The Daily Review. Towanda, Pa., Thursday, April 14, 1881. EDiTona. S. W. ALVORD. NOBLE N. ALVORD. " JDaily Kevietv"?' only 85 emli per month. Try it. t n i . Our New York Letter. NEW YORK, APRIL, 1881. The late Spring comes to us with am ple provision for every material require ment. Dealers and buyers are alike de lighted, and the streets and stores pre sent a scene of glowing beauty and activ ity Dress goods cover the entire ground of possibility in the matter of color, text ure and combination. Ilats run a gamut of grades and sizes from one extreme to the other. One can scarcely go astray, either in the class of article, or in the fashion of its make or trimming. It is the specialities of commerce upon which the public mind is most frequently exer cised Ladies arc just now on the qui vive con cerning the coralline corsets, an article a* near perfection as a corset can be. The South American product being used ex clusively by Warner Bros. in their fam ous corsets, is a great improvement 011 horn or whalebone which sooner or later warp by contact with the human body. The new substance is light, flexible and durably, and is destined to work a thor ough revolution in the corset industry of the country. So much for the figure—now for the face. L. Shaw, a lady artist, whose goods are known to the creme