Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, May 06, 1881, Image 3

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    . CJ CTCT N J, vxenerai Insurance and Keal Instate Agent, l owanda. i*II.
The Daily Review,
Towanda, Pa., Friday, May 6, 138!.
Town Lots For Sale on reasonable terms.
Apply to JOHN W. MIX, Towanda, L*a. Of
fice, North side Public square.
Go to Ottarson for a new couch.
Latest style of Hats and Caps ju-t received
at M. E. Rosen tie Id's.
Teas atul coffees of the host grades, fresh
and pure at Swarts & Gordon's.
HOTEL FO it SACK. -I offer the American
Hotel property for sale on very reasonable
terms —one half the purchase money down
and the balance in ten years. Possession
given April 1. 1881. There is a good barn
connected with the property. This hotel is
located on the corner of Bridge and Water
streets, in Towanda borough. The free
bridge and new depot near to it make this
hotel desirable for any one wishing to engage
in the hotel business. Call upon or address,
JOSEPH G. PATTON, Towanda, Pa.
Having sold mv retail Furniture and 17n
taking business, known as the Bridge Street
Furniture Store to E. B. Pierce I would re
spectfully recommend those in need of goods
in his line to call on him at the old stand.
I also wish to inform those indebted to nie
that it will he necessary to settle the accounts
soon. N. P. HICKS.
January 1,1881.
The Henry House has recently recruited its
resources with the addition to its cellar of a
pipe of pure English Ale —home-brewed and
genuine. This excellent malt liquor will he
found a useful natural tonie for the invalid,
and satisfy the palate of the most fastidious
epicure. A word to the wise i> sufficient so
9avs the latin proverb. Get. 4.
NOTICE. —We wish to inform the people of
Towanda and vicinity that Mrs Harriet Coilms
vs now prepared to do all kinds of Hair Work
at short notice. She also keeps constantly on
hand a large supply of Ready Made Hair
Work, such as Switches, Curls," Braids, and
Puffs. First door north of First National
Bank. -Mrs. IIAKKIKT Cot LINS.
Fresh vegetables, lettuce, radishes, onions,
and spinich, received everv week, fresh iroin
the South, at Mvor A Devoe's Bridge street
The best New Process Flour from Minne
apolis. Try it. 1). W. Scott & Co., have it
Mattresses new at wholesale and retail,
ulain Hid fancy stripe feather pillows, ready
made; plain pillows for shams, ready made;
double front, couches, full spring; smoking,
sleepy hollow and students chairs, at Ottar
on'sj Bridge street.
NOTICE.—I want it distinctly understood
that I have Removed from Bridge Street Fur
liture Store to rooms over Turner & Gor
don's drug store and Woodford A Vandorn's
boot and shoe store where I will keep on
hand all Kinds of COFFINS AND CASKE TS
from the best to the cheapest. Any one in
need of any thing in my line give in<* a call.
P. S. 1 have no connection with any of Mr
Frost's establishments.
Feb. 5. J. S. ALLYN, Agt.
You run no ri-k when you buy yourgrocer
es at G. L. Ross' new store in Montnnye
Block. His prices are way down to rock bot
Ilis store in Kellurn Block, Ist Ward beats
the world by low prices and good goods.
The surest, way to get good family groceries
is to buy them at a reliable and enterprising
store, and Swarts A Gordon's is one of that
kind. You always get just what you ask for
there. Their good- are all new and fresh.
Every article, in ttie new grocery store of
Swarts A- Gordon is fresh and new. Remem
ber this when in need of groceries.
D. W. Scott A Co.. -till continue the baking
business. Their bread was never better. 3t
JT-dTAt MYER A DEVOE'S market, is the
place to get tender steaks and 'lice roasts.
If yen call at BLCM'S boot and shoe store
YOU will find that you can get more
ter goods for the monev than at at any shoe
house in Towanda.
The only market in Towanda where you
can get good, fat western heel'is at RundeH's,
where the best < uts of veal, lamb and mutton
are always served. Also ham. bacon and salt
meats of all kinds, Fresh Eisli, dressed poul
try, vegetables and fruit. Leave your orders
at Rundell's market.
Homeopathic Lung Syrup, is the best rem
edy for coughs and colds. It is mild, pleas*
ant and effective. Sold in Towanda onlv bv
C. 15. POUT Kit.
GBORGK LYXCHCOMK has removed his
barber shop from the room over POWELL A
(.Jo's store, to his old quarters under the
Meat Market, one door south of Ward House,
where he will he pleased to see all Ids former
patrons and everybody else desiring tonsorial
Go to G. S ACKLEY & Co'.s for cheap Cow
II ay. tUJ.
Best Delaware Shad, at Myer A Devoe's.
On and after April 20th Ed. Mouillesseaux
jewelrv store will be removed from Streeter's
new b'ock to Means block, with Manville's i
music store, in store formerly occupied by
Powell & Co. w
SAFE FOR SALE— Fire-proof, Combination
i Lock. Inquire of W. J. YOUNG.
and of best material. Will be sold low for
; cash or good paper. Enquire of A. WICIIAM
j or O. A. BLACK, Towanda, Pa.
