Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, April 15, 1881, Image 4

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    The Daily Review.
Towanda, Pa., Friday, April 15, 1881.
** Daiiw */ >5 tl per
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The poor house is being furnished with
iron bedsteads.
The third ward store has been fitted up in
good shape and is for rent. Apply at onoe to
George L. Ross.
Those who enjoy the "giddy mazes of the
dance," will he afforded an opportunity to do
so by attending the hop of the St. Cecilia Man
nerchor, next Monday evening.
This week being Passion Week, services
will be held in Christ Church as follows:
AT 4 :30 P. M.
Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.
AT Id: 30 A. M.
Wednesday and Good Friday.
AT 7:45 p. M.
The case of HUNT VS. the Borough of Mon
roeton, tried before Judge MORROW this
week, was on action brought to recover dam
ages on account of an injury sustained by the
plaintiff. He alleged that while walking on
the side walk in Monroeton one nigh last fall,
he stepped into a hole, fell and broke his leg.
The defense set up was that HUNT was intox
icated and stepped or fell oft the walk, causing
the accident. Arbitrators awarded $750
damages to HUNT, but the jury found no
cause of action.
Can any of our young readers answer this:
What is that which has three feet, but no legs,
is all body, but no limbs, has no toes on its
feet, no head, moves a great deal and never
uses its feet for that purpose, has one foot at
each end and the other in the centre of its
body? This is a queer creature in some re
spects, and is very popular among the ladies,
and some men. It never walks out, but goes
with one foot where its head might be, drag
ging the other foot behind. These feet have
nails, but no toes, no heels and no bones in
the foot.
The Courier , published at Bath, N. Y.,
prints the following obituary of the late Mrs.
Mrs. Baker was the daughter of Hon. Jos.
C. Powell, of Towanda, Pa., in whose family
she was tenderly reared until her marriage to
Mr. Baker twenty-four years ago. Since that
time ber residence has been in this county,
and nearly all of this period she has been a
resident of Bath. She united with the Pres
byterian Church liere in 1860, under the min
istry of Rev. W. E. Jones, and her character
has been such as to commend the faith that
she then professed. To her natural energy
and enterprise aud persistency she added
many of the fruits of tiie spirit, and in her
home-life her Christian love and zeal and
trust were continually manifest. Her hus
band and two sons have lost from their pres
ence one whose quiet and unceasing power
for good was to them a force of which they
were always conscious, but which had in it
uothing repulsive. The light which rays out
from such a life reaches farther to convey
more of its genial warmth to other lives than
we arc apt to be aware of. We would love
to see such a spirit as that which she possess
ed becoming more generally diffused, for
nothing but good would come of it. During
her last illness, which kept her confined to
her room for three months, she was a con
stant sufferer, but was constantly staying her
self on Him whom she had trusted hitherto,
and was often heard calling upon Him as one
with whom she was in the habit of holding
the most intimate fellowship. And now that
she has fought the good fight and has finished
her course, having kept the faith, let us re
joice that for her there is a crown of right
eousness and of glory which fadeth not away.
Newt. Rhinevault is not more than half
well this Spring. The weather must do some
thing for him aud he must take care of him
self. There are quite a number on the defec
tive list this Spring, but none of them have
yet asked for leave of absence.
Spring has come certain, fori saw old Elder
▲lden full forty rods from the grotto on his
two canes. There were some blue birds
there also.
George Chubbuck's little "Charlie" is just
five months old, weighs twenty-five pounds
and is a perfect picture of health; but not so
handsome as to perfectly spoil it. Then there
is Johnnie Jones' "George," a healthy little
specimen of our stock, feur months old and
just as fine as silk. Please trot out your im"
proved specimens all round and let us have a
look at them through the REVIEW, and say a
word or two about it when we have nothing
ejse to talk about. N. D. P.
The finest building lot inTowanda borough
corner of Poplar and Second streets, between
the residence of Hon. E. O. Goodrich and
E. Walker, will be sold cheap. Apply to O.
D Kinney
For rent, a small house newly papered and
painted, convenient to the Institute. Inquire
at this office.
