The I>ilv Review. Towanda, Pa.. Friday, May 6, 1881. EDITORS. S. W. ALVORD. NOBLE N.ALVORD. " Daily Deplete only SIS emit per month . Try it. There was neither fraud nor violenc em ployed in carrying South Carolina elec tions, but equally with Wade Hampton the Charleston, S. C., News knows bet ter and thus relieves its conscience : Senator Hampton in his speech in the Senate on Thursday admitted that there had been irregularities and frauds at elec tions in this State, and announced his un alterable determininatlon to try at the earliest moment to rectify the wrong that had been done. The "irregularities," or whatever else we please to call them, were justified and justifiable—just as rev olution or rebellion is permissable when there is 110 other escape from tyrannical government, under which neither life nor property is safe. It is manlier to rest 011 the right of revolution, whatever form it takes, than 011 denials which do not car ry convictions, and 011 evasions which de ceive nobody worth deceiving. Senator Hampton, in his speech at Blackville 011 July 4, 187K, said frankly that if elections were to be carried by fraud the State would soon cease to be worth saving. What was done in 1870, in 1878 and in 1880 was necessary. Similar work is iu dispensible 110 longer, and the people will not put up with it. The Democratic masses cannot be whipped or spurred up to the point of taking the chanses of Al bany Penitentiary. It is not right that that they scould, for there is not the need now that there was before. Nothing but the unalterable determination of the white people of the State to carry the elections, by hook or crook, put the Democratic party in position to prove, in practice that under Democratic rule, the taxes should be lowered, that the laws would be justly administered, and that the condition of the whole people would rapidly improve. These are facts, not proises. And they spring from the op portunities given by the frauds and irreg ularities which our opponents insist on treating as mere devices to take offices from one set of persons and give them to another set. For such a purpose the peo ple would not tolerate chicanery at elec tions. This is one reason why there is a determination to have a free vote and a fair count hereafter. The means which can be justified where the very existance of the people is at stake are unendurable when the objective point is the gratifica tion of individual ambition and the satis faction of personal greed. No one can tell at this moment in what particular way we shall continue to maintain re spectable and equal government and at the same time do away with flagrant abuses at elections. Somehow it will be done. The Democracy know what is wanted, and are well able to put their po litical household in order. I'aul Boynton, the swimmer, has arm ed in New York having made his escape from the Chilans by whom he was cap tured while serving in the Peruvian tor pedo service. jjL. —•—■ *—• Itns announced that the great corner in grain which parties in New York aud Chicago have been endeavoring to con tinue is broken. The result was a de cline of from two to four cents in wheat and one to two and a half cents in corn. There was considerable excitement. At the hn 11 mil meeting of the Petroleum Exchange it was reported that the aver age daily production of last year was 75,- 000 barrels, with a stock of 21,000,000 barrels held in the pipe lines and 4,000,- 000 more at the wells in private tanks and refineries. It is estimated that the average daily consumption of crude oil throughout the world is 15,000 barrels. Bids for supplying and transporting supplies for the Indian department were opened Tuesday in New York. The prices asked were higher than last year for pro visions and trsnsportation, but lower for dry goods. It is said that England is disturbed in consequ°nce of the operations of the Russians in the Pacific. She intends to build extensive fortifications near the American line, and will probably locate a strong naval reserve there. Probably a revolution is troiug on at Santo Domingo, The Spanish mail steamer was not allowed to enter the port of the capital under the pretext of the unhealthfuluess of the crew. An un wonted commotion was noticed among the people on shore. CHURCH DIRECTORY. PRESBYTERIAN—Rev. J. 8. Stewart, P.P., Pas tor. