DAILY TO WANDA REVIEW. VOLUME 11, NO. 208. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Personal. Freight agent MEARS has his neck in a -ling. Boil. M. CLAIR is now proprietor of the third ward meat market. \J. 15. RODGKKS and JAMES MOCABE were in I'ittston yesterday. Col. SMITH has removed his office to rooiu ovcr POWELL <£ Co's store. C. J. ELLIS, agent for Appleton's Cyclope dia, went to Dushore yesterday. J. 11. SMITH of Monroeton was a welcome caller at this office yesterday afternoon. CHAS. J. ALLEN, general agent for JOHN SON Co's fluting iron-, is in town for a few days. * GEO. H. SMALI.EY having entered the em ploy of Mr. FOWLER in Monroeton, has re moved to that village. TIIURBKR has purchased BLUM'S handsome gray horse for his new baggage wagon. Hi rig presents a fine appearance. Mrs. TIDD STEVENS has gone to Lancaster, Mass., to attend the funeral of her mother-in-law, Mr-. JOSEPH STEVENS. Mrs. ALLEN MOKEAN has been quite seri ously i'l for several (.lavs past, and is still confined to her room with an attack of erysipelas. F. R. WELLES is on a short visit to his par ents and friends. He has been in Australia for the past year introducing the telephone. He made the circuit of the world in his trip, arriving in New York on Sunday last. We are pleased to learn that THEODORE BROWN, of Wvalusing township has just been granted a pension of sl4 per mouth for inju ries sustained during the rebellion. The amount of arrearage was SIOOO, and a draft for that amount was forwarded Mr. BROWN the other day. The Musical Society meets this afternoon at WM. KEELKR'JS on Second street. The annual Easter festival of the Sunday school of Clifist Church takes place at 3 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. Evening ser vice will he omitted. The evidence in the ease of HUNT vs. the borough of Monroeton was concluded last evenihg and counsel will make their argu ments this morning. FRANK SMITH'S valuable mocking bird died Stindav afternoon. The bird was a great pet and will be remembered as the one (which formerly hung in FITCH'S window. '1 his week being Passion Week, services w ill he held in Christ Church as follows : AT 4 :30 P. M. Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. AT 10:30 A. M. Wednesday and Good Friday. AT 7:45 p. M. Thursday. Mr. S. L. WILEY. President of the Owego Water Works, has been in town this week. He proposes to put up an engine, and pump watei from the river into the lower reservoir until the upper one is proof against all leak age. lie declares that Owego shall not be without water any longer. The work will be under the superintendence of Mr. COOK.— Hcrord. Mrs. SAMUEL OWEN died of tyuhoid pneu monia at her residence in Wvsox on Monday evening at 7 o'clock. Services will he observ ed at the house Ibis afternoon at 2o'clock. Mrs. OWEN was 68 years of age in January last. She united with the Presbyterian Church early in life, lived the faith and died with a bright hope of jov and peace beyond. She leaves a lm-band two years her senior and five children grown I® manhood unci womanhood, all of whom are present except I'rof. W. B. OWEN who sailed for Europe on j the 7th inst., supposing all at home were well i and happy. TOWANDA, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1881. The fourth lecture of the Institute course WAS delivered last evening by Mr. J. W. ING HAM, and notwithstanding the fact that it | was exceedingly unpleasant walking, the chapel was well lilled with interested and at tentive listener-. The lecture displayed ex tensive reading and clear comprehension of the subject, " Knowledge; its Power and Irn ; portanoe." Like all of " Castelar's " produc j tions, it was edifying as well as entertaining j and the good lessons it inculcated will not soon be forgotten. We*noticed in the audi i once Judge MORROW, Rev. Doctor STEWART, ! Dr. PAYNE and others of literary culture.— j Oar venerable friend, Deacon J AS. ELLIOTT, who has almost reached the close ofhis92d year, evidenced his pleasure in the pursuit of knowledge by his presence. Rev. C. 11. WRiGnT was announced as the uext lecturer. For rent, a small bouse newly papered and painted, convenient to the Institute. Inquire at this office. A FINE HORSE. —The celebrated stallion, jso widely and favorable known, ''George ! Henry Patcbem," owned by ROBT. ARNOLD ,of this place,.is looking very tine this Spring and presents a splendid appearance on the road. 11c deserves and will receive the pat ronage of persons desiring to raise large, tine | and tirst-class horses. llis size is great, so I that if you fail to get stoek of great speed vou will surely get valuable horses for service. I Our best horsemen admit that he shows a 2:30 1 clip. The espeeial attention of farmers and horsemen is called to this horse. WANTED.— Four men to sell goods—must j have good address and be a little handy with j tools. Also one active man to assume general I management and control of this division; j business good for four or live years; could be handled in connection with any other line of goods; is controlled by monopoly and no com petition; goods as staple and necessary as sugar in any household, easy to sell and high ly respectable. This opening is for the right man in the right place and is not often found in a lifetime. For particulars call at Seeley's ; Hotel and see our line of goods. I 3t R. FRISBKY. WEATHER INDICATIONS FOR TO-DAY. — Slightly colder, partly cloudy weather and ar reas of rain; variable winds, shifting to the north and west, followed during the night by i cloudy weather and rising temperature. The News Condensed. The Republicans of New Britain, Conn., ; elected their candidate for Mayor by 335 | majority. Nathan F. Dixon for five terms a Rep i resentativc in Congress from Rhode Is i _ a , land, died at Westerly Monday evening. | The United States Supreme Court will j hear no more arguments after the 22nd i of April, and will adjourn for six months on May 20th. Governor Long has appointed ex-U. S. Attorney-General Devens to the seat in : the Massachusetts Supreme