Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, March 19, 1881, Image 3

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    O. S*. IMJ(reiiGra 1 Insurutice and JKealKstate Agent, 'l owanda, o.
Bishop Ryan, of St. Louis, in his Len
ten Pastoral takes ground far above the
mere minutiae of bread and meat and
gives advice, the spirit of which may be
found profitable to the devout of other
communions as well as to those of his
own. lie says: "We also again remind
von that the season of Lent is sanctified
not only by fasting and abstenauce and
penitential observance, but by a spir
it of prayer, by more frequent attend
ance at Divine worship and religious ser
vices. by more regular and lengthy fami
ly devotions, by avoiding worldly dissi
pation and all unnecessary idulgence. In
all the churches during Lent there will be
special instructions and devotional exer
cises, such as Stations of the Cross and
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament,
and the clergy will a fiord all an opportu
nity of approaching the Sacraments. We
hope that no one will be found to neglect
t he I'aschal Communion, which is of strict
obligation within the Easter time, t!.e
first Sunday of Lent and Trinity Sunday,
and as each pastor, in the yearly account
of his mission, is required to report the
number of those who neglect their East
er duty, we will indulge the hope that the
number of those who are Catholics only
in name, who despise the gifts and gra
ces of Clod and forfeit all right and title to
and pribileges of membership in Clod's
Holy Church during life atul after death
will be shown to he very small and year
ly growing less. These holy Sacraments
are tile channels through which How unto
our souls from the Saviour's fountains
the water of life; they are by (I id's ap
pointment the sources of supernatural
grace; through them we jut made par
takers of the merits of Christ. Let no
one, then, through carelessness or neg
lect deprive himself of what our Blessed
Lord lias purchased for him at the price
of His very life, for 'you were not re
deemed with corruptible things as gold
or silver, but with the prescious blood of
Christ.' "
Spurgcon has been saying something
worth rcnmibering on publ c ptave:^which
he thinks is olLtn conducted ill it very
slovenly niiinncr. He says: --It is my
solemn conviction that the prayer is one
of the most weighty, useful and honora
ble parts of the sen ice and that it ought
to be even more considered than the ser-
mon. There must be no putting up any
bodies or nobodies to pray and then the
selection of the abler man to preach.
Appoint the ablest man to pray and let
the sermon he slurred, rather than the
approach to heaven." The Mrxsomjcr
adds: "The idea prevails that extempo
raneous prayers in public are necessarily
spiritual, because, as is alleged, they arc
sure to come fVsm the heart. This is not
however to be taken for granted. Leav
ing ;dl hypocrisy or self-deception out of
tliequestion, the oldest and best Christ
ians olten fiihl themselves so flurried al-
ter years of experience that their heart's
desires are distuibed. They find it hard
to get I'd of embarrassments which out-
Nvatvl Oppressions impose, and the most
pious nud learned divines have confessed
Ihe difficulty. In fact, the sense of this
difficulty has nearly always been in pro
portion to 1 the gift the men have had for
public prayer, and only self-sufficient per
sons have thought they could perform the
work to the satisfaction of God and man."
How is the difficulty to he got -over?
Some people would suggest the use of a
printed ritual a- an easy solution. This
meets part of tlie objection, but trot all.
Xi\en with a comprehensive form of pray
er it is not always parcticable to meet
every desire that the petitioner fishes
to put up to the Throne of Grace.
No man: ever fails on great occasions
who schools himself day by day in the
faithful and conscientious doing of life's
common duties.—/Vo/. Codditujton.
Our creeds are preached on Sunday;
our characters preach all the week.—
Prof. Cwldin •ttdn.
VH.4rMiLt.tiWS ai'tDK.
FA. AND N. Y. U. R.
Trains oti the Pa. & N. Y. 11. It. pas# this place
as follows:
Moving South.
So. 3, at 5 :02a. in., for New York and way sta.
No. 7, at 10:10 a. in., mail train for New York, l'hil
adclphia and intermediate points.
So. 9, at 2:41 p. in.—Express for Philadelphia.
No. 1 ">, at 10:55, p.m.—Fast express for Philadel
phia and New York.
No. 31.—Local Passenger Train, between Eluura
and Wyalusing, 7 :0a p. in.