! Mark's, of the Globe store. Bridge street
i is just opening an elegrnt assortment of se*
onable goods and invites the ladies to call ami
| examine them.
The Towanda Library, over EVANS & IIIL- '
J DRETU'S store, is open from ten til twelve,
I Tuesday and* Saturday. Yearly subscrip
tions 82 00. Any one may draw a book from
the library on the payment of ten cents.
Choice Hams and Smoked Beef, at
1 MYER A DEVOE'S market, Bridge Street.
Passengers going west will save money by j
| consulting IF. E. BABCOCK, Ticket Agent,
Towanda. Pa., before purchasing tickets.
Get your couches, sofas, easy chairs—every
! thing in the upholstery line repaired at
j Ottarson's, Bridge street.
, j I had been a great sufferer from Neuralgia
' for years and had consulted a great many dif
. ferent physicians,but got no cure until I* took
, | Dr. Burr's Neuralgia and Sick Headache Pills; i
. they cured me and I have recommended to
, over fifty persons and I have never known
tliem to fail. They are also the best nervous
and dyspeptic pill I ever saw.
Master Mechanic, Dickens Manufacturing
Company, Seranton. Pa.
FARM FOR SALE.—T offer for sale on reason- .
able terms a valuable farm, located in the :
valley of the Towanda creek, about 2 1-2
| from Towanda, containing 75 acres,
under a good state of cultivation, well water
ed, a young orchard of choice trees, good
framed dwelling house, and line large barn— '
with underground stabling. I will sell this
farm on long time, or exchange it in part for !
property in Towada borough.
I j^ !i - A - E BURKJS
gj ew a sv R u
! This remedy is something new, both as to name '
j and composition. This is one of the wonders of the !
! world. This Syrup, 1 claim, is better and more ]
effective than any other ever offered to the ople of
America or any other country, and what 1 say of
this l can prove, This Syrup, like the Pills, is
harmless and safe. It contains no opium or other '
narcotic poison, like the most Syrup, and is not dis
agreeable to take. Any child will take it. And it
will cure any and all inflammations arising from '
Cold. It is superior to all others in every respect
and especially for the following reasons :
Ist- It will cure Croup every time.
2d. it will cure Inflammation of the I.tings.
3d. it will cure Quinsy.
4th It will cure Whooping Cough.
| oth It will cure Bronchitis.
oth it will cure Hoarseness. '
| 7tli It will cure Sore Throat.
Bth it will cure any Cold.
Oth It will cure Congestion of the Lungs.
10th it will cure any (tough.
11th It will cure Scarlet Fever.
12th. It is the best rented" tlmt'anv one can take I
1 for Consumption, and if taken in the first stage I j
j will guarantee a cure.
| 13th. It is perfectly safe for all ages as there is
I nothing in its composition that can burnt a child.
| For sale by CLARK B. PORTER.
WANTED. — A gentleman wants a furnished
j room centrally located. Address REX, this j
| office, wjtli terms and location.
i Step Ladders and Clothes Bars at C'. I*.
Welles Crockery and lOe store.
; j Children's Carriages, 85 50 and upward at j
(.'. P. Welles Crockery Store.
Don't do it! What? Sharpen your knives
!on the sto\e pipe. A good Knife Sharpener
only 2 cents at C. P. Welles Crockery Store.
The Adams and Westlake absolutely non
! explosive Oil Stoves. Cooks, bakes, Ac.,
i perfectly, for sale by C. P. Welles.
FOR SALE CHEAP.— Having abandoned my
! public hall I offer a nice stage curtain, cost
i 850. will sell for $lO. A lot of seats painted
and numbered, cost 82 50 each, will be sold
l for a dollar a piece. Address
| May 2. J. G. PATTON.
(Jet your Inir mattress made oyer at Ottar-
J soil's.
Second hand Herring Safe for sale cheap,
i quire at this office.
Good .Maple Sugar only ten cents per pound j
at Swarts A Gordon's.
Before purchasing your new hat call and
i examine the assortment just opened at the
Globe store, Bridge street.
WANTED.— Good agents in Bradford
the ShamoKin Mutual Aid Association. Ref
erence required. Losses paid promptly.
W. D. WAGNER, District Agent.
! Du-hore, Sullivan county, Pa. Office over i
! post-office.
John Adam's Ice IVagon has been running
i for the last mouth, delivering Ice to his many
j customers. Ice gathered one mile and a half
j above town. Orders solicited, and prices
WANTED —Board and two communicating
rooms, not over one-fourth mile from the j
Court House, for which a liberal sum per
week will pe paid. Only ono room need lie
furnished as party will furnish one. Ad
dress B, care of REVIEW, or call for inform
Should remember that the regular Ticket Office at
the upper depot, Towanda, is the place to purchase
JLowest Possible Hates
by any route. For information as to routes, time
changes, connections, &c., to any place in the United
States or Canada, call on or address
Ticket Agent, Towanda, l'a.