ANKW ENTERPRISE.—R. S. Thurber has
provided himself with a suitable " rig" and
is now prepared to deliver all kinds of
packages, goods, trunks, Ac., on the shortest
notice and at reasonable rates. Orders left at
Stevens A Long's and Dye A Co.'s will re
ceive prompt attention.
(TIT Baggage and parcels hauled to and
from depots. 4—12
The Rival hanging lamp, in brai/s and nickel
at C. P. Welles' crockery store.
A FINE HORSE. —The celebrated stallion,
so widely and favorable known, ''George
Henry Patchem," owned by ROBT. ARNOLD
of this place, is looking very fine this Spring
and presents a splendid appearance on the
road. He deserves and will receive the pat
ronage of persons desiring to raise large, fine
and first-class horses. His size is great, so
that if you fail to get stock of great speed you
will surely get valuable horses for service.
Our best horsemen admit that he shows a 2:30
clip. The especial attention of farmers and
horsemen is called to this horse.
Boys watches that will run, only 25 cents
at the 99c store.
ducements are offered you by the BURLING
TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their
advertisement to be found elsewhere in this
WANTED. —A reliable person to take care
of a bouse and grounds. Apply to It. A.
Mercur, Esq.
Wanted to rent, immediately, a small house,
or rooms suitable for a small family. In
quire at this office.
White wash lime, for sale by D.W, Scott A
Co., 3t
The best New Process Flour from Minne
apolis. Try it. I). W. Scott A Co., have it
" A full line of Jesse Oakleys soaps including
the celebrated "Queen" at D. Wi ScottACo.,
GEO. H. WOOD A Co. will, according to
previous announcement, open their New
Galery the first Monday of April, where you
can get four very nice tintypes for 50 cents.
All kinds of copying Plain or in Ink, done.
Stereoscopic and other out-door work, a Spe
ciality. We have the best of Instruments,
and will make the best of work. Patton's
Block, Corner of Bridge and Main st., To
wanda, Pa..
Our "specialty", everything in the grocery
line, the best that we can buy. D. W. Scott
A Co., 31
FOR SALE. —A new Singer Sewing Machine
and a new Davis Machine, for sale on time.
For particulars call at this office.
Cows FOR SALE. —I have eight good young
milch cows for sale. W. J. DELPEUCII.
Horn, Brook, 2—23. " Bears' Den."
Elegant Residence for Sale
The fine residence erected and owned by
the late VV. H. Morgan, is offered for sale at
a bargain. The property is eligibly located
on Main street, and the house is oue of the
best built and most complete in Towanda —is
supplied with furnaee, range, hot and cold
water, gas, bath-rooms, Ac. The Darn is also
a model of convenience, with plenty of water.
An artistic iron fence in front of the lot.
The grounds have been fitted tip at great ex
pense. The property will be sold at a sacri
fice. For further particulars call on or ad
dress, O. I). KINNEY.
Towauda, March 7,1881.
—I have a number of dwelling houses for
rent or for sale on easy terms. Also, eligi
ble and desirable building lots which will be
sold on long credit to persons desiring to
build. (mar. 1,3 m) L. ELSBHKE.
house and lot on Main street, one door south
of David Rahm's residence is offered for sale
at a great bargain. For particulars call on or
address D. C. DEWITT, attorney at law, Tow
anda, Pa. Mar. 3.
For sale cheap on easy terms. One span
horses, one single horse, two top buggies.
Inquire of G. S. Ackley.
Under this head we will insert FREE, notices of
situations or help wanted.
An experienced girl, competent to do gen
eral house work, can hear of a permanent sit
uation aud liberal wages by calling at this of
A good girl who understands all kinds of
house work, will be paid the highest wages.
Mrs. B. M. Peck.
A good " first" girl wanted.
Two good houses for rent cheap.
For rent —house near graded school.
Several good offices and rooms suitable for
small families. Water and other conveniences.
Over Powell A Co's store. Inquire of H. P.
Carpets and Wall Paper!
Are now receiving their Spring stock of
Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, 3 ply, Extra
Super, Super, Ingrain, Cottage,
Rag, Hemp, Spc.
All ot which will be [sold at much less than last year's priaes.
A large assortment of
Which we shall offer at
Lower Prices than ever before shown.
Mew Wall Paper
is much larger and finer than usual, and to which we call
Your Especial Attention.