Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, April 30, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME 11, NO. 223.
Mrs. Dr. HOMET, ot Camptown, was in
town yesterday, shopping.
MICHAEL MYI.KRT, of Laporte, was a
guest at the Ward House yesterday.
HIKSTER PIOLLETTcame down from Sayre
to attend the Gymnasium bop last evening.
Miss BEEBE, of Owego, is visiting the
family of her uncle, Hon. Jos. POWELL in
this place.
formed a co-partnership in the insurance
MILLER, the hackman, yesterday bought
C. S. FITCH'S fine bay horse, paying two
hundred dollars.
Miss LUTIE LAINITART has returned to her
home from Towanda, where she is engaged
in the millinery business.— Owego Gazette.
H. W. CHAMPLIN, who has been attending
medical lectures in Ann Arbor, Mich., return
ed to that city yesterday to pursue his studies.
SENECA ARNOLD has been decorated with
an ornate silver badge inscribed "Bridge Po
lice," and now be won't a'low a man to
smoke even a candy cigar on the bridge.
We are pleased to learn that FRED C. GORE
has already been promoted to second-class
clerk on the N. V. A Pittsburg postal route.
One boost more will put liim at the top of
the ladder.
The Lelhiysviile Advertiser has entered
upon its third year. Brother VANGELDER
says his success is greater than he anticipated
and that he will continue to conduct the paper
on the same principle as heretofore.
M. C. MKRCUR, J. F. MEANS, and li. A.
MERCUK have been elected delegate s from
Christ Church to attend the General Confer
ence of the diocese of Central Pennsylvania
to meet at Maueh Chunk in June next. —
are the champion horse traders of Northern
Pennsylvania. Each have owned uearly forty
horses sinca tie first of the present year.
Mr. HUMPHREY'S operations are not con
fined to this county, but lie is known far
and wide as a good judge of liorse-fiesli, and
sharp, though honest in a deal. Some time
since a party of gentlemen were endeavoring
to "swap' hor-es in Wilkesßarre, but could
not come to terms, when a wag, who knew
CHARLEY, quietly remark* d "you had better
postpone the transaction till that little Jew
who runs for HUMPHREY BROS. & TRACY
comes this way and be'l cut the eye-teeth for
all of you."
Mr. M. C. MKRCUR, of Towanda, called at
our office on Thursday 'as . Mr. MKRCUR
was one of the first subscribers to the tStand
ard and has received the paper regularly
since its first issue. He says, "although dif
fering with him politically, lie thinks it one
of the best county papers published in the
•State, and be does not regret Incoming a sub
scriber, as he has recent d the full worth of
the money invested." Kind words are cheer
ing to tlie heart of the printer, and we hope
that we merit the praise thus bestowed upon
us by so distinguished a gentleman as Mr.
MERCUK. ami we promise our patrons to do
the best we can to make the , Standard a wel
come visitor t< their homes, in the future as
we have in the Tunkhannock Stand
FITCH, the confectioner, received a full
car load of fruit Thursday night.
l'he new bridge at Burlington is nearly
completed and teams are crossing on it.
Spinach, lettu onions, radishes and ripe
tomatoes at llutidcll's market this morning.
Janitor WATERS and Mr. TAKER Hive 1
compromised their difficulties without going
into Court. Sensible.
Mr. HAIGHT of tlie steam dye works has
: made tlie Germania Band uniforms look us
; cleau and bright as when new.
The board of examiners for Mine Inspect
ors, of which Mr. JOHN DrrcHBURN,of Bar
! clay, is a member, is now in session in Pitts
burg. The examination of candidates will
begin a week from next Monday.
To-morrow morning Dr. TAYLOR, at the
Church of tiie Messiah, will discuss "Church
work and its needs."' In the evening his
theme will be on the "Problem of life."—
i Services begin at 10 ::0 A. M. and 7:30 p. M.
James McCabe, corner Main and Bridge
I streets, is headquarters for almost everything
in the grocery and provision line. A notiee
| able article in his establishment which will
interest dairymen just at this time is a large
j invoice of pure Ashton salt, purchased di
rectly from "mutual friend" MOULTON, who
controls the market in this article in the
| United States and Canada. Much of the salt
I offered as "Ashton" is spurious, but Mr.
McCabe buys bis from lirst hands and knows
it is pure.
Rev. G. I>. STROUD is making an effort to
raise funds to complete St. Andrew's church,
Springville. The small congregation have
contributed liberally and Mr. STROUD has
; made great sacrifices to assist them but a few
j hundred dollars are still required before the
j building can be finished and consecrated. —
! We understand a collection wili be taken in
j Christ Church to-morrow morning in aid of
i this worthy object and wc doubt not it will
( be a liberal one. Wc know there are some
outside that congregation who will be glad
to contribute.