I'Ot ('.IS 13 :
At .W.I WJ WJOTZ I**W 1 \f£{ i 9, forn.erly Pie! ceV
Sullivan Coal,
EGG f 3 00
Gil A TE, 3 00
With same additional charges for cartage.
October, 24, 1876.
" keeps several
and is ready to attend all calls in his line promptly.
He runs to ALL TRAINS. Charges for night and
earl} morning trains 25 cents per passenger. Regu
lar customers supplied with tickets at reduced rates.
Charges for attending funerals from $2.50 to $3.00.
Horses and carriages to let.
Orders left at his otliee below council rooms will
receive careful attention. 11. W. MILLER.
Nov. 27, 1880.
A sure cure for Dandruff and all other
diseases of the Scalp. Stops the hair
from fulling out; invigorates the hair
nerves; cleanser the hair perfectly and
gives it a beautiful and healthy gloss that
cannot be obtained without its. use.
Kg?** Price 50 cents per Bottle.
Manufactured and sold by
: A universal cure for Neuralgia, Siek Head
ache, Nervous Headache, Dyspepsia,
Constipation, Paralysis, Palpita
tion of the Heart, and Head
ache arising from over
stimulation cither
i Them Pills are very pleasant to take (they die
I solve in the moutlP and effectually cure ail dieuses
arish g from a deranged nervous system.
If your druggist is not supplied, ask him to pro
j cure it for you, from the wholesale dealers. Sent
to any address on receipt of 50 cents.
For liale by
Simplest, Strongest and
does tvork fha9 cannot be
done on any under teed
machine. %
O. A. BLACK, Agent,
Send for Samoles. Towanda, Pa.
HH /\ z *zp ti FT* * cirj" "E?*
rl.j> rszihai oatrmd ni a£*i-- i£o\J
other line runs Three Through I'sw
senger Trains Daily between Chicago, Des
Moines, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Lincoln, Ft.
Joseph, Atchison, Topeka and Kansas City.
Direct connections for ail points in Kansas,
i Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Xe
-1 vada. New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and
The Shortest, Speediest and Most Comforta
ble Route via Hannibal to Fort Scott, Dcnison,
Dallas, Houston, Austin. San Antonio, Gaivt ■>
I ton and all points in Texas.
The unequaled inducements offered by this
I Line to Travelers and Tourists, arc as follows:
: The celebrated Pullman (16-wheel) Palace
Sleeping Cars, run only on this Line. C., 1!. &
Q. Palace Drawing-Room Cars, with Horton's
Reclining Chairs. No extra charge for Seats
in Reclining Chairs. The famous C.. R. A: Q.
| Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars
fitted with Elegant High-Backed Rattan de
volving Chairs for the exclusive use of flrst
; class passengers.
Steel Track and Superior Equipment, com
bined with their Great Through Car Arrange -
I mr-nt, makes this, above all others, the favorite
Route to the South, South-West, and the? Far
Try it, and you will find traveling a luxury
instead of a discomfort.
Through Tickets via this Celebrated I.ine
; for sale at all offices in the United States and
; Canada.
All information about Rates of Fare, Sleep
i ing Car Accommodations, Time Tables, &o M
will be cheerfully given by applying to
J. Q. A. BEAN, Gen'l Enstern Agent,
300 Washington St., Boston, Mass.
and 317 Broadway, New York
JAMES R. WOOD. Gen. Pass. Agt., Chicago,
T. J. POTTER, Gen. Manager, Chicago.
in regard to the
It is an acknowledged fact that the
White Sewing Machine now stands pre
eminent among first-class machines, for
its simplicity and light-running qualities.
It, is a mechanical fact that the White
: Sewing Machine is made from the best
I material and of excellent workmanship,
I and all its wearing parts are adjustable,
i so that lost motion can be "taken up" in
! an instant.
i It is an undisputed fact that the dura
j bility of the White Sewing Machine is
, sustained by a written warranty for five
; years.
It is a progressive fact that the White
embodies the most practical and useful
improvements of other sewing machines,
I together with advantages peculiarly its
: own.
j It is a money-making fact that the
Wniteis the easiest-selling selling ma
j chine in the market, and therefore all
wide-awake dealers make it their specialty.
It is a gratifying fact that the White
gives universal satisfaction, and that it is
1 steadily and rapidly increasing in public
Do not he imposed upon by agents and parties
who are interested in the purchase and sale of other
machines. It bus become a common trick for un
j scrupulous competitors to get a White machine and
put it in bad order so that they might prejudice pur
; chasers against it and in favor of their own machines.
To guard against such contemptible trickery, We
I advise all intending purchasers to correspond with
us direct, and we will take pleasure in giving them
the address of a regular authorized dealer lor the
"White" in their county, or we will offer to sell
them a machine direct at special prices, and guaran
; toe satisfaction in every respect.
*ll. C. IVJ2LE,S, .f?ent,
Office at IVood V To' Gallery, ration
Block, Third Story