Moving North.
No. 8, at 3:58 a. m.—Fast express from New York
and Philaaelpliia
No. 30, at 10 :55 a. m., \VilkesP>arre accommodation.
No. 2, at 4:41 p. ra.—Mail train from Philadelphia
and New York.
No. 0, at 11:02, p, m.,, from New York.
No. 32, at 6:53 a. m.—Wyalusing and Elmira local.
Lea ve.
3:00 o'clock p.m. for Bernioe and intermediate sta.
I 0 :30 a. m., from Bernice.
I 7:30 a.m., for Barclay and all and 3:00
p. m.
10:15 a. m., from Barclay and intermediate stations.
! and6:2o p. m.
heaves at 0 o'clock, a. in. Arrives at 5 o'clock p. m.
| Leaws at 10:30 a. m. Arrives at Ip. m.
! Arrives at 11 o'clock a. in. Departs at 12 m.
; Arrives at 12 in. Leaves at 2 p. m.
! Arrives Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 12 m.
Departs same days at 1 p. m.
! Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 12 in.
Departs same days at 1 p. m.
I PIIKSBY PERT AN—Rev. .1. S. Stewart, D.D., Pas
tor. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. in. eve
ry Sunday. Prayer meeting Thursday evening
at 7:30. Sunday School— D'A. Overton, Superin
tendent—at 12 oYloek.
'CHRIST CllUßClf—(Episcopal)—Rev. John S.
Beers, Rector. Service and preaching at 10:30 a.
m. and 4 :'io p.m. Service and lecture Thursday
i evening at 7:30. Sunday School—Jas. T. Hale,
Assistant Supt.,i-at 12 in. Teachers' meeting
; Tuesday evening at 7:45.
i M, E. CHURCH.—Rev. C. 11. Wright, Pastor.
Preaching at lo :30 a. m. and 7 p. in. Prayer
Meetings oil Sunday evening at 6:30, Thursday
evening at 7:30. 5 ountt men's prayer meeting
Friday evening at S. Sunday School—B. M. Peck,
Superintendent— at 12 in.
SS. PETER AND PAUL.—(II. O.) Rev. ("has. F.
Kel ley, Priest Mass at 8 and 10:30 a. in. Ves
pers at 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 12:30 and
! 2:3<J.
( HLRt'II OF THE MESSIAH. (Universalis!)
Rev. William Taylor, Pastor. Preaching at 10:30
a. m. and 7p. in. Prayer and Conference
Meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. Sunday
School —L. F. Gardner, Superintendent—at 12 in.
( BAPTISTOHUR( 'lT—Rev. C. T. Hallowell, Pastor
Preaching at 10:3 o A - m. and 7 p. M. Prayer
Meeting, Thursday Evening, 7 i'. m. Sunday
i School at 12 m.
1 HE I.RE I llßEN.—Service at 10:30 a. m, every
, Lord's day. Reading Meeting every Wednesday
evening. Sunday School at 3p. m.
j Union Lodge, No. 108, meets First and Third
Wednesday of each month.
I Union Chapter, No. 101, meets Second Wednesday
evenings of each mouth.
Northern Commandery, Knights Templar, No. 10.
Meets fourth Wednesday each month.
; Towanda Lodge, No. 290. Meets every Tuesday
I evening.
Endowment Rank, Section 101. Meets Third Fri
day it, each month.
Bradford Lodge, No. 107. Meets every Monday
Bradford Encampment, No. 41. Meets Second and
tourth V ednesday night of each month.
Leoh Lodge Degree of ltebeka. Meets First and
'1 bird Fiday evening# of each month. •
Crystal Lodge. MeOts every Monday evening.
Mystic Lodge, K. and 1., of if. MeetPSeeoud and
Fourth Friday evenings of each month.
G. A. R.
\\ atkins Post No. 68. Meets every Saturday evening
Towanda Castle No. 58. Meets at Iv. of P.Hall
every Wednesday evening.
Towanda Council. No. 532, meets first and third
Friday of each month in K. P. Hal).
