Tli© Dsxilv Review. Towanda, Pa.. Thursday, April 28, 1831 EDITORS . S. W. ALVOILD. NOBLE N. ALVORD. " Miaiiij It en 1 etc" otily 545 cent* pet mouth. '/Try it. Mails arrive and depart at the Towanda Pcst-ofllct as follows: AURIVK ' DKI'AUL 4 On A.M. l'liila.X Y. and East States I'.M. 7 4.', *. 30 ....Dusliore, Bernice, Laporte, Xc.... 2 41 10 15 L. V. way mail North u 41 11 00 New Era, &e. Tues., Thurs. and Sat. 1 0G 11 9n ..Asylum, See. Mon.,Wed. and Fri.. 1 0G 11 00 Slieshc([uin, &c JI. 12 0G 1 On I'.M. ....Troy, Burlington, See.... A.M. 10 0U 2 40 . ..Closed mail from Erie & N.0.1i.11'5... 10 00 5 oo Canton, Monroeton, Sic u oc 4 30 L. V. way mail South 9 15 I 00 LeHaysville, Rome, See...l'.M. 1 00 o an ...Barclay 1 0C 10 40 Erie west of Elmira 7 30 OJiiee open from 7:00 A. M. to 7:45 p. M. Money order oilice open from 8:00 to 7:00 p. M , Oflico open Sunday from !•. 00 to 10. 00 A. M. I*. POWELL, P. M. Tlio election of officers for the Universalis! Sunday School takes place next Sunday. FROST'S Sons, the enterprising furniture dealers are selling a handsome hand looking glass for five cents. The iiaxt lecture of the Institute course will he delivered nex) Tuesday evening, by ltey. C. 11. WBICIIT. Subject, " CHARLES SUMNER." I. O. (). F.— There will be a special meet ing of Bradford Lodge, No. 107, I. (). O. F., Friday evening April 29th, at 8 o'clock. A mil attendance is desired. QUARTERLY MEETING —The third quarter ly meeting service will be held in the M. 12. Chueli next Sabbath, as follows: Love Feast. 0:30 p. in. Sermon by (J. C. Wilbor, 7:30 p. m. Communion after sermon. C. 11. WRIGHT, Pastor. J. A. IIOMET, proprietor of Hornet's NI ilIs, has been making some quite extensive im provements on bisestablisbnient. His agent, E. C. SHOEMAKER, exhibited to us samples of red wheat tlour manufactured at that mill which we should judge would be bard to beat anywhere. Mr. IIOMET'S flour is on sale in this market at POWELL A Co.'s and JAMES MCCARE'S. Those who use it recom mend it highly. ALMOST AN ENOCH ARDEN CASE IN TOW ANDA. —About a year ago MICHAEL DAUGII ERTY, a railroad man, left Ibis place for Chi cago. Shortly thereafter his wife, who re mained here, received a telegram announc ing his death by accident while coupling cars in Chicago. She put on "widows' weeds" and mourned for a time, and then probably forgot her dcadhusbaud in the com pany of others, although she did not re marry. Who should appear on our streets, one day last week but the veritable MIKE, who had been mourned as dead. MINIATURE ENGINE.—P. M. COOLB.VUGII, who runs the engine at JOHNSON A Co.'s foundry, has just completed an engine of di minutive proportions. The boiler, which is an upright, is 2 feet in diameter and 28 inch es high: contains 9J flues, aggregating 130 foot of pipe. The engine, to u hicli is attach ed a pump, is also upright and occupies but little space. The machine was tired up for a trial the other night. The boiler was tilled with ten gallons of cold water. In live mill iites after the lire was lighted iheru was suffi cient steam to blow the whistle; in 8 minutes the engine was started and in ten minutes the steam gunge indicated 35 lbs. I]very stroke of work on the unique little machine was done by Mr. COOLBAUGH just as he could get opportunity to use the tools, but the job is as perfect as it could have been made by a ma chinist. The engine is to be placed in a small boat to run on the river. LADIES' AND MISSES' NECK WEAR.—A beautiful assortment of solid, tilled and roll ed gold necklaces and lockets; guard, opera, leontiue and ladies' new style watch chains. Also the same styles in jot rubber and cellu loid, at Johnson's watchmaker, and optician, Water street, opposite IJalwiu, Elmira. FOR THE CHILDREN.— soIid and silver plated sets of knife, fork and spoon, cups and napkin rings. Gold linger and ear rings; neck-laces and silver thimbles at Johnson's, watchmaker and optician, 218 Water street, opposite Baldwin, Elmira. j THEATRE, FIELD OR MARINE glass, a fine : assortment, sold or loaned at Johnson's, - i watchmaker and optician, 218, Water street, I. opposite Baldwin, Elmira. -j Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLIVAN'S, on Bridge street, for the best live cent cegar. SAFE FOR SALE—Fire-proof, Combination ~ Lock. Inquire of W. J. YOUNG. IN ANTED.—A gentleman wants a furnished ■ I room centrally located, Address HEX, this o office, with terms and location. T PLATFORM NY AGON FOR SALE, bran-new 5 and of best material. NVill be sold low for 7 j cash or good paper. Enquire of A. WICIIAM o j or O. A. BLACK, Towanda, Pa. O IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS.