DAILY TOWANDA REVIEW. VOLUME 11, NO. 199. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Personal. W. 11. and EDWARD THOMPSON have op ened a law office in this place. Mrs. A. J. EASTAimooit, who has been vis iting her husband in Washington has return ed. Mrs. M. A. MCDOWKI.L, of Sylvania. has a ealla with 10 full blossoms on at the present time. Prof. IIUTTON the efficient principal of the Waverly schools, made us a pleasant call yes terday. A. J. EASTABKOOK is spending a short fur lough at his home in this place. Tie will re turn to Washington on the 15th. JOB MORI.JCY, of Burlington, has pur chased CHARLKT BLOOM'S farm, mills, stock, and farm implements, in West Burlington. JEFF S. CAREY met with a serious accident last night. A friend of his, Mr. FRINK, who was going to leave on a train, missed the 'bua and JEFF volunteered to walk with him to the depot. They were walking rapidly up the track, and as it was very dark, in cross ing the railroad bridge at Overton's basin CABKY fell through. Mr. FRINK* called Policemad DIMMOCK. and Mr. C. was taken up and carried to his room at the American House. I)r. FRKD NKWTON was called and dressed the wounds, which consist of two broken ribs, a broken wrist, and some painful bruises. '1 he Holy Communion will be celebrated at ail the churches to-morrow. The Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church meets this afternoon at P. J. KROM'S on Main street. A. J. FISHER has just placed in his Gallery one of L. W. Seavey's finest scenery back grounds. Also, new aecessorie. Dr. S. M. WOODBURN has removed his*of fice and residence to first house north of the Methodist church, Main st. Mrs. A LKXAKDKR KNNIS, of Standing Stone, who was visiting her daughter, Mrs. .JOHN M. ITAHM, in this place, died about 10 o'clock la-d night. Reception of members and communion at the Uuirersalist Church to-morrow morning. Doctor TAYLOR'S subject in the evening is, "The relation of the life here, to the life hereafter.'''' We were unable to attend the Institute ex ercises in Mercur Hall last evening and have no report of the entertainment, hut learn it was a very pleasant affair. W. V. DUGGAN was awarded first prize for declamation, and IIKRMAN F. LEE the second. Honorable mention was made of Mr. GRORGK IIKERS' effort. The literary exercises of Oscaluw i Grange last evening would have done credit to any college society and afforded another evidence of the beneficial influence of the order of I'a- trons in intelligent communities. The Osca fuica Independent, a very lively paper, edit ed by Mrs. \V. SMlTH, assisted by other mem bers, was read to the entertainment and edi fication of all prcseiit. The ''feastof reason" was supplemented by a spread of warm su gar. It would be a glorious thing if every rural district were blessed with an organiza tion similar to Oscaiuwa. The horse trade business has been very brisK hereabouts the present week. Major 0. 11. SEELKY has sold his matched grays to t he Rsthbun House, Elmira; SAMUEL TOWN END of Wilkesbarre bought a hay team of Mr WEI.LER of West Burlington, a pair of chest nut mares of Mr. DECKER of Litchfield, chestnut horse of ROBT. ARNOLD and a brown horse of C. I). HUMPHREY ; JOHN MURRAY of Waverly bought a brown coach horse of C.D.HUMPHREY; S. B. TIDD of Tioga, l'a., a dealer in coach horses for New York market, bought of E. B. MINIEU of TOWANDA, PA., SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1881. Milan a fine bay horse, and of LEWIS KILMER of Shores Ilill a mate for him, making an ele gant pair of sixteen handH coach horses. AMUSEMENTS.—MERCER IIALL. WEDNES DAY, APRIL Oth.—On Wednesday evening next the amusement loving public of Towanda will have an opportunity of wit nesting the performance given by what is said to be the best,(without any exception) variety combination in existence. The agent, Mr. P.D. Lanman, stated that owing to their having an open week between Buffalo and Philadelphia they were enabled to put in a night at Towanda, though not in the habit of plying small towns. The company at they will appear here will comprise every person billed with the addition of the greatest living Contortionist. Young Ajax. The manage ment assures the entire absence of anything broardness or vulgarity, in short guarentee an evening of refined amusement. Popular prices will be observed. Admission 50 and 35 cts. Diagram at liirby's. PRACTICAL SYMPATHY.— When Mr. CHAS. JOHNSON of the foundry returned from din ner yesterday he informed his partner and employes that Mrs. KING, a worthy but poor widow ladv living near liim was in trouble; her sister Miss CALIKF was lying dead in the house, haviug died on Thursday, after a long illness, her son very sick and requiring con stant attention, and to add to her affliction an unsympathizing landlady a few days since levied 011 her household goods for the rent she had been unable to pay during the pro tracted sickness in the family. A purse of 50 was promptiv and cheerfully contrib uted by the men in the establishment, and presented to the lady. In this connection we cannot forbear men tioning an incident. When the goods were attached for rent, Mr. IKA MORI.KY hearing of the proceeding went to the officer and vol unteered to become responsible for the sum and thus saved Mrs. KING much annoyance, and relieved her from a grievous burden. — Iloly Writ is authority for the assertion *that these investments will pay large dividends. They are the record of " deeds that will smell sweet and blossom in the grave." WKATHKR INDICATIONS FOR TO-DAY.