Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, April 22, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME 11, NO. 216.
GEORGE PARSONS returned to Weedsport
011 Wednesday.
E. B. PARSONS. Esq., of Troy, was in To
wanda yesterday.
Miss MARY B. BARRKR, of Livonia, N. Y.,
is visiting in this city.
Mrs. CIIAAPKL and daughter BELLE are
visiting friends in town.
visiting Mrs M.'s parents in Say re.
If RANK MARSHALL lias gone to Suyre to
take a position in the L. V. RU., siiops.
Mrs. T. 11. MATHEWS is in Philadelphia,
where she will remain for several weeks.
S. C. GAYI.ORI), of Wyalusing. has gone
to Norwich, Conn., to engage in the Insur
ance business.
R. A. PACKER and wife left Jacksonville
for Savannah yesterday, whence they will
sail for New York on the 30th.
C. 11. PALMER, agent for the Elmira Ad
oertiser was in town yesterday looking after
the interests of that enterprising paper.
M. 11. SCOTT, who removed to Fair Haven,
N. Y., a year ago, has returned to this place
and moved into his own house near the Col
SAMUEL KELLUM, started last evening for a
trip to Kansas. lie owns a large tract of
land in Coffy county, that State, and goes
there to look after.
Mr. G. 11. DRAKE is conlined to liis house
by sickness. At this time (Wednesday
morning) lie is very low.— Montrose Demo
11. W. PATRICK. Esq., of Towanda, broth
er of A. 11. PATRICK, of this place, is in at
tendance at Court tlies week, as counsel for
J. G. DOUGHERTY, in his suit against the
Erie railroad company.— lb
Mr. MARKS has been in the city the past
week and selected au elegant assortment of
Millinery goods which he will exhibit to his
customers and the public to-morrow and Mon
Mrs ELI GRIGGS, daughter of 11. B. MYER,
who has been spending the winter with her
friends in this county, started for her home
in lowa, Wednesday, accompanied by her
step-daughter, Miss FLORENCE GRIGGS.
Mr. LANING, who lias been conlined to
I,ls house for several mouths, and during a
part of the time was alarmingly ill, has so
far recovered as to be able to ride uut. He
has been in town, and we hope soon to
him in the full enjoyment of his wonted
FRANK ROSEMTELD. who went to Texas
in March, lias returned. He did not enjoy
good health in Houston, and believing the
climate of old Bradford better for his consti
tution, lie comes back to stay, and we are
glad of it. He informs us that his sister-in
law and children will visit tlii-> county the
coming Summer.
Best Delaware Shad, at Myer & Dovoc's.
Attend the Readings at Mercur Hall to
Before purchasing your new hat call and
examine the assortment just opened at the
Globe store. Bridge street.
Saturday and Monday will bo the grand
spring opening at the Globe store. Bridge
street. This will afford a rich treat for the
Fresh vegetables, lettuce, radishes, onions,
and spinieh, received every fresh from
the South, at Myer &■ Devoe's Bridge street
Mark's, of the Globe store, Bridge street,
is just opening an elegrnt assortment at seas
onable goods and invites the ladies to call and
examine them.
DANIEL RIKD, a Scotch miner, was instant
ly killed in Barclay yesterday l>y the falling
of slate. lie was one of the oldest and most
highly esteemed miners on the Mountain.
We understand the test of a number of hy
drants erected by the Water Works, yester
day, under the direction of Chief Engineer
PORTER, proved entirely satisfactory.
SKTH WEEKS, of the State fish hatchery at
Corrv, brought *25,000 Kcnnebeek Salmon to
this place yesterday them in the
river at the mouth of creek. Mr.
W. says the effort to propogate this excellent
variety of food fish in the Susquehanna is an
experiment which he fears will not be suc
cessful as the Salmon naturally gravitate
toward salt water, but some of them may re
turn. The fish put in here were very small,
being only one month old.
T. E. QUICK, a highly esteemed citizen of
Sugar Run died at his home Tuesday morn
ing after an illness of some weeks. The de
ccased belonged to one of the oldest families
of that section. lie had held the oflice of
Town Commissioner and Constable and was
engaged in the mercantile business with his
brother at the time of his death, they having
recently opened a drug and grocery store.
He served in the army and has had poor
health for some years. He left a wife and
several children to mourn his departure from
this world. He was about forty years of age
The Railroad meeting on Wednesday after
noon was not largely attended but a deep in
terest was manifested in the enterprise by
those present. The subject was quite fully
discussed and it was plainly demodstrated
that the construction of tn<; Bradford railroad
is only a question of time, and that when
built it will shorten the distance by rail be
tween Boston and St. Louis more than sixty
miles. JAMES MACFARI.ANIC, Esq., Col. J.