.More fresh shad received this morning at
KuUdell's market.
Fair, slightly cooler.
The New 3 Condensed.
The miners of Tioga county expect to
| get an advance of live cents on the Ist of
I May.
The earnings of the Pennsylvania rail
road for March show a net increase of
| §400,000.
The Standard Oil Company proposes to
contribute §3,000 for a monument to Col.
Drake, at Titusville, if au equal amount
is raised outside.
Two more firms have acceded to the
demands of the Pittsburg striking boiler
makers. It is thought that all of the
firms will give in.
An attempt has been made on the part
of General Brady's friends to deter the
Pres dent from prosecuting the Star-route
frauds, but the inquiry will go on.
Two steamers recently landed at Sail
Francisco 1,300 Chinamen. Eight hun
dred are coming by the next steamer.
Two harks are on their way to British
Columbia with over 500 on board.
Senators Ingalls, McMillan and Gar
land have been appointed a committee to
prepare a new bankrupt law for the Sen
ate, and will report in December. They
will undoubtedly indorse what is known
as the Lowell bill.
ltobeat 11. Sayre, Esq., Superintend
ent Lehigh Valley Railroad, is accompan
ied on his trip to California by ex-Gov
ernor and ex-United States Senator Ran
dolph of New Jersey. Senator Randolph's
son is married to Mr. Sayre's daughter.
The trial of William M. Singerly, pub
lisher of the Philadelphia Record, charg
ed with libelling City Controller Pattisou
and the Controller's clerk Wolf, was con
cluded yesterday by the jury leuder
ing a verdict of acquittal. The suit grew
out of an article in the Record charging
that the City Controller had signed au
unlawful warrant by which he, in connec
tion with the clerk a contractor, had ob
tained 8450 from the city treasury in vi
olation of the law.
WANTED.—Good agents in Bradford
tlie Shamokin Mutual Aid Association. Ref
erence required. Losses paid promptly.
W. I). WAGNER, District Agent.
Dushore, Sullivan county, Pa. Office over
John Adam's Ice Wagon has been running
for the last month, delivering Ice to his many
customers. Ice gathered one mile and a half
above town. Orders solicited, and prices
Good Maple Sugar only ton cents per pound
at Swarts <fc Gordon's.
Two servant girls wanted at the American
Second hand Herring Safe for sale cheap,
quire at this office.
Nice lot of new garden seeds at George
Ridgeway's, Bridge street. 218-5t
For sale very cheap, one of the celebrated
Rochester Filters, nearly new. Holds a barrel.
Call at this office.
Before purchasing your new hat call and
examine the assortment just opened at the
Globe store, Bridge street.
Any person desiring to rent a convenient
small house in a good neighborhood, can hear
of an opportunity by calling at this office.
Ice Cream every day at Titus' confection,
cry store. The celebrated Wyoming county
Ice Cream—the finest ever offered in this
market, is kept on sale at 10 cents a dish. Or
ders for parties taken and filled on short no
tice and reasonable terms.
WANTED —Board and two communicating
rooms, not over one-fourth mile from the
Court House, for which a liberal sum per
week will pe paid. Only one room need be
furnished as party will furnish one. Ad
dress B, care of REVIEW, or call for inform
Murk's, of the Globe store. Bridge street
is just opening an elegrnt assortment of seas
onable goods and invites the ladies to call and
examine them.
The Towanda Library, over EVANS & IIIL
DUETH'S store, is open from ten til twelve,
Tuesday and Saturday. Yearly subscrip
tions §2 00. Any one may draw a book from
the library on the payment of ten cents.
"Jacobs the Clothier," lias the best assort
ed and nobbiest stock of Spring clothing, fur
nishing goods, Ac., of any dealer in Towan
da which we can assure you arc sold fully 15
per cent lower than other dealers for the
same goods.
Simplest, Strongest and
does work that cannot he
done on any under feed
O. A. BLACK, Agent,
Send for Samnles. Towanda, Pa.
a call from everybody in search of READY MADE CLOTHING. It is an ad
mitted fact that BUSH, The 33ridge Street Clothier, keeps the
largest, most fashionable, and best made Clothing", consisting of everything in
the line to be found in the country. He defies competition either in quantity or
quality of stock. His Spring Sxxits have just arrived, call and examine
them. He can fit you out with every article of clothing needed by man or boy.
BUSH, at the Bridge Street Clothing House has just received a cargo of
which he is offering at manufacturers prices. His invoice filled one and a half cars,
and comprises the best line of those goods ever offered in this market.
.T. K. BUSH.