— Generally fair. The News Condensed. Lord Beaconsfleld's condition is again alarming. The decrease of the public debt for March is $0,192,819. Fredrick P. Grow, brother of Hon. G. A. Grow, died iu Glenwood, on Wednes day 1 . Insurrectionary outbreaks are expected in Ireland at any moment, and the gov ernment seems to be seriously alarmed. A locomotive exploded near Ray,s tan nery, Tyrone, Blair co., yesterday. The tannery was badly damaged and many by standers were injured. i A dispatch from Wood Mountain re ports that Sifting Bull, with two hundred warriors, is quite destitute. He desires to be left in peace on Canadian soil. The governor says Judge Sanford of New York must be removed because of imbecility as a result of over-work. The law provides for removal and a continu ance of salary. It is thought probable that Secretary Windom, in order to meet the payment of the stx per cent bonds falling due this year, in excess to the surplus revenues, will sell the 4| per cents instead of the 4's, as better relative prices can be ob tained for the former, and they have much less time to run. The joint Executive Railroad Commit tee have reduced the rates from Chicago to New York on grain, provisions aud lives hogs five cents, commencing April Ist, thus making the rates on grain thirty cents and provisions and hogs thirty-five cents. The rates are to remain in force during the coming summer. The sixty-one victims of the Nice opera house disaster, consist of thirty-six Frenchmen, twenty Italians, three En glishmen, one German, one nationality unknown. Three of the victims were boys under twelve, nine youths, four girls, twenty-four male and eighteen fe male adults. The relief subscriptions amount to 300,000 francs. MARRIED. STROUD—VKRGEBON.—At the M. E. Parsonage April Ist, 1881, by Rev. O. H. Wright. Mr. Robert Stroud, of Towanda, and Miss Ettic Vergeson, of Franklindale. American Tailor J. 11. Carey, on same floor of RKVIKW OFKICK. Spring Fashions received, all work cut in the latest style and all ths minor details complied with in making. Cutting done on short notice. April Ist 1881. White wash lime, for sale by D.W, Scott A Co., 3t The best New Process Flour from Minne apolis. Try it. I). W. Scott ti Co., have it A full line of Jesse Oakleys soaps including the celebrated "Queen" at D. W. ScottACo., GKO. 11. WOOD A Co. will, according to previous announcement, open their New Galery the first Monday of April, wbpre you can get four very uiee iintypes for 50 cents. All kinds of copying Plain or in Ink, done. Stereoscopic and other out-door work, a Spe ciality. We have the best of Instruments, and will make the best of work. Patton's Block, Corner of Bridge and Main st., To wanda, Pa. Moving Household Goods and all kinds of draying done on reasonable terms by Murray Watts, who has one of the best drays in town and a good team. Orders left at G. S. Ack ley's office will receive prompt attention. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The stockholder* of the Towanda Tannine Co. are hereby notified that a meeting of the stock holders of said company will be held at the office of .7. F Meana in Towanda on Tucaday, April 5, at 2 P. M., for the purpose of electing a Board of Direc tors, Treasurer and Clerk, and to transact such other bjsidess as they may deem necessary. By order of the President. J- F. ME\N9, Secretary. M ERCUR HALL! Wednesdayi fprt! Sih. "A better show than Tony Pastor gives!" —Louisville Argus, Jan. 16. JF COMEDY AND AMERICAN J) rm CONSOLIDATED SHOW AT MURPHY & SHANNON, MURPHY & MACK Georgie PARKER SISTERS Lizzie PETTING ILL & DAILEY, GALE & HOEY Sam WESTON BROTHERS Morris 23 Uncqualed Artists 93 ANDY COLLOM FRANK LEWIS MISS CARRIE HOWARD CARDELEO AN D VICTOULLL The best Dnch team. The greatest Irish team. The champions of all high kickers. The most charming lady song and dance artists. The greatest living gymnasts; the ONLY gymnasts doing a double som ersault from the horizontal bar. NO ADVANCE IN PRICKS! ADMISSION : 5() and 85 Cents, Diagram at Kirby's drug store. PRICE ONE CENT. BUSH'S COLUMN. WANTED! :§§ a call from everybody in search of READY MADE CLOTHING. It is an ad mitted fact that BUSH, The Bridge Street Clothier, keeps the largest, most fashionable, and best made Clothing", consisting of everything in the line to be found in the country. He defies competition either in quantity or quality of stock. His Spring Suite have just arrived, call and examine them. He can fit you out with every article of clothing needed by man or boy. TRUNKS. > BUSH, at the Bridge Street Clothing House has just received a cargo of . TRUCKS, -VALISES, GRIP SjICKS, ETC., ETC., which he is offering at manufacturers prices. His invoice filled one and a half cars, and comprises the best line of those goods ever offered in this market. ! J. K. BUSH.