad
ness as light dispells gloom, and showing
"that a merry heart maketh a cheerful coun
tenance." Yes, and it begets dheerfulness all
around it.
There is Mrs. D. J. Sweet and Mrs. Daniel
Huntley, with faces and hearts full of the
milk of human kindness, all smiles and vivac
ity, with a good wish for everybody, not for
getting the REVIEW, and a good word for
everything, even for the Monroe correspond
ent. O, how welcome and refreshing such
little attentions; they are the green spots in
this great Sahara of human life. We find
'also in this constellation Mrs. ]>. P. Dodge
and last but not least, Mrs. J. L. Rockwell,
all noted for iives of human kindness. Right
here, like the AposfD, " time would fail us"
to make mention of the whole list of Monroe's
fair claimants upon our pencil, but this must
do for this time. Please call again, ladies.
May 3d, N. D. R.
Pomona Grange, No. 23, P of 11., compos
ed of Bradford and Sullivan Counties, will
hold its next regular quarterly meeting at
the Hall of Towanda Valley Grange, No. 204,
at Franklindale,on Thursday, May 12th, 1881,
at 1 o'clock, p. m. The evening session will
be open and all are invited to attend. A gen
eral atteudence of 4th Degree members is
requested, as business of importance is to be
transacted, together with the installation of
officers for the ensuing year.
Towanda, April 24th, 1881. Secretary.
Earthen Stew Kettles—better than Granite
iron—very cheap, at C. P. Welles Crockery
CANARIES, a few good singers at the 99c
Have you been to Titus' confectionery store
and tried some of that celebrated Wyoming
county ice Cream? We have and unhesita
tingly pronounce it the best we have ever
eaten. Call and get some.
(lhcements are offered you by the BURLING
TON ROUTE. It will nay you to read their
advertisement to be found elsewhere in this
"Jacobs tho Clothier," lias the best assort
ed and nobbiest stock of Spring clothing fur
nishing goods, Ac., of any dealer in Towan
da which we can assure von arc sold fully 15
per cent lower than other dealers for the
same goods.
The finest building lot in Towanda borough
corner of Poplar and Second streets, between
the residence of Hon. E. <). Goodrich and!
E. Walker, will be sold cheap. Apply to O. 1
1> Kinney
A NEW ENTERPRISE.—R. S. Thurber lias !
provided himself with a suitable "rig" and!
is now prepared to deliver all kinds of 1
packages, goods, trunks, Ac., on the shortest'
not ice and at reasonable rates* Orders left at j
Stevens A Long's and Dye A Co.'s will re
ceive prompt attention.
(JTir Baggage and parcels hauled to and !
from depots. 4 —12 j
White wash lime, for sale by D.W, Scott A !
Co., ' 3t
A full line of Jesse Oakleys soaps including
the celebrated "Queen" at D. W. Soott&Co.,
"What everybody wants is the best organ for
the least amount of money : Therefore every
body wants the Burdett; and when you've
said that, you've told the whole story."
So say the brightest and busiest organ
dealers throughout the land, who are furn
ishing this matchless instrument to a musica
public, which is rapidly learningtodisliuguish
its marvellously pure aud beautiful voice
from that which is not music. For sale by
J. A. Manville, No. 3 Bridge St., Towanda.
GEO. 11. WOOD A Co. will, according to
previous announcement, open their New
Galery the first Monday of April, where you
can get four very nice tintypes for 50 cents.
All kinds of copying Plain or in Ink, done.
Stereoscopic and other out-door work, a Spe
ciality. We have the host of Instruments,
and will make the best of work. Button's
Block, Corner of Bridge and Main st., To
wanda, Pa.
Our "specialty", everything in the grocery
line, the best thai we can buy. 1). W. Scott
A Co., ' 3t
Elegant Residence for Sale
The fine residence erected and owned by
the late W. JL Morgan, is ottered for sale at
a bargain. The property is eligibly located
on Main street, and the house is one of the
best built and most complete in Towanda—is
supplied with furnace, range, hot and cold
water, gas, bath-rooms, Ac. The Darn is also
a model of convenience, with plenty of water.
An artistic iron fence in front of the lot.
The grounds have been fitted up at great ex
pense. The property will be sold at a sacri
fice. For further particulars call on or ad
dress, o. D. KINNEY.
Towanda, March 7,1881.
—I have a number of dwelling bouses for
rent or for sale on easy terms. Also, eligi
ble aud desirable building lots which will be
sold on long credit to persons desiring to
build. (mar. 1,3 m) L. ELSBREE.
house and lot on Main street, one door south
of David Rahm's residence is offered for sale
at a great bargain. For particulars call on or
address I), c. DKWITT, attorney at law, Tow
anda, Pa. ' Mar. 3.
For sale cheap on easy terms. One span
horses, one single horse," two top buggies.
Inquire of G. 8. Ackloy.
Under this head tee will insert FREE, notices of
situations or help wanted.
Wanted, A Good Girl who can cook, wash
and iron. Apply at the house of E. O. MUc
farlune, Houston street, ■
V mmmm >• r •*v. a -■.-.a*
Two good houses for rent cheap.
Several good offices and rooms suitable for
small families. Water and other conveniences.
Over Powell & Co's store. Inquire of 11. P.
Carpets and Wall Paper!
Are now receiving their Spring stock of
Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, 3 ply, Extra
Super, Super, Ingrain, Cottage }
Rag, Hemp, cfc.
All of which will be sold at much less than last year's prices.
A large assortment of
Which we shall offer at
Lower Prices than ever before
New Walt Peep e v
,is much larger and finer than usual, and to which we call
Y our Especial Attention.