— SpeciaI in o ducements are offered you by the BURLING -11 TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their o advertisement to be found elsewhere in this a issue. 0 m I 1 ather Time's hour glass is no longer '• needed,* for a large stock and variety of clocks are kept at Johnson's, watchmaker and optician, Water street, opposite Bald " | win, Elmira. 1 ; Finest Brands of pure wines and liquors, for family use, at John Sullivan's liquor store Bridge street. e New line of decorated chamber and Japan fa ned sets at C. P. Welles' Crockery store. '1 he finest building lot in Towanda borough E j corner of Poplar and Second streets, between the residence of Hon. E. (). Goodrich and IE. NYalker, will BO sold cheap. Apply to O. S | I) Kinney A NEW ENTERPRISE.—II. S. Thurber has ; provided himself with a suitable " rig" and "j is now prepared to deliver ail kinds of , J packages, goods, trunks, AC., on the shortest L ! not ice and at reasonable rates. Orders left at Stevens A Long's and Dye A Co.'s will re ceive prompt attention. UAT Baggage and parcels hauled to and from depots. 4—12 Get your hair mattress made oyer at Ottar son's. John Sullivan, on Bridge street, sells sixty 'cent Tobacco for fifty cents. Try it. Boys watches that will run. onlv 25 cents at the 99c store. > NY bite wash lime, for sale bv D.NY, Scott A - Co., ' 3t ' A full line of Jesse Oaklevs sonns including I the celebrated "Queen" at'D. NY! Scott ACof. 1 GEO. IL NYOOD A Co. will, according to ) previous announcement, open their New T Galcry the 11 R.-t Monday of April, where you I can get four very nice tintypes 'for 50 cents. I All kinds of copying Plain or in Ink, done. Stereoscopic and other out-door work, A Spe- ; ciality. NYe have the best of Instruments, j and will make the best of work. Patton's I . Block, Corner of Bridge and Main *t.. To- 1 wanda. Pa. ■ Our "specialty , everything in the grocery I _ line, the best that we can buy. 1). NY. Scott ' | A Co., " J JEleg'aitt iSesideure for Sale The line residence erected and owned bv [ the late NY. H. Morgan, is offered for sale at | a bargain. The property is eligibly located j I oil Mam street, and the house is one of the j best built and most complete in Towanda—is I ,! supplied with furnace, range, hot and cold J water, gas, bath-rooms, Ac. The barn is also ! a model of convenience, with plenty of water. ( An artistic iron fence in front of the lot. j 1 lie grounds have been titled up at great ex- I pense. The property will he sold at a sacn- ■ I bee. lor further particulars call on or ad- I DI ; ( ;, SS > , „ O. I). KINNEY. ; lowauda, March 7, 1881. HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE AND RENT. I I have a number of dwelling houses for 1 rent, or for sale oil easy terms. Also, eligi ble and desirable building lots which will be J sold oil long credit to persons desiring to! build. (mar. 1,3 m) L. ELSUREE. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE CHEAP.—The 1 i house and lot oil Main street, one door south 1 of David Rabin's residence is offered for sale I at u great bargain. For particulars call on or ! address 1). C. DENYITI , attorney at law, Tow- ! aiida, Pa. * Alar. ;j. ! For sale cheap on easy terms. One span horses, one single horse, two top BUGGIES Inquire of G. S. Ackley. ————-in * "*■**•-*" *v*ruw ■r'* t/ WANTS. ( Under thin head we trill invert FREE, notices of situations or help wanted. ; N\ anted a good person to work a large gar den. in good condition, on shares. Enquire J at John Sullivan's Liquor and Cigar store, Bridge street. N\ anted, a good cook; also a second girl, Mrs. 11. NY. PATRICK. FOR RENT. Two good houses for rent cheap. MA DILL A KINNEY. For rent— house near graded school. B. F. BOWMAN. Several good offices and rooms suitable for small families. NVatcr and other conveniences. ■ j Over Powell A Co's store. Inquire of H. P. ; Moore. TRACY A MOORE. 1881. SPRING OPENING ! Carpets and Wall Paper! I Are now receiving their Spring stock of CARP E T S CONSISTING OF Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels. 3 /)ly 9 Extra Super, Super, Ingrain, Cottage, Rag. Hem/), fyc. All ot which will be sold at much less than last year's prices. A large assortment of BODY BR IT S SjE LS ! Which we shall offer at 'Lower Priced than ever before shown. % OUR STOCK OF New Ma 11 Pap e r is much larger and liner than usual, and to which we call \ our I Especial Attention. 0 AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF BORDERS AND ALL THE HEW DECORATION.