The Oailv Review. Towanda, Pa.. Friday, May 6, 1881. , EDITORS . 8. W. ALVORD. NOBLK N.ALVORIX " Daily Review" only 348 centt per month. Try it. Mails arrive and depart at the Towanda Post-ofllce as follows: ARRIVE DEPART 400 A.M. I'liila. NY. and KastStates P.M. 745 9 30 ....Dushore, Bernice, Laporte, &c.... 2 45 10 15 L. V. way mail North 3 45 11 00 New Era, &c. Tues., Thurs. and Sat. 1 00 11 90 ..Asylum, &c. Mon.,Wed. and Fri.. 100 11 00 Sheshequin, &c M. 12 00 1 00 P.M. ....Troy, Burlington, &c.... A.M. 10 00 2 40 . ..Closed mail from Erie&N.C. It. It's... 10 00 £ 00 Canton, Monroeton, &c 9 00 4 30 L. V. way mail South 9 15 1 00 Leßaysville, liome, &c ...P.M. 1 00 0 30 Barclay 1 oo 10 40 Erie west of Elmira 7 30 Office open from 7.00 A.M. to 7:45 p. M. Money order office open from 8.00 to 7:00 p. M. Office open Sunday from 9 : 00 to 10 :00 A. M. P. POWELL, P. M. ROSEN FIELD, the popular clothier, is sell ing good huts for 3 cents and an elegant onft for five. The monthly meeting of the Agricultural Society will be held at the Grand Jury ROOUD Saturday, at 1 p. m. All are invited to attend. The managers of the Society will hold a meet ing at the same time and place. There will be an Old Folks Concert in Mer eur Hall, on Friday evening, May 13th, for the benefit of the Towanda Library. Tick ets fifty cents. Reserved seats may be secur ed without extra charge three days before the Concert at C. T. Kirby's. Up to yesterday morning six of the BURNS family, at Plumbtown. afflicted with small pox, had died—five of them since Friday. One more is so ill that there arc no hopes of recovery, and the other four are considered safe. A male nurse is helping Mrs. BURNS care for the sick ones, and the house is still closely guarded.— Wilkesbarre Union-Lead er, May 3 The Postal Jleviexo , a monthly magazine for postmasters and postal clerks, published by the Postal Jleview Publishing Company, Tunkhannock, has reached us. It is neatly printed and contains much valuable informa tion for employes of the post-office depart ment. The first page is embelishcd with a likeness of Postmaster-General JAMES. A very good likeness of Postmaster BERRY of Elmiru is also given. The magazine should be liberally patronized by the class for whom it is especially designed, and business men will find in it much that interests them. The difficulty about a secret is that it takes so many men to keep it. If it lias been pour .cd into your ear you wrestle with it for a while, but it is too much for you. The man to , whom you tell it wrestles with it, and it is too much for him also. He tells it, and the man to whom he tells it tells It to some one else, always in the strictest confidence, until at last it ceases to he a secret. Only one •man in the world has oyer been strong enough to keep a secret entirely to himself, and he died long asro. Decoration Day. HEADQUARTERSWATKINS ) POST NO.