Court, vaca ted by Justice Soule. The New York Post's Washington spe cial says; A Democrat who passed sev eral days travelling in Virginia, found the feelling against Mahone general and i deep. "The anti-Mahone sentiment in ! Richmond and neighborhood was particu larly strong. Earthquake shocks of considerable vio lence still continue in Scio. It is estima ted that barely twenty houses in the whole island are habitable. Forty-five villages have been totally destroyed, and the population has absolutely disappeared in many places. Ilattie Deuell died after fasting forty seven days, and was buried yesterday. A post mortem examination was made immediately after her death. Her body only weighed forty-five pounds. Not a drop of bloed was found in the body, and her stomach was entirely empty. It is again reported that W. A. M. Grier, who has gained considerable repu tation as the original Garfield man in the nominating convention, is to be appoint ed Second Assistant Postmaster General. REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that there has been filed in the office of the Register for the Probate of Wills and granting Letters of Administration in and for the County of Bradford, State of Pennsylvania, ac counts of administration upon the following estates, viz: Final account of It I? Gleason, administrator of estate of Alexander Clark, late of the township of Springfield, deceased. Final account of Johagpah Chapman, executrix of the last will and testament of Louis C. Chapman late of the borough of Troy, deceased. Final account et O J Chubbuck, administrator of the estate of James Bedford, late of the borongh of Towanda, deceased. Final account of I) It Williams, administrator of the estate of Samuel Williams, late of the township of Barclay, deceased. Final account of William McMorran, administra tor of the estate of John 1' Biles, late of the town ship of North Towanda, deceased. First and final account of Amos Cornell Stevens, executor of the last will and testament of John C Stevens, late of the township of Wyalusing, de ceased. Final account of T II Buck, guardian of Fay II Pierce child of Col. I. B Pierce, late of the city of Baltimore, deceased. First and final account of F E Jayne, administra tor cum testumento annexo of the estate of Patrick Welsh, late of the borough of Towand, deceased First and final occount of ME Lilley, adminis trator of John E Lilley, late of the township of LeKoy, deceased. Final and partial aocount of F T Page, one of the administrators of the estate of Joseph B- Reeve, late of the borough of Athens deeeased. Partial account of Seth Blakeslee, executor of the last will and testament of Caroline Waterman, late of the township of Pike, deceased. Final account of John Bird, administrator of the estate of Joieph S Elshree, late of the township of Hmithtield, deceased. Third and final account of M W DeWitt, admin istrator de bonis iron of the estate of Jacob DeWitt, late of the borough of Towanda, deceased. First and final account of Thomas J Roof and Henderson Roof, executors of the last will and tes tament of Charles Roof, late of the township of Standing Stone, deceased. Final account of W 11 Deckerjand E T Fox, exec utors of the last will and testament of Daniel Docker, deeeased. First and final account of James W Correll, ad ministrator of the estate of Myron II Annable, late of the township of Leßoy, deeeased. First and final account of G II VanDyke, admin istrator of the estate of 1) F Ross, late of the town ship of Ulster, deceased. Final account of Nelson A Maynard, iidministra tor of the estate of Levi Preston, late of the town ship of Troy, deceased. Final account of James G Parks, guardian of Helen Dairies (now Lurcox.) minor child of David Dairies. Final account of Benjamin Davidson, guardian of Harriet A. Welch, minor child of William Welch, deceased. Second partial account of II 15 Morgan, adminis trator of the estate of William II Morgan, late of borough of Towanda deceased. Final account of Levi P Btalford, guardian of Henrietta Lutes (now Holcomb), child of Jameß Lutes, late of the township of Wyalusing, deceased Final account of lliram Rockwell, executor of the last will and testament of Elias Rockwell, late of Canton, deceased. Final account of Jacob Smith, guardian of Rose Bell Smith, child of Douglas Smith, deceased. Final account of Jacob Smith, guardian of Floyd Smith, minor child of Douglass Smith, deceased. Final account of J Allen Gerould and E G Durfey administrators of the estate of James Gerould, late of the township of Smithfield, deceased. Final account of Abigail Parmenter and James M Parmenter, administrators of the estate of Ashel Parmeutei, late of the township of Springfield, de ceased. And the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, on Thursday, the sth day of Maj r , A. I)., 1881, at 2 ocloek p. m., for confirm ation and allowance. A.C. FRISBIK, Register. Register's Office, Towanda, April 2, 1881. NEW SPRING GOODS! Now is the time to make your selection of a •VEtV 9 SWUIJVG StfiT trom the attractive array of suit ings on exhibition at the tailoring establishment of JRarrott & Greesel These goods have just been opened and are of the latest styles and very best quality. We guarantee fits, and make prices as low as the lowest. PRICE ONE CENT. BUSH'S COLUMN- WANTED! . ■ ! §§ a call from everybody in search of READY MADE CLOTHING. It is an ad mitted fact that BUSH, The Bridge Street Clothier,] keeps the 1 largest, most fashionable, and best made Clothing-, consisting of everything in the line to be found in the country. He defies competition either in quantity or quality of stock. His Spring Suits have just arrived, call and examine them. He can fit you out with every article ol" clothing needed by man or boy. TRUNKS. BUSH, at the Bridge Street Clothing House has just received a cargo of TR UJVJTS, VAJZISJSS, &RIR SJICKS, ETC., RIC., which he is offering at manufacturers prices. His invoice filled one and a half car and comprises the best line of those goods ever offered in this market. •J. li. BUSH.