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7p. m. eve ry Sunday. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. Sunday School—D'A. Overton, Superin tendent—at 12 o'clock. CHRIST CllUßCll—(Episcopal)—Rev. John S. Beers, Rector. Service and preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 4 :30 p. in. Service and lecture Thursday evening at 7:30. Sunday School—Jas. T. Hale, Assistant Supt.,—at 12 in. Teachers' meeting Tuesday evening at 7:45. M, E. CHURCH.—Rev. C. 11. Wright, Pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Prayer Meetings on Sunday evening at 6:30, Thursday evening at 7:30. Young men's prayer meeting Friday evening at 8. Sunday School—B. M. l'eck, Superintendent—at 12 m. SS. PETER AND PAUL.—(It. C.) Rev. Chas. F. Kelley, Priest Mass at 8 and 10:30 a.m. Ves pers at 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 12 :30 and 2:30. CIIUIICH OF THE MESSIAH. (Universalis!) Rev. William Taylor, Pastor. Preaching at 10 :30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Prayer and Conference Meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. Sunday School—L. F. Gardner, Superintendent— at 12 m. BAPTIST CIIURCII—Rev. C. T. Ilallowell, Pastor Preaching at 10:3oa. m. and 7 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Thursday Evening, 7 p. if. Sunday School at 12 m. THE BRETHREN.—Service at 10:30 a. m, every Lord's day. Reading Meeting every Wednesday evening. Sunday School at 3p. m. /r\ * xl* c:> rasT^ (?.*.*x.\'i7'., • 0 >:a 13ih, la'C.) fCv 1 '"f" i£ BY A? $• BBCE, BUS M! Tiff, To\> r uncla, Pa. J\J EW EATING IIOUSI f.>*lP it? #2sy.f I/?,f.i*y. S. I'. TIDI) has littod up one of the stores in Strecter's new block (one door south of Evans fc llildreth's) and is now prepared to furnish WARM MEALS ON SHOUT NOTICE. IIIS LUNCII COUNTER is supplied with all the delicacies of the mar ket. Jf-iT* Ho has elegantly furnished rooms for the accommodation of parties. GIVE II I M A CALL! "pRO BONO PUBLICO." The Clothier (Established 186j Offers better bargains in Men's, Youths', and Boys' CLOTHING, BRats, Caps, Tics, Scarfs, Collars, Cliff's, &e., tha.i ever, and proposes t# soli lower than any house in Bradford county. A large stock of CHILDREN'S SUITS AT COST, as wi! wish to close out that line oi goods entirely in the next sixty days. Fresh spring good# everyday For "proof ol'the pudding," call en ".JAKE art No. 2 I'nttoa Blek, Towaada. Business Cards. ALVOKD & SON, JOB PRINTERS, DAILY REVIEW OFFICE, Main street, Towanda Pa DSAVERCOOL, • Manufacturer of OFFICE FURNITURE, DESKS, And Library Tables. Shop corner Second and Poplar streets. mar 23 31 DR. T.B. JOHNSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office over U. C Porter's Drug Store, Residence corner Maple and Second Streets, ELSBREE & SON, A I TORNEYS-A T-LA IP. South ride Mercur Hlock, Towanda, Pa. N. C. ELSBUKE. | L. ELSBREE. FI, IIOLLISTER I). I). S. ■ (Successor to I")r. E. 11. An^le.) OPERATIVE AND MECHANICAL DENTIST. Office on State street, second floor of Dr. Pratt's office. 