On Bridge Street, vou will find t!ie I, VTEST i
ii li3iei\yXxo<Klps
a large assortment of FANCY GOODS AND
DRY GOODS. Mr. Marks has just returned from |
New York, where he has purchased a fine stock at
•the? lowt prict'rt, and he winlien to inform the pub
lie and patrons generally, that he is ready to sell at
wholesale and retail, at the LOWEST PRICES. I
MiI.LINERS will do well to come and see the
•IVit Stifles at Ml Prices.
yyt. A. E. BURR'S
l, 17j%*a s v m f p,
This remedy is something new, both as to name
j and composition. This is one of the wonders of the
world. This Syrup, I claim, is better and more !
| effective than any other ever offered to the people of
! America or any other country, and what I say of j
this 1 can prove, This Syrup, like the Pills, is I
j harmless and safe. It contains no opium or other ]
j narcotic poison, like the most Syrup, aud is not dis- ;
agreeable to take. Any child will take it. And it
| will cure any and all inflammations arising from 1
(.'old. It is superior to all others in every respect
' and especially for the following reasons:
Ist. It will cure Croup every time.
2d. It will cure Inflammation of the Lungs.
3d. It will cure Quinsy.
4th It will cure Whooping Cough.
; sth It will cure llronchitis.
6th It will cure Hoarseness.
7th It will cure Sore Throat.
Bth It will cure any Cold.
Oth It will cure Congestion of the Lungs,
loth It will cute any Cough,
j 11th It will cure Scarlet Fever.
12th. ll is the best rented"" that any one can take
j for Consumption, and if taken in the tirst stage I
j will guarantee a cure.
13th. It is perfectly safe for all ages as there is
, nothing in its composition that can harm a ehild.
For sale by CLARK B. PORTER.
O-Y_r. O Tl3
(PAVJ..tT.i .C.ti! ioTU, 16' G.)
a (? jjy
\fitw.vs y s/iitßHei
Towanda, Pa.
IT T T | j Yourselves by making raon
|I"1 I I J" ey when a golden chance is
| _ offered, thereby always keep
I ng poverty from your door. Tliose who always
; iake advantage of the good chances for making
i money that are offered, generally become wealthy;
; while those who do not improve such chances re
main in poverty. We want many men, women,
j boys and girls to work for us rignt in their own
| localities. The business will pay more than ent
times ordinary wages. We furnish an expensive
i outfit and all that you need, free. No one who en
I gages fails to make money very rapidly. You can
i devote your whole time to the work, or only your
spare moments. Full information and all that is
f needed sent free. Address iStinsou &Co., Portland.
' Maine.
Dollar outfit sent free to those who wish to eiijj
; e ||>| J gage in the most pleasant and profitable busi
ness known. Everything new—capital not re
| quiren We will furnish you everything. $lO a day
; and upwards is easily made without staying away
| from home overnight. No risk whatever. Many
ne worker wanted at once. Many arc making
fortunes at the business. Ladies make us much as
| me, and young boys and girls make great pay. No
,! one who is willing to work fails to make more mon
ey every day than can be made in a week at any
- ordinary employment. Those who engage atonce
will find a short road to fortune. Address 11.
j Mallet it Co., Portland, Maine
|H EW " :
Job Printing !
We respectfully invite public attention to
on r
Corner Main and Puie streets, over fclie
Music Store.
for tins stylo of PHILADELPHIA
SING Kit. Equal to any Singer in the
market, lte.member, tor send
it to be examined before you
pay for it . This is the same
style other companies retail forsso.
All Machines warranted for three
yearn. Send for our Illustrated Cir
cular and Testimonials. Address
17 N. Tenth St, Philadelphia, Pa
TRIAL LIST for March Term of Court!