LY, N. N. BETTS and President MADDEN
were constituted a committee to bring the en
terprise to the attention of railroad men and
JOSH the king gipsy and one of his young
men had a quarrel yesterday growing out
of a horse trade. As they rode through Main
street in a buggy the contention waxed so
hot that they came to blows and literally "fell
out by the war." Offieer MOFFIT spoiled
their fun by marching them both off to the
'•cooler," from whence they were taken be
fore Police Justice CODDING and fined. They
paid ihe bill, but JOSH thinking tiie young
man had not been sufficiently chastised, pro
ceeded to complete the job; whereupon the
young man returned to the justice's office and
procured a warrant for his Chief. JOSH spent
flic night in jail and is undoubtedly a soberer
if not a wiser man this morning. It is hard
ly necessary to add, both were drunk, hence
the trouble.
FlßE.—About 4 o'clock this morning the
residence of CIIAS. T. M'IVINNEY, on Third
street, between Chestnut and Houston sts.,
took fire and was entirely consumed. The
alarm was not given down town for some
time and it was nearly an hour before any
firemen made their appearance. Ilose was
attached to the hydrant corner York avenue
and Houston st.. and a powerful stream of
water thrown, but it was too late to accom
plish any good, except perhaps to aid in sa
ving the adjacent buildings. The explosion
of a kerosene lamp in the kitchen caused the
conflagration. Most of the furniture was re
moved. We learu that there was an insur
ance nearly sufficient to cover the loss. Mr.
MCK. is a hard-working industrious man and
will have the sympathy of the community in
his great misfortune.
•John Holdren, who has taken Dodge's shop
comes from Corning highly recommended as
a practical Blacksmith. He gives special at
tention to Horse Shoeing.
jJST'IIe is also a practical Wagon Ironer.
Wagons ironed promptly, neatly and cheaply.
The News Condensed.
The Ohio Legislature adjourned sine
die Wednesday, after a session of 106
The average majority for the Kelly
ticket at ihe Tammany Hall election on
Monday was 114.
Christiana Althouse has secured a ver
dict of SIO,OOO against the Long Island
Railroad for injuries received through
negligence of the road's employes.
Col. Thomas A. Scott lately bought at
a sale in Northumberland county, Pa., a
clock made by his uncle in 1790. It still
keeps good time and every three hours
plays a tune on a chime of bells.
The Ditmnr powder mill near Bingham
tou, blew up yesterday. No lives were
lost, but the damage is estimated at $50,-
000. The report was heard for 70 miles.
Glass was broken In a church ten miles
Senator Williams, of Kentucky, has
written to Senator Saunders that his
pair in the Senate is general, and can be
used without restriction as to whom it
shall be transferred. This provides Sen
ator Mahone with a pair whenever need
W. R. Brink, formerly ticket and
freight agent of the 1). & L. R. It., at
Kingston, in whose accounts a large de
ficit was found, plead guilty Wednesday
morning, to larceny. The case did not
go to trial. He will be sentenced Satur
There is much alarm at Wilkesbarre
over the breaking out of small pox in a
colouy of Polish emigrants at Hanover.
family of ten at Plumbtown are also
down with the dreaded disease. Strict
measures are being taken to prevent its
By the giving away of a bridge at Al
bany, Ills., an cngiuc, baggage car and
passenger car were precipitated into the
Meredosia river and the sleeper left hang
ing over the end of the abyss. The en
gineer, fireman, and six passengers were
drowned and many others injured.
Tn reference to the circular sent out
from St. Louis, stating that the govern
ment has provided lands for the freedmen
in Oklahoma, Secretary Kirkwood says
that it appears as if somebody was try
ing to use the colored people in this pro
ject lor their own selfish purposes. The
project has the appearance of a revival
of the illegal Oklahoma movement of re
cent years under a new form.
The President on Wednesday nominat
ed W. A. M. Grier to be Third Assistant
Postmaster General, vice Hazen,appoint
ed Assistant Attorney-General for the
Post-Office Department. Mr Grier cast
the lirst vote in the Chicago Convention
for the nomination of Gen. Garfield for
President, and persisted in thus voting
at every ballot, trorn the second to the
last, lie is a resident of Hazleton, and
has never held an office.
Partly cloudy, occasional rain, stationary or
higher temperature. •
WANTED.—Two Cabinet makers. Call *t
Hill & Cos. furniture manufactory.
The last Gennania Orchestra Assembly,
this Friday eve, in Means' Hall.
A young German girl wants a situation as
children's nurse. Enquire of Mrs. Veilmil
ler, near Barclay depot.
NOTICE. —4 New Milch Cows, 2 Yearlings,
and some Calves For sale. Inquire of
B. W. LANE, Towanda.
• §§
a call from everybody in search of READY MADE CLOTHING. It is an ad
mitted fact that J3XJSII, Tlie Bridge Street dotliier, keeps the
largest, most fashionable, and best made CTotliing, consisting of everything in
the line to be found in the country. He defies competition either in quantity or
quality of stock. His Spring" Suits have just arrived, call and examine
them. He can fit you out with every article of clothing needed by man or boy.
BUSH, at the Bridge Street Clothing House has jusffreceived a cargo of
which lie is offering at manufacturers prices. His invoice filled one and a half cars,
and comprises the best line of those goods ever offered in this market.
.T. K. BUSH.