10jan80 F THORNTON, TUNER AND REPAIRER Of Pianos and Organs. (Over 17 years experi ence.) Orders received at Holmes' & Passage's Music Store. GW. BY AN, • oOUNTY SUBEMVI ENDS N 7 Office Patton's Block. GF. MASON, • A TTORNE Y-A T- L A TP, Office over Patch & Tracy, Main street. HENRY STREETER, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW TOWANDA, I'A JOHN W. CODDING, A TTO RNE Y-A T- LA IF, Office Mercur Block, over Ivirby's Drug Store. Oi). KINNEY, A T TO RNE Y-A T-LA IF, \ Ollice corner Main and Pine Streets, Towanda, Pa. PECK & OVEItTON, Attorneys-at-Law, T'lcanda, Pa. D' A.OVK ItTO N. I UEN J. M. PEC K. ANGLE & IHJFFING- A T'TO It NE YS-A T-L A IF, Office formerly occupied by W. Watkius. \A/OOD & HALE, ~ Attorneys at LavsN' "" Office corner Main and Pine Streets Towanda, Pa. JAS. WOOD. I JAS. T. IIALK. QOAL Nathan Tidd, DEALER IN PITTSTON, WILKES - B ARKE, AND Ijoyal Sock Coal. Invites the patronage of Ids old friends and the pub. lie generally. I shall keep a full assortment oi all sizes, AND SHALL SELL AT LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. Yard and office, foot of Pine street, just south o Oour ' Aug3o. N. TIDD. D. V. STEDGE, AA A. Manufacturer of and dealer in Human Hair (ioods, Special attention given to COMBINGS—Roots all turned one way. Switches from t?1 upwards Also agent for linn er's INVISIBLE PACE POWDER, Madam Clark's Corsets, and Shoulder Brace Elastics. Particular attention paid to dressing ladies hair at their homes or at my place of business, over Evans & liildreth's store. MRS. D. V. STEDGE- SPRING GOODS! Now is the time to make your I selection* of a •VJE Sl* SM*itI.VG SUIT - I from the attractive array of suit : ings on exhibition at the tailoring ' establishment of Parrott in vest*el These goods have just been opened and are of the latest styles and very best quality. We guarantee fits, and make prices as low as the lowest. X. S USUAL the fashionable clothier, is the first to open a FULL LIME OF H I * R I N ( x CLOTHING to which he invites the particular atten tion of TS3 B: l 9 ÜBS jl B € . His assortment comprises the most fash ionable goods in the READY-MADE CLOTHING LINE, purchased tor cash, and will be sold CHEAPER than any other house in the country can oiler tlie same quality of goods. A full line of MEN'S AND BOYS' HATS AND CAPS Also a better assortment ol FURNISH ING GOODS than can be found elsewhere . in Towanda. frSP* Call, examine, and satisfy your selves. M. E. ROSENFIELD. March 0, 1881. pNiANK I'. GRADY MERCHANT TAIL OR. Corner Main and Pine Streets, Keeps a large assortment of Clotlis an Siiitiiio's* And makes a SINGLE GARMENT or a WHOLE SUIT to order ON SHORT NOTICE. His present stock lias been purchased at VERY LOW PRICES, and lie proposes give his customers the benefit of his good bargains. S^**GIVE ME A iS FRANK P. GRADY, Practical Cutter and Tailor. Towanda, Jan. 13, ISSI. pr>K BBair Cut and Shave Go to the WARD HOUSE SHAVING PAKLOBgj STJDI )GF: Is there. T A DIES OF TOWANDA Aw Wishing to have anything made in the line of BBair Switches, SBraids & FINGER PUFFS, WATER CURLS, in fact anything in the line of HAIR GOODS. Custom Work a specialty. Switches made of combings and rooted. Send your old switches and combings by mail, and I will return them by mail in a few days, in the best manner possible and warranted. Orders by mail will receive more atten tion than if attended to in person. Address MISS ELLA J. POWELL, No. 12 Lombard St. Towanda. X T THE GLOBE STORE jr\ On bridge Street, you will find the LATEST STYLES of ]Vlilliriei\y Goods a large assortment of FANCY GOODS AND DRY GOODS. Mr. Marks has just returned from New York, where he has purchased a tine stock at the lowest prices, and lie wishes to inform the pub lic and patrons generally, that he is ready to sell at wholesale and retail, at the LOWEST PRICES. MILLINERS will do well to come and see the New Styles av.d Prices. | NEW GOODS ARE COMING IN DAILY FROM NEW YORK.