1881, to be held at Troy, Pa.:
H M Lake vs John Ivellv issue
W 8 Newman vs 8 J Uickok et al .issue
Michael Flynn vs Win Duughan asspt
Pomeroy Bros vs David Lindlcy issue
N Hinith vs Chas B Wright debt
Hannah Ward vs John Rov slander |
M C Westbrook vs W G Westbrook asspt
Betsey (J Bullock vs Carpenter Hoagland issue
Rubright and Dormau vs Minn Sps Imp Co...sci fa
Mary Ann bmith vs J (f Rockwell covenant
Eason Pepper vs 8 J Hickok eject
U E Bullock use vs Margaret Dann issue
Daniel 1) Watkins vs Mary A Ingalls eject
Amos \Y Wilcox vs Peter Herdic et al sci fa
J A Linderman et al vs NCR R Co -.. .appeal
I- 'Fr-y., !l,u ' rß ° n vs I ,l toes Longwell trespass
E H i nomas vs J N Ilolcomb Gar att ex
Levi llartmap & Son vs Geo E Bullock et al.. .sci fa
J R Ilazlelitt vs Geo E Bullock et al sci fa
1 onieroy Bros vs Ii M Mauley appeal
Wen I T Par T" H VH Layton trespass
" e,,s township vs Henry Robert et al eject
iflfi Üb J?o na . C ? 'Jurnable 0n Monday, March 28th,
1881, at 2 o clock, pm. GEO. W. BLACKMAN,
1 o wan da, Feb. 25th, 1881. Protbonotary
*fcXT*.. ! 7 ■ ■ mhMJiim ' V'." -JJT ". I .?.;A - H.VT^
K'ff"Xo other line runs Three Thjfcugh Pas
senger Trains Daily between Chicago, Des
Moines, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Lincoln, St.
! Joseph, Atchison, T >p ka and Kansas City.
| Direct connections for all points in Kansas,
Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Ne
vada, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and
! California.
i The Shortest, Speediest and Most Comfortn
! ble Route via Hannibal to Fort Seott. Denison,
! Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Gulves
j ton and all points in Texas.
The une< pi tiled inducements offered by this
Lino to Travelers and Tourists, are as follows:
The celebrated Pullman < ifi-wheel) Palace
Sleeping Cars, run < nlv on thi* F inc. P.. B. S:
Q. Palace Drawing-Room Cars, with Morton's
Keciiniug Chairs. No extra charge for Seats
in Reclining Chairs. The famous C.. B. & Q.
Palace Dining Cars. Gonre< Smoking Cars
fitted with Elegant Ilif-h-Baeked Rattan Re
volving chairs for the exclusive use of lirst
class passengers.
Steel Track and Superior Equipment, com
bined with their Groat Through Car Arrnmre
ment, makes this, above all others, the favorite
Route to the South, South-West, and the Far
Try it, and yon will find traveling a luxury
instead of a discomfort. .
Through Tickets via this Celebrated Lino
for sale at all offices in the United States and
All information about Rates of Fare, Sleep
ing Car Accommodations, Time Tables, £:c.,
will be cheerfully given by applying to
J. 0- A. BEAN, Gen'l Eastern Agent,
fiOii Washington St., Boston, Mass.
and 1117 Broadway, New York.
JAMES R. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt., Chicago.
T. J. POTTER, Gen. Manager, Chicago.
in regard to the
! It is an acknowledged fact that the
! White Sewing Machine now stances pre
; eminent among lirst-class machines, for
; its simplicity and light-running qualities.
It is a mechanical fact that the White
! Sewing Machine is made from the best
| material and of excellent workmanship,
; and all its wearing parts are adjustable,
l so that lost motion can be "taken up" in
| an instant.
i It is an undisputed fact that the dura
; bility of the White Sewing Machine is
j sustained by a written warranty for live
It is a progressive fact that the White
embodies the most practical and useful
improvements of other sewing machines,
together witji advantages peculiarly its
It is a money-making fact that th
i White is the easiest-selling selling ma
chine in the market, and therefore all
wide-awake dealers make it their specialty.
It is a gratifying fact that the White
gives universal satisfaction, and that it is
steadily and rapklly increasing In public
Do wot be imposed upon by agents and parties
who are interested in the purchase and sale of other
machines. It has become a common trick for un
scrupulous competitors to get a White machine and
put it in bad order so that they might prejudice pur
chasers against it. and in favor of their own machines.
To guard against such contemptible trickery, we
advise all intending purchasers to correspond with
us direct, and we will take pleasure in giving them
the address of a regular authorized dealer for the
"White" in their county, or wo will offer to sell
them a machine direct at special prices, and guaran
tee satisfaction in every respect.
•If. C. 1 Jigcnt,
OMce at the .IMmic Stere,